WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Topic C Miscellaneous

Chapter 2 Rise Of Reginal Power Topic C Miscellaneous Strike The Odd One Out

Question 1. Jahangir, Aurangzeb, Shah Jahan, Murshid Quli Khan.
Answer: Murshid Quli

Question 2. Cornwallis, Dalhousie, Bentinck, Alivardi Khan.
Answer: Alivardi Khan

Question 3. Murshid Quli Khan, Furrukhsiyar, Alivardi Khan, Siraj ud-daullah.
Answer: Faruksiyar

Question 4. Umichand, Khoja Wajid, Jagat Seth, Sadat Khan.
Answer: Sadat Khan

Question 5. Sadat Khan, Chin Qilich Khan, Mubariz Khan, Asaf Jah.
Answer: Sadat Khan

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Question 6. Suja ud-daullah, Chin Qilich Khan, Sadat Khan, Safdar Jung.
Answer: Chin Khan Qilich

Question 7. Mir Jafar, Mir Qasim, Siraj ud-daullah, Suja ud-daullah.
Answer: Suja daullah

Question 8. Battle of Plassey, Battle of Buxar, Carnatic War, Seven Year’s War.
Answer: Seven Year’s War

Question 9. Treaty of Lahore, Treaty of Salbai, Treaty of Poona, Treaty of Allahabad.
Answer: Treaty

Question 10. Aurangzeb, Tipu Sultan, Ranjit Singh, Siraj ud daullah.
Answer: Aurangzeb

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Topic C Miscellaneous

WBBSE Class 8 Miscellaneous Notes on Regional Powers

Chapter 2 Rise Of Reginal Power Topic C Miscellaneous Match The Columns

History class 8 Rise of regional powers table 1

Answer: A-5,B-1,C-4,D-2,E-3

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Match The Columns table 2

Answer: A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Match The Columns table 3

Answer: A-4,B-1,C-2,D-1

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Match The Columns table 4

Answer: A-3,B-4,C-1,D-2

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Match The Columns table 5

Answer: A-1,B-4,C-2,D-3

Wbbse Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Match The Columns Awith B

Answer: A-2,B-3,C-5,D-1,E-4

Chapter 2 Rise Of Reginal Power Topic C Miscellaneous Fill In The Blanks With The Correct Alternative

Question 1. During Aurangzeb’s Ruls, Murshid Quli Khan Was The ________ of Bengal (Diwan/Faujdar/Nawab).
Answer: Diwan

Question 2. Ahmed Shah Abdali was ________ (Maratha/Afghan/Parsi).
Answer: Afghan

Understanding Regional Powers in India

Question 3. Alinagar treaty was concluded between ________ (Mir Jafar and British Company/Siraj and British Company/Mir Qasim and British Company).
Answer: Siraj and the British Company

Question 4. The Diwani rights of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa were given to the British Company by ________ (Emperor Shah Alam II/EmperorFaruksiyar/Emperor Aurangzeb).
Answer: Emperor Shah Alam II

Question 5. Subsidiary Alliance was willingly accepted by ________ (Tipu Sultan/Sadat Khan/Nizam).
Answer: Nizam

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 2 Topic C Miscellaneous Questions And Answers

Question 1. What was the importance of Faruksi Yar’s firman?
Answer: Importance Of Faruksi Yar’s Firman:-

Faruksiyar’s significance in the history of Bengal as well as India. Through this firman, the British East India Company got data that brought some important changes in the trade of Bengal.

  1. Deterioration of the relationship between the English and the Nawab:
    • The Company officials began to misuse the data for personal interest and this destroyed the relationship between the English and the Nawabs of Bengal.
  2. Legal right to trade:
    • After receiving Faruksiyar’s Firman the English Company got legal recognition for trading in India.
  3. Advantages over other European companies:
    • The British East India Company got much more advantages, power, and prestige than other European and Indian trading companies in commercial competitions by the dastans. So Dr. Sukumar Bhattacharya has referred to Faruksiyar’s Firman as the Great Charter or the Magna Carta of British trade in Bengal

Key Terms Related to Regional Powers Notes

Question 2 When, how, and by whom was Hyderabad established as a regional power?
Answer: Hyderabad Established As A Regional Power:-


  • After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 the central administration of the Mughals became quite slack. Taking advantage of
  • the situation Mir Qamaruddin Khan Siddiqi (Chin Qilich Khan) established an independent kingdom in Hyderabad in 1724.


