WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 9 India and the Contemporary World MCQs

WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 9 India and the Contemporary World Multiple Choice Question And Answers

Question 1. There was a demand of goods from India and China in the

  1. Roman Empire
  2. Persian empire
  3. Chinese empire
  4. Greek Empire

Answer: 1. Roman empire

Question 2. Some parts of the silk route was once under the control of the

  1. Syrians
  2. Greeks
  3. Parthians
  4. Egyptians

Answer: 3. Parthians

Question 3. Nahapana was a ruler of the

  1. Syrians
  2. Shakas
  3. Bactrians
  4. Pahlavas

Answer: 2. Shakas

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Question 4. Ports of the western coast had trade relationships with

  1. Egypt
  2. Greece
  3. Persia
  4. Rome

Answer: 4. Rome

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Question 5. Tamluk is at present in

  1. West Midnapore
  2. Tamralipta
  3. East Midnapore
  4. East Bardhaman

Answer: 3. East Midnapore

WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 9 India and the Contemporary World MCQs

Question 6. The Arabic language prevailed in the regions under the control of

  1. Persian
  2. Greeks
  3. Syrians
  4. Roman

Answer: 1. Persian

Question 7. A well-known port city of ancient India was

  1. Tamralipta
  2. Gandhara
  3. Persepolis
  4. Kanauj

Answer: 1. Tamralipta

Question 8. The Junagarh Prashasti tells us about

  1. Ashoka
  2. Harshavardhan
  3. Rudradaman
  4. Moga

Answer: 3. Rudradaman

Question 9. The Saka rulers introduced a number of currencies which were made of

  1. Copper
  2. Bronze
  3. Gold
  4. Silver

Answer: 2. Bronze

Question 10. The tactics of turning around and shooting an arrow while sitting on the back of a galloping horse was introduced by the

  1. Parthians
  2. Shakas
  3. Pahlavas
  4. Mauryas

Answer: 4. Mauryas

Real-Life Scenarios Involving Economic Policies in India

Question 11. The Kushanas worshipped

  1. Buddha
  2. Apollo
  3. Mahavira
  4. Saraswati

Answer: 1. Buddha

Question 12. The Kushana coins bear images of different gods and goddesses of

  1. Scythians
  2. Parthians
  3. Greeks
  4. Pahlanas

Answer: 3. Greeks

Question 13. The Buddhist religion was practiced and taught in

  1. Persia
  2. Kashmir
  3. Tamralipta
  4. Rome

Answer: 2. Kashmir

Question 14. A famous Kashmiri Buddhist scholar was

  1. Buddhayasha
  2. Nahapana
  3. Paramartha
  4. Ashoka

Answer: 1. Buddhayasha

Question 15. The Indo-Greek king Minander is known as Milind in the

  1. Jain literature
  2. Sangam literature
  3. Buddhist literature
  4. Vedic literature

Answer: 3. Buddhist literature

Question 16. A well-known port city of ancient India was

  1. Tamralipta
  2. Persepolis
  3. Gandhara
  4. Kanauj

Answer: 1. Tamralipta

class 6 WBBSE History Question Answer

Question 17. A famous book on astrology was

  1. Si-Yu-Ki
  2. Meghdutam
  3. Yavanajataka
  4. Silappadikaram

Answer: 2. Meghdutam

Question 18. Cyrus was the emperor of

  1. Greece
  2. Persia
  3. Athens
  4. Egypt

Answer: 2. Persia

Question 19. The term Hindush was derived from

  1. Hindu
  2. River Indus
  3. Hindukush
  4. River Ganga

Answer: 2. River Indus

Question 20. Alexander invaded India during the reign of

  1. Ashoka
  2. Menander
  3. Darius I
  4. Darius III

Answer: 4. Darius III

Question 21. Ambhi, king of Taxila cooperated with

  1. Darius I
  2. Alexander
  3. Nagasena
  4. Seleucus

Answer: 2. Alexander

Question 22. Many territories were conquered by the Greek kings during the rule of

