WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC MCQs

WBBSE Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Magadha was a

  1. Mahajanapada
  2. Sangha
  3. Janapada
  4. Temple

Answer: 1. Mahajanapada

Question 2. Most of the mahajanapadas were in the

  1. Ganga-Yamuna Doab
  2. Narmada Valley
  3. Godavari Valley
  4. Punjab region

Answer: 1. Ganga-Yamuna Doab

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Question 3. The mahajanapadas emerged in

  1. 7th century BC
  2. 6th century BC
  3. 1st century BC
  4. 5th century BC

Answer: 2. 6th century BC

Question 4. The mahajanapada which became the most powerful was

  1. Kamboja
  2. Magadha
  3. Gandhara
  4. Vajji

Answer: 2. Magadha

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Question 5. In the monarchies at the head of the 13. Food production increased with the use of administration stood the

  1. Administrator
  2. King
  3. Brahmans
  4. Queen

Answer: 2. King

WBBSE Class 6 History Chapter 5 Indian Sub Continent In The 6th Century BC MCQs

Question 6. In the mahajanapadas the king was assisted in administration by

  1. Governor
  2. A Committee
  3. Mantri
  4. Prince

Answer: 2. A Committee

Question 7. In the kingdoms, land revenue which was collected was used for

  1. Administration
  2. Religious Purpose
  3. The King
  4. Warfare

Answer: 1. Administration

Question 8. The last ruling dynasty of Magadha mahajanapada was

  1. Haryanka dynasty
  2. Nanda dynasty
  3. Shaishunaaga dynasty
  4. Maurya dynasty

Answer: 2. Nanda dynasty

Question 9. The non-monarchical mahajanapadas were known as

  1. Ganarajya
  2. Janas
  3. Jangan
  4. Nagara

Answer: 1. Ganarajya

Question 10. A confederacy of clans used to rule

  1. Magadha
  2. Vajji
  3. Koshala
  4. Gandhara

Answer: 2. Vajji

Question 11. The king of Magadha who prepared to attack the Vajjis was

  1. Ajatashatru
  2. Bindusara
  3. Ashoka
  4. Bimbisara

Answer: 1. Ajatashatru

Question 12. The society, economy, and politics of the Indian subcontinent began to change around the

