WBBSE Chapter 2 Topic A Rise Of Regional Powers Hyderbad Ayodhya And Bengal And The Battle Of Plassey Short Answer Questions
Question 1. How did the Mughal administrative system face a crisis in the period between the death of Aurangzeb (1707) and the Battle of Plassey (1757)?
Answer: The Mughal Administrative System faced a Crisis In The Period Between The Death Of Aurangzeb (1707) And The Battle Of Plassey (1757):-
- Court conflicts:
- The aristocrats of the Mughal court were divided into three groups-Irani, Turani, and Hindustani. The inner conflict among these groups became quite acute in the period following Aurangzeb’s death.
- The weakness of the later Mughals and the conflicts among the nobles in the court weakened the very foundation of the empire.
- Peasant unrest:
- The immense pressure created upon the farmers due to the agricultural crisis resulted in general unrest. The Jat rebellion and the Satnami revolt took place in 1669 and 1672 respectively. The Sikh farmers also rose in rebellion and these successive revolts brought about the downfall of the Mughal empire.
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Question 2. How did the regional powers emerge toward the end of the Mughal rule?
Answer: Regional Powers Emerge Toward The End Of The Mughal Rule:-
- Internal weakness of the Mughals:
- Many regional powers and semi-independent kingdoms arose taking advantage of the internal conflicts of the Mughals.
- Some such kingdoms were Hyderabad under Nizam-ul-Mulk, Ayodhya under Sadat Khan, and Bengal under Murshid Quli Khan.
- Pretentious loyalty:
- Though the regional and semi-independent kingdoms formally pretended to be loyal to the emperor, their wilful actions encouraged separation.
Question 3. How did Alivardi Khan try to resist the attack of the Marathas?
Answer: Alivardi Khan Try To Resist The Attack Of The Marathas:-
- Resistance:
- The Maratha cavalry attacked Bengal during the reign of Alivardi Khan and carried on plunder in different areas. Alivardi Khan faced them with his army and compelled them to retreat.
- Treaty:
- A treaty was signed between Alivardi Khan and the Marathas in 1751.
- According to this treaty, the Marathas would never attack Bengal and would not cross the border of the subah of Bengal which extended up to the Subarnarekha river near Jaleshwar in Orissa.
- Thus, the Nawab tried to resist the Marathas from attacking Bengal at any cost.
WBBSE Class 8 Idea of History Notes
Question 4. State the relationship between the first three Nawabs of Bengal and the British East India Company.
Answer: The Relationship Between The First Three Nawabs Of Bengal And The British East India Company:-
The relationship between the British and the first three Nawabs i.e., Murshid Quli Khan, Shuja-ud-din, and Alivardi Khan was not cordial.
- Relation with Murshid Quli Khan:
- Murshid Quli Khan prohibited the British East India Company from carrying on free trade and ordered them to pay the same taxes as the other European trading companies.
- Relation with Shuja-ud-din:
- Shuja-ud-din took stringent measures to stop the misuse of dastans by the British East India Company. Again, he also forced them to pay salt tax.
- Relation with Alivardi Khan:
- Alivardi Khan often extorted money from the British East India Company and never provided them any opportunity to participate in the administration or politics of Bengal.
Short Notes on Periodization in History
Question 5. How far was Siraj ud-daullah responsible for the conflict with the English?
Answer: Siraj Ud-Daullah Responsible For The Conflict With The English:-
Some historians have shown in their recent research that Siraj ud Abdallah was also responsible for the conflict with the British to some extent.
- Ambition:
- Siraj was highly ambitious and wanted absolute power. He tried to curb the powers of the aristocrats who were quite powerful and influential during Alivardi’s time.
- So a conspiracy was hatched against him by the aristocrats with the help of the British which culminated in a conflict between the British and the Nawab.
- Extortion of money:
- Siraj forcibly took money from the English as well as other European trading companies. He extorted maximum money from the English Company and also tried to interfere with their trading rights.
- So an inevitable conflict with them resulted.
Question 6. What were the terms of the Treaty of Alinagar?
Answer: Terms Of The Treaty of Alinagar:-
Signing the treaty:
- The Treaty of Alinagar was signed between Nawab Siraj ud- daullah of Bengal and the English on 9th February 1757.
Terms and conditions:
- The Nawab would not interfere in the fort construction by the Company.
- The Nawab would accept the Company’s right to free trade.
- The Nawab would pay compensation for the loss incurred by the Company due to his attack on Kolkata
- The Company would get the right to set up its mint and manufacture its coins
Question 7. What do you mean by Black Hole Tragedy?
Black Hole Tragedy:
- When Siraj ud-daullah occupied Fort William on 20th June 1756 Drek, the Governor of Kolkata, and many English people fled but some of them were caught and imprisoned.
- Hallowell, a British official reported that there were about 146 English people in the fort then. Siraj stuffed all of them in an eighteen-foot-long and fourteen-foot-ten-inch wide room for the entire night.
