WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 5 Europe In The Twentieth Century MCQs

WBBSE Chapter 5 Europe In The Twentieth Century Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The Bolshevik Revolution broke out in Russia in

  1. 1916
  2. 1918
  3. 1915
  4. 1917

Answer:  4. 1917

Question 2. The formation of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic was formally declared in

  1. 1920
  2. 1922
  3. 1921
  4. 1923

Answer: 2. 1922

Question 3. The Bolsheviks captured power in Russia by the November Revolution

  1. July Revolution
  2. February Revolution
  3. October Revolution

Answer: 4. October Revolution

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 5 Europe In The Twentieth Century MCQs

WBBSE Class 9 Europe in the Twentieth Century MCQs

Question 4. A special secret police was formed by the Bolsheviks called-

  1. Duma
  2. Cheka
  3. Soviets
  4. Aurora

Answer: 2. Cheka

Question 5. What was the date and year of Bloody Sunday?

  1. 9 January 1905
  2. 4 April 1906
  3. 12 January 1905
  4. 9 August 1906

Answer: 1. 9 January 1905

Question 6. Rasputin was-

  1. Minister
  2. Mystic Saint
  3. Czar of Russia
  4. ClA close relative of Czar

Answer: 2. Mystic Saint

Read and Learn More WBBSE Class 9 History Multiple Choice Questions

Question 7. The Bolshevik Revolution was led by

  1. Stalin
  2. Trotsky
  3. Lenin
  4. None of them

Answer: 3. Lenin

Question 8. Who was known as ‘Czar The Liberator’?

  1. Czar Alexander II
  2. Czar Nicholas II
  3. Czar Alexander III
  4. Czar Nicholas III

Answer: 1. Czar Alexander II

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Question 9. The leadership in the march to St. Petersburg by the workers was given by

  1. Stalin
  2. Trotsky
  3. Father Gapon
  4. Lenin

Answer: 3. Father Gapon

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Question 10. The emperor of Russia is called-

  1. Sultan
  2. Kaiser
  3. Czar
  4. Chancellor

Answer: 3. Czar

Question 11. Who was the first to be proclaimed the Czar of Russia?

  1. Czar Alexander I
  2. Alexander II
  3. Nicholas II
  4. Ivan IV

Answer: 4. Ivan IV

Question 12. Who first introduced Czarism?

  1. Mikhail Romanov
  2. Czar Peter the Great
  3. Alexander II
  4. Ivan IV

Answer: 4. Ivan IV

Question 13. Czarism ended in the year-

  1. 1905
  2. 1900
  3. 1917
  4. 1927

Answer: 3. 1917

Understanding Political Changes in 20th Century Europe MCQs

Question 14. The father of modern Russia-

  1. Ivan IV
  2. Nicholas II
  3. Czar Peter the Great
  4. Alexander I

Answer: 3. Czar Peter the Great

Question 15. The Romanov dynasty came to an end during the reign of-

  1. Nicholas I
  2. Alexander II
  3. Alexander I
  4. Nicholas II

Answer: 4. Nicholas II

Question 16. The Russian Revolution broke out during the reign of-

  1. Nicholas I
  2. Nicholas II
  3. William II
  4. Ivan IV

Answer: 2. Nicholas II

Question 17. The party which gave leadership in the Russian Revolution of 1917 was-

  1. Bolshevik Party
  2. Young Italy
  3. Menshevik Party
  4. Nazi Party

Answer: 1. Bolshevik Party

Question 18. The leader of the November Revolution was-

  1. Lvov
  2. Trotsky
  3. Kerensky
  4. Lenin

Answer: 4. Lenin

Question 19. Who put forward the ‘April Thesis’?

  1. Trotsky
  2. Karl Marx
  3. Stalin
  4. Lenin

Answer: 4. Lenin

Question 20. The meaning of ‘Pravda’ is-

  1. Truth
  2. People
  3. Iron
  4. Communism

Answer: 1. Truth

Question 21. Leningrad was seized during the reign of-

  1. Nicholas
  2. Peter the Great
  3. Alexander II
  4. Catherine

Answer: 2. Peter the Great

Practice MCQs for Class 9 History: Europe in the 20th Century

Question 22. The meaning of Iskra, the newspaper published by Lenin-

  1. New life
  2. Spark
  3. Truth
  4. Iron

Answer: 2. Spark

Question 23. The nihilist movement broke out during the reign of-

  1. Peter the Great
  2. Alexander II
  3. Nicholas I
  4. Nicholas II

Answer: 2. Alexander II

Question 24. Father of Socialism in Russia-

  1. Karl Marx
  2. Engels
  3. Stalin
  4. Lenin

Answer: 4. Lenin

Question 25. The Third Comintern was established in

  1. Moscow
  2. Bombay
  3. Tashkent
  4. Geneva

Answer: 1. Moscow

Question 26. The leadership of the Red Army to Petrograd on 7 November 1917 was given

