WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 5 Europe In The Twentieth Century VSAQs

WBBSE Chapter 5 Europe In The Twentieth Century Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1. What was the Russian Parliament called?
Answer: The Russian Parliament was called the Duma.

Question 2. What is ‘Narodniya Volya’?
Answer: ‘Narodniya Volya’ was a secret society in Russia.

Question 3. Why did the Narodnik movement fail?
Answer: The Narodnik movement failed due to the répressive measures of Czar Alexander III.

Question 4. What were the revolutions which broke out during the reign of Czar Alexander II?
Answer: The Revolution of 1905 and the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 broke out during the reign of Czar Alexander II.

Question 5. Between whom was the Treaty of Portsmouth signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Portsmouth was signed between Japan and Russia.

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Question 6. What were the two groups into which Russia’s ‘Social Democratic Party’ came to be divided?
Answer: Russia’s ‘Social Democratic Party came to be divided into two groups-

  1. The Bolsheviks and
  2. The Mensheviks.

Question 7. Which incident marked the end of the Romanov dynasty of Russia?
Answer: The Romanov dynasty of Russia ended after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

WBBSE Class 9 Europe in the Twentieth Century VSAQs

Question 8. Who was Queen Alexandra?
Answer: Alexandra was the queen of Czar Nicholas II.

Question 9. Which incident led to the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05)?
Answer: The conquest of Manchuria and Korea by Russia led to the outbreak of Russo- the Japanese War.

Question 10. Which revolution is known as the ‘Socialist Revolution’?
Answer: The November Revolution of 1917 in Russia is known as the Socialist Revolution.

Question 11. What is ‘Pravda’?
Answer: Pravda’ was the mouthpiece of the Bolshevik Party.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 5 Europe In The Twentieth Century VSAQs

Question 12. When did Czardom come to an end in Russia?
Answer: Czardom came to an end in Russia on 13 March 1917.

Question 13. Who was the Czar of Russia when the Bolshevik Revolution broke out?
Answer: Nicholas II was the Czar of Russia when the Bolshevik Revolution broke out.

Question 14. Who was Lenin?
Answer: Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and the first president of the Soviet Union.

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Question 15. Who was Trotsky?
Answer: Trotsky was a leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and the first foreign minister of the Soviet Union.

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Question 16. What was the new name of Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution?
Answer: The new name of Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution was the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic.

Question 17. What is the full name of Lenin?
Answer: Lenin’s full name is Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.

Question 18. In which year did the Bolshevik Revolution break out?
Answer: The Bolshevik Revolution broke out in 1917.

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Question 19. Name the leader who led the procession of 28 Name the reigning Czar of Russia when the workers to the Winter Palace.
Answer: The leader who led the procession of workers to the Winter Palace was Father Gapon.

Question 20. Into how many classes the Russian society divided in the 19th century and what are these?
Answer: Russian society was divided into two classes in the 19th century and these were

  1. The aristocrats and
  2. The peasants.

Question 21. Who established the Bible Society and when?
Answer: The Bible Society was established by the Russian Czar Alexander I in 1812.

Question 22. Name two intellectuals of Russia who demanded the abolition of serfdom.
Answer: Two intellectuals of Russia who demanded the abolition of serfdom were Tolstoy and Turgenev.

Question 23. What is the most remarkable contribution of Czar Alexander II?
Answer: The most remarkable contribution of Czar Alexander II was the abolition of serfdom.

Question 24. Who announced the ‘New Economic Policy’ (NEP) in Russia?
Answer: Lenin announced the ‘New Economic Policy’ in Russia.

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Question 25. What does the Russian word ‘Narod’ mean?
Answer: The Russian word ‘Narod’ means ‘the people’.

Question 26. What does ‘NEP’ stand for?
Answer: ‘NEP’ stands for New Economic Policy.

Question 27. What were the two factions of the Social Democrats of Russia?
Answer: The two factions of the Social Democrats of Russia were

  1. The Bolsheviks and
  2. The Mensheviks.

Question28. name the reigning Czar of Russia when the Revolution of 1917 broke out.
Answer: The reigning Czar of Russia during the outbreak of the Revolution of 1917 was Nicholas II.

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Question 29. Who was Rasputin?
Answer: Alexandra, the queen of Czar Nicholas II, was enamored by a fake priest named Rasputin who charmed the Queen to such a degree that his voice became the ultimate commanding force in the government.

Question 30. What is the importance of 1917 in the history of Europe?

The importance of 1917 in the history of Europe is:

  1. Fall of Czardom in Russia
  2. Under the leadership of Lenin, the Bolshevik Revolution broke out in Russia.
  3. Russia emerged as the first socialist state in the world.

