WBBSE Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1. The burden of the financial activities of the state during the ‘ancient regime’ was borne by
- The king alone
- Nobles only
- Third estate alone
- Church alone
Answer: 3. Third estate alone
Question 2. France was defeated in the War of-
- American Independence
- Austrian succession
- World War 1
- World War 2
Answer: 2. Austrian succession
Question 3. In 1774, Louis XVI of the Bourbon family ascended the throne of-
- A Germany
- Italy
- France
- Britain
Answer: 3. France
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Question 4. The session of the States-General was summoned in 1789 in
- Berlin
- London
- New York
- Versailles
Answer: 4. Versailles
WBBSE Class 9 French Revolution MCQs
Question 5. Which of the following refers to the political body representing the three estates of pre-revolutionary France?
- Reichstag
- Provincial Assembly
- Staes- General
- National Assembly
Answer: 3. Staes- General
Question 6. The States-General was summoned by
- Louis XVIII
- Louis XV
- Louis XVI
- Louis XIV
Answer: 3. Louis XVI
Question 7. The States-General was the representative assembly in
- Germany
- Italy
- Spain
- France
Answer: 4. France
Question 8. Louis XVI ascended the throne of France in
- 1774
- 1773
- 1775
- 1875
Answer: 1. 1774
Question 9. The dynasty which ruled in France when the French Revolution broke out was-
- Stuart
- Tudor
- Bourbon
- Yamato
Answer: 3. Bourbon
Important MCQs on the French Revolution
Question 10. The States-General consisted of the representatives of-
- First Estate
- Second Estate
- Third Estate
- Three Estates
Answer: 4. Three Estates
Question 11. The States-General was summoned by King Louis XVI on-
- 5 May 1789
- 6 May 1788
- 5 May 1788
- 12 April 1789
Answer: 1. 5 May 1789
Question 12. The tax on religion imposed by the church was-
- Vingtiemes
- Corvee
- Taille
- Tithe
Answer: 4. Tithe
Question 13. Tithe, a tax on religion, was imposed on the members of-
- Third Estate
- First Estate
- All estates
- Second Estate
Answer: 1. Third Estate
Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9
Question 14. The free labor rendered by the French peasants for the renovation of roads and buildings was known as-
- Gabella
- Vingtiemes
- Corvee
- Tithe
Answer: 3. Corvee
Question 15. Turgot, the Finance Minister, was appointed by
- Louis XIV
- Louis XVI
- Louis XV
- Louis XVIII
Answer: 2. Louis XVI
Question 16. Necker, the Finance Minister of France, was removed from his office by
- Louis XVI
- Calonne
- Rousseau
- Brienne
Answer: 1. Louis XVI
Understanding Key Events in the French Revolution
Question 17. The French government supported the thirteen colonies of America in their war against-
- Spain
- Italy
- Great Britain
- Germany
Answer: 3. Great Britain
Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9
Question 18. The members of the Assembly of Notables were appointed by the
- Finance Minister
- States General
- Queen
- King
Answer: 4. King
Question 19. During the old regime, the king to pass proposals for new taxes had to call a meeting of the
- Finance Minister
- States-General
- First Estate
- Aristocrats
Answer: 2. States-General
Question 20. The session of the States-General was never summoned after-
- 1614
- 1615
- 1514
- 1715
Answer: 1. 1614
Question 21. ‘France was a museum of economic errors’ was remarked by-
- Vincent Smith
- Talleyrand
- Rousseau
- Adam Smith
Answer: 4. Adam Smith
Question 22. Louis XIV ruled during the period-
- 1643-1720 AD
- 1643-1715 AD
- 1642-1720 AD
- 1640-1716 AD
Answer: 2. 1643-1715 AD
Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Class 9
Question 23. The administrative official under the ancien regime was known as-
- Intendant
- Jacobins
- Girondins
- Consul
Answer: 1. Intendant
Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution Multiple Choice Questions
Question 24. The Constitution of 1791 vested the power of making laws in the-
- Lok Sabha
- General Assembly
- Provincial Assembly
- National Assembly
Answer: 4. National Assembly
Question 25. The New Assembly elected in 1792 by general franchise came to be known as the
- Constituent Assembly
- Legislative Assembly
- Local Council
- National Convention
Answer: 4. National Convention
Question 26. One very important reform introduced by the Jacobin regime was the abolition of-
- Monarchy
- Slavery in French colonies
- Dictatorship
- Feudalism
Answer: 2. Slavery in French colonies
Class 9 History Chapter 1 West Bengal Board
Question 27. Marie Antoinette, the queen of Louis XVI, was guillotined in
- 1793
- 1795
- 1796
- 1801
Answer: 1. 1793
Question 28. Louis XVI was sentenced to death by a court on the charge of-
- Murder
- Plundering
- Treason
- Wasting money
Answer: 3. Treason
Step-by-Step Guide to Answering French Revolution MCQs
Question 29. European coalition was formed against France by
- Holland, Prussia, Austria, Britain
- Holland, Prussia, Russia, Britain
- Holland, Prussia, Austria, America
- Holland, Prussia, Austria, Italy
Answer: 1. Holland, Prussia, Austria, Britain
Question 30. The ideas of democratic rights and liberty were the most important legacy of the
- Glorious Revolution
- Russian Revolution
- French Revolution
- Industrial Revolution
Answer: 3. French Revolution
Class 9 History Chapter 1 West Bengal Board
Question 31. One of the directors of the Directory was-
- Abbe Sieyes.
