Chapter 9 Topic B Great Lakes Region And Canadian Shield Region Multiple Choice Questions Choose The Correct Option
Question 1. The average elevation of the Great Lakes region is about-
- 150m
- 180m
- 200m
- 250m
Answer: 2. 180m
Question 2. The main river of the Great Lakes region is the-
- Mississippi
- Colorado
- St. Lawrence
- McKenzie
Answer: 3. St. Lawrence
Question 3. The Churchill River empties into the-
- Atlantic Ocean
- Labrador Sea
- Hudson Bay
- Lake Winnipeg
Answer: 1. Atlantic Ocean
Question 4. In summer, the average temperature that prevails in the Great Lakes region is about-
- 10°C
- 23°C
- 16°C
- 32°C
Answer: 3. 16°C
WBBSE Class 8 Great Lakes MCQs
Question 5. The largest steel factory in the Great Lakes region is in the city of-
- Buffalo
- Gary
- Chicago
- Milwaukee
Answer: 2. Gary
Question 6. The biggest centre of the iron and steel industry in North America is-
- Chicago-Gary
- Cleveland
- Duluth
- Toledo
Answer: 1. Chicago-Gary
Question 7. The main centre of the flour milling industry in the USA is the city of-
- Montreal
- Gary
- Buffalo
- Toronto
Answer: 3. Buffalo
Question 8. The ‘rubber capital of the world is-
- Buffalo
- Chicago
- Akron
- Detroit
Answer: 3. Akron
Question 9. Wisconsin is known as the-
- Breadbasket of the world
- Dairy capital
- Rubber Capital
- Granary of the world
Answer: 2. Dairy capital
Question 10. The city known as the ‘slaughter house of the world’ is-
- Buffalo
- Chicago
- Akron
- Thunder Bay
Answer: 2. Chicago
Class 8 Geography Chapter 9 Multiple Choice Questions
Question 11. One of the significant ports in the Midwest USA handling large tonnage is
- Duluth
- Cleveland
- Gary
- Buffalo
Answer: 1. Duluth
Question 12. The city near Lake Erie is-
- Milwaukee
- Chicago
- Duluth
- Toledo
Answer: 4. Toledo
Question 13. The total number of shields on the earth’s surface is-
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
Answer: 2. 11
Question 14. The Canadian Shield region is a-
- Mountainous region
- Hill
- Plateau
- Plainland
Answer: 3. Plateau
Question 15. Canadian Shield was formed by the erosion of-
- River
- Wind
- Glacier
- Wave
Answer: 3. Glacier
Question 16. The largest lake in the Canadian Shield area is-
- Great Bear
- Winnipeg
- Great Slave
- Athabasca
Answer: 1. Great Bear
WBBSE Class 8 Geography Practice Questions on North America
Question 17. Most of the rivers that flow through the Canadian Shield are–
- North flowing
- West flowing
- South flowing
- East flowing
Answer: 1. North flowing
Question 18. The largest mining city in Canada is–
- Sudbury
- Quebec
- Thunder Bay
- Thompson
Answer: 1. Sudbury
Question 19. The capital of Canada is–
- Vancouver
- Detroit
- Ottawa
- Montreal
Answer: 3. Ottawa