WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Multiple Choice Questions

WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The Mughals used the title ‘Badshah’.

  1. They indicated that their reign did not depend on anyone else’s recognition.
  2. They thought that the title ‘Badshah’ was very much honorable.
  3. The title of their ancestor Timurlane was ‘Bad shah’.

Answer: 1. They indicated that their reign did not depend on anyone else’s recognition.

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Question 2. The year 1526 is highly significant in the political history of India.

  1. The first Battle of Panipat was fought in the year 1526.
  2. Babur used the Rumi war tactics in 1526.
  3. The Mughal Empire in India I was established through the first Battle of Panipat.

Answer: 3. The Mughal Empire in India I was established through the first Battle of Panipat.

Question 3. Rana Pratap Singh destroyed the crops of the entire region up to Chittor.

  1. Peasants stopped giving revenue to Rana Pratap.
  2. To ensure that the Mughal soldiers did not get food during their attack on Chittor.
  3. The peasants of that region helped the Mughals.

Answer: 2. To ensure that the Mughal soldiers did not get food during their attack on Chittor.

WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 5 The Mughal Empire Multiple Choice Questions

Question 4. The Mughals wanted to conquer the north-western frontier provinces like Kabul, Kashmir, Kandahar, Sind and Baluchistan.

  1. The Mughals wanted to preach Islam in this region.
  2. This region was highly flourishing.
  3. Most of the foreign invasions took place along this route.

Answer: 3. Most foreign invasions occurred along this route.

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WBBSE Solutions For Class 7 Geography WBBSE Class 7 History Multiple Choice Questions
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Question 5. Who ruled India during the 16th century?

  1. Khiljis
  2. Mughals
  3. Tughlaqs
  4. The British

Answer: 2. Mughals

Question 6. The first Battle of Panipat was fought in

  1. 1526 AD
  2. 1576 AD
  3. 1556 AD
  4. 1761 AD

Answer: 1. 1526 AD

Question 7. Babur fought against the Afghans in the battle of

  1. Panipat
  2. Gharghara
  3. Khanua
  4. Haldighat

Answer: 2. Gharghara

Question 8. Sher Shah was succeeded by

  1. Babur
  2. Akbar
  3. Humayun
  4. Shah Jahan

Answer: 3. Humayun

Question 9. Dag and Hulia were introduced by

  1. Shah Jahan
  2. Timur
  3. Genghis Khan
  4. Sher Shah

Answer: 4. Sher Shah

Question 10. Birbal was known as

  1. Rana Sanga
  2. Mahesh Das
  3. Todermal
  4. Bishen Singh

Answer: 2. Mahesh Das

Question 11. Nur Jahan was the wife of

  1. Adil Shah
  2. Shah Jahan
  3. Nadir Shah
  4. Jahangir

Answer: 4. Jahangir

Question 12. Akbar was succeeded by

  1. Babur
  2. Jahangir
  3. Sher Shah
  4. Aurangzeb

Answer: 2. Jahangir

Question 13. The most prominent of the Baro-Bhuyans was

  1. Rana Sanga
  2. Sher Shah
  3. Uday Singh
  4. Pratapaditya

Answer: 4. Pratapaditya

Question 14. The Mughals lost control over Kandahar during

  1. Babur
  2. Sher Shah
  3. Jahangir
  4. Shah Jahan

Answer: 4. Shah Jahan

Question 15. Babur could hardly devote his time to governance.

  1. Babur had ancestral and familial relations with his military nobility.
  2. Military campaigns had taken up most of Babur’s reign.
  3. Bairam Khan used to take care of governance.

Answer: 2. Military campaigns had taken up most of Babur’s reign.

Question 16. Akbar built a good relationship with the Rajputs.

  1. Mughals got help from the Rajputs.
  2. Rajputs used to take part in games with the Mughals.
  3.  Rajputs used to take part in horse races.

Answer: 1. Mughals got help from the Rajputs.

Question 17. Dahsala system was called the ‘Todarmal system’.

  1. Todarmal assisted Akbar in running this system.
  2. The entire credit of introducing this system was of Todarmal.
  3. Akbar named the Dahsala system after Todarmal as he respected Todarmal.

Answer: 1. Todarmal assisted Akbar in running this system.

Question 18. An efficient administrative system was introduced by

  1. Babur
  2. Humayun
  3. Jahangir
  4. Akbar

Answer: 4. Akbar

Question 19. One of the nine gems of the Mughal court was

  1. Jaysingha
  2. Rana Pratap
  3. Shaista Khan
  4. Birbal

Answer: 4. Birbal

Question 20. ‘Akbarnama’ was composed by

  1. Abdul Hamid Lahori
  2. Abul Fazl
  3. Badauni
  4. Todarmal

Answer:2. Abul Fazl

Question 21. Akbar followed the administrative structure of

  1. Sher Shah
  2. Babur
  3. Timur
  4. Humayun

Answer: 1. Sher Shah

Question 22. ‘Deccan ulcer’ was the creation of

  1. Babur
  2. Jahangir
  3. Akbar
  4. Aurangzeb

Answer: 4. Aurangzeb

Question 23. Mansabdars were paid by

  1. Salary through jagir
  2. Daily wages
  3. Military assignment
  4. Gifts

Answer: 1. Salary through jagir

Question 24. Akbar was

  1. Illiterate
  2. Saint
  3. Learned
  4. Poet

Answer: 1. Illiterate

Question 25. Aurangzeb came after

  1. Bahadur Shah
  2. Farukshiyar
  3. Ahmad Shah
  4. Shah Jahan

Answer: 4. Shah Jahan

Question 26. Aurangzeb intended to check the rise of

  1. Marathas
  2. Rajputs
  3. Afghans
  4. Bengalees

Answer: 1. Marathas

Question 27. Aurangzeb died in

  1. 1707
  2. 1717
  3. 1658
  4. 1582

Answer: 1. 1707

Question 28. The Mughals were proud of their Timuride heritage.

  1. Timur established Mughal rule in India.
  2. Timur once attacked Northern India and occupied Delhi.
  3. Timur was a Safavid ruler.

Answer: 2. Timur once attacked Northern India and occupied Delhi.

Question 29. Once Humayun had to leave India.

  1. He was defeated by his brothers.
  2. He was defeated by Sher Khan.
  3. He was defeated by Rana Sanga.

Answer: 2. He was defeated by Sher Khan.

Question 30. Mahesh Das came to be known as Birbal.

  1. He was very strong.
  2. He was very intelligent.
  3. He was valiant against the Mughals.

Answer: 2. He was very intelligent.

Question 31. The maritime commerce of Bengal developed during the reign of Aurangzeb.

  1. He defeated the Portuguese pirates.
  2. He defeated Shivaji.
  3. He exempted tax on Bengal trade.

Answer: 3. He exempted tax on Bengal trade.

Question 32. The system of measurement of land for assessment during the time of Akbar was called Zabti.

  1. Zabat means the fixation of the market price of crops.
  2. Zabat means only the Emperor could collect tax.
  3.  Zabat means calculations of land revenue.

Answer: 3. Zabat means calculations of land revenue.

Question 33. The greatest ruler of the Mughals

  1. Babur
  2. Akbar
  3. Humayun
  4. Jahangir

Answer: 2. Akbar

Question 34. ‘Akbarnama’ was composed by

  1. Badauni
  2. Jahangir
  3. Abul Fazl
  4. Faizi

Answer: 3. Abul Fazl

Question 35. The Mansabdari system was introduced by

  1. Man Singh
  2. Todarmal
  3. Sher Shah
  4. Akbar

Answer: 4. Akbar

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