- Necker
- Napoleon
- Marat
Answer: 1. Abbe Sieyes.
Question 32. The First Consul bestowed with administrative powers was-
- Mirabeau
- Calonne
- Quesnay
- Napoleon
Answer: 4. Napoleon
Question 33. Louis XVI called the States-General which met for the last time in-
- 1613
- 1789
- 1614
- 1792
Answer: 3. 1614
Question 34. The States-General met on May 5, 1789, after a long lapse of-
- 74 years
- 174 years
- 172 years
- 154 years
Answer: 2. 174 years
Question 35. The Finance of Louis XVI’s Minister government was-
- Danton
- Marat
- Robespierre
- Necker
Answer: 4. Necker
Practice MCQs on French Revolution for Class 9
Question 36. The revolt against the king of France was first started by
- Nobility
- Clergy
- Aristocrats
- Sans-culottes
Answer: 3. Aristocrats
Question 37. Assignats were-
- Promissory notes
- Indirect tax
- Tax on salt
- Guild
Answer: 1. Promissory notes
Question 38. The currency was in use in France which was-
- Assignat
- Note
- Livre
- Tithe
Answer: 1. Assignat
Question 39. In 1795 the members of the National Convention prepared a new constitution known as the
- Council
- Consulate
- Directory
- States-General
Answer: 3. Directory
Question 40. The year of the September Massacre was-
- 1791
- 1793
- 1789
- 1792
Answer: 4. 1792
Class 9 History Chapter 1 WBBSE
Question 41. A violent mob attacked the Bastille on-
- July 15, 1789
- July 14, 1789
- May 1, 1788
- June 1, 1789
Answer: 2. July 14, 1789
Question 42. The Constituent Assembly divided the whole country into how many
- 83
- 84
- 38
- 86
Answer: 1. 83
Key Terms Related to the French Revolution for MCQs
Question 43. Louis XVI was executed because-
- He was against the revolution
- He was an autocrat
- He was a revolutionary
- He joined in a conspiracy against foreign powers
Answer: 4. He joined in a conspiracy against the foreign powers
Question 44. After whose execution Reign of Terror ended in France?
- Danton
- Louis XVI
- Robespierre
- Marat
Answer: 3. Robespierre
Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution MCQs
Question 45. The spokesman of the doctrine of Laissez-faire was-
- Quesnay
- Denis Diderot
- Rousseau
- Voltaire
Answer: 1. Quesnay
Question 46. The author of ‘Person Letters’ was-
- Voltaire
- Quesnay
- Montesquieu
- Rousseau
Answer: 3. Montesquieu
Question 47. The doctrine of ‘Separation of Powers’ was advocated by-
- Montesquieu
- D’Alembert
- Adam Smith
- Rousseau
Answer: 1. Montesquieu
Class 9 History Chapter 1 WBBSE
Question 48. Eighteenth-century French society was divided into-
- Two estates
- Four estates
- Castes
- Three estates
Answer: 4. Three estates
Question 49. Which of the following in French society constituted the privileged class?
- Clergy and peasants
- Clergy and nobility
- First and third estates
- Peasants and nobility
Answer: 2. Clergy and nobility
Question 50. A society based on freedom, equal laws, and 9 In France the percentage of people’s opportunities was advocated by-
- Nobility and clergy
- Middle class
- louis XVI
- Philosophers like John Locke and Rousseau
Answer: 4. Philosophers like John Locke and Rousseau
Question 51. Who is known as the father of the French Revolution?
- Rousseau
- Louis XVI
- Adam Smith
- Quesnay
Answer: 1. Rousseau
Question 52. The revolt was first started in France by-
- Clergy
- Aristocrats
- Peasants
- Bourgeoise
Answer: 2. Aristocrats
Examples of French Revolution Multiple Choice Questions
Question 53. In France, the percentage of people belonging to the third estate was-
- 99%
- 50%
- 97%
- 80%
Answer: 3. 97%
Question 54. Which of the following did not belong to the third estate?
- Peasants
- Laborers
- Workers
- Clergy
Answer: 4. clergy
Chapter 1 Some Aspects Of The French Revolution
Question 55. The people of France destroyed the Bastille fort.
- The fort was old and dilapidated.
- The fort was a symbol of tyranny.
- It was a fort of an enemy state.
Answer: 1. The fort was old and dilapidated.
Question 56. Representatives of the third estate took the Tennis Court Oath.
- They wanted to maintain a good relationship with the aristocracy.
- They wanted to prepare a new constitution for the country.
- They demanded to transfer the power to Sans-culottes.
Answer: 2. They wanted to prepare a new constitution for the country.
Question 57. France lost her status as an international power in the 18th century.
- There was an immense loss of men and money.
- France was defeated in the War of Austrian Succession and the Seven Years’ War.
- There was a reign of terror in France.
Answer: 3. There was a reign of terror in France.
Question 58. Statement: King Louis XVI called an assembly of the States-General in 1789.
- Louis XVI needed a solution of the prevailing economic crisis.
- Louis XVI was forced to called the assembly under the pressure of the third estate.
- Louis XVI assembly to trade policy.
Answer: 1. Louis XVI needed a solution of the prevailing economic crisis.