WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 8 The Crisis Of The Mughal Empire Notes

WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 8 The Crisis Of The Mughal Empire Introduction

During the reign of Aurangzeb, the Mughal Empire expanded further. Conflict arose among the nobility regarding the control of Mansabs. From Aurangzeb’s time, the Marathas, Jats, Satnamis, and Sikhs challenged the Mughals.

The rise of the Marathas against the central administration of Delhi under the leadership of Shivaji was a revolutionary movement.

At first, Shivaji united the Marathas. Patriotism arose among the Marathas under the astute leadership of Shivaji. Shivaji introduced a well-organized sovereign rule.

For efficient running of administration, Shivaji set up a council of eight ministers or Ashta pradhana. They gave him administrative advice when required.

They were

  1. Peshwa (Prime Minister)
  2. Wakianavis (Interior Minister)
  3. Amatya (Finance Minister)
  4. Dabir/Sumanta (Foreign Minister)
  5. Sachiva/Sarnavis (Secretary)
  6. Panditrao (In-charge of religious affairs)
  7. Nyayadhish (Head of the judiciary) and
  8. Senapati/Sar-i-Naubat (Commander-in-chief).

During the reign of Emperor Jahangir and Emperor Shah Jahan, the Mughals had engaged in conflict with the Sikhs. As a result of this conflict, the power of the Mughals decreased and the Sikhs emerged as a sovereign power.

Guru Govind Singh started an organization called ‘Khalsa’ to provide security to the Sikhs. He told them to keep five things always with them, having the initial letter ‘K’ (Kesh, Kangha, Kachha, Kripan, Kara).

WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 8 The Crisis Of The Mughal Empire Notes

The Sikhs who were the followers of Khalsa, adopted the surname ‘Singh’. The Sikh religion talks about equality.

  • During the reign of Mughal emperors Jahangir and Shah Jahan, the Mughals had a conflict with the Jats of the Delhi-Agra region. During Aurangzeb’s reign, the Jats rose in a unified rebellion to establish a separate state.
  • A group of peasants called Satnami took up arms against the Mughal Empire at the Narnaul region near Mathura. Besides, the Pathans of the North-west frontier also revolted against the Mughals.
  • Since the reign of Shah Jahan, problems started in the Jagirdari and Mansabdari systems. During the reign of Aurangzeb, this problem escalated, and thus the basis of the Mughal Empire became weak.
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Gradually, there was a rise in population dependent on agriculture. But there was no rise in crop production and as a result, there was an agrarian crisis. The increased price of essential commodities and increased revenue led the peasants to revolt.

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