Question 31. Name one Russian philosopher who helped to create the climate for the outbreak of the Russian Revolution.
Answer: The Russian philosopher Gorky contributed to preparing the climate for the outbreak of the Russian Revolution.

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Question 32. When and where was the ‘Social Democratic Party’ established? What were its two factions?
Answer: The ‘Social Democratic Party’ was established in Russia in 1898.

Its two factions were

  1. The Bolsheviks and
  2. The Mensheviks.

Question 33. Who announced the ‘April Thesis’?
Answer: Lenin announced the ‘April Thesis’.

Question 34. Mention any one of the principles of NEP (New Economic Policy).
Answer: One principle of NEP introduced by Lenin was that henceforth peasants could sell their surplus produce freely in the open market according to market prices.

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Question 35. Who was ‘the Father of the Russian Revolution’?
Answer: Lenin was the ‘Father of the Russian Revolution’.

Question 36. When did the Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace?
Answer: The Bolsheviks captured the Winter Palace on 7 November 1917.

Question 37. What do you mean by the October Revolution in Russia? Or, What do you mean by the November Revolution in Russia?
Answer: The Bolshevik Revolution of 7th November (common calendar) took place on 25th October according to the old Russian calendar. That is why the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia is known as both the ‘November’ and ‘October’ Revolutions.

Question 38. What was the name of the Bolshevik Party’s newspaper?
Answer: The Bolshevik Party’s newspaper was Pravda.

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Question 39. Name the leader who led the procession of workers to the Winter Palace.
Answer: The leader who led the procession of workers to Winter Palace was Father Gapon.

Question 40. What is the ‘Third Section’?
Answer: The ‘Third Section’ or the secret police was a body created by Nicholas I, vested with unlimited power to arrest, imprison, exile, and even execute people.

Question 41. Name some thinkers of Russia who influenced the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Answer: Some thinkers who influenced the Russian Revolution were Gorky, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, etc.

WBBSE Chapter 5 Europe In The Twentieth Century Topic B The First World War and Aftermath Very Short Answer Questions

Question 42. Which period is known as the period of armed peace?
Answer: 1871-1913 is the period of armed peace.

Question 43. Who was murdered in Sarajevo and when?
Answer: Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian throne, and his wife Sophia were murdered in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914.

Question 44. Who was responsible for the murder in Sarajevo?
Answer: Gavrilo Princip, a member of the terrorist organization ‘Black Hand’ was responsible for the murder at Sarajevo.

Question 45. What new weapons were manufactured during the First World War?
Answer: During the First World War many new weapons were manufactured, such as machine guns and tanks, German-made submarines called U-boats, and ‘poison gas’ was used for the first time as were chloramines, mustard gas, and phosgene.

Question 46. What was the period of the First World War?
Answer: The period of the First World War was 1914- 1918.

Question 47. Which country declared war on Serbia in 1914?
Answer: Austria declared war on Serbia in 1914.

Question 48. What is the ‘Polish Corridor’?
Answer: According to the Treaty of Versailles (1919) a 27-mile-wide corridor through Germany was given to Poland to reach the Baltic Sea which is known as the ‘Polish Corridor’.

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Question 49. When did the Paris Peace Conference? Meet?
Answer: The Paris Peace Conference was held in 1919.

Question 50. Name the treaty that was concluded after the end of the First World War.
Answer: The treaty that was concluded after the First World War was the Treaty of Versailles.

Question 51. Which treaty contained the seeds of the Second World War?
Answer: The Treaty of Versailles contained the seeds of the Second World War.

Question 52. Between whom was the Battle of Jutland fought?
Answer: The Battle of Jutland was fought between England and Germany.

Question 53. In which year was the Treaty of St. Germain signed?
Answer: The Treaty of St. Germain was signed in 1919.

Question 54. Who received the ‘Polish Corridor’ according to the Treaty of Versailles?
Answer: Poland received the ‘Polish Corridor’ according to the Treaty of Versailles.

Question 55. What was the amount of reparation imposed on Germany?
Answer: The amount of reparation imposed on Germany was 660 crore pounds.

Question 56. Who were the members of the Triple Alliance?
Answer: Germany, Austria, and Italy were the members of the Triple Alliance (1882).

Question 57. Who were the members of Triple Entente?
Answer: England, France,e and Russia were the members of the Triple Entente.

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Question 58. Who were the Axis powers in the First World War?
Answer: The Axis powers in the First World War were Germany, Austria, Turkey, Bulgaria, etc.

