WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Multiple Choice Question And Answers
Question 1. Vedic education was based on the relationship between the disciple and
- Father
- Monastery
- Guru
- Monk
Answer: 3. Guru
Question 2. The Buddhists received education in Buddhist
- Viharas
- Schools
- Ashramas
- Palaces
Answer: 1. viharas
Question 3. From around the 4th century, the Vaishyas and the Shudras studied
- Astrology
- Currency
- Trade And Commerce
- Physiology
Answer: 3. Trade and commerce
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Question 4. Educators attached with Vedic education were known as
- Sanyasi
- Guru
- Upadhyay
- Sikshak
Answer: 3. Upadhyay
Question 5. The religion which became popular in Taxila was
- Jainism
- Buddhism
- Hinduism
- Charvaka
Answer: 2. Buddhism
Question 6. The Mogolmari Buddhist vihara is in the district of
- West Midnapore
- West Dinajpur
- Behrampore
- Malda
Answer: 1. West Midnapore
Question 7. Panini’s Ashtadhyayi was a book on
- Magic
- Mathematics
- Grammar
- Astronomy
Answer: 3. Grammar
Question 8. Jayakavya was later renamed as
- Ramayana
- Mahabharata
- Manimekhalai
- Mudrarakshasa
Answer: 2. Mahabharata
Question 9. Charaka-Samhita was a famous book on
- Astronomy
- Drama
- Medical Science
- Animal Husbandry
Answer: 3. Medical Science
Question 10. The number of Puranas are
- 16
- 18
- 19
- 23
Answer: 2. 18
Question 11. Natyashastra was written by
- Bharata
- Patanjali
- Panini
- Ashwaghosa
Answer: 1. Bharata
Question 12. The script which was mostly used by Ashoka in the Rock Edicts was
- Brahmi
- Devanagri
- Kharoshthi
- Aramaic
Answer: 1. Brahmi
Question 13. The extremely significant period in the literary history of ancient India was between
- 300-650 AD
- 200-650 AD
- 300-550 AD
- 500-570 AD
Answer: 1. 300-650 AD
Question 14. A famous literary personality of the Gupta period was
- Haal
- Bharavi
- Souti
- Charaka
Answer: 2. Bharavi
Question 15. Kambana added many new episodes in his
- Ramayana
- Mahabharata
- Shilappadikaralm
- Manimekhalai
Answer: 1. Ramayana
Question 16. The language of Panchatantra is
- Sanskrit
- Prakrit
- Pali
- Magadhi
Answer: 1. Sanskrit
Question 17. Meghadutam was composed by
- Panini
- Harshavardhana
- Kalidasa
- Charudatta
Answer: 3. Kalidasa
Question 18. The play Priyadarshika was composed by
- Vasantasena
- Kalidasa
- Harshavardhana
- Panini
Answer: 3. Harshavardhana
Question 19. Dashakumar Charita, a famous Sanskrit prose was composed by
- Harshavardhana
- Bharavi
- Kalidasa
- Dandi
Answer: 4. Dandi
Question 20. Devichandraguptam was composed by
- Kalidasa
- Vishakhadutta
- Haal
- Vasa
Answer: 2. Vishakhadutta
Question 21. According to the Buddhists, Charaka belonged to the age of
- Ashoka
- Kanishka I
- Bimbisara
- Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: 2. Kanishka I
Question 22. Aryabhatta showed that a lunar eclipse occurred when the shadow of earth fell on
- Sun
- Moon
- Star
- Meteor
Answer: 2. Moon
Question 23. Most of the architecture was built for the purpose of
- Religion
- Scientific Discourse
- Education
- Living
Answer: 1. Religion
Question 24. The connection between clouds, winds, and the amount of rainfall was discussed by
- Brahmagupta
- Varahamihira
- Nagarjuna
- Kalidasa
Answer: 2. Varahamihira
Question 25. Warning signals of an earthquake was mentioned in the works of
- Varahamihira
- Kanishka I
- Charaka
- Aryabhatta
Answer: 1. Varahamihira
Question 26. The Sanchi stupa was built during the reign of
- Ashoka
- Haal
- Kanishka
- Samudragupta
Answer: 1. Ashoka
Question 27. The themes of most of the sculptures of the Shunga-Kushana period were related to
- Jainism
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
- War
Answer: 3. Buddhism
Question 28. The Chaitya in Pitalkhara was built in the age of the
- Kushanas
- Mauryas
- Satavahanas
- Shungas
Answer: 3. Satavahanas
Question 29. The rock-cut temple was built during the rule of the
- Pallavas
- Mauryas
- Kushanas
- Guptas
Answer: 1. Pallavas
Question 30. The rock-cut Ajanta caves are the most remarkable specimens of the art of the
