WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 6 Imperial Expansion And Administration MCQs

WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 6 Imperial Expansion And Administration Multiple Cholice Questions

Question 1. The Sarnath Pillar is placed on a platform that looks like an inverted

  1. Rose
  2. Orchid
  3. Lotus
  4. Magnolia

Answer: 3. Lotus

Question 2. The Sarnath Pillar was selected as the national emblem on

  1. 15 August 1947
  2. 16 August 1948
  3. 26 January 1950
  4. 5 July 1946

Answer: 3. 26 January 1950

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Question 3. King Porus ruled over the area between

  1. Ganga and Yamuna rivers
  2. Krishna and Kaveri rivers
  3. Jhelum and Chenab rivers
  4. Indus and Sutlej river

Answer: 3. Jhelum and Chenab rivers

Question 4. Alexander returned with his army approximately around

  1. 324 BC
  2. 330 BC
  3. 325 BC
  4. 328 BC

Answer: 3. 325 BC

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Question 5. The dynasty which ruled over Magadha at the time of Alexander’s invasion was

  1. Nanda
  2. Gupta
  3. Maurya
  4. Haryanka

Answer: 1. Nanda

WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 6 Imperial Expansion And Administration MCQs

Question 6. The credit of building the Mauryan empire goes to

  1. Dhanananda
  2. Ashoka
  3. Chandragupta Maurya
  4. Chanakya

Answer: 3. Chandragupta Maurya

Question 7. Chandragupta took the help of Chanakya and wages war against

  1. Dhanananda
  2. Ashoka
  3. Bindusara
  4. Ajatshatru

Answer: 1. Dhanananda

Question 8. In his work, Indica Megasthenes has given an account of the reign of

  1. Ashoka
  2. Bindusara
  3. Dhanananda
  4. Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: 4. Chandragupta Maurya

Question 9. The entire Arthashastra was compiled around

  1. 2nd or 3rd century
  2. 1st or 2nd century
  3. 3rd or 4th century
  4. 5th or 6th century

Answer: 2. 1st or 2nd century

Question 10. A daily routine which all kings should follow was prescribed by

  1. Megasthenes
  2. Kautilya
  3. Upagupta
  4. Gautama Buddha

Answer: 2. Kautilya

Question 11. The emperor who declared himself to be Magadharaj was

  1. Ashoka
  2. Chandragupta Maurya
  3. Dhanananda
  4. Ajatshatru

Answer: 1. Ashoka

Question 12. The emperor who fought the Kalinga war was

  1. Dhanananda
  2. Ashoka
  3. Alexander
  4. Elden poress

Answer: 2. Ashoka

Question 13. Many similarities can be noticed between Dhamma propagated by Ashoka and the and waged war against main tenets of

  1. Buddhism
  2. Jainism
  3. Islam
  4. Brahmanism

Answer: 1. Buddhism

Question 14. The king of kings was known as

  1. Rajadhiraj
  2. Empress
  3. Emperor
  4. Devanampiya

Answer: 1. Rajadhiraj

Question 15. The royal officials of the Mauryan empire were known as

  1. Priyadarshi
  2. Amatyas
  3. Mantri
  4. Senapati

Answer: 2. Amatyas

Question 16. In the Mauryan administrative structure district administration was known as

  1. Bali
  2. Bhaga
  3. Aahar
  4. Ur

Answer: 3. Aahar

Question 17. The remains of a Pali script of the Mauryan period has been discovered in

  1. Magadha
  2. Mahasthan
  3. Kalinga
  4. Bagor

Answer: 2. Mahasthan

Question 18. Pushyamitra Shunga emerged as the new king by replacing Brihadratha around

  1. 186 BC
  2. 187 BC
  3. 188 BC
  4. 189 BC

Answer: 2. 187 BC

Question 19. Who ruled Magadha after the Mauryas?

