WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India MCQs

WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India Multiple Choice Question And Answers

Question 1. Vedic education was based on the relationship between the disciple and

  1. Father
  2. Monastery
  3. Guru
  4. Monk

Answer: 3. Guru

Question 2. The Buddhists received education in Buddhist

  1. Viharas
  2. Schools
  3. Ashramas
  4. Palaces

Answer: 1. viharas

Question 3. From around the 4th century, the Vaishyas and the Shudras studied

  1. Astrology
  2. Currency
  3. Trade And Commerce
  4. Physiology

Answer: 3. Trade and commerce

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Question 4. Educators attached with Vedic education were known as

  1. Sanyasi
  2. Guru
  3. Upadhyay
  4. Sikshak

Answer: 3. Upadhyay

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Question 5. The religion which became popular in Taxila was

  1. Jainism
  2. Buddhism
  3. Hinduism
  4. Charvaka

Answer: 2. Buddhism

WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 8 Aspects Of Culture In Ancient India MCQs

Question 6. The Mogolmari Buddhist vihara is in the district of

  1. West Midnapore
  2. West Dinajpur
  3. Behrampore
  4. Malda

Answer: 1. West Midnapore

Question 7. Panini’s Ashtadhyayi was a book on

  1. Magic
  2. Mathematics
  3. Grammar
  4. Astronomy

Answer: 3. Grammar

Question 8. Jayakavya was later renamed as

  1. Ramayana
  2. Mahabharata
  3. Manimekhalai
  4. Mudrarakshasa

Answer: 2. Mahabharata

Question 9. Charaka-Samhita was a famous book on

  1. Astronomy
  2. Drama
  3. Medical Science
  4. Animal Husbandry

Answer: 3. Medical Science

Question 10. The number of Puranas are

  1. 16
  2. 18
  3. 19
  4. 23

Answer: 2. 18

Question 11. Natyashastra was written by

  1. Bharata
  2. Patanjali
  3. Panini
  4. Ashwaghosa

Answer: 1. Bharata

Question 12. The script which was mostly used by Ashoka in the Rock Edicts was

  1. Brahmi
  2. Devanagri
  3. Kharoshthi
  4. Aramaic

Answer: 1. Brahmi

Question 13. The extremely significant period in the literary history of ancient India was between

  1. 300-650 AD
  2. 200-650 AD
  3. 300-550 AD
  4. 500-570 AD

Answer: 1. 300-650 AD

Question 14. A famous literary personality of the Gupta period was

  1. Haal
  2. Bharavi
  3. Souti
  4. Charaka

Answer: 2. Bharavi

Question 15. Kambana added many new episodes in his

  1. Ramayana
  2. Mahabharata
  3. Shilappadikaralm
  4. Manimekhalai

Answer: 1. Ramayana

Question 16. The language of Panchatantra is

  1. Sanskrit
  2. Prakrit
  3. Pali
  4. Magadhi

Answer: 1. Sanskrit

Question 17. Meghadutam was composed by

  1. Panini
  2. Harshavardhana
  3. Kalidasa
  4. Charudatta

Answer: 3. Kalidasa

Question 18. The play Priyadarshika was composed by

  1. Vasantasena
  2. Kalidasa
  3. Harshavardhana
  4. Panini

Answer: 3. Harshavardhana

Question 19. Dashakumar Charita, a famous Sanskrit prose was composed by

  1. Harshavardhana
  2. Bharavi
  3. Kalidasa
  4. Dandi

Answer: 4. Dandi

Question 20. Devichandraguptam was composed by

  1. Kalidasa
  2. Vishakhadutta
  3. Haal
  4. Vasa

Answer: 2. Vishakhadutta

Question 21. According to the Buddhists, Charaka belonged to the age of

  1. Ashoka
  2. Kanishka I
  3. Bimbisara
  4. Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: 2. Kanishka I

Question 22. Aryabhatta showed that a lunar eclipse occurred when the shadow of earth fell on

  1. Sun
  2. Moon
  3. Star
  4. Meteor

Answer: 2. Moon

Question 23. Most of the architecture was built for the purpose of

  1. Religion
  2. Scientific Discourse
  3. Education
  4. Living

Answer: 1. Religion

Question 24. The connection between clouds, winds, and the amount of rainfall was discussed by

  1. Brahmagupta
  2. Varahamihira
  3. Nagarjuna
  4. Kalidasa

Answer: 2. Varahamihira

Question 25. Warning signals of an earthquake was mentioned in the works of

  1. Varahamihira
  2. Kanishka I
  3. Charaka
  4. Aryabhatta

Answer: 1. Varahamihira

Question 26. The Sanchi stupa was built during the reign of

  1. Ashoka
  2. Haal
  3. Kanishka
  4. Samudragupta

Answer: 1. Ashoka

Question 27. The themes of most of the sculptures of the Shunga-Kushana period were related to