  • Mir Qamaruddin ceremony- only accepted the Mughal authority and kept the Mughal structure of administration intact. However, he performed all
  • the tasks of administration independently and so Hyderabad came to be established as an independent province under the Mughal rule.

Question 3. What is known as the ‘Plassey Plunder?
Answer: Plassey Plunder:-

  • From their victory in the Battle of Plassey till the middle of the 19th century the British East India Company amassed huge wealth, commodities, and manufactured goods from Bengal and other parts of India and been referred to by historians and critics as smuggled them to England.
  • This incident has Drained of Resources or Drain of Wealth or Economic Drain. This is regarded as plunder because
  • the British did not drain these resources in exchange for gold, silver, or any other goods. Brooke Adams referred to this economic drain as Plunder of Plassey or Plassey plunder or Plassey loot.

Question 4 What is ‘dual government’?
Answer: Dual Government:-

  • After obtaining Diwani in 1765 the East India Company got the economic authority and right to collect revenue in Bengal. On the other hand, the Nawab had to conduct
  • the administration and maintain law and order. So the Company got real power and the Nawab became a titular head. This sort of double government in the same place was called diarchy.
  • By this system, the Company enjoyed power without any responsibilities and the Nawab had no power but was compelled to fulfill the responsibilities.

Important Events in the Rise of Regional Powers

Question 5. What was the job of British residents?
Answer: Job Of British Residents:-


  • The British Company carried on virtual or indirect administration in some regions of the Indian subcontinent.
  • The trading company sent their representatives to the royal court to safeguard their interests. These representatives were called residents.


  • The residents carried on the work of supervision on behalf of the Company authority to adopt aggressive measures. They also tried to lure the Company to occupy these regions which provided commercial opportunities.
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WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 2 Topic C Miscellaneous Write Your Own

Question 1. Do You think it was the incompetence of the Mughals that led to the rise of regional powers? Give reasons for your answers.
Answer: Incompetence Of The Mughals Which Led To The Rise Of Regional Powers:-


  • Aurangzeb’s successors were weak, incapable, ineligible, and inefficient. Quite several regional powers raised their heads due to
  • the inefficiency of rulers like Bahadur Shah, Jahandar Shah, Faruksiyar, Muhammad Shah, and Ahmad Shah.


1. Failure to control administration:

  • The Mughal emperors up to Aurangzeb could maintain a strong hold over the administration. However, the later rulers were weak so their control over
  • the central administration was slack. Several regional powers emerged taking advantage of the situation.

2. Effect of war of succession:

  • The Mughal princes tried to grab the throne forcefully without passing through any criteria of eligibility.
  • The war of succession which ensued after the death of each emperor could not affect the unity and integrity of the empire till the time of Aurangzeb.
  • However, this unity and integrity were adversely affected during the reign of the later Mughals and this helped the regional powers to raise their heads.

Impact of Regional Powers on British Expansion Notes

3. Failure to control the aristocracy:

  • The inefficient Mughal rulers were unable to control the power of the aristocrats. The emperor became a puppet in the hands of the greedy and ambitious elite.
  • They paid more importance to their interests rather than to the interests of the empire.

4. Failure to collect revenue from the provinces:

  • The Mughal emperors failed to collect revenue from the different parts of the empire. The provincial rulers were quite negligent in paying the revenue on time but
  • the emperors could not take any strong action against them. The provincial rulers made use of the weakness of the Mughal emperors and asserted their independence.

Question 2. Between the Battle of Plassey and Buxar which do you think was more important for British expansion? Give reasons for your answer.
Answer: Introduction:

The foundation of British power was laid in India with their victory in the Battle of Plassey. Now the victory in the Battle of Buxar established their authority.

Greater Significance Of Buxar Over Plassey:

1. Decisive Battle:

  • The Battle of Buxar was decisive in India. If the result would have been reversed then the history of India would have been different.

2. Consolidation of colonial rule:

  • The victory in the Battle of Buxar placed the colonial rule on a firm foundation.

3. Authority over Bengal:

  • The victory march of the British in Bengal had begun with the Battle of Plassey but after winning the Battle of Buxar they became an unrestricted power since no ruler was there to resist them.

4. Expansion of British power over North Bengal:

  • After winning the Battle of Buxar the British now paid attention to the expansion of their power over north India.
  • The Nawab of Ayodhya Suja ud-daullah and the Mughal emperor became puppets and dependent upon the grace of the British. Thus the authority of the Company spread all over north India.

