WBCHSE Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Introduction

Substitution of one or more H-atoms of a hydrocarbon molecule by equal number of hydroxyl groups results in the formation of alcohols or phenols. Alcohols are hydroxy derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons while phenols are hydroxy derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons in which, the hydroxyl -OH group is directly attached to the carbon atom of the aromatic ring.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

  • Compounds of these classes find wide applications in industry as well as in our daily lives. For example, ordinary spirit used for polishing wooden furniture and also as an antiseptic is chiefly ethanol, a compound containing a hydroxyl group.
  • But its real importance lies in its ability to act as a beverage in the form of beer, wine, brandy, whisky, etc.
  • The sugar (i.e., sucrose) we eat, the cotton (i.e., cellulose) we use for making fabrics, the paper (i.e., cellulose) we use for writing and for manufacturing books, notebooks, newspapers, etc., and the antiseptic Dettol (a phenolic compound) we apply on wounds to prevent the growth of microorganisms, are all made up of compounds containing —OH groups.
  • The phenolic compound, hexachlorophene, is a constituent of several mouthwashes, deodorant soaps and medicinal skin cleansers.
  • Phenols are also used for the manufacture of dyes, drugs, resins (bakelite), etc. Therefore, life without alcohol and phenols would be very difficult.
  • Substitution of a hydrogen atom of an aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon by an alkoxy (—OR) or aryloxy (—OAr) group gives another class of compounds known as ethers.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aromatic Hydrocarbon 4

Ethers may also be regarded as a class of compounds obtained by substituting the hydrogen atom of the alcoholic or phenolic —OH group by an alkyl or aryl group.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aryl Group 1

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aryl Group

Classification Of Alcohol, Phenol And Ether

Classification Of Alcohols And Phenols:

Alcohols are divided into two broad categories: Aliphatic alcohols: Alcohols in which the hydroxyl group is attached to an aliphatic carbon chain are called aliphatic alcohols.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aliphatic Alcohols

Aromatic alcohols: Alcohols in which the hydroxyl group is attached to the side chain of an aromatic hydrocarbon are called aromatic alcohols.

Aromatic alcohols Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aromatic Alcohols

Alcohols and phenols may also be classified on the basis of the number of hydroxyl groups present in their molecules. If they contain one, two, three or more —OH group(s), they are called monohydric, dihydric, trihydric or polyhydric alcohols or phenols, respectively.

Aromatic alcohols Example: Alcohols: CH3CH2OH [ethanol (monohydric)],

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohols


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenols

Dihydric alcohols containing two —OH groups attached to the same carbon atom are called gem-diols. These are very unstable and readily eliminate one molecule of water, forming compounds containing group.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Gem Diols

However, gem-diols containing electron-withdrawing groups are stable and can be isolated.

Phenols Example:

Chloral hydrate, CCl2CH(OH)2 (2,2,2- trichloro-1,1-ethanediol),

Cyclopropane hydrate, Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Cyclopropanone Hydrate (1,1-dihydroxycyclopropane). The stability of this gem-diol is due to less angle strain as compared to cyclopropanone.

Monohydric alcohols may be further classified on the basis of the hybridisation state of the carbon to which the hydroxyl group is attached—

  1. Alcohols containing Csp3—OH bond and
  2. Alcohols containing Csp3-OH bond.

Alcohols Containing Csp3—OH Bond:

In this class of alcohols, the —OH group is linked to an sp3 -hybridised carbon atom. These are further classified as:

Primary (1°), secondary (2°) and tertiary (3°) alcohols: If the —OH group of alcohol is attached to a primary, secondary or a tertiary carbon atom, then the corresponding alcohols are called primary or 1°, secondary or 2° and tertiary or 3° alcohols, respectively.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Primary Secondary And Tertiary Alcohols

It is evident from the above structures that the functional groups of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are —CH2OH, Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aromatic Secondaryand Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aromatic Tertiary,respectively.

Allylic alcohols: In these alcohols, the —OH group is attached to an allylic carbon (a sp3 -hybridised carbon which is directly attached to a doubly bonded carbon). Allylic alcohols are further classified as 1°, 2° or 3° depending on the nature of the allylic carbon atom.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aromatic Allylic Alcohols

Benzylic alcohols: In these alcohols, the —OH group is linked to a benzylic carbon (a sp3 -hybridised carbon which is directly attached to an aromatic ring). Benzylic alcohols are further classified as 1°, 2° or 3° depending on the nature of the benzylic carbon.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzylic Alcohols

Alcohols Containing Csp2—OH Bond:

  • In these alcohols, the —OH group is attached to a doubly bonded carbon atom, i.e., to a vinylic carbon or an aryl group.
  • Vinylic alcohols are obtained when the —OH group is attached to a vinylic carbon atom. They are usually unstable.
  • However, phenols are obtained when the —OH group is attached to the aryl group and are quite stable.

