WBBSE Class 7 Geography Chapter 7 Water Pollution Multiple Choice Questions

WBBSE Chapter 7 Water Pollution Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Of the total water on the Earth’s surface, about 97% is-

  1. River water
  2. Tubewell water
  3. Ocean water

Answer: 3. Ocean water

Question 2. Of the total water of the Earth’s surface, the percentage of fresh water is-

  1. 3%
  2. 15%
  3. 90%

Answer: 1. 3%

Question 3. The percentage of the Earth’s surface covered with water is-

  1. 43
  2. 71
  3. 13

Answer: 2. 71

Read And Learn Also WBBSE Class 7 Geography Multiple Choice Questions 

Question 4. The percentage of fresh water in rivers and lakes is-

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 5

Answer: 1. 1

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Chapter 7 Water Pollution Multiple Choice Questions

Question 5. _______contributes the most to water pollution.

  1. Thermal power plants
  2. Leather industry
  3. Paper industry

Answer: 1. Thermal power plants

Question 6. Which of the following industry is a major contributor to water pollution?

  1. Cotton textile
  2. Electronics
  3. Paper and leather

Answer: 3. Paper and leather

Question 7. In developed countries, water pollution is mainly caused by-

  1. Acid rain
  2. Basic rain
  3. Excreta of humans and domestic animals

Answer: 1. Acid rain

Question 8. In developing countries, water pollution is mainly caused by waste products of-

  1. Humans and animals
  2. Industrial by-products and wastes
  3. Atomic power stations

Answer: 2. Industrial by-products and wastes

Question 9. The metal which causes maximum water pollution is-

  1. Lead and mercury
  2. Iron and copper
  3. Sodium

Answer: 1. Lead and mercury

Question 10. What is grown to control chemical pollution in water?

  1. Water hyacinth
  2. Algae
  3. Lotus

Answer: 1. Water hyacinth

Question 11. Oil spills cause water pollution, mainly by –

  1. Forming a layer of oil on the water surface
  2. Helping in the transfer of atmospheric oxygen to the water
  3. Changing the chemical nature of water

Answer: 1. Forming a layer of oil on the water surface

Question 12. Eutrophication leads to an increase in the amount of-

  1. Algae
  2. Moss in water
  3. Mushroom

Answer: 1. Algae

Question 13. In the waterbody, eutrophication is caused as a response to the-

  1. Increased nutrient levels
  2. Increased oxygen level
  3. Decreased oxygen demand

Answer: 2. Increased oxygen level

Question 14. Arsenic is a type of-

  1. Water Pollutant
  2. Air Pollutant
  3. Land Pollutant

Answer: 1. Water Pollutant

Question 15. Amoebiasis is a waterborne disease caused by-

  1. Protozoa
  2. Bacteria
  3. Virus

Answer: 1. Protozoa

Question 16. Black patches are seen on the soles of the feet of humans as an effect of-

  1. Mercury
  2. Arsenic
  3. Cadmium

Answer: 2. Arsenic

Question 17. A waterborne disease caused by bacteria is-

  1. Cholera
  2. Hepatitis A
  3. Tuberculosis

Answer: 1. Cholera

Question 18. A protozoan called Entamoeba Histolytica causes-

  1. Hepatitis A
  2. Amoebiasis
  3. Typhoid

Answer: 2. Amoebiasis

Question 19. Itai-Itai or Ouch Ouch disease is caused by-

  1. Mercury
  2. Arsenic Poisoning
  3. Cadmium

Answer: 3. Cadmium

Question 20. The effect of arsenic is observed in which district of West Bengal?

  1. Birbhum
  2. Nadia
  3. Jalpaiguri

Answer: 2. Nadia

Question 21. Hepatitis A is a disease that is borne by-

  1. Air
  2. Water
  3. Soil

Answer: 2. Water

Question 22. Fluoride is a type of-

  1. Useless Gas
  2. Useful Gas
  3. Harmful Salt

Answer: 3. Harmful Salt

Question 23. The enamel of teeth becomes pitted, rough, and hard to clean due to-

  1. Chlorosis
  2. Arsenicosis
  3. Fluorosis

Answer: 3. Fluorosis

Question 24. _______ is highly affected by arsenic contamination in water.

