WBBSE For Class 6 History Chapter 6 Imperial Expansion And Administration
When many kingdoms merge together to form a vast territorial unit, it is known as an empire. It is the home to a large population and is controlled by a single ruler.
Alexander was the ruler of Macedonia in Greece. He crossed the Hindukush mountain and entered in to India. He defeated Elder Porus. He stayed in India for three years. While returning home in 325 B.C. he died in Babylon.
Magadha was the most powerful of all the mahajanapadas. Three monarchical dynasties ruled in Magadha one after another. The first empire in India grew up around Magadha under the Mauryan dynasty.
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Chandragupta Maurya:
After defeating and killing the Nanda king Dhanananda, Chandragupta founded the Mauryan dynasty in Magadha. The first empire in the Indian subcontinent was the Mauryan empire founded by Chandragupta Maurya.
Emperor Ashoka:
Ashoka was the greatest of the Mauryan emperors. The battle of Kalinga was a turning point in his life. The horrors of the war touched the heart of Ashoka and he adopted Buddhism.
He tried to unite all his subjects through his religious policy which was called Dhamma.
Important Definitions Related to the Mauryan Empire
Yueh-Chi was the most prominent tribe of all the nomadic tribes which came to India from central Asia. Ku ei Shuang was a branch of the Yueh-Chi tribe.
This Ku ei Shuang tribe in history is known as the Kushanas. The greatest of the Kushana king was Kanishka I.
Gautamiputra Satakarni:
Gautamiputra Satakarni was the greatest of the Satavahana rulers. He restored the lost glory of the Satavahanas by defeating the Shakas. The whole of Deccan from the west coast to the east coast was under his control.
During the reign of Samudragupta, the Gupta empire extended from the Rarh region to the upper Gangetic valley. He defeated twelve kings of southern India but returned their kingdom. We come to know about him from the Allahabad Pillar Inscription.
The Vakatakas:
When Gupta’s rule began in north India, the Vakatakas emerged as a considerable power in the Deccan. The Vakatakas ruled over a large area of Deccan and western India. Rudrasena II was an important ruler of the Vakataka dynasty.
Harshavardhana was the ruler of the Pushyabhuti dynasty. He ascended the throne in 606 AD. He conquered Magadha and extended his empire. He launched many military campaigns in north India. He was called Sakalottarpathanatha (Lord of all the paths of north India).
Prepare a chart on Kautilya’s Arthashastra
Kautilya’s Arthashastra
- Arthashastra is an important book about the administrative system of ancient India.
- Probably Arthashastra was not composed only by Kautilya.
- There are detailed discussions about every aspect of the king’s duty
- Kautilya was the author of Arthashastra.
- In Arthashastra monarchical rule has been mentioned.
- An important source for the study of the Mauryan period is Arthashastra.
The chart above or similar other charts will create interest in the mind of the learner and their creativity will develop.
Prepare a chart on Kautilya’s Arthashastra
Kautilya’s Arthashastra
- Arthashastra is an important book about the administrative system of ancient India.
- Probably Arthashastra was not composed only by Kautilya.
- There are detailed discussions about every aspect of the king’s duty
- Kautilya was the author of Arthashastra.
- In Arthashastra monarchical rule has been mentioned.
- An important source for the study of the Mauryan period is Arthashastra.
The chart above or similar other charts will create interest in the mind of the learner and their creativity will develop.