  1. Trotsky
  2. Kerensky
  3. Lenin

Answer: 2. Trotsky

Question 27. The first socialist country in the world is-

  1. United Kingdom
  2. Poland
  3. America
  4. Soviet Russia

Answer: 4. Soviet Russia

Question 28. ‘The New Economic Policy was introduced by Stalin

  1. Gapon
  2. Lenin
  3. Turgenev

Answer: 3. Lenin

Question 29. The Paris Peace Conference took place in-in19

  1. 1920
  2. 1921
  3. 1922

Answer: 1. 1919

Question 30. ‘Fourteen Points’ were put before Germany by

  1. by George
  2. Woodrow Wilson
  3. Orlando
  4. Clemenceau

Answer: 2. Woodrow Wilson

Question 31. The country which did not join the League of Nations-

  1. Germany
  2. England
  3. America
  4. Spain

Answer: 3. America

Examples of Multiple Choice Questions on European Conflicts

Question 32. Lusitania was-

  1. A country in Europe
  2. The name of a ship
  3. The name of a captain
  4. The name of an island

Answer: 2. The name of a ship

Question 33. The American President during World War I was-

  1. Woodrow Wilson
  2. Abraham Lincoln.
  3. George Washington
  4. George Barlow

Answer: 1. Woodrow Wilson

Question 34. President Wilson belonged to

  1. Btoain
  2. America
  3. China
  4. Japan

Answer: 2. America

Question 35. The First World War broke out in

  1. 19 in 1915
  2. 1913
  3. 1914

Answer: 4. 1914

Question 36. The First World War came to an end in

  1. 191 in 1918
  2. 1916
  3. 1920

Answer: 2. 1918

Question 37. The Paris Peace Conference took place in

  1. 1918 in 19
  2. 1920
  3. 1921

Answer: 2. 1919

Question 38. Who of the following was most active in the establishment of the League of Nations?

  1. Lloyd George
  2. Orlando
  3. Clemenceau
  4. Woodrow Wilson

Answer: 4. Woodrow Wilson

Question 39. The League of Nations was formed after-

  1. World War I
  2. World War II
  3. A First Balkan War
  4. 2nd Balkan War

Answer: 1. World War I

Question 40. Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated in

  1. Bosnia-Herzegovina
  2. Sarajevo
  3. Poland

Answer: 3. Sarajevo

Question 41. The Great Depression of 1929 first started in

  1. Germaninrance
  2. America
  3. Spain

Answer: 3. America

Question 42. Which period is known as the ‘Era of Armed Peace’?

  1. 1920-1939
  2. 1939-1945
  3. 1871-1913
  4. 1914-1918

Answer: 3. 1871-1913

Question 43. Sarajevo was the capital of-

  1. Serbia
  2. Bosnia
  3. Hungary
  4. Austria

Answer: 2. Bosnia

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Question 44. In 1920 the Treaty of Sevres was signed with

  1. Russia
  2. Hungary
  3. Turkey
  4. Austria

Answer: 3. Turkey

Question 45. Where was the World Economic Conference held?

