WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 9 Constitution Of India Democratic Structure And Citizen’s Rights MCQs

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 9 Constitution Of India Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. A constitution is needed to conduct the affairs of a state

  1. The State abides by the constitution.
  2. The dictates of the Constitution are final.
  3. All the policies of the state are made according to the constitution.

Answer: 1. The State abides by the constitution.

Question 2. Every year Republic Day is celebrated on January 26.

  1. On this day the Indians. liberated themselves from British rule.
  2. India was declared a republic on January 26, 1950.
  3. The Indian citizens got their different rights on January 26, 1950.

Answer: 2. India was declared a republic on January 26, 1950.

Read and Learn More WBBSE Class 8 History MCQs

Question 3. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is called the conscience or spirit of the Constitution.

  1. The Preamble contains the rights and duties of the citizens.
  2. The Preamble contains the description of the sovereign power of the Constitution.
  3. The ideals and objectives of the Constitution are contained in the Preamble.

Answer: 3. The ideals and objectives of the Constitution are contained in the Preamble.

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 9 Constitution Of India Democratic Structure And Citizen's Rights MCQs

WBBSE Class 8 Constitution of India MCQs

Question 4. India is not bound to obey the orders, instructions, or requests of any foreign country.

  1. India is a democratic republic.
  2. India possesses sovereign power.
  3. India is bound by its Constitution.

Answer: 2. India possesses sovereign power.

Question 5. The democratic administration is successful in the local self-governmental institutions.

  1. The people get an opportunity to participate directly.
  2. President’s rule prevails in self-governmental institutions.
  3. The local self-government system is conducted by the state government.

Answer: 1. The people get an opportunity to participate directly.

MCQs On Fundamental Rights In Indian Constitution For Class 8 WBBSE

Question 6. The downtrodden society (Dalits) launched a movement to establish their rights and prestige.

  1. The government did not try to protect the interest of the poor.
  2. Many Congress leaders did not want to give much importance to racial discrimination issues.
  3. The prestige and rights of the Dalits were reduced due to the transfer of power.

Answer: 2. Many Congress leaders did not want to give much importance to racial discrimination issues.

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Question 7. There was not much improvement in the condition of the Harijans.

  1. The Harijans did not get religious rights.
  2. The Harijans got only. economic rights and not political rights.
  3. The Harijans were deprived of economic and religious rights.

Answer: 3. The Harijans were deprived of economic and religious rights.

Question 8. The Constitution’s use of the word and concept of ‘minority’ does not bear a communal sense.

  1. The word minority has been. used as a contrast to the majority.
  2. Minority refers to the backward classes in society.
  3. The minority is determined by the number of persons in society.

Answer: 3. Minority is determined by the number of persons in society.

Short MCQs on Fundamental Rights in India

Question 9. The Alchiki script of the Santhals was given much respect in the Indian Constitution.

  1. The Indian constitution upholds the linguistic rights of minorities.
  2. The constitution has recognized all Indian languages.
  3. Most of the people among the minorities use this script.

Answer: 1. The Indian constitution upholds the linguistic rights of minorities.

Question 10. The Indian Constitution is determined to provide all citizens with the security of food, clothing, and housing.

  1. The main task of the Constitution is to provide overall security to the citizens.
  2. The objective of the Constitution is to provide social prestige to all citizens in an independent state.
  3. An important directive principle is to provide security to the Indians.

Answer: 2. The objective of the Constitution is to provide social prestige to all citizens in an independent state.

Important MCQs On Indian Constitution For WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 9

Question 11. The constitution was adopted in the Constituent Assembly on

  1. 26th November 1946
  2. 26th November 1947
  3. 26th November 1949
  4. 26th November 1950

Answer: 3. 26th November 1949

Question 12. The British Government took up the proposal to form a Constituent Assembly in

  1. 1944
  2. 1946
  3. 1947
  4. 1948

Answer: 2. 1946

Question 13. The number of members in the Drafting

  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 10

Answer: 1. 7

Question 14. Legally and theoretically, the head of the Committee was the government is

  1. Chief Minister
  2. Vice President
  3. Governor
  4. President

Answer: 4. President

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 9 Constitution And Rights MCQ Questions