  1. United Kingdom
  2. India
  3. Iran

Answer: 2. India

Question 25. The bacteria that causes _______ looks like the punctuation mark ‘comma’.

  1. Typhoid
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Cholera

Answer: 3. Cholera

Question 26. Softening of bones is caused in humans as an effect of-

  1. Minamata
  2. Itai-Itai
  3. Blackfoot

Answer: 2. Itai-Itai

Question 27. When we boil water, the level of arsenic content-

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains the same

Answer: 2. Decreases

Question 28. Drinking boiled water is-

  1. Safe
  2. Harmful
  3. Unnecessary

Answer: 1. Safe

Question 29. Cholera is a disease borne by-

  1. Air
  2. Soil
  3. Water

Answer: 3. Water

Question 30. The skin disease caused due to the effect of arsenic poisoning is-

  1. Silicosis
  2. Melanosis
  3. Dyslexia

Answer: 2. Melanosis

Question 31. A disease caused by mercury poisoning is-

  1. Minamata
  2. Cholera
  3. Itai-Itai

Answer: 1. Minamata

Question 32. A waterborne disease caused by virus is-

  1. Polio
  2. Typhoid
  3. Amoebiasis

Answer: 1. Polio

Question 33. A waterborne disease caused by bacteria is-

  1. Typhoid
  2. Polio
  3. Amoebiasis

Answer: 1. Typhoid

Question 34. Excessive use of nitrate in agriculture causes-

  1. Jaundice
  2. Dysentery
  3. Cancer

Answer: 3. Cancer

Question 35. An increase in level of BOD indicates-

  1. Higher levels of water pollution
  2. The lower level of water pollution
  3. Higher levels of air pollution

Answer: 1. Higher level of water pollution

Question 36. BOD is a measure of the amount of _______ needed by microorganisms for the oxidation of organic matter.

  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Oxygen
  3. Hydrogen

Answer: 2. Oxygen

Question 37. Which of the following are arsenic-tolerant plants?

  1. Banana and papaya
  2. Bean and tomato
  3. Paddy and wheat

Answer: 2. Bean and tomato

Question 38. The type of paddy in which arsenic level is high is-

  1. Aus
  2. Aman
  3. Boro

Answer: 3. Boro

Question 39. During the Gulf War which waterbody was polluted?

  1. Bay of Bengal
  2. Mexican Gulf
  3. Persian Gulf

Answer: 3. Persian Gulf

Question 40. Thermal pollution mainly changes the-

  1. Chemical properties of water
  2. Ecosystem composition of water
  3. Number of organisms in the water

Answer: 2. Ecosystem composition of water

Question 41. After the establishment of Haldia Petrochemicals, number of Hilsa fish has conspicuously decreased at the mouth of-

  1. Ajay river
  2. Teesta river
  3. Haldi river

Answer: 3. Haldi River

Question 42. The states of India which are highly affected by arsenic poisoning are-

  1. West Bengal, Bihar
  2. Uttar Pradesh, Haryana
  3. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu

Answer: 1. West Bengal, Bihar

Question 43. The pH value of pure water is-

  1. 7
  2. 3
  3. 9

Answer: 1. 7

Question 44. A pesticide used to kill birds and rodents is-

  1. Atropine
  2. Strychnine
  3. Morphine

Answer: 2. Strychnine

Question 45. According to WHO, the number of children die every year due to waterborne diseases are-

  1. 30 million
  2. 40 million
  3. 50 million

Answer: 1. 30 million

Question 46. A person in the USA uses more than ________ liters of water daily.

  1. 50
  2. 70
  3. 80

Answer: 1. 50

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