WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution VSAQs

WBBSE Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1 Who was the King of France when the French Revolution broke out?
Answer: Louis XVI was the King of France when the French Revolution broke out.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution VSAQs Louis XVI And King France

Question 2. What was the period of rule of Louis XVI?
Answer: The period of rule of Louis XVI was 1774- 1793.

Question 3. Name the ruling dynasty in France when the French Revolution broke out.
Answer: The ruling dynasty in France when the French Revolution broke out was the Bourbon dynasty.

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Question 4. What was the States-General?
Answer: The States-General was the Assembly of France which consisted of representatives of the three estates of the French society that passed legislations.

Question 5. When was the States-General summoned by King Louis XVI?
Answer: The States-General was summoned by King Louis XVI on 5 May 1789.

French Revolution Class 9 Question Answers

Question 6. What was ‘Vingtiemes’?
Answer: ‘Vingtiemes’ was the income tax paid by the peasants of France during the old regime.

Question 7. What is ‘Tithe’?
Answer: ‘Tithe’ was a tax on religion imposed on the members of the Third Estate by the Church.

WBBSE Class 9 French Revolution Very Short Answer Questions

Question 8. What is the ‘Contract of Poissey’?
Answer: The church of France controlled 1/5 of the landed property of France and paid a voluntary tax to the government by a contract known as the ‘Contract of Poissey’.

Question 9. Which king of France summoned the States-General?
Answer: Louis XVI, the king of France, summoned the States-General.

Question 10. What was the States-General?
Answer: The States-General was the representative assembly in France.

Question 11. After how many years the States-General was called by Louis XVI?
Answer: After 175 years the States-General was- called by Louis XVI.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution VSAQs

Key VSAQs on the French Revolution for Class 9

Question 12. What do you mean by clergy?
Answer: Clergy means a group of persons invested with special responsibilities in the church.

Question 13. What is an absolute monarch?
Answer: The monarch who rules with absolute power is an absolute monarch.

Question 14. What is a constitutional monarch?
Answer: A monarch whose power is limited by the laws provided in the constitution is a constitutional monarch.

French Revolution Class 9 Question Answers

Question 15. What is the meaning of the Divine Right of Kingship?
Answer: Divine Right of Kingship means the king regards himself as a representative of God on earth.

Question 16. Who were the Royalists?
Answer: The supporters of the king were called Royalists.

Question 17. Who was Marie Antoinette?
Answer: Marie Antoinette was the Queen of Louis XVI.

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Question 18. In which two wars France was involved in the 18th century?
Answer: France was involved in two wars in the 18th century Seven Years’ War (1756-63) and the American War of Independence (1775-83).

Question 19. Where was the palace of King Louis XVI?
Answer: The palace of King Louis XVI was at Versailles.

Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9

Question 20. In which war France was defeated?
Answer: France was defeated in the war of Austrian succession.

Question 21. In which year Louis XVI ascended the throne of France?
Answer: Louis XVI ascended the throne of France in 1774.

Question 22. Where was the session of the States-General summoned?
Answer: The Session of the States-General was summoned in Versailles.

Question 23. Why was Turgot appointed by Louis XVI?
Answer: Turgot was appointed as the Finance Minister to improve the economic condition of France.

Question 24. What did Necker propose as a finance minister?
Answer: Necker, as the finance minister, proposed equal taxation on all classes to fill the treasury.

Understanding Major Events of the French Revolution for VSAQs

Question 25. Who said, “The state, it is me”?
Answer: Louis XIV, the French king, said “The state, it is me”.

Question 26. “France was a museum of economic errors”- Who said this?
Answer: Adam Smith said, “France was a museum of economic errors”.

Question 27. What was Gabella?
Answer: ‘Gabella’ was a salt tax collected from the peasants of France.

Class 9th History Chapter 1 Question Answer WBBSE

Question 28. What was ‘Aides’?
Answer: ‘Aides’ were taxes on wine, tobacco, etc realized by the peasants of France.

Question 29. What do you mean by ‘Corvee’?
Answer: In the ‘ancient regime’ in France the peasants had to work for the reconstruction of roads without any payment which was known as ‘Corvee’.

Question 30. Who was the author of the book ‘The French Revolution’?
Answer: Thomas Carlyle was the author of the book ‘The French Revolution’.