- 123 of them died due to intense heat and suffocation. Hollowell referred to this incident as the Black Hole Tragedy.
Practice Questions on Historical Evidence
Question 8. What is meant by ‘Dastak’?
- Dastak was the permission to carry on tax-free trade. The Mughal emperor Farruksiyar gave the British East India Company the right to use data by issuing a firman in 1717.
- The British could carry on free trade in Bengal by using this data. However, the misuse of the data brought the British and the Nawab into conflict with each other.
WBBSE Chapter 2 Topic A Rise Of Regional Powers Hyderbad Ayodhya And Bengal And The Battle Of Plassey State Whether The Following Statements Are True Or False
Question 1. The treaty of Alinagar was signed between Siraj ud-daullah and the English East India Company.
Answer: True
Question 2. Mohanlal was the general of Siraj ud Abdallah.
Answer: False
Question 3. The Battle of Bidara took place between the Dutch and the English.
Answer: True
Question 4. Dastak implies the right to tax-free trade.
Answer: True
Question 5. The Battle of Plassey took place on 23rd June 1757.
Answer: True
Question 6. Narayan Das was the personal emissary of Nawab Siraj ud Abdallah.
Answer: True
Question 7. Muzaffar Jung was the grandson of Nizam ul Mulk.
Answer: True
Question 8. Nasir Jung was the son of Nizam ul mulk.
Answer: True
Question 9. Suja ud daullah was the Nawab of Ayodhya or Oudh.
Answer: False
Question 10. The first independent Nawab of Bengal was Murshid Quli Khan.
Answer: True
Question 11. Nizam-ul-Mulk was the founder of the independent kingdom of Hyderabad.
Answer: True
WBBSE Chapter 2 Topic A Rise Of Regional Powers Hyderbad Ayodhya And Bengal And The Battle Of Plassey Fill In The Blanks
Question 1. The English East India Company received Faruksiyar’s Firman in ________ (1717/1719 /1721).
Answer: 1717
Question 2. The independent kingdom of Hyderabad was established by ________(Qaramuddin Shah/Chin Qilich Khan / Mubariz Khan).
Answer: Chin Qilich Khan
Question 3.________(Verelst / Robert Clive / Canning) was the first Governor of Bengal.
Answer: Robert Clive
Question 4. The independent kingdom of Bengal was founded by ________ (Murshid Quli Khan /Alivardi Khan/Shuja ud din Khan).
Answer: Murshid Quli Khan
Question 5. The Katara Masjid was built by ________ (Murshid Quli Khan / Alivardi Khan / Shuja-ud-din Khan) in Murshidabad.
Answer: Murshid Quli Khan
Question 6. ________ (Umichand / Manikchand / Fateh chand) got the title of Jagat Seth from the Mughal emperor.
Answer: Fateh Chand
Question 7.________ (Drek / Clive / Wellesley) was the British Governor when Siraj attacked Kolkata.
Answer: Drek
Question 8. The Persian invasion of India was led by ________ (Ahmad Shah Abdali / Nadir Shah /Timur Lung).
Answer: Nadir Shah
Question 9. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb died in ________ (1707/1710/1714)
Answer: 1707
Class 8 History Solution WBBSE
WBBSE Chapter 2 Very Short Answer Questions
Question 1. Who got the power to rule Bengal after Murshid Quli?
Answer: Alivardi Khan got the power to rule Bengal after Murshid Quli.
Question 2. Who had the economic control of Suba Bengal during the reign of Murshid Quli?
Answer: During the reign of Murshid Quli, the royal treasury and mint of Suba Bengal were under the indirect control of Jagat Seth.
Question 3. Why Murshid Quli could not defy the Faruksiyar’s Farman?
Answer: Though Murshid Quli ruled independently in Bengal, he had remained within the fold of the Mughal Empire, and for this, he could not defy the Faruksiyar’s Farman.
Question 4. What is the former name of Dhaka?
Answer: Jahangirnagar is the former name of Dhaka.
Question 5. Who was Khoja Wajid?
Answer: Khoja Wajid was an Armenian merchant of Suba Bengal in the 18th century.
Conceptual Questions on the Role of Historians
Question 6. How much money did Alivardi Khan demand from the British Company during the Maratha Attack of 1744?
Answer: During the Maratha Attack of 1744, Alivardi Khan demanded 30 lakh rupees from the British Company.
Question 7. Who got the title ‘Jagan Seth’ from the Mughal Emperor?
Answer: Fatehchand got the title ‘Jagat Seth’ from the Mughal Emperor.
Question 8. When did Alivardi Khan die?
Answer: Alivardi Khan died in 1756.
Question 9. Through which treaty the English Company got back its trading rights?
Answer: The English Company got back its trading rights through the Alinagar treaty.
Question 10. Who was Chin Qulich Khan?
Answer: One of the powerful aristocrats in the Mughal Court and founder of the Hyderabad Kingdom was Mir Qamar Ud-din Khan Siddiqi, whom emperor Aurangzeb gave the title of Chin Qilich Khan.