  1. 5th century BC
  2. 6th century BC
  3. 4th century BC
  4. 7th century BC

Answer: 2. 6th century BC

Question 13. Food production increased with the use of ploughs made of

  1. Copper
  2. Wood
  3. Iron
  4. Stone

Answer: 3. Iron

Question 14. The preachers of Jainism were known as

  1. Tirthankaras
  2. Hinayanas
  3. Mahayana
  4. Guruji

Answer: 1. Tirthankaras

Question 15. The influence of Jainism was on the rise during the rule of the

  1. Nandas
  2. Haryana
  3. Mauryas
  4. Kushanas

Answer: 3. Mauryas

Question 16. The Ajivika community was formed by

  1. Bhadrabahu
  2. Mankhliputta Gosal
  3. Sthulabhadra
  4. Siddhartha

Answer: 2. Mankhliputta Gosal

Question 17. Siddhartha was a

  1. Brahmana
  2. Sudra
  3. Kshatriya
  4. Vaishya

Answer: 3. Kshatriya

Question 18. Siddhartha renounced the life of a householder at the age of

  1. 28
  2. 29
  3. 27
  4. 21

Answer: 2. 29

Question 19. Siddhartha attained Bodhi after meditating for close to

  1. 6 years
  2. 7 years
  3. 5 years
  4. 10 years

Answer: 1. 6 years

Question 20. After attaining Bodhi Gautama Buddha traveled from Gaya to

  1. Mithila
  2. Sarnath
  3. Mathura
  4. Rajagriha

Answer: 2. Sarnath

Question 21. The four tenets preached by Buddha is known as

  1. Ashtangika Marga
  2. Chaturaryasatya
  3. Panchamahavrata
  4. Chaturashrama

Answer: 2. Chaturaryasatya

Question 22. Bimbisara was the king of

  1. Magadha
  2. Rajagriha
  3. Kashmir
  4. Kapilavastu

Answer: 1. Magadha

Question 23. Gautama Buddha died in

  1. 485 BC
  2. 486 BC
  3. 484 BC
  4. 490 BC

Answer: 2. 486 BC

Question 24. The President of the fourth Buddha Sangeeti was

  1. Yash
  2. Vasumitra
  3. Mahakashyap
  4. Mogaliputta Tissa

Answer: 2. Vasumitra

Question 25. The first Buddhist Council was convened by

  1. Yash
  2. Kanishka
  3. Mahakashyap
  4. Upagupta

Answer: 3. Mahakashyap

Question 26. The supporters of idol worship of Buddha were called

  1. Hinayanas
  2. Mahayanas
  3. Digambaras
  4. Nagas

Answer: 2. Mahayanas

Question 27. In the fourth Buddhist Sangeeti, the Buddhist formally split into

  1. Two sects
  2. Three sects
  3. Six sects
  4. Four sects

Answer: 1. Two sects

Question 28. Buddhism spread more in the

  1. Janas
  2. Cities
  3. Villages
  4. Forests

Answer: 2. Cities

Question 29. Birds, animals, and human beings have featured as characters in

  1. Jataka tales
  2. Anga
  3. Dwadash Anga
  4. Tripitaka

Answer: 1. Jataka tales

Question 30. Living in cities or visiting cities was considered as a sin in

  1. Jainism
  2. Brahmanism
  3. Buddhism
  4. Ajivika

Answer: 2. Brahmanism

Question 31. The leader of the Digambara sect was

  1. Sthulabhadra
  2. Mahakashyapa
  3. Upagupta
  4. Bhadrabahu

Answer: 4. Bhadrabahu

Question 32. In Pali language the word ‘pitak’ means

  1. Mirror
  2. Paper
  3. Book
  4. Basket

Answer: 4. Basket

Question 33. In the 6th century BC large kingdoms were called Mahajanapadas.

  1. Some of the small janapadas turned into big kingdoms.
  2. The small janapadas merged with each other.
  3. The population in the small janapadas increased.

Answer: 1. Some of the small janapadas turned into big kingdoms.

Question 34. In 6th century BC, the Gangetic valley region became the main political centre of the Indian subcontinent.

  1. Fertile cultivable fields developed in this region.
  2. Most of the Mahajanapadas grew up centering this region.
  3. Factories were established in different parts of this region.

Answer: 2. Most of the Mahajanapadas grew up centering this region.

Question 35. Most of the Mahajanapadas were monarchical kingdoms.

  1. The king was the supreme ruler and judge in these Mahajanapadas.
  2. The Mahajanapadas were administered according to the king’s instructions.
  3. All these Mahajanapadas were ruled by kings or monarchs.

Answer: 3. All these Mahajanapadas were ruled by kings or monarchs.

Question 36. Magadha was well safeguarded from external invasions.

  1. Magadha was surrounded by rivers and hills.
  2. The army of Magadha was very strong.
  3. A high wall encircled the frontiers of Magadha.

Answer: 1. Magadha was surrounded by rivers and hills.

Question 37. In the 6th century BC the agri- cultural production increased very much.

  1. Fertilisers began to be used in agricultural production.
  2. Iron ploughs began to be used in agriculture.
  3. Better quality seeds were sown.

Answer: 2. Iron ploughs began to be used in agriculture.

Question 38. The ritual of animal sacrifices in yajnas decreased in the 6th century BC.

  1. Animal sacrifices became condemnable.
  2. The clan leaders prohibited animal sacrifice.
  3. The animals were used for drawing the ploughs.

Answer: 3. The animals were used for drawing the ploughs.

Question 39. The main tenets of Jainism are together called ‘Twelve Angas.’

  1. Among the tenets of Jainism 12 of them were the most significant ones.
  2. The tenets of Jainism were divided into 12 parts.
  3. About 12 Tirthankaras had preached Jainism.

Answer: 2. The tenets of Jainism were divided into 12 parts.

Question 40. In the 6th century BC, the Kshatriyas demanded an equality of power with the Brahmins.

  1. The weapons made of iron increased the power of the Kshatriyas.
  2. The social status of the Kshatriyas had increased.
  3. The Kshatriyas started participating in the administration.

Answer: 1. The weapons made of iron increased the power of the Kshatriyas.

Question 41. Siddhartha was later known as Buddha.

  1. After preaching, Siddhartha gathered the experience of life.
  2. Siddhartha gained political knowledge in later life.
  3. Meditation helped Siddhartha to obtain Bodhi or supreme knowledge.

Answer: 3. Meditation helped Siddhartha to obtain Bodhi or supreme knowledge.

Question 42. The Buddhist monks assembled at the Buddha Sangeeti.

  1. The Buddha Sangeetis were basically religious conferences.
  2. The succeeding head monk was elected in these councils.
  3. The main center of Buddhist activities was selected in these councils.

Answer: 1. The Buddha Sangeetis were basically religious conferences.

Question 43. Jainism and Buddhism had spread more in the cities.

  1. Various sorts of people were found in the cities.
  2. Most of the people in the villages were peasants.
  3. Living in cities or visiting cities was considered to be a sin in Brahmanism.

Answer: 1. Various sorts of people were found in the cities.

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