  1. Jainism
  2. Hinduism
  3. Buddhism
  4. War

Answer: 3. Buddhism

Question 28. The Chaitya in Pitalkhara was built in the age of the

  1. Kushanas
  2. Mauryas
  3. Satavahanas
  4. Shungas

Answer: 3. Satavahanas

Question 29. The rock-cut temple was built during the rule of the

  1. Pallavas
  2. Mauryas
  3. Kushanas
  4. Guptas

Answer: 1. Pallavas

Question 30. The rock-cut Ajanta caves are the most remarkable specimens of the art of the

  1. Satavahanas
  2. Pallavas
  3. Guptas
  4. Mauryas

Answer: 3. Guptas

Question 31. Besides Ajanta, a number of paintings have been found in

  1. Nasik
  2. Karle
  3. Ellora
  4. Mahe

Answer: 3. Ellora

Question 32. ‘Ratnavali’ was composed by

  1. Chandragupta Maurya
  2. Harshavardhana
  3. Samudragupta
  4. Banabhatta

Answer: 2. Harshavardhana

Question 33. Kambana added many episodes in his

  1. Ramayana
  2. Shilappadikaram
  3. Mahabharata
  4. Manimekhalai

Answer: 1. Ramayana

Question 34. A chariot-like temple was built during the Pallava period at

  1. Ajanta
  2. Ellora
  3. Mahabalipuram
  4. Puri

Answer: 3. Mahabalipuram

Question 35. There were conflicts between theology and medical science at different times during this period.

  1. The principles of theology became more popular than medical science.
  2. Several theories of theology were completely contradictory to those of medical science.
  3. Medical scientists began to campaign against theology.

Answer: 2. Several theories of theology were completely contradictory to those of medical science.

Question 36. Agriculture was discussed under the purview of science in ancient India.

  1. Science and technology were applied in sphere of agriculture.
  2. Agricultural activities underwent rapid expansion in ancient India.
  3. Agriculture was the main occupation of most of the people in ancient Indian society.

Answer: 3. Agriculture was the main occupation of most of the people in ancient Indian society.

Question 37. Craftsmanship gradually became dissociated from science.

  1. The work of the artisans have been undermined in theology.
  2. The spheres of craftwork and science were completely different.
  3. Craftsmanship and science had different objectives.

Answer: 1. The work of the artisans have been undermined in theology.

Question 38. There was Greek influence on Gandhara art.

  1. The Greeks dominated the Gandhara region.
  2. The rulers influenced the Greek art.
  3. Interaction of Greek and Buddhist cultures flourished in the area of Gandhara.

Answer: 3. Interaction of Greek and Buddhist culture flourished in the area of Gandhara.

Question 39. Different kinds of languages developed in different parts of ancient India.

  1. The regional accents gradually began to mingle in the existing language.
  2. Different sects began to settle down in different places.
  3. People began to adopt other languages instead of their native language in different regions of ancient India.

Answer: 1. The regional accents gradually began to mingle in the existing language.

Question 40. The social prestige of the Vaishyas increased since the 6th century BC.

  1. The agricultural output increased manifold since the 6th century.
  2. The influence of the Vaishyas began to increase in trade and commerce in the 6th century.
  3. The Vaishyas began to participate in the administration directly.

Answer: 2. The influence of the Vaishyas began to increase in trade and commerce in the 6th century.

Question 41. The importance of Sanskrit gradually increased in the royal court.

  1. The popularity of Sanskrit increased among the kings.
  2. Sanskrit came to be used as an official language for administrative work.
  3. The use of Sanskrit in literature increased.

Answer: 3. The use of Sanskrit in literature increased.

Question 42. We do not get much information about the life of the common people from the writings of the Gupta and post-Gupta age.

  1. The writers of this period belonged to the upper classes in society.
  2. There was nothing much to write about the common people.
  3. The writers of this period were not interested in the affairs of the common people.

Answer: 1. The writers of this period belonged to the upper classes in society.

Question 43. Long poems were composed in Tamil as in Sanskrit in 6th century AD.

  1. The influence of the Aryans can be clearly noticed in Tamil regions during this time.
  2. Both Sanskrit and Tamil languages were equally popular in the Tamil-speaking regions.
  3. The style of pronunciation was same in both Tamil and Sanskrit.

Answer: 1. The influence of the Aryans can be clearly noticed in Tamil regions during this time.

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