Question 15. The dignity of the post of Vice President is next only to

  1. Prime Minister
  2. Speaker
  3. President
  4. Home Minister

Answer: 3. President

Question 16. The ‘soul’ or the ‘conscience’ of the Constitution is

  1. Fundamental Rights
  2. Directive Principles
  3. Preamble
  4. Fundamental Duties

Answer: 3. Directive Principles

Question 17. The constitutional head of the state government is

  1. Chief Minister
  2. Finance Minister
  3. Finance Secretary
  4. Governor

Answer: 4. Governor

Common MCQs on Features of Indian Democracy

Question 18. The Vice president is the ex officio chairman of

  1. Lok Sabha
  2. Rajya Sabha
  3. Vidhan Sabha
  4. Vidhan Parishad

Answer: 2. Rajya Sabha

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 9 WBBSE MCQs On Fundamental Rights And Duties

Question 19. The issue of the right to land, water bodies, and forestry triggered a conflict between the colonial state and its people.

  1. The colonial government wanted to take steps for the preservation of wildlife.
  2. People felt that the colonial government would destroy the flora and fauna of those areas.
  3. The colonial government framed some laws that compelled the people to give up their rights over natural resources.

Answer: 3. The colonial government framed some laws that compelled the people to give up their rights over natural resources.

Question 20. In the decade of 1940s, a large section of the rural population turned into burglars.

  1. Recommendation of the Floud Commission was implemented.
  2. Telangana peasant movement flared up.
  3. There was an economic downturn and famine in the 1940s.

Answer: 3. There was an economic downturn and famine in the 1940s.

Question 21. When Srimati Mamata Bandyopadhyay became the chief minister of West Bengal, she decided to return the lands to the peasants of Singur.

  1. Srimati Mamata Bandyopadhyay herself organized the Singur movement and led it from the front.
  2.  Thousands of land owners, pattadars, burglars, landless peasants, and sharecroppers requested Mamata Bandyopadhyay to do that.
  3.  Indian MNC, Tata, dropped their Singur car project.

Answer: 1. Srimati Mamata Bandyopadhyay herself organized the Singur movement and led it from the front.

Practice MCQs on Constitutional Provisions

Question 22. A legion of men and women became involved in the Save Narmada movement at the beginning of the decade of 1970s.

  1. People demanded the prohibition of felling trees for commercial purposes.
  2. Because of the project of building a dam, about 21 people were on the verge of losing life and livelihood, and the tribal populations were deprived of their rights in forests.
  3. The forestry of the region came under serious threat.

Answer: 2. Because of the project of building a dam, about 21 people were on the verge of losing their lives and livelihoods, and the tribal populations were deprived of their rights in forests.

Question 23. The biggest autocratic and feudalistic rule of India, the rule of Nizam, was toppled.

  1.  It was due to the Chipko movement.
  2. The Telangana movement. turned out to be a peasant cum mass movement.
  3. The Tebhaga movement went very close to becoming an armed rebellion.

Answer: 2. The Telengana movement. turned out to be a peasant cum mass movement.

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 9 Indian Constitution MCQs

Question 24. ‘Betti’s system was abolished due to

  1. Tebhaga movement
  2. Telangana movement
  3. Chipko movement
  4. Silent Valley movement

Answer: 2. Telangana movement

Question 25. Chipko movement was organized in

  1. North India
  2. South India
  3. West India
  4. East India

Answer: 1. North India

Examples of Real-Life Applications of Democratic Rights

Question 26. The district headquarters of Hooghly is

  1. Arambagh
  2. Chunchurah
  3. Chandennagar
  4. Serampore

Answer: 2. Chunchurah

Question 27. Rajkumar Bhul was the agricultural labour of

  1. Champadanga
  2. Jangipara
  3. Maheswarpur
  4. Gopalnagar

Answer: 4. Gopalnagar

Question 28. Who among the following was the protestor of the Singur movement?

  1. Sumit Sarkar
  2. Irfan Habib
  3. Upinder Singh
  4. Gyanendra Pandey

Answer: 1. Sumit Sarkar

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