WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 4 Nature Of Colonial Economy MCQs

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 4 Nature Of Colonial Economy Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The peasants were in a critical situation in colonial India.

  1. The peasants were burdened with excessive taxes.
  2. Everything was seized from the peasants.
  3. The peasants were evicted from the land.

Answer: 1. The peasants were burdened with excessive taxes.

Question 2. There was a steady decrease in the export of silk and cotton during colonial rule.

  1. The English company began to import silk and cotton from England.
  2. There was a crisis in the agricultural system.
  3. The popularity of silk and cotton products decreased.

Answer: 2. There was a crisis in the agricultural system.

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Question 3. The officials of the English company could not extract rent according to their wishes.

  1. The economic council of the Company began to keep an account of the revenue collected.
  2. An accountant was recruited along with the revenue officials.
  3. The Company’s allotted revenue was fixed through the Permanent Settlement.

Answer: 3. The Company’s allotted revenue was fixed through the Permanent Settlement.

Question 4. On many occasions, the ownership of land was transferred through auction.

  1. The Zamindars could not deposit the allotted rent at the allowed time.
  2. The price of the land could be raised through the auction.
  3. The transfer of ownership rights reduced corruption.

Answer: 1. The Zamindars could not deposit the allotted rent at the allowed time.

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 4 Nature Of Colonial Economy MCQs

WBBSE Class 8 Colonial Economy MCQs

Question 5. As a result of the Permanent Settlement the farmers became dependent on the grace of the landlords.

  1.  It was decided by the Permanent Settlement that the farmers would be given a fixed wage.
  2. The farmers survived on the loans taken from the landlords.
  3. Though the conditions of the Zamindars improved, nothing was done to improve a lot of the peasants.

Answer: 3. Though the conditions of the Zamindars improved, nothing was done to improve a lot of the peasants.

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 8 Question Answer

Question 6. The Zamindars were given the right to confiscate the lands of the farmers.

  1. The farmers became owners of vast lands.
  2. The farmers failed to pay revenue at the rate allowed by the Zamindars at the allotted time.
  3. The Zamindars got this right from the Company by paying them money.

Answer: 2. The farmers failed to pay revenue at the rate allowed by the Zamindars at the allowed time.

Question 7. The colonial rulers had emphasized the cultivation of crops.

  1. The Indian crops were in high demand in the international markets.
  2. England’s economy was dependent on these crops.
  3. There was the commercialization of crops during colonial rule.

Answer: 3. There was the commercialization of crops during colonial rule.

Question 8. Mutual discrimination was created in the peasant society.

  1. The colonial government had commercialized agriculture.
  2. The government encouraged caste distinction.
  3. The peasant society Ans. encouraged casteism.

Answer: 2. The government encouraged caste distinction.

Question 9. There were famines in India during colonial rule.

  1. The economic policy of the company was discriminatory.
  2. The production of crops did not increase in proportion to the increase in population.
  3. The produced crops were continually sent to England.

Answer: 2. The production of crops did not increase in proportion to the increase in population.

Common MCQs on Impact of British Rule on Indian Economy

Question 10. The indigo cultivators rose in rebellion.

  1. The families of the indigo cultivators were oppressed.
  2. The British had started. killing the cultivators.
  3. The cultivators were forced to plant indigo in receipt of dadan or advance payment.

Answer: 3. The cultivators were forced to plant indigo in receipt of dadan or advance payment.

Question 11. Which industry was affected by to agricultural crisis?

  1. Jute industry
  2. Tea industry
  3. Agricultural industry
  4. Indigenous handicrafts industry

Answer: 4. Indigenous handicrafts industry

Question 12. The Permanent Settlement was implemented in Bengal in the year of

  1. 1784
  2. 1770
  3. 1793
  4. 1772

Answer: 2. 1770

Question 13. Through which system land became the private property of Zamindars?

  1. Mahalwari System
  2. Ryotwari System
  3. Dassala System
  4. Permanent Settlement

Answer: 4. Permanent Settlement

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Practice MCQs on Agricultural Changes in Colonial India

Question 14. Which land revenue system was implemented in Madras and Bombay?

  1. Permanent Settlement
  2. Zardari System
  3. Ryotwari System
  4. Mahalwari System

Answer: 3. Ryotwari System

Question 15. The region which developed as an indigo cultivation center

  1. West India
  2. East India
  3. North India
  4. South India

Answer: 2. East India

Question 16. In which region landless peasants became hired laborers or burglars?

  1. Bengal
  2. Madras
  3. Madhya Pradesh
  4. Bombay

Answer: 3. Madhya Pradesh

Question 17. ‘Dadan’ means

  1. Advance payment
  2. Abwab
  3. hired labor
  4. money lenders

Answer: 1. Advance payment

Question 18. Sunset Law is related to

  1. Mahalwari system
  2. Ryotwari System
  3. Permanent Settlement
  4. Panchsala System

Answer: 3. Permanent Settlement

Question 19. The farmers were most adversely affected by the revenue policy of the British.

  1. The farmers were forced to pay excess revenue.
  2. The farmers opposed the revenue policy.
  3. The farmers refused to pay the revenue.

Answer: 1. The farmers were forced to pay excess revenue.

Question 20. The use of cotton textiles was banned in India by passing an act.

  1. There was a need to raise the sale of textiles produced as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
  2. The Company wanted to destroy the cotton textile industry of India.
  3. The cotton textiles were not durable.

Answer: 2. The Company wanted to destroy the cotton textile industry of India.

Question 21. In colonial India, the first jute factory was set up at

  1. Rishra
  2. Calcutta
  3. Chennai
  4. Bombay

Answer: 1. Rishra

Question 22. One of the chief items of export was

  1. Sugar
  2. Raw thread
  3. Tea
  4. Indigo

Answer: 2. Raw thread

History Class 8 WBBSE

Question 23. The railway construction began during

  1. William Pitt’s tenure
  2. William Bentinck’s tenure
  3. Dalhousie’s tenure
  4. Cornwallis’s tenure

Answer: 3. Dalhousie’s tenure

Question 24. The Second Anglo-Burmese War happened in

  1. 1851
  2. 1852
  3. 1853
  4. 1854

Answer: 2.1852

Question 25. The outgoing of resources is referred to as

  1. Drain of wealth
  2. Deindustrialization
  3. Bargadari system
  4. Malnutrition

Answer: 1. Drain of wealth

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