WBBSE Chapter 2 Element Compound And Chemical Reaction VSAQs
Question 1. In photosynthesis, which form of energy is converted into chemical energy?
In photosynthesis, light energy is converted into chemical energy.
Question 2. What is required to initiate a chemical reaction?
Energy is required to initiate a chemical reaction.
Question 3. Mention a reaction which is induced/initiated by light.
Photosynthesis is a reaction which is induced/initiated by light. Here, green plants can utilize solar energy (in the form of visible light) to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water. The process can be represented in a simplified way as follows:
⇒ \(6 \mathrm{CO}_2+6 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O} \stackrel{\text { light }}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_{12} \mathrm{O}_6+6 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}\)
Question 4. Give one example, where a chemical reaction is initiated by applying pressure.
In crackers, a mixture of potassium chlorate and sulphur explodes when pressure is applied to them, Give one example, where a chemical reaction is initiated by electricity.
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Question 5. Give one example, where a chemical reaction is initiated by electricity.
When an electric spark is passed through a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas, water will be formed. If no current is passed through it, no chemical change will take place.
⇒ \(2 \mathrm{H}_2+\mathrm{O}_2 \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}\)
Question 6. What do you mean by a catalyst?
A substance which can alter the rate of a chemical reaction without undergoing any net change in its chemical composition at the end of the chemical reaction is called a catalyst.
Question 7. Write the name and formula of baking soda. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate.
Its formula is NaHCO3.
Question 8. Give an example of a catalyzed reaction. During the preparation of ammonia (NH3) from nitrogen and hydrogen gas, finely divided iron powder is used as a catalyst. So this is an example of a catalyzed reaction.
⇒ \(\mathrm{N}_2+3 \mathrm{H}_2 \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{NH}_3 (Finely divided iron powder used as catalyst)\)
Question 9. What catalyst is used during the industrial process of manufacture of sulphuric acid?
Industrially sulphuric acid is prepared by the reaction of sulphur dioxide and oxygen in the presence of a vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) catalyst.
⇒ \(2 \mathrm{SO}_2+\mathrm{O}_2 \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{SO}_3
\left\{\right. catalyst: Vanadium pentoxide \left.\left(\mathrm{V}_2 \mathrm{O}_5\right)\right\}\)
Question 10. Give an example of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
Example Of An Enzyme-Catalyzed Reaction:
Urease is an enzyme. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide.
⇒ \(\mathrm{NH}_2 \mathrm{CONH}_2+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O} \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{NH}_3+2 \mathrm{CO}_2\)
Question 11. Write the name of an enzyme which is found in our stomach.
Pepsin is an enzyme which is found in our stomach.
Question 12. What do you mean by an exothermic reaction?
Exothermic Reaction: Chemical reactions which proceed with the evolution of heat energy are called exothermic reactions.
Question 13. What do you mean by an endothermic reaction?
Endothermic Reaction: Chemical reactions which proceed with the absorption of heat energy are called endothermic reactions.
Question 14. Give an example of an exothermic reaction.
Example Of An Exothermic Reaction:
The combustion of methane is an example of an exothermic reaction.
⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_4+2 \mathrm{O}_2 \rightarrow \mathrm{CO}_2+2 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}+\text { heat }(\mathrm{Q})\)
Question 15. Give an example of an endothermic reaction.
Example Of An Endothermic Reaction:
Passage of steam over heated coke produces carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Heat is absorbed during the process. This is an endothermic reaction.
⇒ \(\mathrm{C}+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O} \rightarrow \mathrm{CO}+\mathrm{H}_2-\text { heat }(\mathrm{Q})\)
Question 16. When ammonium chloride is dissolved in water in a test tube, what type of change is occurred?
When ammonium chloride is dissolved in water, heat is absorbed and as a result, droplets of water condense in the outer surface of the test tube which becomes cold. But this is a physical change and not a chemical change.
Question 17. Name a gas which is used in welding.
Acetylene (C2H2) is used for welding.
Question 18. Name one gaseous oxidizing agent and one gaseous reducing agent.
Oxygen is an oxidizing agent and hydrogen is a reducing agent.
Question 19. Name the oxidant and reductant in the reaction Fe + Cu2+ = Fe2+ + Cu.
⇒ \(\mathrm{Fe}-2 \mathrm{e} \rightarrow \mathrm{Fe}^{2+}:\)This is oxidation and Fe is the reductant
⇒ \(\mathrm{Cu}^{2+}+2 \mathrm{e} \rightarrow \mathrm{Cu}:\)This is the reduction and Cu2+ is the oxidant
Question 20. Name an enzyme that can decompose peroxide compounds.
Catalase enzyme.
Question 21. \(\mathrm{Sn}^{2+} \rightarrow \mathrm{Sn}^{4+}+2 \mathrm{e} \rightarrow\) Is this oxidation or reduction reaction?
Since the loss of electron means oxidation hence \(\mathrm{Sn}^{2+} \rightarrow \mathrm{Sn}^{4+}+2 \mathrm{e} \rightarrow\) is an oxidation reaction. Sn2+ is the reducing agent.
Question 22. What do you mean by rancidity?
The condition produced by aerial oxidation of fats and oils in food marked by unpleasant smell and taste is called rancidity.
Question 23. Name 1. a reducing agent that contains oxygen and 2. an oxidizing agent that does not contain oxygen.
- Sulphur dioxide (SO2 )
- Ferric chloride (FeCl3)
Question 24. What is autocatalysis?
In certain reactions, one of the products acts as a catalyst. This phenomenon is known as autocatalysis.
Acetic acid (CH3COOH) and ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) are produced in the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate (CH3COOC2H5). This reaction is initially very slow but acetic acid acts as an auto-catalyst in the reaction and gradually increases the rate of the reaction.
⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{COOC}_2 \mathrm{H}_5+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O} \rightarrow \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{COOH}+\mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OH} .\)
Question 25. Give an example of exothermic physical change.
Example Of Exothermic Physical Change:
When some concentrated sulphuric acid is added to water taken in a beaker, the acid dissolves with the evolution of heat. This is an example of exothermic physical change.
Question 26. Mention two simple household methods to prevent the rancidity of food.
The development of rancidity of food can be prevented by:
- keeping food in a refrigerator
- storing food away from light