  1. Shungas
  2. Kushanas
  3. Kanvas
  4. Guptas

Answer: 1. Shungas

Question 20. The rule of the Kanvas came to an end around

  1. 2nd century BC
  2. 1st century BC
  3. 3rd century BC
  4. 4th century BC

Answer: 2. 1st century BC

Question 21. The author of Periplus referred to the kingdom of Gangaridai as

  1. Deganga
  2. Gange
  3. Gangadesha
  4. Gangetic

Answer: 3. Gangadesha

Question 22. Both Magadha and Gangaridai used the two ports of

  1. Tamralipta and Deganga
  2. Tamluk and Kalinga
  3. Tamralipta and Gange
  4. Kalinga and Deganga

Answer: 3. Tamralipta and Gange

Question 23. A branch of the Yueh-Chi tribe was Kuei Shuang who are known in the history of India as the

  1. Kushanas
  2. Kanvas
  3. Pahlavas
  4. Pallavas

Answer: Kushanas

Question 24. Kashmir and Kabul were under the control of

  1. Vima Kadphises
  2. Kanishka I
  3. Kujala Kadphises
  4. Vashishka

Answer: 3. Kujala Kadphises

Question 25. The dynasty which ruled Kalinga after the fall of the Mauryas was

  1. Vakataka
  2. Kanva
  3. Chedi
  4. Shunga

Answer: 3. Chedi

Question 26. The Chedis lost their power around

  1. 1st century AD
  2. 3rd century AD
  3. 2nd century AD
  4. 4th century AD

Answer: 3. 2nd century AD

Question 27. The Satavahana rule started over the Deccan and South India after the

  1. Mauryas
  2. Shakas
  3. Kanvas
  4. Guptas

Answer: 1. Mauryas

Question 28. The Satavahana ruler who established control over Pratisthan and Naneghat regions was

  1. Satakarni I
  2. Simuka
  3. Gautamiputra
  4. Rudradamana

Answer: 2. Simuka

Question 29. The Shaka ruler Nahapana fought against the

  1. Mauryas
  2. Satavahanas
  3. Pahlavas
  4. Shungas

Answer: 2. Satavahanas

Question 30. Like the Maurya rulers, the rulers of the Kushana and Satavahana dynasties imposed tax on

  1. Wheat
  2. Paddy
  3. Salt
  4. Rice

Answer: 3. Salt

Question 31. Chandragupta, I became the emperor in

  1. 319-20 AD
  2. 320-321 AD
  3. 318-319 AD
  4. 322-323 AD

Answer: 1. 319-20 AD

Question 32. The Gupta ruler who came to the throne after Chandragupta I was

  1. Skandagupta
  2. Chandragupta II
  3. Samudragupta
  4. Kumaragupta

Answer: 3. Samudragupta

Question 33. The last great Gupta emperor was

  1. Skandagupta
  2. Samudragupta
  3. Kumaragupta
  4. Kumaragupta I

Answer: 1. Skandagupta

Question 34. Rudrasena Il belonged to the dynasty of

  1. Vakataka
  2. Pahlavas
  3. Kushana
  4. Gupta

Answer: 1. Vakataka

Question 35. Around the 7th century AD, the principal powers in south India were

  1. Pahlavas and Parthians
  2. Pallavas and Chalukyas
  3. Guptas and Chalukyas
  4. Parthians and Chalukyas

Answer: 2. Pallavas and Chalukyas

Question 36. In the first half of the 4th century AD in the Vaishali region, the prominent power was the

  1. Vakatakas
  2. Lichhavis
  3. Parthians
  4. Guptas

Answer: 2. Lichhavis

Question 37. Aryavarta means

  1. North India
  2. East India
  3. South India
  4. West India

Answer: 1. North India

Question 38. Chandragupta II was a devotee of

  1. Shiva
  2. Brahma
  3. Vishnu
  4. Ganesha

Answer: 3. Vishnu

Question 39. The Gupta empire was divided into a number of provinces known as

  1. Aahaar
  2. Patta
  3. Bhukti
  4. Rajya

Answer: 3. Bhukti

Question 40. The Nanda kings ruled over

  1. Vaishali
  2. Pataliputra
  3. Kalinga
  4. Magadha

Answer: 4. Magadha

Question 41. The entire Arthashastra was compiled around

  1. 2nd or 3rd century
  2. 1st or 2nd century
  3. 3rd or 4th century
  4. 5th or 6th century

Answer: 2. 1st or 2nd century

Question 42. The Mahavihara of Nalanda was established during the reign of

  1. Chandragupta II
  2. Kumaragupta
  3. Samudragupta
  4. Chandragupta I

Answer: 2. Kumaragupta

Question 43. The first Indian empire was built around

  1. Koshal
  2. Gandhar
  3. Kashi
  4. Magadha

Answer: 4. Magadha

Question 44. The Shaka ruler Nahapana fought against the

  1. Mauryas
  2. Satavahanas
  3. Pahlavas
  4. Shungas

Answer: 2. Satavahanas

Question 45. The Nanda kings ruled over

  1. Vaishali
  2. Pataliputra
  3. Kalinga
  4. Magadha

Answer: 4. Magadha

Question 46. The entire Arthashastra was compiled around

  1. 2nd or 3rd century
  2. 1st or 2nd century
  3. 3rd or 4th century
  4. 5th or 6th century

