WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 4 Industrial Revolution, Colonialism And Imperialism Notes

WBBSE Chapter 4 Industrial Revolution, Colonialism And Imperialism Salient Points Introduction

The word ‘Revolution’ means change. The Industrial Revolution was a revolution in the system of production. It was a transition from handmade goods to machine-made goods i.e., from cottage industries to ‘big industries.

Social Changes During Colonialism Notes

Before the Industrial Revolution, simple machines were used. Small quantities of goods could be produced which involved long hours of hard work.

Due to the Industrial Revolution, huge quantities of goods could be produced with the help of machines in less time. The goods were of fine quality and cheap as well.

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The Industrial Revolution gave rise to the factory system. The people who had land, money or capital and were owners of factories were called capitalists. The workers in the factories were called labourers.

Components of the Industrial Revolution are-

  1. Large-scale production of goods in factories.
  2. Marketing of the finished goods.
  3. The organisation of labour force and raw materials.
  4. Introduction of the modern transport system.
  5. Introduction of the banking system.
  6. Use of modern technology for production.

WBBSE Class 9 Industrial Revolution Notes

Thomas Newcomen was the first to use steam to do useful work. John Kaye invented the Flying Shuttle. Another important invention, the Spinning Jenny, was made by James Hargreaves.

George Stephenson made the first locomotives which drew carriages over rails. James Watt successfully devised the system of using steam power to operate the machines. Richard Arkwright invented the Water Frame.

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WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 4 Notes On Industrial Revolution And Colonialism

England first witnessed the Industrial Revolution for various reasons.

  1. England was politically stable and unified under a monarchy.
  2. The landless farmers, who migrated to towns in large numbers due to enclosure movement, provided cheap and abundant labour supply for the factories.
  3. England had accumulated vast profits through overseas trade which provided the necessary capital for investment. Raw materials were easily available from the colonies. Thus England had no dearth of the three basic ingredients for the industrial revolution materials, labour and capital.

As a result of the Industrial Revolution two ‘isms’ grew. These were colonialism and Capitalism.

Colonialism is a system whereby in an attempt to increase profits and control markets and raw materials, countries try to dominate and control weaker nations and turn them into their colonies.

Capitalism is an economic system in which the principal means of production, Industrial Revolution, Colonialism and Imperialism distribution and exchange lie in private hands and are operated for profit. Society is divided among owners of industries and wage earners.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 4 Industrial Revolution, Colonialism And Imperialism Notes

Two basic requirements of industrialisation are-

The regular supply of raw materials and Markets to sell finished goods. To meet their needs industrialised countries like Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Japan ‘started a scramble to establish colonies in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

These colonies served both purposes i.e., as suppliers of raw materials and easy markets to sell finished goods. Industrialisation thus gave birth to imperialism.

WBBSE History Chapter 4 Notes On Industrial Revolution And Imperialism

Imperialist rivalry among different countries of Europe was one of the causes of the First World War. With the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution huge quantities of goods were produced in various countries of Europe.

The establishment of industries and the accumulation of excess capital created the necessity for new markets for selling surplus goods and new areas of capital investment.

Colonialism and Imperialism Overview for Class 9

Countries like England, France, Russia, Spain, and Portugal had already established their colonies in different parts of Asia and Africa.

Though the Industrial Revolution came late in Germany, she became highly industrialised during the reign of Kaiser William II. Germany accepted an aggressive imperialist policy.

Different countries of Europe adopted a policy of aggressive imperialism to establish colonies in different countries of Europe which ultimately led to the outbreak of the First World War.

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