  1. Ukraine
  2. London
  3. Cuba
  4. Holland

Answer: 2. London

Question 46. Nazism cropped up after the First World War in-

  1. Italy
  2. Russia
  3. Spain
  4. Germany

Answer: 4. Germany

Question 47. Hitler became the Prime Minister of Germany in

  1. 1931
  2. 1938
  3. 1933
  4. 1934

Answer: 3. 1933

Question 48. The swastika was the symbol of the

  1. Communithearty
  2. Nazi Party
  3. Socialist Party
  4. Fascist Party

Answer: 2. Nazi Party

Question 49. Mussolini’s party came to be known as

  1. Fascist Pasy
  2. Nazi Party
  3. Socialist Party
  4. Communist Party

Answer: 1. Fascist Party

Important Figures in 20th Century Europe MCQs

Question 50. The members of the Fascist party were known as

  1. Red Shirt
  2. Black Shirts
  3. Brown Shirts
  4. Blue Shirts

Answer: 2. Black Shirts

Question 51. The leader of the Spanish Civil War was-

  1. Goebbels
  2. GeneralGoebbels
  3. Hitler
  4. Himmler

Answer: 2. General Franco

Question 52. Mussolini assumed the title-

  1. Czar
  2. Kaiser
  3. Fuhrer
  4. Il Duce

Answer: 4. Il Duce

Question 53. Fascism rose in-

  1. Spain
  2. Russia
  3. Germany
  4. Italy

Answer: 4. Italy

Question 54. In Germany Nazi dictator, the ship was established by-

  1. Bismarck
  2. Franco
  3. Hitler
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Hitler

Question 55. General Franco was the dictator of-

  1. Germany
  2. Spain
  3. Italy
  4. France

Answer: 2. Spain

Question 56. Japan withdrew from the League of Nations in

  1. 1930
  2. 1931
  3. 1932
  4. 1933

Answer: 4. 1933

Question 57. Weimer Republic was established in

  1. Spain
  2. Franin
  3. Germany
  4. Italy

Answer: 3. Germany

Question 58. The first President of the Weimer Republic was-

  1. Hitler
  2. Friedrich Ebert
  3. August Bebel
  4. General Franco

Answer: 2. Friedrich Ebert

Question 59. The last President of the Weimer Republic was

  1. Friedrich Ebert
  2. Hitler
  3. Drexler
  4. Hindenburg

Answer: 4. Hindenburg

Question 60. The Word ‘Fuhrer’ means-

  1. Prime Minister
  2. Leader
  3. Dictator
  4. Administrator

Answer: 2. Leader

Key Themes in 20th Century European History for MCQs

Question 61. Victor Emmanuel was the king of-

  1. Spain
  2. Bulgaria
  3. Germany
  4. Italy

Answer: 4. Italy

Question 62. The first President of the Spanish Republic was-

  1. Chamberlain
  2. Victor Emmanuel
  3. Franco
  4. Nice to Zamora

Answer: 4. Nice to Zamora

Question 63. ‘Lebensraum’ means-

  1. Living space
  2. Party
  3. Leader
  4. German Parliaments

Answer: 1. Living space

Question 64. Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda of-

  1. Germany
  2. Spain
  3. Italy
  4. Cuba

Answer: 1. Germany

Question 65. The worst sufferers in Nazi Germany were the-

  1. Jews
  2. Muslims
  3. Christians
  4. Russians

Answer: 1. Jews

Question 66. Hitler chose the war as the way out of the approaching-

  1. Political
  2. Border crisis
  3. Economic crisis
  4. Religious crisis

Answer: 3. Economic crisis

Question 67.  In 1921, Lenin announced a New Economic Policy.

  1. Lenin wanted to establish his dominance in the country’s economy.
  2. Lenin wanted to give more benefits to the workers than to any other class.
  3. Lenin Wanted to save the country from the economic crisis.

Answer: 3.  Lenin Wanted to save the country from the economic crisis.

Question 68.  Czar Nicholas II issued the ‘October Manifesto’.

  1. He wanted to reform Russia.
  2. He wanted to resist the revolution through compromise.
  3. He wanted to create a revolution in the industrial sector.

Answer: 2. He wanted to resist the revolution through compromise.

Question 69. The Russian peasants supported the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution of 1917.

  1. The Bolsheviks promised to redistribute the land owned by the nobility.
  2. The Bolsheviks promised to introduce modern technology to Russian farms.
  3. Bolsheviks promised to redistribute the land owned by the government.

Answer: 3. The Bolsheviks promised to redistribute the land owned by the government.

Question 70.  America joined the First World War.

  1. American ships were destroyed by Germany.
  2. Germany contained America.
  3. Germany joined France against America.

Answer: 1. American ships were destroyed by Germany.

Question 71. By the Treaty of Versailles Germany was demilitarized.

  1. To establish a balance of power.
  2. To take control of German arms.
  3. So that Germany could not disturb peace in the future.

Answer:  1. To establish a balance of power.

Question 72. The Great Depression of 1929 was a period of severe economic crisis.

  1. Some banking policies were unsound and had led to the over-expansion of credit.
  2. Consumer goods were relatively inexpensive.
  3. A wave of strikes had paralyzed industries.

Answer: 1. Some banking policies were unsound and had to the over-expansion of credit.

Question 73. In 1931, the Hoover Moratorium was announced.

  1. To save the world from an economic crisis.
  2. To provide financial assistance to different European countries.
  3. To save America’s economy.

Answer: 1. To save the world from an economic crisis.

Question 74.  The Spanish Civil War is known as the ‘Little World War’.

  1. World War II began in Spain.
  2. The powerful countries of Europe were directly and indirectly involved in this war.
  3. Spain was inhabited by people of different ethnicities.

Answer: 2. The powerful countries of Europe were directly and indirectly involved in this war.

Question 75.  Hitler and Mussolini supported the Spanish leader Franco.

  1. Hitler and Mussolini realized that Franco’s rebellion was beneficial for Spain.
  2. By supporting Franco, Hitler and Mussolini sought. to strengthen their dictatorial regime.
  3. Hitler and Mussolini thought that, if they did not support Franco, he would attack them in the future.

Answer: 2.  By supporting Franco, Hitler and Mussolini sought. to strengthen their dictatorial regime.

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