WBBSE Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict Of Monarchical And Nationalist Ideas Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1. The Congress of Vienna was held in the year-
- 1814
- 1815
- 1816
- 1817
Answer: 2. 1815
Question 2. The most important person in the Vienna settlement was-
- Lafayette
- Metternich
- Louis Philippe
- St. Simon
Answer: 2. Metternich
Question 3. The leaders of the Vienna Congress decided to divide Poland into-
- One division
- Three divisions
- Two divisions
- Four divisions
Answer: 2. Three divisions
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Question 4. Nationalism means-
- Strong love for one’s own country without appreciation for other nations
- Strong devotion to one’s own country and hatred for others
- Strong love for all the countries of the world
- strong devotion to one’s own country and its history and culture.
Answer: 1. Strong love for one’s own country without appreciation for other nations
Question 5. Liberal nationalism stands for
- Freedom of all and equality before the law
- Freedom of only male members of society
- Freedom only for senior citizens
- Freedom of the monarch to rule the people
Answer: 1. Freedom of all and equality before the law
Question 6. In Europe and different parts of the world, the concept of nationalism developed in full form in
- 16th century
- 20th century
- 18th century
- 19th century
Answer: 4. 19th century
Question 7. Which of the following countries did not attend the Congress of Vienna?
- Prussia
- Switzerland
- Britain
- Russia
Answer: 2. Switzerland
Question 8. The Carlsbad Decree was declared in the year-
- 1848
- 1819
- 1856
- 1861
Answer: 2. 1819
Question 9. The Carlsbad Decree was declared in
- Germany
- Russia
- France
- Italy
Answer: 1. Germany
Understanding Major Events in 19th Century Europe MCQs
Question 10. The Carlsbad Decree was declared by
- Talleyrand
- Louis VII
- Metternich
- Charles X
Answer: 3. Metternich
WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century Multiple-Choice Questions
Question 11. In 1815 the Prime Minister of Austria was-
- Alexander I
- Louis XV
- Metternich
- Castlereagh
Answer: 3. Metternich
Question 12. Metternich was the Chancellor of-
- Austria
- Russia
- Italy
- Britain
Answer: 1. Austria
Question 13. The father of European conservatism was-
- Alexander I
- Cavour
- Metternich
- Louis XV
Answer: 3. Metternich
Question 14. The period of the Age of Metternich was-
- 1816-1849
- 1850-1858
- 1815-1848
- 1810-1828
Answer: 3. 1815-1848
Practice MCQs for Class 9 History: Europe in the 19th Century
Question 15. The ‘Coachman of Europe’ was-
- Talleyrand
- Louis XVIII
- Castlereagh
- Metternich
Answer: 4. Metternich
Question 16. The representative of defeated France in the Vienna Conference was-
- Castlereagh
- Metternich
- Cavour
- Talleyrand
Answer: 4. Talleyrand
History MCQs For Class 9 WBBSE Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century
Question 17. The representatives of the Vienna Congress wanted to reestablish the dynasties that reigned in various states before the Napoleonic wars according to the Principle of-
- Compensation
- Legitimacy
- Balance of Power
- Combination
Answer: 2. Legitimacy
Question 18. According to the Carlsbad Decree of 1819 restrictions were imposed on-
- Social institutions of Germany
- Business organizations in Germany
- German universities and other educational institutions
- Political institutions of Germany
Answer: 3. German universities and other educational institutions
Question 19. Metternich to curb all forms of liberalistic ideas in the German universities imposed the-
- Carlsbad Decree
- Milan Decree
- Pedlar Decree
- Lyon Decree
Answer: 1. Carlsbad Decree
Question 20. Who said Italy is ‘only a geographical expression’?