Short Notes on Decline of Mughal Authority

5. Beginning of economic exploitation:

  • The Company tried to control the economy of Bengal after the Battle of Plassey. Now, after winning the Battle of Buxar they established complete authority over
  • the trade and economy of Bengal and carried on unrestricted economic exploitation.

Question 3. What role had the private trade of Company officials played in the conflict between Mir Qasim and the British Company? What effect did the dual government have on Bengal?

1. Independent spirit of Mir Qasim:

  • Mir Qasim tried to strengthen the economic and military departments to build up an independent kingdom in India.
  • Again, he shifted his capital from Murshidabad to Munghyr to get rid of the British influence and rule independently. This action created a conflict between him and the English.

2. Economic measures:

  • Mir Qasim imposed some additional taxes on the landlords and also raised the rate of revenue.
  • He suppressed these landlords and officials who were loyal to the British.
  • He punished the officials who appropriated the revenue and also confiscated their property.
  • He forcibly took away the savings of the families of Alivardi Khan and Mir Jafar.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Topic C Mir Qasim

3. Military organization:

  • Mir Qasim attempted to build up a well-trained and well-equipped army. He adopted the European strategy of warfare and also recruited the Afghans, Tartars, Persians, and Armenians of
  • the northwest frontier province in his army. He also set up an arsenal factory in Munghyr with the help of Armenian artisans.
  • The military strategy of Mir Qasim offended the British and a conflict became inevitable.

Practice Questions on Regional Powers and Their Influence

4. Dispute over taxes:

  • The Company officials began to misuse the data for personal trade. This harmed the interest of the native traders and also deprived the Nawab of his due revenue.
  • So Mir Qasim exempted the native traders from taxation which brought him into conflict with the Company.

Question 4 How would you analyze the change in policy from Subsidiary Alliance to the Doctrine of Lapse in the context of the expansion of the Company’s power in India?
Answer: Analyzing The Change In Policy From Subsidiary Alliance To The Doctrine Of Lapse In The Context Of The Expansion Of The Company’s Power In India:-

States accepting the policy:

The states that accepted the Subsidiary Alliance were Tanjore (25th October 1799), Surat (1800), Hyderabad (1800), Karnataka (25th July 1801), Malwa, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Gaikwad, and Bundelkhand.

Moreover, the Nawab of Ayodhya and Peshwa Baji Rao II also accepted it.


1. Native states:

Economic loss:

  • On entering the alliance the native states had to bear the expenses of the British army. This drained the wealth of the native states.
  • Lack of security: Since the responsibility of defending the native states went into the Company’s hands the native armies became useless.

2. The British:

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Emergence as a sovereign power:

The British East India Company became more powerful and resourceful by using this policy and the Company now emerged as a sovereign power.

Expansion of the British Empire:

The British expanded their ins empire by utilizing this policy. They kept annexing the native states one by one and finally formed a large empire in India.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Topic C Lord Dalhousie

3. Extinction of native states:

  • In the Doctrine of Lapse it was said that in the state created by the Company, the adopted heir would not ascend the throne.
  • The kings of the dependent states should seek the permission of the Company before adopting a child. The existence of the native states was now at stake due to such rigid inheritance policies.

4. Expansion of the empire:

  • The Doctrine of Lapse introduced by Lord Dalhousie helped in the expansion of the British empire in India.
  • He used this doctrine to annex Satara (1848), Sambalpur and Jaunpur (1849), Udaipur (1852), Jhansi (1853) Nagpur (1854), and Karnataka (1856) and thus expanded the British empire.

5. Detrimental to native kings and their dynasties:

  • The British not only occupied the native kingdoms but also amassed the properties, wealth, and ornaments of the royal families through this doctrine.
  • Again, many kings were deposed, humiliated, and deprived of their allowances.

Question 5 What was the relationship between Bengal and the Mughal administration during the role of Murshid Quli Khan and Alivardi Khan?

Relationship Between Bengal And The Mughal Administration During The Role Of Murshid Quli Khan And Alivardi Khan:-

Murshid Quli Khan And The Mughals

1. Relationship with the Diwan of Bengal:

  • The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb appointed Muhammad Hadi as the Diwan of Bengal. He was given the title of Murshid Quli Khan for his outstanding achievements as a diwan.
  • He dexterously collected the revenue of Bengal and deposited it in the Mughal treasury.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Topic C Murshid Quli Khan And Alivardi Khan

2. Relationship as the subedar of Bengal:

  • After the death of Aurangzeb, the next emperor Bahadur Shah first transferred Murshid Quli Khan to the Deccan but after two years reappointed him as the diwan of Bengal.
  • Emperor Faruksiyar appointed him as the Nawab Subedar of Bengal in 1713 and the very next year he was also appointed the Subedar of Orissa.
  • Then in 1717, he became the subedar of Bengal. So he held the posts of the Subedar and Diwan of Bengal and the Subedar of Orissa by maintaining a cordial relationship with the Mughal emperor.

