WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 4 Industrial Revolution, Colonialism, And Imperialism Very Short Answer Questions
Question 1. In which year Spinning Jenny was invented?
Answer: Spinning Jenny was invented in 1765.
Question 2. Who invented the Water Frame?
Answer: Water Frame was invented by Richard Arkwright.
Question 3. Who is known as the ‘Lady with the Lamp’?
Answer: Florence Nightingale is known as the ‘Lady with the Lamp.’
WBBSE Class 9 Industrial Revolution VSAQs
Question 4. Who wrote ‘Organisation of Labour’?
Answer: ‘Organisation of Labour’ was written by Louis Balance.
Question 5. In which year was the International Workingmen’s Association founded?
Answer: The International Workingmen’s Association was founded in 1864.
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Question 6. Where was the first congress of the International Workingmen’s Association held?
Answer: The first congress of the International Workingmen’s Association was held in Geneva.
Question 7. Which book is known as the Bible of Socialism?
Answer: ‘Das Capital’ written by Karl Marx is known as the Bible of Socialism.
Question 8. Who was the author of the book ‘What is Property’?
Answer: The author of the book ‘What is Property’ was Joseph Proudhon.
WBBSE Class 9 History
Question 9. Who first coined the term ‘Socialism’?
Answer: Saint Simon first coined the term socialism.
Question 10. Who was the first important early socialist thinker?
Answer: The first important early socialist thinker was St. Simon.
Question 11. Who is known as the ‘Father of British Socialism’?
Answer: Robert Owen is known as the ‘Father of British Socialism’.
Question 12. When was the term ‘Industrial Revolution’ first used?
Answer: The term Industrial Revolution was first used in 1837.
Question 13. Which machine revolutionized the process of cotton spinning?
Answer: James Hargreaves’ Spinning revolutionized the process of cotton spinning.
Colonialism and Imperialism VSAQs for Class 9
Question 14. Who invented the steam locomotive?
Answer: George Stephenson invented the steam locomotive.
Question 15. Which invention of John Kay revolutionized the textile industry?
Answer: John Kay’s ‘Flying Shuttle’ revolutionized the textile industry.
Question 16. Who invented the optical telegraph?
Answer: The optical telegraph was invented by Claude Chappe.
Question 17. Where was the first Iron Bridge constructed?
Answer: The first Iron Bridge was constructed in 1781 in Shropshire, England.
Question 18. Name the countries where industrialization took place after England.
Answer: After England, industrialization took place in France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Russia, etc.
Question 19. When did the Chartist Movement start?
Answer: The Chartist Movement started in 1838.
Question 20. When wathe the London Working Men’s Association founded?
Answer: The London Working Men’s Association was founded in 1836.
WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 4 Very Short Answer Questions On Industrial Revolution
Question 21. Who founded the London Working Men’s Association?
Answer: The London Working Men’s Association was founded by William Lovett and Francis Place.
Question 22. Name some leaders of the Chartist Movement.
Answer: Some leaders of the Chartist Movement were Feargus O’Connor, Earnest Jones, O’Brien, etc.
Class 9 History Solution WBBSE
Question 23. Give names of two scholars who were among the first to use the term ‘Industrial Revolution’.
Answer: Two scholars who were among the first to use the term ‘Industrial Revolution’ were Auguste Blanqui, a French economist,t and Arnold Toynbee, the great historian.
Question 24. Where did the Industrial Revolution first start?
Answer: The Industrial Revolution first started in England.
Question 25. What are the three ingredients necessary for the Industrial Revolution?
The three main ingredients necessary for the Industrial Revolution are-
- Materials,
- Capital and
- Labour.
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Question 26. Define the term ‘Capitalism’.
Answer: Capitalism is an economic system in which the principal means of production, distribution, and exchange are in private hands and are operated for profit.
Question 27. Which country is known ‘manufactory of the world’?
Answer: England is known as the ‘manufactory of the world’.
Question 28. Which country is known as ‘The Jewel in the Crown of the British Empire’?
Answer: India is known as ‘The Jewel in the Crown of the British Empire’.
Question 29. Who invented the ‘Flying Shuttle’?
Answer: John Kay invented the ‘Flying Shuttle’.