- Cavour
- Metternich
- Talleyrand
- Louis XVIII
Answer: 2. Metternich
Question 21. The July Revolution broke out in
- 1820
- 1840
- 1830
- 1850
Answer: 3. 1830
Examples of Multiple Choice Questions on Nationalism
Question 22. The king of France during the July Revolution was-
- Napoleon
- Louis XVI
- Charles X
- Louis Philippe
Answer: 3. Charles X
Question 23. Polignac was appointed minister by
- Charles X
- Louis Philippe
- Napoleon
- Francis II
Answer: 1. Charles X
Question 24. The leadership in the July Revolution was provided by
- Thiers
- Simon Bolivar
- Polignac
- Metternich
Answer: 1. Thiers
Question 25. The task of the French Revolution of 1789 which remained completed by the
- French Revolution
- February Revolution
- July Revolution
- Industrial Revolution
Answer: 3. July Revolution
Question 26. July Revolution broke out in
- Italy
- France
- Germany
- Britain
Answer: 2. France
Question 27. The July Revolution of 1830 sparked off on-
- 29 July
- 21 July
- 30 July
- 27 July
Answer: 4. 27 July
Question 28. July monarchy was established in France in
- 1815
- 1848
- 1828
- 1830
Answer: 4. 1830
Question 29. July monarchy was established in France by
- Louis Philippe
- Louis XVIII
- Francis Ferdinand
- Charles X
Answer: 1. Louis Philippe
Question 30. After the July Revolution, the ruler who sat on the throne of France was-
- Louis XVIII
- Cavour
- Leopold
- Louis Philippe
Answer: 4. Louis Philippe
Question 31. The ruler of France who was dethroned after the July Revolution was-
- Louis Philippe
- Louis XVIII
- Charles X
- Metternich
Answer: 3. Charles X
WBBSE Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict Of Monarchical And Nationalist Ideas
Question 32. The February Revolution broke out in France against the autocracy of-
- Metternich
- Napoleon
- Napoleon III
- Louis Philippe
Answer: 4. Louis Philippe
Question 33. The king of France during the February Revolution was-
- Charles X
- Louis Napoleon
- Louis XVI
- Louis Philippe
Answer: 4. Louis Philippe
Question 34. The third French Republic was established in
- 1792
- 1830
- 1848
- 1870
Answer: 4. 1870
Question 35. The most influential Prime Minister of Louis Philippe was-
- Guizot
- Turgo
- Von Bulow
- Count Caprivi
Answer: 1. Guizot
Question 36. “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold”-who said this?
- Napoleon III
- Bismarck
- Metternich
- Cavour
Answer: 3. Metternich
Question 37. The socialists in France were eager to end the French Monarchy under the leadership of-
- Karl Marx
- Robert Owen
- Louis Blanc
- Charles Fourier
Answer: 3. Louis Blanc
Question 38. A movement demanding the enlargement of franchises started in France under the leadership of-
- Louis Blanc
- Cavour
- Guizot
- Thiers
Answer: 4. Thiers
Question 39. After having declared his grandson heir to the throne, Louis Philippe sought asylum in
- Austria
- Russia
- Prussia
- England
Answer: 4. England
Question 40. Louis Napoleon in 1852 declared himself as the ‘Emperor’ with the title of-
- Charles X
- Napoleon
- Napoleon 1
- Napoleon 3
Answer: 4. Napoleon 3
WBBSE Chapter 3 Europe In The 19th Century: Conflict Of Monarchical And Nationalist Ideas
Question 41. Garibaldi’s men were called-
- Red Shirts
- Brown Shirts
- Black Shirts
- Blue Shirts
Answer: 1. Red Shirts
Question 42. Napoleon III was the ruler of-
- Piedmont-Sardinia
- France
- Germany
- Austria.
