WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule Cooperation And Revolt Notes

WBBSE Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule: Cooperation And Revolt Salient Points Introduction

1. Ramkrishna Mission:

Swami Vivekananda and his associates founded Ramakrishna Mission on May 1, 1897. It aimed to reflect Guru Ramkrishnadev’s ideal of serving fellow beings as God. Ramakrishna Math and Mission members have been serving mankind irrespective of caste, creed, or religion till today.

The main center of the Mission is Belur on the banks of the Ganga and is popularly known as Belur Math. These institutions follow the Vedantas and recognize image worship. They serve society through schools, libraries, health centers, and orphanages established by them.

2. Academic Association:

Derozio founded a debate association named the Academic Association in 1828 at Sri Krishna Sinha’s garden house at Manicktala. Derozio was the president, and his student Umesh Chandra Bose was the secretary. This association was the first student organization in India.

At the various conferences of this association, discussions and debates on philosophy, history, sociology, casteism in Hindu society, untouchability, and idolatry were held.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 5 Reaction To Colonial Rule Cooperation And Revolt Notes

Key Events of the 1857 Rebellion Notes

3. Damin IKoh:

The word Damin l Koh means a ‘hilly frontier province’. The Santhals, a tribal group who inhabited the forested areas of Bengal and Bihar, became victims of oppression by the landlords and moneylenders as a result of the introduction of the Permanent Settlement system.

So they left their original homes and shifted to Rajmahal Hills and a part of the forested area of Murshidabad. They cleared the forests and began to cultivate the land. They named this place of new settlement ‘Damin-i-koh’.

4. Munda Ulgulan:

The Munda Revolt that broke out in 1899-1900 was known as ‘Munda Ulgulan’. The land of the Mundas was being slowly taken away by outsiders. So the rebellion aimed at driving away the outsiders and establishing self-rule under their leader Birsa.

Millions of Mundas joined hands together and took the pledge of terminating the British domination over their land. The Ulgulan come to an end with the death of Birsa Munda and the cruel suppression of the revolt by the British.

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5. Nil Darpan:

The drama ‘Nil Darpan’ was written by Dinabandhu Mitra in 1858-59 on the backdrop of the Indigo Revolt in Bengal. It was translated into English by Michael Madhusudan Dutta. This translation revealed the torture and oppression meted out to the cultivators by the indigo planters.

6. Enfield Rifle:

In 1857 the British authorities decided that the sepoys would have to use the new Enfield rifle instead of the old ‘Brown base’ muskets. The outer shell of the cartridge of the Enfield rifle was made of the fat of cow and pig. The shells had to be bitten off before fitting the cartridge into the rifle. This enraged both Hindus and Muslims as this directly hurt their religious sentiments and they broke out into revolt.

WBBSE Class 8 Cooperation and Revolt Notes

7. Mopala Revolt:

Many Arabian traders lived on the Malabar coast in South India and their descendants were called Mopalas. The Mopalas were mainly agriculturists, small traders, and fishermen.

When the Zamindars imposed illegal taxes upon them and raised. the rate of revenue they became rebellious. The revolt of Theese Mopala peasants against the tyranny of the landlords in 1873-1896 is known as the Mopala Revolt. However, this revolt was suppressed by the army.

8. Sepoy Revolt in Meerut:

On May 10, 1857, some sepoys were speaking to the civilians near the army barrack in Meerut UP. On the day before, 85 sepoys were imprisoned and kept in chains by Colonel Carmichael Smith for refusing to use the Enfield Rifle.

At that time a regiment of white soldiers was marching toward the church. A young boy suddenly raised a hue saying ‘Whites are coming’, which created a misconception that the Whites were coming to imprison the Indian sepoys. This infuriated the civilians who joined the Indian soldiers and captured the arsenal as well as killed some British soldiers. Thus the sepoy revolt was triggered in Meerut.

9. Bamboo Castle:

The Wahabi Movement in Bl was led by Titu Mir or Titu Mian. He declared himself the ‘Badshah’ and began to carry on a parallel administration from a bamboo castle constructed at Narkelberia. This was at a distance of 10km from the Baduria police station of 24 Parganas.

His Prime Minister was Mainuddin, his Commander in chief was his nephew Ghulam Masum and Mishin Shah was the Chief of Espionage. William Bentinck sent the 10th infantry under Colonel Stuart to suppress Titu Mir. The army destroyed the Bamboo Castle and Titu was killed.

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Understanding the 1857 Revolt

10. Shuddhi Or Purification Movement:

A split could be seen in the Honda society due to large-scale conversion. So Swami Dayanand, the founder of Arya Samaj tried to protect Hindu society from disintegrating.

He took up a purification program to reconvert the Hindus who had adopted other religions, to bring the non-Hindus into the fold, to resist the influence of other religions, and to build up a unified Indian society.

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