WBBSE Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire, And Nationalism Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1. The ‘Child of the French Revolution was-
- Charles IV
- Arthur Wellesley
- Napoleon
- Louis XVI
Answer: 3. Napoleon
Question 2. Napoleon invaded Milan in
- 1795
- 1796
- 1797
- 1798
Answer: 2. 1796
Question 3. The currency system in France was reformed by
- Louis XVI
- Napoleon
- Calonne
- Louis XVIII
Answer: 2. Napoleon
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Question 4. Conferring of the Legion of Honour on men of eminence was an important reform introduced by
- Montesquieu
- Napoleon
- Voltaire
- Charles II
Answer: 2. Napoleon
WBBSE Class 9 Revolutionary Ideals MCQs
Question 5. The number of departments into which Napoleon divided France-
- 80
- 82
- 83
- 93
Answer: 3. 83
Question 6. Napoleon by the Concordat of 1801 solved the question of conflict between-
- The First Estate and the Third Estate
- The French government and the army
- The French government and the clergy
- The French government and the Pope
Answer: 4. The French government and the Pope
Question 7. The greatest achievement of Napoleon’s financial system was the foundation of the-
- Heavy industries
- Rationing system
- Bank of France
- Employment exchange
Answer: 3. Bank of France
Question 8. Napoleon was born in
- Elba island
- Spain
- Britain
- Corsica island
Answer: 4. Corsica island
Question 9. After the Reign of Terror in France, a new government known as the Directory came into power in
- 1795
- 1792
- 1789
- 1804
Answer: 1. 1795
Question 10. Napoleon overthrew the Directory and assumed supreme power as the First consul in–
- 1795
- 1796
- 1799
- 1800
Answer: 3. 1799
Key MCQs on the Napoleonic Empire for Class 9
Question 11. The University of France was established by
- Metternich
- Louis X
- Napoleon
- Guizot
Answer: 3. Napoleon
Question 12. The French Art Gallery was established by
- Leopold
- Talleyrand
- Louis XVI
- Napoleon
Answer: 4. Napoleon
WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 2 MCQs
Question 13. Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Trafalgar by the naval chief of-
- Russia
- England
- Prussia
- Italy
Answer: 2. England
Class 9 History WBBSE
Question 14. In the Battle of Austerlitz Napoleon defeated the joint army of –
- Austria and Russia
- Austria and Spain
- Austria and Prussia
- Spain and Russia
Answer: 1. Austria and Russia
Question 15. The Confederation of the Rhine was created in the year-
- 1807
- 1806
- 1802
- 1808
Answer: 2. 1806
Question 16. The kingdom of Westphalia was created in
- 1802
- 1805
- 1807
- 1811
Answer: 3. 1807
Understanding Nationalism MCQs for Class 9 History
Question 17. The treaty by which Russia promised to help France against England was the-
- Treaty of Pressburg
- Treaty of Portsmouth
- Treaty of Tilsit
- Treaty of Paris
Answer: 3. Treaty of Tilsit
Class 9 History Chapter 1 West Bengal Board
Question 18. The kingdom of Westphalia was carved out of the territory of-
- Prussia
- Russia
- Austria
- Spain
Answer: 2. Russia
Question 19. The kingdom of Westphalia was entrusted to Napoleon’s brother-
- Jerome
- Francis Ferdinand
- Louis XIV
- Charles IV
Answer: 1. Jerome
WBBSE History Multiple-Choice Questions On Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism
Question 20. Napoleon was a supporter of-
- Liberty
- Colonialism
- Democracy
- Slavery
Answer: 1. Liberty
Question 21. Who is called the ‘Destroyer of the Revolution’?
- Alexander II
- Napoleon
- Nelson
- Charles II
Answer: 2. Napoleon
Question 22. The French blockade was a paper blockade because France did not have adequate-
- Arms
- Navy
- Cavalry
- Soldiers
Answer: 2. Navy
Step-by-Step Guide to Answering MCQs on Revolutionary Ideals
Question 23. The Pope was imprisoned for his refusal to accept the Continental System by –
- Michel Ney
- Gabriel
- Napoleon
- Nicholas
Answer: 3. Napoleon
Question 24. Napoleon made the most daring adventure in his life by launching the invasion of-
- Spain
- China
- Germany
- Russia
Answer: 4. Russia
Question 25. The ‘Scorched Earth Policy’ was followed by –
- England
- Russia
- Spain
- Portugal
Answer: 2. Russia
Question 26. After the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was sent to
- Elba
- Sports
- St. Helena
- Corsica
Answer: 3. St. Helena
Question 27. In the Battle of Waterloo, Napoléon was defeated by
- Nelson
- Alexander II
- Talleyrand
- Duke of Wellington
Answer: 4. Duke of Wellington
Practice MCQs for Class 9 History: Napoleonic Empire
Question 28. The fate of Napoleon was sealed forever in the fierce battle of-
- Trafalgar
- Leipzig
- Austerlitz
- Waterloo
Answer: 4. Waterloo
Question 29. Napoleon issued the Milan Decree in-
- 1807
- 1808
- 1809
- 1810
Answer: 1. 1807
Question 30. Napoleon is called the ‘Destroyer of the Revolution’.
- He was against individual freedom, the rule of law, freedom of speech, and the press.
- He provided equality to his people by implementing the Code Napoleon.
- Every individual, however, low-born could attain high posts based on merit.
Answer: 1. He was against individual freedom, rule of law, freedom of speech, and the press.
Question 31. Napoleon introduced the Civil Code in 1804.
- To punish the French.
- To prove his worth as an emperor.
- To establish equality before the law in France.
Answer: 3. To establish equality before the law in France.
Key Themes in the Napoleonic Empire for MCQs
Question 32. Austria signed the Treaty of Pressburg in 1805.
- Austria was defeated by the French in the Battle of Austerlitz.
- Austria was defeated in the Battle of Jena by France.
- Austria was defeated in the Battle of Trafalgar.
Answer: 1. Austria was defeated by the French in the Battle of Austerlitz.
Question 33. The Battle of Trafalgar is noteworthy.
- It indirectly paved the way for the downfall of Napoleon.
- Napoleon devised a scheme to disrupt the commercial connections of the English.
- After the battle, a royalist insurrection broke out in France.
Answer: 1. It indirectly paved the way for the downfall of Napoleon.
Question 34. The Continental System was imposed by Napoleon.
- To bring Russia under control.
- To bring Austria under control.
- To bring England under control.
Answer: 3. To bring England under control.
Examples of Multiple Choice Questions on Nationalism
Question 35. Statement: Napoleon’s Moscow expedition failed.
- It was because of natural features and climatic conditions.
- It was because of a shortage of arms and weapons.
- It was because of the revolt by Napoleon’s soldiers.
Answer: 1. It was because of natural features and climatic conditions.