WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 9 India Today Notes

WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 9 India Today Introduction

All sovereign nations have a government. Now the people of the nation decide who will rule the nation. The word ‘sarkar’ originates from the Persian language. In the medieval age, the word ‘sarkar’ meant both ruler and rule.

  • The method of selecting the ruler by the people is called ‘democracy’. The people themselves decide the system of governance. Thus it is called Democracy.
  • Even today, some countries like England and Japan still have Monarchies. But those countries have a democratic government too.
  • Every country has certain rules for administration. These rules are called the Constitution. Most of countries have written constitutions. But in some other countries, conventional rules are followed.
  • India has a written constitution. It is the largest written constitution in the world. The chief architect of our constitution is B. R. Ambedkar.
  • The Indian constitution was adopted on 26 November 1949. The Indian constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950. Every year 26 January is celebrated as Republic Day.

WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 9 India Today Notes

  • In India, the election occurs after every five years. The election is commonly known as ‘vote’. By voting, the people elect their government for five years.
  • India has one Union government. Again, each state has its own government called State government. The Union government is selected by the people of the nation. The State government is selected by the people of a particular state.
  • The Government of India is democratic because the people select their own government and also federal because there are both Union and State governments.
  • The role of the government is to rule the nation. To take measures for welfare of the people, collect tax, and to maintain sovereignty of the nation-all these functions of a nation are guided by the constitution.
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There are three branches of the government for functioning-Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The people of India not only elect the ruler but also take part in governance. This active participation in the rule of the government is called Self-governance.

In West Bengal, there are two types of Self- governance-Municipality for cities or towns, and Gram Panchayat for rural areas. A cluster of villages forms a Block. Again, a cluster of Blocks forms a District. The local people elect their representatives every five years-whether it is a Municipality or Gram Panchayat.


WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 9 India Today

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