Question 30. Who invented the Spinning Jenny?
Answer: James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny.
WBBSE Class 9 History VSAQs On Impacts Of Imperialism
Question 31. Who was James Watt?
Answer: James Watt was a Scottish inventor who redesigned the steam engine so that it produced more power and consumed less fuel.
Class 9 History WBBSE
Question 32. Where was the first modern railway line opened?
Answer: The first modern railway line was opened from Darlington to Stockton in England.
Question 33. When and where did railways first start in Germany?
Answer: Railways first started in 1835 in Bavaria (Germany).
Question 34. Name two cities in England that developed around industries.
Answer: Two cities which developed around industries are Liverpool and Manchester.
Question 35. Who gave leadership in ‘the Luddite riot’?
Answer: General Ned Ludd gave leadership in the ‘Luddite riot’.
Question 36. Name the workers’ union formed under the leadership of Robert Owen.
Answer: The workers’ union formed under the leadership of Robert Owen is the ‘Grand Consolidated National Union’.
Question 37. Who was Saint Simon?
Answer: Saint Simon (1760-1825) was a Utopian Socialist who advocated common ownership of all land and capital to be managed scientifically by the state.
Understanding Social Changes During Colonialism VSAQs
Question 38. Name one Utopian socialist.
Answer: Charles Fourier was a Utopian socialist.
Question 39. Who is known as the founder of Scientific Socialism?
Answer: Karl Marx is known as the founder of Scientific Socialism.
Question 40. Who wrote ‘The Communist Manifesto?”
Answer: ‘The Communist Manifesto’ was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Question 41. Who wrote ‘Das Capital’?
Answer: ‘Das Capital’ was written by Karl Marx.
WBBSE Class 9 Chapter 4 VSAQs On Colonialism, Imperialism, And Industrial Revolution
Question 42. Name two European countries that established their colonies outside Europe.
Answer: Two European countries which established their colonies outside Europe are Germany and France.
Question 43. Name two places in Africa where Portugal established her colonies
Answer: Two places in Africa where Portugal established her colonies were Angola and Mozambique.
Question 44. When was the Entente Cordiale signed?
Answer: The Entente Cordiale was signed in 1904.
Question 45. Name the two opposite camps which developed in Europe before the outbreak of the First World War.
Answer: The two opposite camps which developed in Europe before the outbreak of the First World War were
- The Triple Alliance and
- The Triple Entente.
Question 46. Name the main contending powers in the partition of China.
Answer: The main contending powers in the partition of China were Britain, France, Germany, and Russia.
Question 47. What was the period of the First World War?
Answer: The period of the First World War was 1914-1918.
Question 48. Which country declared war on Serbia in 1914?
Answer: Austria declared war on Serbia in 1914.
Step-by-Step Guide to Answering VSAQs on Industrialization
Question 49. Which country established a colony in Senegal?
Answer: France established a colony in Senegal.
Question 50. When was the Suez Canal opened?
Answer: The Suez Canal was opened in 1869.
Question 51. Where did England establish colonies?
Answer: England established colonies in India, Burma, Ceylon, Afghanistan, Persia, and China.
Question 52. Where did France establish colonies?
Answer: France established colonies in India, Burma, and Indo-China.
Question 53. Name some colonies of Germany.
Answer: Some colonies of Germany were Burundi, Rwanda, Cameroon, Togoland etc.
Question 54. Name some colonies of Italy.
Answer: Some colonies of Italy were Somaliland, Abyssinia, Eritrea, etc.
Question 55. Which European powers established colonies in Asia?
Answer: The European powers that established colonies in Asia were Portugal, Holland, England, France, Denmark, etc.
Question 56. When was the Suez Canal construction completed?
Answer: The Suez Canal construction was completed 24 a period is known as the ‘Age of New in 1869.
Question 57. Who built the Aswan Dam across the river Nile?
Answer: The Aswan Dam was built across the river Nile by Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Question 58. Which company constructed the Suez Canal?
Answer: The Suez Canal was constructed by the ‘Universal Maritime Suez Canal Company’.
Question 59. When was the Suez Canal nationalized?
Answer: The Suez Canal was nationalized in 1956 (26 July).
Question 60. Who nationalized the Suez Canal?
Answer: Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal.