Answer: 2. France
Question 43. Carbonari was a secret society of-
- Italy
- Russia
- France
- Austria
Answer: 1. Italy
Question 44. Garibaldi, a great patriot of Italy occupied-
- Sicily and Naples
- Venetia
- Rome
- Austria
Answer: 1. Sicily and Naples
Question 45. Before unification, Central Italy was ruled by
- Austria
- Poland
- Pope
- France
Answer: 3. Pope
Important Figures in 19th Century Europe MCQs
Question 46. In 1860, the Red Shirts under the leadership of Garibaldi went to
- Sicily
- Tuscany
- Lombardy
- Modena
Answer: 1. Sicily
Question 47. The ‘Young Italy’ organization was established by
- Mazzini
- Garibaldi
- Cavour
- Napoleon III
Answer: 1. Mazzini
Question 48. The Journal ‘Risorgimento’ was edited by
- Mazzini
- Garibaldi
- Cavour
- Leopold
Answer: 3. Cavour
Question 49. The greatest impediment to Italian unification was-
- Russia
- Spain
- Germany
- Austria
Answer: 4. Austria
Question 50. The first king of united Italy was-
- Cavour
- Napoleon III
- Victor Emmanuel II
- Garibaldi
Answer: 3. Victor Emmanuel II
Question 51. The brain of the unification of Italy was-
- Garibaldi
- Mazzini
- Cavour
- Bismarck
Answer: 3. Cavour
Question 52. The leadership in the Italian unification movement was given by
- Venice
- Lombardy
- Piedmont-Sardinia
- Rome
Answer: 3. Piedmont-Sardinia
Question 53. The leadership in Naples and Sicily was given by
- Mazzini
- Garibaldi
- Cavour
- Louis XVI
Answer: 2. Garibaldi
Question 54. The main center of Carbonari was-
- Naples
- Lombardy
- Piedmont
- Genoa
Answer: 1. Naples
Question 55. Count Cavour was appointed as the Prime Minister of-
- Perma Modena
- Rome
- Tuscany
- Piedmont-Sardinia
Answer: 4. Piedmont-Sardinia
Question 56. How many wars did Bismarck fight to unify 10 The Frankfurt Parliament was convened in Germany.
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Six
Answer: 1. Three
Question 57. Bismarck successfully waged war against Denmark in-
- 1862
- 1861
- 1864
- 1868
Answer: 3. 1864
Question 58. The main function of the Frankfurt Parliament was to frame a constitution for
- Italy
- France
- Germany
- Russia
Answer: 3. Germany
Question 59. According to the decisions of the Frankfurt Parliament, the crown of a united Germany was offered to
- Alexander I
- Frederick William
- Francis II
- Louis Philippe
Answer: 2. Frederick William
Question 60. The leader of the movement was-
- Hitler
Answer: 4. Bismarck
Question 61. Germany defeated France in the battle of-
- Sadowa
- Jena
- Sedan
- Trafalgar
Answer: 3. Sedan
Question 62. The Battle of Sadowa was fought between-
- Denmark and Russia
- France and Russia
- Austria and Prussia
- Prussia and Russia
Answer: 3. Austria and Prussia
Question 63. Which treaty ended the Battle of Sadowa?
- Treaty of Plombieres
- Treaty of London
- Treaty of Prague
- Treaty of Villafranca
Answer: 3. Treaty of Prague
Question 64. The Frankfurt Parliament was convened in
- Russia
- Italy
- Germany
- England
Answer: 3. Germany
Question 65. The Frankfurt Parliament was convened in the year-
- 1830
- 1848
- 1861
- 1862
Answer: 2. 1848
Question 66. A master of political and diplomatic juggling-
- Bismarck
- Napoleon III
- Cavour
- William I
Answer: 1. Bismarck
Question 67. The Zollverein was formed under the leadership of-
- Austria
- Savoy
- Italy
- Prussia
Answer: 4. Prussia
Key Themes in European History for MCQs
Question 68. Who was the first emperor of unified Germany?
