WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism MCQs

WBBSE Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire, And Nationalism Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The ‘Child of the French Revolution was-

  1. Charles IV
  2. Arthur Wellesley
  3. Napoleon
  4. Louis XVI

Answer: 3. Napoleon

Question 2. Napoleon invaded Milan in

  1. 1795
  2. 1796
  3. 1797
  4. 1798

Answer: 2. 1796

Question 3. The currency system in France was reformed by

  1. Louis XVI
  2. Napoleon
  3. Calonne
  4. Louis XVIII

Answer: 2. Napoleon

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Question 4. Conferring of the Legion of Honour on men of eminence was an important reform introduced by

  1. Montesquieu
  2. Napoleon
  3. Voltaire
  4. Charles II

Answer: 2. Napoleon

WBBSE Solutions For Class 9 History Chapter 2 Revolutionary Ideals, Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism MCQs

WBBSE Class 9 Revolutionary Ideals MCQs

Question 5. The number of departments into which Napoleon divided France-

  1. 80
  2. 82
  3. 83
  4. 93

Answer: 3. 83

Question 6. Napoleon by the Concordat of 1801 solved the question of conflict between-

  1. The First Estate and the Third Estate
  2. The French government and the army
  3. The French government and the clergy
  4. The French government and the Pope

Answer: 4. The French government and the Pope

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Question 7. The greatest achievement of Napoleon’s financial system was the foundation of the-

  1. Heavy industries
  2. Rationing system
  3. Bank of France
  4. Employment exchange

Answer: 3. Bank of France

Question 8. Napoleon was born in

  1. Elba island
  2. Spain
  3. Britain
  4. Corsica island

Answer: 4. Corsica island

Question 9. After the Reign of Terror in France, a new government known as the Directory came into power in

  1. 1795
  2. 1792
  3. 1789
  4. 1804

Answer: 1. 1795

Question 10. Napoleon overthrew the Directory and assumed supreme power as the First consul in

  1. 1795
  2. 1796
  3. 1799
  4. 1800

Answer: 3. 1799

Key MCQs on the Napoleonic Empire for Class 9

Question 11. The University of France was established by

  1. Metternich
  2. Louis X
  3. Napoleon
  4. Guizot

Answer: 3. Napoleon

Question 12. The French Art Gallery was established by

  1. Leopold
  2. Talleyrand
  3. Louis XVI
  4. Napoleon

Answer: 4. Napoleon

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 2 MCQs

Question 13. Napoleon was defeated in the Battle of Trafalgar by the naval chief of-

  1. Russia
  2. England
  3. Prussia
  4. Italy

Answer: 2. England

Class 9 History WBBSE

Question 14. In the Battle of Austerlitz Napoleon defeated the joint army of –

  1. Austria and Russia
  2. Austria and Spain
  3. Austria and Prussia
  4. Spain and Russia

Answer: 1. Austria and Russia

Question 15. The Confederation of the Rhine was created in the year-

  1. 1807
  2. 1806
  3. 1802
  4. 1808

Answer: 2. 1806

Question 16. The kingdom of Westphalia was created in

  1. 1802
  2. 1805
  3. 1807
  4. 1811

Answer: 3. 1807

Understanding Nationalism MCQs for Class 9 History

Question 17. The treaty by which Russia promised to help France against England was the-

  1. Treaty of Pressburg
  2. Treaty of Portsmouth
  3. Treaty of Tilsit
  4. Treaty of Paris

Answer: 3. Treaty of Tilsit

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Question 18. The kingdom of Westphalia was carved out of the territory of-

  1. Prussia
  2. Russia
  3. Austria
  4. Spain

Answer: 2. Russia

Question 19. The kingdom of Westphalia was entrusted to Napoleon’s brother-

  1. Jerome
  2. Francis Ferdinand
  3. Louis XIV
  4. Charles IV

Answer: 1. Jerome

WBBSE History Multiple-Choice Questions On Napoleonic Empire And Nationalism

Question 20. Napoleon was a supporter of-

  1. Liberty
  2. Colonialism
  3. Democracy
  4. Slavery

Answer: 1. Liberty

Question 21. Who is called the ‘Destroyer of the Revolution’?

  1. Alexander II
  2. Napoleon
  3. Nelson
  4. Charles II

Answer: 2. Napoleon

Question 22. The French blockade was a paper blockade because France did not have adequate-

  1. Arms
  2. Navy
  3. Cavalry
  4. Soldiers

Answer: 2. Navy

Step-by-Step Guide to Answering MCQs on Revolutionary Ideals

Question 23. The Pope was imprisoned for his refusal to accept the Continental System by –

  1. Michel Ney
  2. Gabriel
  3. Napoleon
  4. Nicholas

Answer: 3. Napoleon

Question 24. Napoleon made the most daring adventure in his life by launching the invasion of-

  1. Spain
  2. China
  3. Germany
  4. Russia

Answer: 4. Russia

Question 25. The ‘Scorched Earth Policy’ was followed by –

  1. England
  2. Russia
  3. Spain
  4. Portugal

Answer: 2. Russia

Question 26. After the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was sent to

  1. Elba
  2. Sports
  3. St. Helena
  4. Corsica

Answer: 3. St. Helena

Question 27. In the Battle of Waterloo, Napoléon was defeated by

  1. Nelson
  2. Alexander II
  3. Talleyrand
  4. Duke of Wellington

Answer: 4. Duke of Wellington

Practice MCQs for Class 9 History: Napoleonic Empire

Question 28. The fate of Napoleon was sealed forever in the fierce battle of-

  1. Trafalgar
  2. Leipzig
  3. Austerlitz
  4. Waterloo

Answer: 4. Waterloo

Question 29. Napoleon issued the Milan Decree in-

  1. 1807
  2. 1808
  3. 1809
  4. 1810

Answer: 1. 1807

Question 30.  Napoleon is called the ‘Destroyer of the Revolution’.

  1. He was against individual freedom, the rule of law, freedom of speech, and the press.
  2. He provided equality to his people by implementing the Code Napoleon.
  3. Every individual, however, low-born could attain high posts based on merit.

Answer: 1. He was against individual freedom, rule of law, freedom of speech, and the press.

Question 31.  Napoleon introduced the Civil Code in 1804.

  1. To punish the French.
  2. To prove his worth as an emperor.
  3. To establish equality before the law in France.

Answer: 3. To establish equality before the law in France.

Key Themes in the Napoleonic Empire for MCQs

Question 32.  Austria signed the Treaty of Pressburg in 1805.

  1. Austria was defeated by the French in the Battle of Austerlitz.
  2. Austria was defeated in the Battle of Jena by France.
  3. Austria was defeated in the Battle of Trafalgar.

Answer: 1. Austria was defeated by the French in the Battle of Austerlitz.

Question 33.  The Battle of Trafalgar is noteworthy.

  1. It indirectly paved the way for the downfall of Napoleon.
  2. Napoleon devised a scheme to disrupt the commercial connections of the English.
  3. After the battle, a royalist insurrection broke out in France.

Answer: 1.  It indirectly paved the way for the downfall of Napoleon.

Question 34.  The Continental System was imposed by Napoleon.

  1. To bring Russia under control.
  2. To bring Austria under control.
  3. To bring England under control.

Answer: 3. To bring England under control.

Examples of Multiple Choice Questions on Nationalism

Question 35. Statement: Napoleon’s Moscow expedition failed.

  1. It was because of natural features and climatic conditions.
  2. It was because of a shortage of arms and weapons.
  3. It was because of the revolt by Napoleon’s soldiers.

Answer: 1.  It was because of natural features and climatic conditions.

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