Answer: 2. 1st or 2nd century

Question 47. The Mahavihara of Nalanda was established during the reign of

  1. Chandragupta II
  2. Kumaragupta
  3. Samudragupta
  4. Chandragupta I

Answer: 2. Kumaragupta

Question 48. The first Indian empire was built around

  1. Koshal
  2. Gandhar
  3. Kashi
  4. Magadha

Answer: 4. Magadha

Question 49. The Shaka ruler Nahapana fought against the

  1. Mauryas
  2. Satavahanas
  3. Pahlavas
  4. Shungas

Answer: 2. Satavahanas

Question 50. Among the sixteen Mahajanapadas, the first empire was built centering on Magadha.

  1. The kings of Magadha brought most of the Mahajanapadas under their control.
  2. The first imperial rule began in Magadha.
  3. The rulers of Magadha were highly imperialistic.

Answer: 1. The kings of Magadha brought most of the Mahajanapadas under their control.

Question 51. A friendly relationship developed between Alexander’s general Seleucus and Chandragupta Maurya.

  1. Their rivalry was settled through a treaty.
  2. Seleucus sent his ambassador to Chandragupta Maurya.
  3. Chandragupta Maurya invited Seleucus to his kingdom.

Answer: 1. Their rivalry was settled through a treaty.

Question 52. The emperor Ashoka gave up fighting after the Kalinga war.

  1. The destruction of life in great numbers in the Kalinga war changed Ashoka’s mind.
  2. There was no need to fight in favour of Magadha after the Kalinga war.
  3. Ashoka became physically. weak after the Kalinga war.

Answer: 1. The destruction of life in great numbers in the Kalinga war changed Ashoka’s mind.

Question 53. There are several erroneous pieces of information in Megasthenes’ Indica.

  1. He collected wrong information from the subcontinent.
  2. He presented information arbitrarily.
  3. As a Greek, he failed to understand the language and society of the subcontinent.

Answer: 3. As a Greek, he failed to understand the language and society of the subcontinent.

Question 54. The speeches of the Mauryan kings were circulated around the empire in different languages.

  1. People spoke different languages in different parts of the empire.
  2. The number of educated persons in the empire was quite less.
  3. The interests of the people speaking different languages was different.

Answer: 1. People spoke different languages in different parts of the empire.

Question 55. Chandragupta I was called Shakari.

  1. He occupied the settlement area of the Shakas.
  2. He uprooted the Shaka- Kshatrapa rulers from Gujarat.
  3. He became the ruler of the Shakas.

Answer: 2. He uprooted the Shaka- Kshatrapa rulers from Gujarat.

Question 56. There was a rift between the Shakas and the Satavahanas.

  1. Both the power wished to control over Magadha.
  2. Both powers wished to control over eastern and western Malwa.
  3. Both powers wished to control over Kanauj.

Answer: 2. Both powers wished to control over eastern and western Malwa.

Question 57. Ashoka had prohibited animal slaughter in his empire.

  1. To increase the number of animals in his empire.
  2. To follow Dhamma.
  3. To increase the trade of animals.

Answer: 2. To follow Dhamma.

Question 58. Kushana emperors used to keep their own statues in the Devakula.

  1. They were descendants of gods.
  2. Before their subjects, they used to project themselves as honourable as the gods.
  3. They were great devotees of horrifying massacre in the Kalinga war. He the gods.

Answer: 2. Before their subjects, they used to project themselves as honourable as the gods.

Question 59. The Gupta emperors used to attack other nations anymore. He embraced assume magnificent titles.

  1. The titles sounded nice.
  2. The titles were given by the subjects.
  3. Through this, the emperors administration used to uphold their might.

Answer: 3. Through this, the emperors administration used to uphold their might.

Question 60. Statement Xuanzang had arrived in the Indian subcontinent from China.

  1. To travel in the Indian subcontinent.
  2. To write a book on Harshavardhana.
  3. To study more extensively on Buddhism.

Answer: 3. To study more extensively on Buddhism

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