- Napoleon III
- Bismarck
- William I
- Cavour
Answer: 3. William I
Question 69. The first stage in the unification of Germany was the creation of-
- Zollverein
- Confederation of the Rhine
- Frankfurt Parliament
- Bundestag
Answer: 1. Zollverein
MCQs On Europe In The 19th Century For WBBSE Class 9 History
Question 70. Who took the first step to unify Germany?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Count Cavour
Answer: 2. Napoleon Bonaparte
Question 71. Ems Telegram was published on-
- 13th July 1870
- 19th July 1870
- 10th July 1870
- 17th July 1870
Answer: 1. 13th July 1870
Question 72. According to Bismarck the greatest obstacle to German unity was-
- Austria
- Russia
- Poland
- France
Answer: 1. Austria
Question 73. Philke Hetaira was a secret society of-
- Germany
- Turkey
- Italy
- Greece
Answer: 4. Greece
Question 74. Nicholas, I was the ruler of-
- Austria
- Russia
- Italy
- Prussia
Answer: 2. Russia
Question 75. Moldavia and Wallachia was invaded by-
- Britain
- Russia
- Italy
- Germany
Answer: 2. Russia
Question 76. Greece was under the subjugation of-
- Turkey
- Germany
- Russia
- Italy
Answer: 1. Turkey
Question 77. The ‘Sick Man of Europe’ was-
- France
- Italy
- Greece
- Turkey
Answer: 4. Turkey
Question 78. In the famous Vienna, Note Russia was asked to withdraw her claims in-
- Egypt
- Italy
- Turkey
- France
Answer: 3. Turkey
Question 79. The secret society associated with the Greek War of Independence was-
- Hetaira Philka
- Carbonari
- Young Italy
- Zollverein
Answer: 1. Hetaira Philka
Question 80. The Crimean War ended with-
- Treaty of Pressburg
- Treaty of Paris
- Treaty of Prague
- Treaty of Gastein
Answer: 2. Treaty of Paris
Question 81. “The Crimean War was the only perfectly useless war that has been waged” was said by-
- Adam Smith
- Vincent Smith
- EH Carr
- Sir Robert Morier
Answer: 4. Sir Robert Morier
Question 82. The Kulaks were-
- Serfs
- Factory owners
- Well-to-do peasants
- Mahajan
Answer: 3. Well-to-do peasants
Question 83. Who adopted the Czar title first?
- Alexander II
- Nicholas I
- Ivan IV
- Bakunin
Answer: 3. Ivan IV
Question 84. The organ of rural self-government in Russia-
- Duma
- Parliament
- Zemstvo
- Reichstag
Answer: 3. Zemstvo
Question 85. The Czar remembered for the abolition of serfdom
- Alexander I
- Alexander II
- Alexander III
- Alexander IV
Answer: 2. Alexander II
Question 86. The Czar known as ‘Czar the Liberator’-
- Alexander II
- Peter the Great
- Alexander I
- Nicholas I
Answer: 1. Alexander II
Question 87. Czar Alexander II died on-
- 2 January 1890
- 14 February 1885
- 14 March 1883
- 13 March 1881
Answer: 4. 13 March, 1881
Question 88. Czar Alexander II was assassinated by
- Black Hand
- General Will
- People’s Will
- Carbonari
Answer: 3. People’s Will
Question 89. The First Balkan War was fought in the year-
- 1911
- 1913
- 1912
- 1914
Answer: 3. 1912
Question 90. Who ascended the throne after Alexander 3?
- Nicholas I
- Ivan IV
- Alexander IV
- Nicholas II
Answer: 4. Nicholas II
Question 91. The period between 1815 to 1848 is known as the ‘Era of Metternich’.
- He became the Prime Minister of Austria.
- He was the central figure at the Vienna Congress.
- He became the central figure in the politics of the whole of Europe.
Answer: 3. He became the central figure in the politics of the whole of Europe.
Question 92. At the Vienna Congress, as a punishment, Norway was snatched away from Denmark and given to Sweden.
- Metternich had enmity with the king of Denmark.
- The King of Denmark helped Napoleon against the Allies.
- Denmark was an ally of Britain.
Answer: 2. The King of Denmark helped Napoleon against the Allies.
