WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate MCQs

WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate Topic A Elements Of Weather And Climate Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The average weather condition at any place over a period of years is called its climate.

  1. 30-35
  2. 25-30
  3. 20-25

Answer: 1. 30-35

Question 2. The earth receives only 1 in billion parts of the sun’s light and heat.

  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 30

Answer: 2. 20

Question 3. The main source of heat in the atmosphere is the—

  1. Sun’s rays
  2. Volcanoes
  3. Waterbodies

Answer: 1. Sun’s rays

Question 4. Only % of the sun’s rays heat the earth’s surface.

  1. 49
  2. 51
  3. 35

Answer: 2. 51

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WBBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Weather And Climate MCQs

Question 5. The average overall albedo of the earth is—

  1. 35%
  2. 51%
  3. 49%

Answer: 1. 35%

Question 6. The amount of terrestrial radiation is—

  1. 35%
  2. 51%
  3. 49%

Answer: 2. 51%

Question 7. The instrument used to measure atmospheric temperature is the—

  1. Barometer
  2. Thermometer
  3. Hygrometer

Answer: 2. Thermometer

Question 8. Temperature is the measure of—

  1. Humidity
  2. Pressure
  3. Heat 19

Answer: 3. Heat 19

Question 9. The freezing point of water on the Fahrenheit scale is—

  1. 0° F
  2. 32°F
  3. 212°F

Answer: 2. 32°F

Question 10. The instrument used to measure atmospheric humidity is the—

  1. Thermometer
  2. Barometer
  3. Hygrometer

Answer: 3. Hygrometer

Question 1. The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is the—

  1. Thermometer
  2. Nanometer
  3. Fortin’s barometer

Answer: 3. Fortin’s barometer

Question 2. In winter, atmospheric pressure is—

  1. Higher
  2. Lower
  3. The same

Answer: 1. Higher

Question 3. The instrument used to measure wind speed is the—

  1. Nanometer
  2. Anemometer
  3. Barometer

Answer: 2. Anemometer

Question 4. The instrument used to measure wind direction is the—

  1. Rain gauge
  2. Anemometer
  3. Wind vane

Answer: 3. Wind vane

Question 5. The process by which water vapour cools and changes its physical state to water droplets is called

  1. Condensation
  2. Evaporation
  3. Precipitation

Answer: 1. Condensation

Question 6. Rainfall, snowfall, hail, drizzle and sleet are all forms of—

  1. Precipitation
  2. Cyclone
  3. High atmospheric pressure

Answer: 1. Precipitation

Question 7. The instrument used to measure the amount of rainfall is the—

  1. Wind vane
  2. Rain gauge
  3. Barometer

Answer: 2. Rain gauge

Question 8. The headquarter of the West Bengal weather department is in—

  1. Alipore
  2. Cossipore
  3. Santoshpur

Answer: 1. Alipore

Question 9. The range of temperature in places with similar weather conditions is—

  1. More
  2. Less
  3. Similar

Answer: 2. Less

Question 10. For every 1000 metres increase in altitude, the temperature decreases by—

  1. 9.4°c
  2. 6.5°c
  3. 5.8°c

Answer: 2. 6.5°c

Question 11. For every 165 metres increase in altitude, the temperature decreases almost—

  1. 8°C
  2. 1°C
  3. 9°C

Answer: 2. 1°C

Question 12. An imaginary line connecting all points on the earth with the same atmospheric temperature is called an—

  1. Isobar
  2. Isohyet
  3. Isotherm

Answer: 3. Isotherm

Question 13. The total number of heat belts on the earth is—

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 3

Answer: 3. 3

Question 14. The region between 30°-60° latitude in both hemispheres is known as the—

  1. Torrid zone
  2. Temperate zone
  3. Frigid zone

Answer: 2. Temperate zone

Question 15. Ladakh is a—

  1. Hot Desert
  2. Cold desert
  3. High-rainfall zone

Answer: 2. Cold desert

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