WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 9 India Today Multiple Choice Questions

WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 9 India Today Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Democracy is the most popular system of administration.

  1. The citizens can choose their leaders from among themselves.
  2. The people can lead their lives happily.
  3. Certain advantages are obtained in the judicial system.

Answer: 1. The citizens can choose their leaders from among themselves.

Question 2. The Indian Constitution is the largest written Constitution in the world.

  1. It contains written rules alongwith many maps and figures.
  2. So many articles, clauses, and sub-clauses are not found in the Constitution of any other country.
  3. It includes all rules and regulations of the world.

Answer: 2. So many articles, clauses, and sub-clauses are not found in the Constitution of any other country.

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Question 3. Every year, 26th of January is observed as Republic Day in India.

  1. The Constitution of India came into force on and from 26 January 1950.
  2. India got independence on 26th January 1947.
  3. On 26 January 1942, Gandhiji gave the call for the Quit India Movement.

Answer: 1. The Constitution of India came into force on and from 26 January 1950.

Question 4. Indian administration is federal.

  1. The citizens get the scope to select their own leaders.
  2. This administrative system includes both the Central and State governments.
  3. This system comprises of either the Central or the State Governments.

Answer: 2. This administrative system includes both the Central and State governments.

WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 9 India Today Multiple Choice Questions

Question 5. In India, local self-government exists.

  1. The citizens participate in the administration and rule themselves.
  2. Citizens get the right to rule, and subjugate others.
  3. The citizens come together and indirectly build up the administrative structure.

Answer: 1. The citizens participate in the administration and rule themselves.

Question 6. ‘Demas’ means

  1. Rule
  2. Govern
  3. Nation
  4. People

Answer: 4. People

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Question 7. An ideal example of a Unitary Government is

  1. India
  2. Australia
  3. England
  4. Germany

Answer: 3. England

Question 8. The State government is selected by the people of

  1. State
  2. Block
  3. Country
  4. Zilla

Answer: 1. State

Question 9. Small towns are governed by

  1. Gram Panchayat
  2. Panchayat Samity
  3. Zilla Parishad
  4. Municipalities

Answer: 4. Municipalities

Question 10. The members of the Municipalities are called

  1. Sarkars
  2. Councillors
  3. Ministers
  4. Secretariats

Answer: 2. Councillors

Question 11. Indian administration is

  1. Monarchial
  2. Dictatorial
  3. Colonial
  4. Federal

Answer: 4. Federal

Question 12. Elections are held in India after every

  1. 3 years
  2. 5 years
  3. 7years
  4. 10 years

Answer: 2. 5 years

Question 13. Panchayat system is divided into

  1. Two layers
  2. Three layers
  3. Four layers
  4. Five layers

Answer: 2. Three layers

Question 14. An aggregate of many Blocks is called

  1. Village
  2. Zilla
  3. State
  4. Country

Answer: 2. Zilla

Question 15. The administrative head of the Zilla Parishad is

  1. Panchayat Pradhan
  2. Sabhapati
  3. Secretariat
  4. Sabhadhipati

Answer: 3. Sabhadhipati

Question 16. The word ‘sarkar’ had come from

  1. Hindi
  2. Urdu
  3. Persian
  4. Arabic

Answer: 3. Persian

Question 17. Indian administration is

  1. Monarchical
  2. Dictatorship
  3. Democratic
  4. Neither of this three

Answer: 3. Democratic

Question 18. Indian constitution came into force in

  1. 1950
  2. 1947
  3. 1951
  4. 1946

Answer: 1. 1950

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