WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 9 India and the Contemporary World
River Valley Civilisations:
Civilizations which flourished on the banks of rivers are called river valley civilizations. Three river valley civilizations of the ancient world are the Mesopotamian civilization, the Egyptian civilization, and the Chinese civilization.
River Valley Civilisations Hamurabi:
Hammurabi was the king of Babylon. He was famous because he was the first to introduce written laws.
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River Valley Civilisations Polis:
In Greece, a number of small states known as city-states emerged. These city-states were known as Polis. Two famous Polis were Athens and Sparta.
River Valley Civilisations Menander:
Menander was the most famous of the Indo-Greek Kings of 4th century BC. Ancient Gandhara and Kandahar regions were under his control. Menander adopted Buddhism under the influence of Nagasena, the Buddhist monk.
River Valley Civilisations Kshatrapas:
The satraps were appointed as provincial rulers by the rulers of the Achaemenid dynasty. Later on, the satrap system was continued by the Shaka and Kushana rulers. During their times the Satraps came to be known as Kshatrapas.
River Valley Civilisations The Hunas:
The Hunas attacked the Indian subcontinent around 458 AD. They possibly entered the subcontinent through the northwest. Tormana and Mihirkula were two powerful Huna leaders.
River Valley Civilisations Silk route:
From the sixth century BC, there was a commercial relationship between the Indian subcontinent and the outside world through land routes. Silk was the main item of commerce.
Two routes met at Kashgarh. From there, the silk traveled via a number of roads and reached the eastern Mediterranean region.
River Valley Civilisations Tamralipta:
Tamralipta was an important port city of ancient India. This sea port functioned till the 7th-8th centuries AD. It was also an important center of education. This was possibly in present-day East Midnapore. around Tamluk.
River Valley Civilisations Yavanikaa:
The custom of dropping the curtain in a play is known as Yavanikaa. The Greeks first introduced the custom of dropping Yavanikaa or curtain in a play.
River Valley Civilisations Gandhara Art:
Gandhara art evolved around Buddhism. New kinds of Cuddha images were done by Gandhara artists. The features were an aquiline nose, half-closed eyes, and long-drawn eyebrows.
The shoes worn by figures of the Buddha resembled Roman sandals. There was a Graeco-Roman influence on Gandhara art.
Travel Routes of Faxian and Xuanzang in the Indian subcontinent
History Class 6 Chapter 9 WBBSE
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