WBBSE Class 9 Geography And Environment Chapter 3 Determination Of Location Of A Place Of The Earth’s Surface MCQs

WBBSE Chapter 3 Determination Of Location Of A Place Of The Earth’s Surface Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The highest value of latitude can be—

  1. 90°
  2. 100°
  3. 175°
  4. 180°

Answer: 1. 90°

Question 2. The total number of latitudes that can be measured at an interval of 1° to the north and south of the Equator are—

  1. 189
  2. 190
  3. 179
  4. 181

Answer: 4. 181

Read and Learn Also WBBSE Class 9 Geography And Environment Multiple Choice Questions

Question 3. The angular measurement of the Arctic Circle is—

  1. 60° N
  2. 60° S
  3. 66° 30′ N
  4. 66° 30′ S

Answer: 3. 66° 30′ N

Question 4. The angle of elevation of the Pole Star at the North Pole is—

  1. 90°
  2. 60°
  3. 180°

Answer: 2. 90°

Question 5. The time difference between a place and its antipode is—

  1. 6 hours
  2. 10 hours
  3. 12 hours
  4. 24 hours

Answer: 3. 12 hours

Question 6. The parallel that runs almost through the middle of West Bengal is—

  1. Equator
  2. Tropic of Cancer
  3. Tropic of Capricorn
  4. Arctic Circle

Answer: 2. Tropic of Cancer

WBBSE Class 9 Geography And Environment Chapter 3 Determination Of Location Of A Place Of The Earth's Surface MCQs

Question 7. The first person to use latitude and longitude to determine the location of a place was—

4. Aristotle

Answer: 3. Eratosthenes

Question 8. The South Pole is determined by a constellation of stars known as—

  1. Pole Star
  2. Morning Star
  3. Orion
  4. Hadley’s Octant

Answer: 4. Hadley’s Octant

Question 9. The angular distance of a place, north or south of the Equator, usually measured in degrees is known as—

  1. Longitude
  2. Anti pode
  3. Latitude
  4. Axis

Answer: 3. Latitude

Question 10. The minimum value of latitude can be—

  1. 90°
  2. 45°
  3. 66½º

Answer: 2. 0°

Multiple Choice Questions On Determination Of Location WBBSE Class 9

Question 11. The northernmost latitudinal extent of India is—

  1. 36° 06′ N
  2. 97° 25′ N
  3. 37° 06′ N
  4. 67° 00′ N

Answer: 3. 37° 06′ N

Question 12. The total number of parallels of latitude drawn at 1° intervals across the globe are—

  1. 180
  2. 177
  3. 178
  4. 179

Answer: 4. 179

Question 13. The difference in latitude between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn is—

  1. 33°
  2. 43°
  3. 23°
  4. 66°

Answer: 2. 43°

Question 14. The linear distance between two sub-frequent parallels at an interval of 1° is—

  1. 127 km
  2. 111.3 km
  3. 161 km
  4. 164.2 km

Answer: 2. 111.3 km

Question 15. The angle of elevation of the Pole Star at the Tropic of Cancer is—

  1. 23½º
  2. 66½º
  3. 90°

Answer: 2. 23½º

Question 16. The heavenly body that helps to determine latitude in Australia at night is the—

  1. Moon
  2. Pole Star
  3. Hadley’s Octant
  4. Evening Star

Answer: 3. Hadley’s Octant

Question 17. Any place that is located to the north of the Equator is designated as—

  1. High latitude
  2. North latitude
  3. Mid-latitude
  4. Low latitude

Answer: 2. North latitude

Question 18. The line that joins all the places with the same latitudinal degree is known as the—

  1. Meridian
  2. Prime Meridian
  3. Parallel
  4. Equator

Answer: 3. Parallel

Question 19. At the Equator, the Pole Star can be seen in the—

  1. Horizon
  2. Vertically overhead
  3. Eastern sky
  4. Western sky

Answer: 1. Horizon

Question 20. The latitude at which the diurnal range of temperature is the lowest is—

  1. Equator
  2. Tropic of Cancer
  3. Tropic of Capricorn
  4. South Pole

Answer: 1. Equator

Question 21. The line in the southern hemisphere that marks the boundary till which vertical sun rays lie is—

  1. Equator
  2. Tropic of Cancer
  3. Tropic of Capricorn
  4. Antarctic Circle

Answer: 3. Tropic of Capricorn

Question 22. Value of the highest latitude on the Earth is—

  1. 90°
  2. 100°
  3. 175°
  4. 180°

Answer: 1. 90°

Question 23. Total number of latitudes to the north or south of the Equator at 1° intervals are—