Question 31. Which estate in France was exempted from paying taxes in 18th century France?
Answer: The nobles and the clergy were exempted from paying taxes in 18th-century France.

Question 32. Which estate paid the most taxes?
Answer: The Third Estate paid the most taxes. 33 What was ‘capitation’?

Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9

WBBSE Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Very Short Answer Questions

Question 33. Name two philosophers of the French Revolution.
Answer: Two philosophers of the French Revolution were Rousseau and Montesquieu.

Question 34. Who were the physiocrats?
Answer: The physiocrats were economists who demanded free trade, free enterprise, and privatization of industry and trade.

Question 35. Who was the leader of the physiocrats of France?
Answer: Francois Quesnay was the leader of the physiocrats of France.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution VSAQs Francois Quesnay

Step-by-Step Guide to Answering French Revolution VSAQs

Question 36. What were the three ideals of the French Revolution?
Answer: The three ideals of the French Revolution were Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.

Question 37. Who remarked, “Man is born free, but everywhere is bound by chains”?
Answer: Jean Jacques Rousseau remarked, “Man is born free, but everywhere is bound by chains.”

Class 9 History WBBSE

Question 38. Who was Quesnay?
Answer: Quesnay was the spokesman for the doctrine of Laissez-faire and the removal of state control on the industry.

Question 39. Who was the author of the book “The Spirit of Laws”?
Answer: The author of the book “The Spirit of Laws”. was Montesquieu.

Question 40. Who preached the doctrine of Separation of Powers?
Answer: Montesquieu preached the doctrine of Separation of Powers.

Question 41. What are the three organs of government?
Answer: The three organs of government are the legislative, executive, and judiciary.

Question 42. What does Laissez-faire mean?
Answer: Laissez-faire means that government does not interfere with trade and the economy and decisions are left for a private individual to take.

Question 43. What do you mean by separation of powers?
Answer: Separation of powers means the three. branches of government, i.e., the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary are kept separate so that power is not concentrated in one branch.

Class 9 History WBBSE

Question 44. Name two encyclopaedists of France.
Answer: Two encyclopaedists of France were Denis Diderot and D’ D’Alembert.

Question 45. Who spoke in favor of free trade (laissez-faire)?
Answer: Economist Adam Smith in his book ‘The Wealth of Nations’ spoke in favor of free trade (laissez-faire).

Question 46. Who was the author of the book ‘The Wealth of Nations’?
Answer: Adam Smith was the author of the book. ‘The Wealth of Nations’.

Practice VSAQs for Class 9 History: French Revolution

Question 47. What do you mean by Lettre de Cachet?
Answer: Prior to the French Revolution any person could be arrested and confined without trial by virtue of a royal warrant of arrest called Lettre de Cachet.

Question 48. Who were the Intendants?
Answer: The government officers of France who served as agents of the king in provinces were known as Intendants.

Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9

Question 49. What was the Contract of Poissey?
Answer: The church of France paid a voluntary tax to the government by the Contract of Posey.

Question 50. When did food riots by the sans-culottes start in France?
Answer: Food riots by the sans-culottes started in France in 1787.

Question 51. Who belonged to the First Estate in the French society?
Answer: The clergy belonged to the First Estate in the French Society.

Question 52. Who belonged to the privileged class in the French society?
Answer: In the French society the clergy and the nobility belonged to the privileged class.

Question 53. What was The Council of Notables?
Answer: The Council of Notables was a body, the members of which were nominated by the king himself and convened by the king on extraordinary occasions to consult on matters of government.

Question 54. Into how many classes of clergymen were divided in France?
Answer: Clergymen were divided into two classes in France [1] the upper clergy and [2] the lower clergy.

WBBSE Class 9 History Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Very Short Answer Questions

Question 55. What was Bastille?
Answer: Bastille was the fortress prison in the city of Paris, the capital of France.

Question 56. When was the Bastille attacked? Or, What was the date of the fall of the Bastille?
Answer: The Bastille was attacked on 14 July 1789.

Question 57. Why was the Bastille hated by the people of France?
Answer: The Bastille was hated by the people of France because it stood for the despotic power of the monarch and also symbolized the oppression of the people by the autocratic French kings.