Question 59. Name the allied powers of the First World War.
Answer: The allied powers of the First World War were England, France, Russia, China, Japan, etc.

Question 60. Who was the emperor of Germany when the First World War broke out?
Answer: Kaiser William II was the emperor of Germany when the First World War broke out.

Question 61. When and between whom was the treaty of Brest Litovsk signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Brest Litovsk was signed in 1918 between Germany and Russia.

WBBSE Class 9 History

Question 62. In which year did Italy resign from the Triple Alliance?
Answer: In 1915 Italy resigned from the Triple Alliance.

Question 63. What was the year of the World Wide Economic Depression?
Answer: The year of the World Wide Economic Depression was 1929.

Question 64. Who was the President of the Paris Peace Conference?
Answer: Woodrow Wilson, the President of America, was the President of the Paris Peace Conference.

Question 65. Where and with whom was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Versailles was signed in the city of Versailles in France between the Allied powers and Germany.

Question 66. Which conference was called to fight the Great Economic Depression?
Answer: The London Economic Conference was called in London to fight the Great Economic Depression.

Question 67. Which country was held solely responsible for the First World War?
Answer: Germany was held solely responsible for the First World War.

Question 68. Which day is known as ‘Black Thursday’?
Answer: 24 October 1929 is known as Black Thursday.

Question 69. Where is the US Stock Market located?
Answer: The US Stock Market is located in New York.

Question 70. Which day in American history is remembered as Black Tuesday?
Answer: 29 October 1929 is known as Black Tuesday in the history of America.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 5 Europe In The Twentieth Century Very Short Answer Questions

Question 71. In which year did Hitler occupy Austria?
Answer: Hitler occupied Austria in 1938.

Question 72. Who set up a republican government after the fall of the monarchy in Germany?
Answer: Fredrick Ebert set up a republic government after the fall of the monarchy in Germany.

Question 73. In which year and by whom was the ‘Rome Berlin Tokyo Axis’ signed? Or, Mention the names of the Axis powers.
Answer: The Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis was signed in 1932 between Italy, Germany, and Japan and the dictator of Italy.

Question 74. In which year was the Weimer Republic established?
Answer: The Weimer Republic was established in 1919.

Question 75. Who was Mussolini?
Answer: Mussolini was the leader of the Fascist Party

Question 76. Who established the Fascist Party and when?
Answer: Mussolini established the Fascist Party in 1919.

Question 77. What was the symbol of the Fascist Party?
Answer: ‘Fasces’ were the symbol of the Fascist Party which means a bundle of wooden sticks, tied with a piece of rope.

Question 78. Who established the Weimer Republic and when?
Answer: The Weimer Republic was established by Friedrich Ebert in 1919.

Question 79. Who was Friedrich Ebert?
Answer: Friedrich Ebert was a socialist leader who established the Weimer Republic in Germany.

WBBSE Class 9 History

Question 80. Who was Hitler?
Answer: Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party and the dictator of Germany.

Question 81. When did Hitler capture power?
Answer: Hitler captured power in 1933.

Question 82. What is the full name ofthe  Nazi Party?
Answer: The full name of the Nazi Party was National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Question 83. When and between whom was the Anti-Commintern Pact signed?
Answer: The Anti-Commintern Pact was signed in 1936 between Germany and Japan.

Question 84. What was the German Parliament known as?
Answer: The German Parliament was known as the Reichstag.

Question 85. Who was known as II Duce in Italy?
Answer: Benito Mussolini was known as Il Duce in Italy.

Question 86. Which part of Poland was demanded by Hitler?
Answer: Danzig was demanded by Hitler.

Question 87. Who was General Franco?
Answer: General Franco was the leader of the Spanish Civil War.

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Question 88. Which war is known as the ‘Little World War’?
Answer: The Spanish Civil War is known as the ‘Little World War’.

Question 89. Who formed the Popular Front in Spain?
Answer: In 1936 the Republicans, Socialists, and Communists formed the Popular Front in Spain.

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Question 90. What is the Lower House of German Parliament known as?
Answer: The Lower House of the German Parliament was founded by Friedrich Ebert in 1919.

Question 91. What was the daily newspaper published by the Nazi Party?
Answer: The daily newspaper published by the Nazi Party was ‘The People’s Observer’.

Question 92. What is the Maginot Line?
Answer: The Maginot Line, named after the French Minister of War, Andre Maginot, is a line of defense built by France in the 1930s along France’s border to deter invasion by Germany.

Question 93. What was the para-military group organized by Mussolini known as?
Answer: The para-military group organized by Mussolini is known as ‘Black Shirts’.

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