  1. 89
  2. 90
  3. 91
  4. 180

Answer: 2. 90

Question 24. Value of the latitude of the Arctic Circle is—

  1. 60° N
  2. 66° S
  3. 66°30′ N
  4. 60°30′ S

Answer: 3. 66°30′ N

WBBSE Class 9 Geography Determination Of Location Practice Test

Question 25. The Angular distance of Kolkata from the center of the Earth is—

  1. 22°30′ N
  2. 23°30′ N
  3. 60° N
  4. 66°30′ N

Answer: 1. 22°30′ N

Question 26. The angle that forms between the equatorial plane and the center of the Earth is—

  1. 60°
  2. 90°
  3. 22°30′

Answer: 3. 0°

Question 27. The time difference between Kolkata and Greenwich is—

  1. 5 hrs
  2. 5 hrs 30 mins
  3. 6 hrs
  4. 6 hrs 30 mins

Answer: 2. 5 hrs 30 mins

Question 28. The time difference between Kolkata and Dhaka is—

  1. 20 minutes
  2. 30 minutes
  3. 40 minutes
  4. 50 minutes

Answer:  2. 30 minutes

Question 29. The antipode of the 180° longitude is located at—

  1. 180°E
  2. 180°W
  3. 90°E

Answer: 3. 0°

Question 30. For every 1° difference in longitude, there is a time difference of—

  1. 4 minutes
  2.  5 minutes
  3. 6 minutes
  4. 10 minutes

Answer:  1. 4 minutes

Question 31. The difference in local time between Kolkata and Allahabad is—

  1. 20 minutes
  2. 22 minutes
  3. 24 minutes
  4. 26 minutes

Answer: 3. 24 minutes

Question 32. The linear distance between two lines of longitude at an interval of 1° at the Equator measures to—

  1. 110.3 km
  2. 111.3 km
  3. 113.3 km
  4. 114.3 km

Answer:  2. 111.3 km

Question 33. The angular value of the Prime Meridian is—

  1.  0°
  2. 231/2°
  3. 6634°
  4. 90°

Answer: 1. 0°

Question 34. The number of time zones in Russia is—

  1. 11
  2. 9
  3. 15
  4. 10

Answer:  1. 11

Question 35. The instrument used to determine the time at Greenwich is called the—

  1. Chronometer
  2. Anemometer
  3. Sextant
  4. Thermometer

Answer:  1. Chronometer

Question 36. The angle at which the International Date Line deviates near the Aleutian Islands is—

  1. 11°E
  2. 11°W
  3. 7°E
  4. 7°W

Answer:  4. 7°W

Question 37. The antipode of 4-5° N is located at—

  1. 180°
  2. 45° S
  3. 45° W

Answer: 3. 45° S

Question 38. The line that helps to determine the longitude of a place is—

  1. Prime Meridian
  2. 180° meridian
  3. Equator
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Prime Meridian

Question 39. Highest value of the meridian of longitude is—

  1. 90°
  2. 100°
  3. 180°
  4. 360°

Answer:  3. 180°

Question 40. Number of the standard meridian in India is—

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

Answer:  1. One

Question 41. On crossing the International Date Line from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere, the time deducted will be—

  1. 24 hrs
  2. 48 hrs
  3. 12 hrs
  4. None of them

Answer: 1. 24 hrs

Question 42. Linear distance of 1° longitude at Poles is—

  1. 11.2 km
  2. 1.1 km
  3. 0.25 km
  4. 0 km

Answer:  4. 0 km

WBBSE Geography Class 9 Location Determination Question And Answers

Question 43. The clock time at midday is—

  1. 12 pm
  2. 12 am
  3. 12 noon
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. 12 noon

Question 44. International Date Line passes through the middle of—

  1. Pacific Ocean
  2. Indian Ocean
  3. Atlantic Ocean
  4. Arctic Ocean

Answer: 1. Pacific Ocean

Question 45. Distance between two adjacent meridians is maximum at—

  1. Equatorial region
  2. Tropical region
  3. Sub-polar regions
  4. Polar region

Answer: 1. Equatorial region

Question 46. The location of a place on the Earth’s surface is determined with the help of—

  1. Parallels of latitude
  2. Meridians of longitude
  3. Parallels and meridians.
  4. Prime Meridian

Answer:  3. Parallels and Meridians.

Question 47. The standard time of India is calculated on the basis of longitude.

  1. 80°E
  2. 82°E
  3. 82°30′ E
  4. 88°30′ E

Answer: 3. 82°30′ E

Question 48. The most important line joining the North Pole and the South Pole is the—

  1. Equator
  2. Tropic of Cancer
  3. Polar Circle
  4. Prime Meridian

Answer: 4. Prime Meridian

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