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Alivardi Khan And The Mughals:

1. Relationship as a Faujdar:

  • The early name of Alivardi Khan was Mirza Muhammad. He worked under Azam Shah, the son of Aurangzeb. After Azam Shah’s death, he went to Orissa and secured a job under Shuja ud din.
  • When Shuja ud din became the Nawab of Bengal Mirza Muhammad became the Faujdar. He was given the title of Alivardi Khan by Shuja ud Din who was satisfied with his work.

2. Relationship with Naib Nazim:

  • Alivardi Khan became the Naib Najm of Bihar when Bihar
  • was added to Bengal. He suppressed the rebellious zamindars and established law and order.
  • As an assistant administrator, he maintained a cordial relationship with the Mughals and showed much skill in collecting revenue.

WBBSE Solutions For Class 8 History Chapter 2 Rise Of Regional Powers Topic C Alaverdi Khan

Imagine and write

Question 1. Suppose you are a common man during Alivardi Khan’s rule, who faced a ‘Bargi’ attack. Write a conversation between you and your neighbor regarding the ‘barge’ attack.


Oh, Bipin! What news?


  • What can be the news, brother? The Bargis have stripped us of everything. Everything has been destroyed. No food or other necessities are available in the area.
  • None of the places in Bengal including Murshidabad, Nawab Alivardi Khan’s capital, have been able to escape the attack.


  • There has been massive damage to our crops due to this attack. These bandits have let loose all sorts of torture upon the farmers.
  • Even now small balls made of iron and burnt clay can be found on digging in Howrah and Midnapur regions.
  • It is said that the Bargis wounded the farmers and their family members by hurling such balls at them.

Conceptual Questions on Governance in Regional States


It’s not only farmers, Ram. All the weavers of the weaver colony have fled. Now the handloom industry of Bengal will also be destroyed. Even Katwa and Burdwan have become bankrupt.


I’m thinking about how we will be able to survive now. The prices of things are soaring high. Nothing is available in the shops.


It seems as if the Bargis have tucked everybody to sleep by scaring them. People are making rhymes on the Bargis.


Why, even the poet Gangaram has written the Maharastra Purana on them.


I heard that the Bargis are afraid of the cannons of the British and so they have not gone near Kolkata. I think I will move there with my family.

We can’t find peace in Alivardi Khan’s territory anymore.


You are right. These rogues have turned our prosperous Bengal into a graveyard.


Brother, this is one of the most disgraceful chapters in the history of Bengal.

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Question 2. Suppose you are an English Company official. What experience would you have had roaming across Bengal during the famine of ’76? What advice can you give to the Company about helping the people during the famine?


  • The main reason behind the famine is the lack of rainfall. As it did not rain for two successive years all the canals, ponds, and lakes of Bengal dried up.
  • The cereals in the fields have turned into straw. Entire Bengal is enveloped in the silence of the crematorium.
  • The farmers are not interested in cultivation. Most of them have died of hunger while others have turned into beggars. The Zamindar families have also been effaced under the burden of excessive revenue.
  • There are funeral processions on all sides. One-third of the population of rural Bengal has died of epidemics like cholera and smallpox.
  • There are carcasses everywhere and the air is infested with a foul odor. There is no food and people are dying of starvation in large numbers.
  • The tyranny of the Company in extorting revenue has rendered the farmers bankrupt.

Examples of Alliances Among Regional Powers


My suggestions to the Company to provide relief to the famine-stricken people are as follows

  1. The Company should make a self-assessment and do penance by forming an investigation board
  2. Arrangements should be made to send food and medicine to all the affected areas as soon as possible.
  3. Extortion of revenue should be completely stopped and the rate should be kept within the grasp of the people for some successive years.
  4. The dishonest, opportunist, and tyrannical officials should be dismissed from service.
  5. The Company should cooperate with the farmers so that they can start farming again. They should be provided loans, seeds, fertilizers, and other things needed for cultivation.

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