WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India
Gurukul system of education:
The vedic system of education was based on the relationship between the disciple and the guru. The students stayed in the guru’s house and received an education. The guru had to take responsibility of the food and accommodation of the students and they had to perform various duties for him.
Some Buddhist monasteries where students from within India and outside the country used to come to study were known as Mahavihara. These were patronised by the kings. Some famous Mahaviharas were in Nalanda, Taxila, Vikramashila, etc.
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The Puranas:
The Puranas form an important part of ancient Indian literature. Some of the Puranas were composed before the 5th or 4th century BC. The others were written between the 2nd and 7th century AD. The Puranas are eighteen in number.
Important Definitions Related to Ancient Education Systems
The Ramayana:
The Ramayana is one of the two great epics of India. It was composed by Valmiki in Pali between the 3rd and 2nd century BC. The main story centers around the war between Rama and Ravana.
The Mahabharata:
The Mahabharata is one of the two great epics of India. It was composed by Vyasa in Sanskrit. The main story is based on the conflict between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. It was compiled between the 4th century BC and the 4th century AD.
Sangam literature:
The Sangam literature was composed between 1st century AD and 4th century AD in South India. It is divided into nine anthologies. The collection of Sangam poems offers a good example of the development of Tamil language.
Aryabhatta was a great mathematician and astronomer of the Gupta period. He raised the status of mathematics to the level of an independent discipline.
In his work ‘Aryabhatiya’ he introduced the concept of zero which led to the emergence of the decimal system. He also propounded the theories of the rotation of the earth, its spherical shape, and the cause of the lunar eclipses. He has also discussed about the stars and planets.
Varahamihira was also a famous astronomer who introduced many new concepts. In his works ‘Suryasidhhanta’ and ‘Panchasidhantika’ he had discussed the connection between clouds, winds and, amount of rainfall, and the symptoms of an earthquake.
Environmental concerns:
The main areas of environmental concern were forests, plants, birds, and animals. The rulers were very keen about forests because different types of natural resources were available from the forests.
People who damaged the forests were punished. People also made efforts to store water and build tanks and irrigation canals.
Stupas were semi-circular earthen mounds which contained the cremated remains of dead persons. They had railings and four gateway called ‘torona’. Stupas of Barhut, Sanchi, and Amaravati are famous.
WBBSE Class 6 Education in Ancient India Notes
Chaityas were cave shrines made by directly cutting into the sides of rocks. They do not contain gateways or toronas. Chaityas of Nasik, Pitalkhara, and Karle are famous.
The ruins of Chandra- ketugarh have been discovered at present Berachampa in North 24 Parganas of West Bengal. This place, which was connected to the Ganga via Vidyadhari river, was a famous commercial center and a prosperous town.
It is also known for its terracotta images. Many archaeological remains from pre- Mauryan age till the Pala-Sena age have been found there.