WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism SAQs

WBBSE Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire, And Nationalism Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What was the first military success of Napoleon?
Answer: First Military Success Of Napoleon:-

Napoleon removed the English from the port of Toulon in 1793 as an employee of the French army and curbed the counter-revolutionaries there. This was the first military success of Napoleon.

Question 2. Which incident is known in France as the 13th Vendemiaire? Or, What was the incident of October 5, 1795?
Answer: 13th Vendemiaire:-

The incident of 5 October 1795 was an important stage in the rise of Napoleon to power who got the responsibility of commanding the French army in Italy. At that time the Reign of Terror was going on in France. On 5 October 1795, the members of the National Convention were attacked by a rowdy mob.

Napoleon with the help of his soldiers resisted the attack and thus saved the National Convention. This incident is known in history as the 13th Vendemiaire.

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Question 3. In which year and by whom was the Battle of Nile fought? Who was defeated?

  1. The Battle of Nile was fought in 1798 between England and France.
  2. France was defeated in the Battle of the Nile.

Examples of Short Answer Questions on Nationalism

Question 4. Give an account of Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt.

Napoleon’s Invasion Of Egypt:-

In 1798 Napoleon launched a campaign against Egypt. On his way to Egypt, he conquered Malta and Alexandria and achieved victory in the Battle of Pyramid. The Egyptian army was defeated by him and he entered Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism SAQs Napoleon On Horseback

WBBSE Class 9 Revolutionary Ideals SAQs

Question 5. In which year and by whom was the Battle of Pyramid fought? Who was defeated?

  1. The Battle of Pyramid was fought between France and England in 1798.
  2. England was defeated in the Battle of Pyramid.

Question 6. What do you mean by the rule of the ‘Consulate’?
Answer: Consulate:-

In 1799 Napoleon took away the powers of the Directory, concentrated power in his own hands and himself became the ruler of the country. At this time he introduced an administration popularly known as the ‘Consulate’. Under the Consulate France was ruled by a council that consisted of three members.

Question 7. What is the importance of Code Napoleon?
Answer: The importance of Code Napoleon introduced by Napoleon Bonaparte is as follows:

  1. It protected the interests of the rising middle class.
  2. It guaranteed civil liberties.
  3. It preserved the social aims of the revolution.

Question 8. When and between whom was the Treaty of Luneville signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Luneville was signed between France and Austria in 1801.

Key SAQs on the Napoleonic Empire for Class 9

Question 9. When and between whom was the Treaty of Amiens signed?
Answer: The Treaty of Amiens was signed in 1802 between France and England.

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Question 10. What is ‘Legion of Honour’?
Answer: Legion Of Honour:-

Napoleon introduced a special title of honor for eminent citizens called the Legion of Honour in 1802. Those who could show their ability, courage, or any other work of outstanding ability were given the title of Legion of Honour. Its inductees received the Legion’s small white enameled cross which hung on a red silk ribbon, as a public show of gratitude.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 2 Short Answer Questions With Solutions

Question 11. What is the importance of the year 1804 in France?
Answer: In 1804 Napoleon declared himself to be the emperor of France. In this year the legal veil of republicanism was dropped and the monarchy was re-established in France.

Question 12. Against whom was the Third European Coalition formed? Who were the members of the Third Coalition?

  1. The Third European Coalition was formed against France.
  2. Under the leadership of England, Austria, and Russia united against France, and the Third European Coalition was formed.

Question 13. What is the importance of the Battle of Trafalgar?
Answer: The Battle of Trafalgar was fought in 1805 between Nelson, the naval chief of England, and Napoleon. Napoleon was defeated in this battle. This battle indirectly paved the way for the downfall of Napoleon.

Understanding Nationalism SAQs for Class 9 History

Question 14. In which year was the Treaty of Tilsit signed? What were the countries that signed the treaty?

  1. The Treaty of Tilsit was signed in the year 1807.
  2. It was signed between Czar Alexander of Russia and Napoleon Bonaparte of France.

Question 15. What is the importance of the Battle of Austerlitz?
Answer: The Battle of Austerlitz was fought between France on one side and the joint army of Austria and Russia on the other. Austria and Russia were defeated by France and were forced to sign the Treaty of Pressburg in 1805.

Question 16. Between whom was the Battle of Jena fought? Who was defeated?

  1. The Battle of Jena was fought between Prussia and France.
  2. Prussia was defeated in this battle.

WBBSE Short Answer Questions On Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism

Question 17. Why did Napoleon annex Portugal?
Answer: Napoleon introduced the Continental System. When Portugal, an ally of the British, rejected the Continental System Napoleon sent the French army to Portugal through Spain without caring to take the consent of the Spanish king. Portugal was annexed in 1807.

Question 18. What was the ‘Peninsular War’ (1808)?
Answer: Portugal suffered greatly because of the Continental System introduced by Napoleon and naturally began to flout it. Napoleon, therefore, attacked Portugal and occupied it. The French army on their way back to France occupied Spain. At this time Portugal joined Spain and declared war against Napóleon which is known as the Peninsular War (1808).”

Question 19. “The Spanish Ulcer ruined me”-Who said this and why?
Answer: Napoleon came to know through his agencies that Spain was not following his Continental System. He, therefore, launched an attack on Spain in 1808 but his so far invincible army was defeated by Spain with the help of the English army in 1808. The Spanish attack proved disastrous and ultimately Napoleon himself accepted it to be an ‘ulcer’ for him.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism SAQs Battle Of Spain

Step-by-Step Guide to Answering SAQs on Revolutionary Ideals

Question 20. What was the Fontainebleau Decree?
Answer: To make his Continental System successful! Napoleon issued the Fontainebleau Decree in 1810. It was declared that those found guilty of violating the commercial rules of France would be punished. By this decree, it was declared that the goods confiscated would be burnt publicly. A court of law was also established for those found guilty.

Question 21. Write a short note on the Battle of Leipzig (or Battle of Nations), in 1813.
Answer: The European nations were annoyed by Napoleon’s expansionist policy and the dissatisfied nations like Prussia, Russia, Sweden, England, and Austria formed a coalition against Napoleon. A fierce battle which is known as the Battle of Leipzig between Napoleon and the allied countries was fought in 1813. In this battle also known as the ‘Battle of Nations’, Napoleon was defeated.

Question 23. Why is the Battle of Leipzig also known as the ‘Battle of Nations’?
Answer: The Battle of Leipzig (1813) was fought between Napoleon and dissatisfied nations like Prussia, Russia, Sweden, England, and Austria. This battle is also known as the Battle of Nations because in this battle soldiers of all nations except Turkey fought against Napoleon.

Practice SAQs for Class 9 History: Napoleonic Empire

Question 24. Why was Napoleon banished to the island of Elba?
Answer: The European nations were threatened by Napoleon’s expansionist policy and dissatisfied nations like Prussia, Russia, Sweden, England, and Austria formed a coalition against Napoleon.

A fierce battle was fought at Leipzig between Napoleon and the allied countries in 1813. In this battle, Napoleon was defeated. Napoleon could not defend France from the violent invasion of the European powers. By the treaty of Fontainebleau, he resigned the crown of France. He was banished to the island of Elba, a small island in Corsica.

Question 25. Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? Can he be called a Liberator?

  1. In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself the emperor of France and reintroduced monarchy in France. He. conquered his neighboring countries and created kingdoms, where he placed his family members.
  2. Initially, people believed that Napoleon was a liberator who would bring freedom to the people, but soon his army was viewed as an invading force. So he was finally defeated in the Battle of Waterloo.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism SAQs

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