Question 58. What was the ‘Paris Commune’?
Answer: After the fall of the Bastille, Paris went out of royal control. Paris Commune consisting of elected representatives began to conduct the administration of the city of Paris.

Question 59. What were the ‘assignats’?
Answer: The Constituent Assembly confiscated all properties of the church and keeping those as security, issued a kind of paper note called ‘assignats’.

Question 60. Who was the founder of the Patriotic Party?
Answer: The founder of the Patriotic Party was Abbe Sieyes.

Question 61. What do you mean by the Civil List introduced by the Constituent Assembly?
Answer: The Civil List was introduced by the Constituent Assembly to determine the royal expenditure which could not exceed the amount allotted in the list.

Question 62. Name two leaders of the Jacobin Party.
Answer: Two leaders of the Jacobin Party were Robespierre and Danton.

Key Themes in the French Revolution for VSAQs

Question 63. What was the law enforced by the Revolutionary Tribunal?
Answer: The law enforced by the Revolutionary Tribunal was the ‘Law of Suspects’.

Question 64. Name the countries that formed the first coalition against France.
Answer: The countries that formed the first coalition against France were Austria, Prussia, Britain, and Holland.

Question 65. Which countries made the Declaration of Pilnitz and when?
Answer: Austria and Russia made the Declaration of Pilnitz in 1791.

Question 66. What was the new system of administration introduced by the National Convention?
Answer: The new system of administration introduced by the National Convention was the Directory.

Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9

Question 67. When did Napoleon become the First Consul?
Answer: Napoleon became the First Consul in 1799.

Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9

Question 68. After this incident, Louis XVI agreed to call a meeting of the States-General.
Answer: After the aristocratic revolt in 1788 Louis XVI agreed to call the meeting of the States-General.

Question 69. Which day is celebrated as the National Day in France at present?
Answer: 14 July is celebrated as the National Day in France at present.

Question 70. Name two political parties of France during the French Revolution.
Answer: Two political parties in France during the French Revolution were the Girondist and the Jacobin.

Question 71. What was the ‘Great Fear’?
Answer: The ‘Great Fear’ was the rumor that criminals, brigands, etc. were being sent against the peasantry to avenge the defeat of the nobility in the States-General.

Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9

Question 72. What was the period of the Reign of Terror in France?
Answer: The period of the Reign of Terror in France was from 2 June 1793 to 27 July 1794.

Question 73. Name two leaders of the Reign of Terror in France.
Answer: Two leaders during the Reign of Terror in. France was Danton and Robespierre.

Question 74. Who was Robespierre?
Answer: Robespierre was a leader of the Reign of Terror in France.

Question 75. To which political party did Robespierre belong?
Answer: Robespierre belonged to the Jacobin party in France.

Question 76. In which year was King Louis XVI guillotined?
Answer: King Louis XVI was guillotined on January 21, 1793.

Examples of Very Short Answer Questions on French Revolution

Question 77. Which incident marked the end of the Reign of Terror in France?
Answer: The death of Robespierre, the leader of the Reign of Terror, marked the end of the Reign of Terror in France.

Question 78. Which ruler of India was a member of the Jacobin Club?
Answer: Tipu Sultan, the ruler of Mysore, was a member of the Jacobin Club.

Question 79. What was the Revolutionary Tribunal?
Answer: The Revolutionary Tribunal was set up in France which was responsible for the trial of traitors and counter-revolutionaries.

Question 80. What was the Committee of Public Safety?
Answer: During the Reign of Terror in France the Committee of Public Safety was set up which had the highest power to adopt any measure in the interest of the nation.

Question 81. Who was the leader of the ‘Red Terror’ in France?
Answer: The leader of the ‘Red Terror’ in France was Robespierre.

Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9

Question 82. What was the ‘Law of Suspect’?
Answer: During the Reign of Terror in France the ‘Law of Suspect’ was applied very widely and all persons suspected of anti-revolutionary ideas or acts were hauled up before the Revolutionary Tribunal which could sentence anyone to death on mere. suspicion.

Question 83. Who was Olympe de Gouges?
Answer: Olympe de Gouges was one of the most politically active women of the revolutionary period in France.

Question 84. Who was the Duke of Brunswick?
Answer: The Duke of Brunswick was the general appointed by the Austro-Prussian government.

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