WBBSE Class 9 Chapter 4 History VSAQs
Question 61. When and between whom was the battle of Buxar fought?
Answer: The battle of Buxar was fought in 1764 between Mir Kasim, the Nawab of Bengal, Shah Alam II, the Mughal emperor, and Shuja-up-doula, the Nawab of Oudh on one side and the English on the other.
Question 62. When and between whom was the Battle of Plassey fought?
Answer: The battle of Plassey. Was fought in 1757 between Siraj-ud-daula, the Nawab of Bengal, and the English East India Company.
Question 63. After which battle the English established their supremacy in Bengal?
Answer: The English established their supremacy in Bengal after the battle of Plassey (1757).
Question 64. Which period is known as the ‘Age of Imperialism’?
Answer: The period extending from the 15th to the 19th century, when different countries of Europe extended their colonies in different parts of the world, is known as the ‘Age of Imperialism’.
Class 9 History WBBSE
Question 65. Which period is known as the ‘Age of New Imperialism’?
Answer: The period between 1870 and 1914 is known as the ‘Age of New Imperialism.’
Question 66. In which essay did Rabindranath Tagore write about militant nationalism?
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore, in his essay ‘Nationalism in India’ wrote about militant nationalism.
Question 67. Which policy proposed that no Chinese port was to be considered the exclusive property of any particular foreign power?
Answer: The Open Door Policy (1899) proposed that no Chinese port was to be considered an exclusive property of any particular foreign power.
Practice VSAQs for Class 9 History: Colonialism and Imperialism
Question 68. Who announced the Open Door policy?
Answer: The Open Door policy was announced by John Hay.
Question 69. When and between whom was the Treaty of Nanking signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Nanking was signed in 1842 between England and China.
Question 70. When did the First Opium War take place?
Answer: The First Opium War took place in 1839.
Question 71. Which treaty was signed after the First Opium War?
Answer: The Treaty of Nanking was signed after the First Opium War.
Question 72. When and with whom did the Second Opium War take place?
Answer: The Second Opium War took place in 1856- 61 between England and China.”
Question 73. Between whom was the Treaty of Tientsin signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Tientsin was signed between China and the English on one side and the French on the other.
Question 74. Which US ship first landed in China for trade and commerce?
Answer: The US ship ‘Empress of China’ first landed in China for trade and commerce.
Question 75. By which treaty China granted ‘extra-territorial rights’ to England?
Answer: By the Treaty of Bogue (1843) China granted extra-territorial rights to England.
Question 76. Who invented the Telegraph?
Answer: The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse.
Key Themes in Colonialism for VSAQs
Question 77. When did the first telegraph system start in India?
Answer: The first telegraph system started in India in 1850.
Question 78. Which continent is known as the ‘Dark Continent’?
Answer: Africa is known as the ‘Dark Continent’.
Question 79. Which countries established colonies in Africa?
Answer: Countries like England, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Holland, etc. established colonies in Africa.
Very Short Questions On Colonialism And Imperialism Class 9 History WBBSE
Question 80. Which countries took part in the partition of Africa?
Answer: Countries like England, France, Belgium, Germany, etc. took part in the partition of Africa.
Question 81. Between whom was the Entente Cordiale signed?
Answer: The Entente Cordiale was signed between England and France.
Question 82. What was the direct cause of the First World War?
Answer: The direct cause of the First World War was the Sarajevo murder incident.
Question 83. To which nationality did Gavrilo Princip belong?
Answer: Gavrilo Princip was a Slav nationalist.
Question 84. Which nation was called ‘the nation of assassins’ by Austria?
Answer: Serbia was called the ‘nation of assassins’ by Austria.
Examples of Very Short Answer Questions on Imperialism
Question 85. Who was responsible for the Sarajevo murder?
Answer: The ‘Black Hand’, a terrorist party was responsible for the Sarajevo murder.
Question 86. Where is Sarajevo situated?
Answer: Sarajevo is situated in Bosnia.
Question 87. Who was the emperor of Germany during the First World War?
Answer: The emperor of Germany during the First World War was Kaiser William 2.
Question 88. When did Austria attack Serbia?
Answer: Austria attacked the Serbian capital Belgrade on 28 July 1914.