Question 93. The leaders who took the most important part in defeating Napoleon met in Vienna.
- They wanted to reconstruct the political map of Europe.
- They wanted to establish a democratic government in France.
- They wanted to liberate Italy from the hands of Austria,
Answer: 2. They wanted to establish a democratic government in France.
Question 94. The July Revolution is one of the most important events in the history of France.
- It reformed the existing economic situation of France.
- It helped to remove the monarchy from France.
- It succeeded in securing the revolutionary spirits (liberty, equality, and fraternity).
Answer: 3. It succeeded in securing the revolutionary spirits (liberty, equality, and fraternity).
Industrial Revolution MCQs Class 9 History Chapter 3 WBBSE
Question 95. After the Fall of Napoleon Louis XVIII sat on the throne of France.
- According to the principle of Legitimacy Louis XVIII was reinstated on the throne of France.
- The people of France elected Louis XVIII as the ruler of France.
- The leaders of the Vienna Congress supported the accession of a weak monarch to the throne of France.
Answer: 1. According to the principle of Legitimacy Louis XVIII was reinstated on the throne of France.
Question 96. The Revolution of 1848 brought about a change in the system of administration prevailing at that time.
- The constitutional system of administration is recognized.
- Absolute monarchy was established in different countries of Europe.
- In some countries of Europe autocratic rulers became popular.
Answer: 1. Constitutional system of administration recognized.
Question 97. Guizot, the Prime Minister of France, was dismissed from office by Louis Philippe.
- Guizot rose in revolt against Louis Philippe.
- Popular agitation took a serious turn in France and Guizot was dismissed by Louis Philippe.
Guizot took part in an armed clash with the people and was dismissed.
Answer: 2. Popular agitation took a serious turn in France and Guizot was dismissed by Louis Philippe.
Question 98 In Italy, a secret society ‘The Carbonari’ was established.
- The purpose is to spread nationalist movements elsewhere in Europe.
- The purpose is to unite Italy into a single state.
- The purpose is to express discontent against the existing system.
Answer: 2. The purpose is to unite Italy into a single state.
Question 99. The Battle of Sadowa brought forth an important change.
- The political center of central Europe shifted from Vienna to Berlin.
- The relationship between Prussia and France became bitter.
- Prussia and Spain came under the rule of the same dynasty.
Answer: 1. The political center of central Europe shifted from Vienna to Berlin.
Question 100. France signed the Treaty of Frankfurt with Prussia in 1871.
- France was defeated at the Battle of Sedan.
- France did not fight but surrendered to Prussia.
- Both France and Prussia agreed to support each other by the Treaty of Frankfurt.
Answer: 1. France was defeated at the Battle of Sedan.
Question 101. Bismarck signed the Treaty of Gastein with Austria.
- Bismarck aimed to take the help of Austria for German unification.
- Bismarck aimed to settle the confrontation with Austria.
- The treaty was a temporary solution and Bismarck resolved to teach Austria a proper lesson in time.
Answer: 3. The treaty was a temporary solution and Bismarck resolved to teach Austria a proper lesson in time.
Question 102. Czar Alexander II is called the ‘Czar Liberator’.
- He improved the condition of the workers.
- He changed the system of production in industries.
- He abolished serfdom in Russia.
Answer: 3. He abolished serfdom in Russia.
Question 103. There were some defects in the Emancipation Statute of 1861.
- The amount of compensation payable to the landlord by the peasants fixed by the Act was much higher than the customary prices of land in the market.
- The landlords were required to part with 50% of their land to be given to the liberated serfs.
- The serfs were to be, full-fledged citizens of Russia.
Answer: 1. The amount of compensation payable to the landlord by the peasants fixed by the Act was much higher than the customary prices of land in the market.
Question 104. Czar Peter the Great is known as the ‘Father of modern Russia’.
- Under his leadership modernization of Russia was started.
- He abolished serfdom.
- He improved the economic system of Russia.
Answer: 3. He improved the economic system of Russia.