WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 1 The Idea Of History Introduction
It is difficult to remember the names of kings and viziers, dates and years of wars in history. But it is important to remember all these to know .when and between whom the incidents, happened.
Ancient elements help us to know about the past. We get to know about people of different periods from old houses, temples, mosques, statues, coins, paintings, books, and scripts. So these are the sources of history.
The sources of history are divided into various categories, like inscriptions, coins, architecture sculpture, and written materials. Much information is obtained from the writings on stone or metal plaques.
WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 1 Notes
These are called inscriptions. Inscriptions on copper plates are called copper inscriptions and inscriptions on stone plaques are called stone inscriptions.
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In the textbook, Indian history of almost one thousand years is depicted. The vast changes that occurred in India from the 7th century AD to the threshold of the 18th century AD, are recorded in this book.
Historians use the term ‘age’ to refer to a long period of time. In general, history is divided into three ages—Ancient, Medieval, and Modern.
The ages of history do not change overnight. Say for instance, the time of the afternoon. It is neither morning nor evening. Likewise, there was a long period of time in the history of a time when the Ancient age was waning gradually and the Medieval age had not begun totally. This period is known as Early Medieval.
The name India was known as ‘Hindus’, ‘Hindustan’, and ‘Indus’ at different times.
Nowadays, the style of writing history has been changed a lot. Significant changes are observed in lifestyle, culture, governance, economy, war, business, and religious aspects. An initiative has been taken to portray the life of common people in historical discussions of all these affairs.
Aesthetics And Creative Expression
You have learned about the Indus Valley Civilisation in class VI. Literary works are always the 1 important source of historical information. But the Indus scripts have not yet been deciphered.
So we have to depend on the archaeological source to have complete knowledge about this Indus Valley Civilisation. Now draw a chart showing the different aspects to Indus Valley Civilisation, discovered by archaeologists.
The chart will inculcate a sense of creativity and will help the students to develop further knowledge about the civilization.