  1. Seleucus
  2. Ambhi
  3. Pushyamitra Shunga
  4. Menander

Answer: 3. Pushyamitra Shunga

Question 23. At the end of the 4th century, BC Bactria was under the control of

  1. Seleucus
  2. Milinda
  3. Alexander
  4. Pushyamitra Shunga

Answer: 1. Seleucus

Question 24. In the Indian subcontinent, the Scythians were known as

  1. Shakas
  2. Kushanas
  3. Pahlavas
  4. Maurya

Answer: 1. Shakas

Question 25. In the Indian subcontinent, the Parthians were known as

  1. Pahlavas
  2. Indo-Iranians
  3. Kshatrapas
  4. Hunas

Answer: 1. Pahlavas

Question 27. Gondophernes conquered a part of Gandhara by defeating the

  1. Kushanas
  2. Greeks
  3. Pahlavas
  4. Shakas

Answer: 4. Shakas

Question 28. During the reign of Gondophernes, the Indian subcontinent was visited by

  1. Hawkins
  2. Al-Beruni
  3. St. Thomas
  4. Megasthenes

Answer: 3. St. Thomas

Question 29. The court of Chandragupta Maurya was visited by

  1. Fa-Hien
  2. Hieun-Tsang
  3. Megasthenes
  4. St. Thomas

Answer: 3. Megasthenes

Question 30. The envoy of Seleucus to the Mauryan court was

  1. Damascus
  2. Fa-hien
  3. Megasthenes
  4. Dionysius

Answer: 1. Diamachus

Question 31. The Hunas attacked the Indian subcontinent around

  1. 457 AD
  2. 456 AD
  3. 458 AD
  4. 485 AD

Answer: 3. 458 AD

Question 32. The Huna invasion was resisted by the Gupta emperor

  1. Samudragupta
  2. Kumargupta
  3. Skandagupta
  4. Bindusara

Answer: 3. Skandagupta

Question 33. Cultural diversity grew up in the Indian subcontinent.

  1. Separate cultures had grown up in different parts of the Indian subcontinent.
  2. The atmosphere of different languages and religions prevailed in the Indian subcontinent.
  3. A cultural contact developed in the Indian subcontinent through the intermingling of various races and tribes.

Answer: 3. A cultural contact developed in the Indian subcontinent through the intermingling of various races and tribes.

Question 34. Many Persian artists were compelled to come over to the Indian sub-continent.

  1. Artists were not respected in the Persian empire.
  2. Alexander destroyed the city of Persepolis in the Persian empire.
  3. The Persian emperors did not patronize the artists.

Answer: 2. Alexander destroyed the city of Persepolis in the Persian empire.

Question 35. Xuanzang came to India from China.
1. To wander about different parts of India.
2. To write about the administrative system of Harshavardhana.
3. To learn more about Buddhism.

Answer: 3. To learn more about Buddhism.

Question 36. The Word ‘Mesopotamia’ means the land between two rivers.

  1. The region between the river Tigris and river Euphrates is called Mesopotamia.
  2. Mesopotamia consisted of two rivers-Tigris and Euphrates.
  3. Mesopotamia was made up of the two valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.

Answer: 1. The region between the river Tigris and river Euphrates is called Mesopotamia.

Question 37. The foreign political powers invaded and established their domination over the subcontinent through the north- western passes.

  1. The distance between north-western passes and western and central Asia was less.
  2. There was a connection between the north-western passes and western and central Asia.
  3. The north-western passes were easily accessible.

Answer: 2. There was a connection between the north-western passes and western and central Asia.

Question 38. North-west India and northwestern part of the subcontinent were linked to the Persian empire.

  1. The Persians came and settled down in this part.
  2. The inhabitants of this part of the subcontinent claimed to be included in the Persian empire.
  3. These regions were conquered by the Persian emperor Darius.

Answer: 3. These regions were conquered by the Persian emperor Darius.

Question 39. The Achaemenid empire finally collapsed.

  1. The Persian ruler Darius III was defeated by Alexander.
  2. Severe revolts started in the Persian empire.
  3. Foreign invasions took place in the Persian empire successively.

Answer: 1. The Persian ruler Darius III was defeated by Alexander.

Question 40. The expansion of Magadha’s power was facilitated by Alexander’s invasion of India.

  1. The small political powers were completely destroyed during this invasion.
  2. Alexander carried on his campaign over the subcontinent with Magadha’s help.
  3. Alexander’s army helped in the expansion of the Magadhan empire.

Answer: 1. The small political powers were completely destroyed during this invasion.

Question 41. Menander ruled over Bactria.

  1. Menander had built up a settlement for his subjects in Bactria.
  2. The Bactrian region was under the rule of Menander.
  3. The Bactrians wanted Menander to administer them.

Answer: 2. The Bactrian region was under the rule of Menander.

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