- Satavahanas
- Pallavas
- Guptas
- Mauryas
Answer: 3. Guptas
Question 31. Besides Ajanta, a number of paintings have been found in
- Nasik
- Karle
- Ellora
- Mahe
Answer: 3. Ellora
Question 32. ‘Ratnavali’ was composed by
- Chandragupta Maurya
- Harshavardhana
- Samudragupta
- Banabhatta
Answer: 2. Harshavardhana
Question 33. Kambana added many episodes in his
- Ramayana
- Shilappadikaram
- Mahabharata
- Manimekhalai
Answer: 1. Ramayana
Question 34. A chariot-like temple was built during the Pallava period at
- Ajanta
- Ellora
- Mahabalipuram
- Puri
Answer: 3. Mahabalipuram
Question 35. There were conflicts between theology and medical science at different times during this period.
- The principles of theology became more popular than medical science.
- Several theories of theology were completely contradictory to those of medical science.
- Medical scientists began to campaign against theology.
Answer: 2. Several theories of theology were completely contradictory to those of medical science.
Question 36. Agriculture was discussed under the purview of science in ancient India.
- Science and technology were applied in sphere of agriculture.
- Agricultural activities underwent rapid expansion in ancient India.
- Agriculture was the main occupation of most of the people in ancient Indian society.
Answer: 3. Agriculture was the main occupation of most of the people in ancient Indian society.
Question 37. Craftsmanship gradually became dissociated from science.
- The work of the artisans have been undermined in theology.
- The spheres of craftwork and science were completely different.
- Craftsmanship and science had different objectives.
Answer: 1. The work of the artisans have been undermined in theology.
Question 38. There was Greek influence on Gandhara art.
- The Greeks dominated the Gandhara region.
- The rulers influenced the Greek art.
- Interaction of Greek and Buddhist cultures flourished in the area of Gandhara.
Answer: 3. Interaction of Greek and Buddhist culture flourished in the area of Gandhara.
Question 39. Different kinds of languages developed in different parts of ancient India.
- The regional accents gradually began to mingle in the existing language.
- Different sects began to settle down in different places.
- People began to adopt other languages instead of their native language in different regions of ancient India.
Answer: 1. The regional accents gradually began to mingle in the existing language.
Question 40. The social prestige of the Vaishyas increased since the 6th century BC.
- The agricultural output increased manifold since the 6th century.
- The influence of the Vaishyas began to increase in trade and commerce in the 6th century.
- The Vaishyas began to participate in the administration directly.
Answer: 2. The influence of the Vaishyas began to increase in trade and commerce in the 6th century.
Question 41. The importance of Sanskrit gradually increased in the royal court.
- The popularity of Sanskrit increased among the kings.
- Sanskrit came to be used as an official language for administrative work.
- The use of Sanskrit in literature increased.
Answer: 3. The use of Sanskrit in literature increased.
Question 42. We do not get much information about the life of the common people from the writings of the Gupta and post-Gupta age.
- The writers of this period belonged to the upper classes in society.
- There was nothing much to write about the common people.
- The writers of this period were not interested in the affairs of the common people.
Answer: 1. The writers of this period belonged to the upper classes in society.
Question 43. Long poems were composed in Tamil as in Sanskrit in 6th century AD.
- The influence of the Aryans can be clearly noticed in Tamil regions during this time.
- Both Sanskrit and Tamil languages were equally popular in the Tamil-speaking regions.
- The style of pronunciation was same in both Tamil and Sanskrit.
Answer: 1. The influence of the Aryans can be clearly noticed in Tamil regions during this time.