Alcohols Containing Csp2—OH Bond Example:

Vinylic alcohol: CH2=CH—OH Vinyl alcohol (unstable)


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol

Classification Of Ethers: Ethers are classified on the basis of the two alkyl or aryl groups (similar or dissimilar) attached to the oxygen atom. Ethers in which the two groups are the same are called simple or symmetrical ethers, while ethers in which the two groups are different are called mixed or unsymmetrical ethers.

Classification Of Ethers Example:

Simple Ether: C2H5 — O —C2H5 (Diethyl ether)

C6H5 —O —C6H5(Diphenyl ether)

Mixed ether: CH3—O —CH2CH3 (Ethyl methyl ether)

C6H5 —O —CH3 (Methyl phenyl ether)

C6H5 —O —CH2C6H5 (Benzyl phenyl ether)

Ethers are further classified on the basis of the nature of the two groups attached to the oxygen atom.

Aliphatic ethers: Ethers containing two alkyl groups attached to oxygen are called aliphatic ethers.

Aliphatic ethers Example:

  1. CH3—O — CH3
    Dimethyl ether
  2. CH3—O—C2H5
    Ethyl methyl ether

Aromatic ethers: Ethers containing one or two aryl groups attached to oxygen are called aromatic ethers.

Aromatic ethers Example:

  1. C6H5—O—CH3
    Methyl phenyl ether
  2. C6H5—O—C6H5
    Diphenyl ether

Aromatic ethers are of two types. Ethers in which one of the groups is aryl are called phenolic ethers or alkyl aryl ethers and where both the groups are aryl are called diaryl ethers. Methyl phenyl ether is an example of phenolic ether while diphenyl ether is an example of diaryl ether.

Nomenclature Of Alcohol Phenol And Ether

Nomenclature Of Alcohols:

  1. Monohydric alcohols: Monohydric alcohols are named by the following systems:
  2. Common system: According to this system, monohydric alcohols are called alkyl alcohols.
    1. Common system Example: CH3OH Methyl alcohol (CH3)2CHOH Isopropyl alcohol (CH3)3COH Tert-butyl alcohol
  3. Carbinol system: In this system methyl alcohol (CH3OH) is called carbinol while the other alcohols are regarded as derivatives of carbinol, i.e., they are called alkyl or aryl carbinol.
    1. Carbinol system Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carbinol System

IUPAC System: In this system, alcohols are called alkanols. The IUPAC names of alcohols are written by replacing ‘e’ of the class suffix ‘ane’ of the corresponding alkane with the class suffix ‘ol’ of alcohol (i.e., alkane-e + ol = alkanol) and the positional number (the lowest possible serial number) of the —OH group is written just before the ‘ol’.

IUPAC System Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkanols

Dihydric Alcohols

These are named by the following two systems:

Common system: In this system α- or vic-glycols are named by adding the word ‘glycol’ to the name of the alkene from which they are prepared by hydroxylation.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Common System.

IUPAC System: In this system, the dihydric alcohols are called alkanediols. The positions of the two —OH groups are indicated by arabic numerals.

IUPAC System Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkanediols

Trihydric Alcohols: There is no general rule for naming these alcohols by a common system.

IUPAC System: According to this system, trihydric alcohols are called alkanetriols. The positions of the three —OH groups are indicated by arabic numerals.

IUPAC System Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkanetriols

Common name: Glycerol

IUPAC name: Propane- 1,2,3-triol

Nomenclature Of Phenols

  • The simplest hydroxy derivative of benzene is known as phenol, which is the common as well as the accepted IUPAC name. In both the above systems, all the substituted phenols are named as derivatives of phenol. However, some phenols are best known by their trivial names.
  • In the common system, the position of the substituent on the benzene ring concerning the —OH group is indicated by prefixes such as ortho (o-), meta (m-) or para (p-), when the substituent is at position— 2, 3 or 4 respectively concerning the —OH group. In the IUPAC system, the position of the substituents concerning the —OH group is indicated by Arabic numerals (the carbon carrying the —OH group is numbered 1).

Nomenclature Of Phenols Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol Creso And Cresol

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Cresol Chloropheno

In the IUPAC system, di, trl or polyhydric phenols are named as hydroxy derivatives of benzene. However, they are popularly known by their common names.

Nomenclature Of Phenols Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Catecho And Resorcinol

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydroquinone Or Quinol And Pyrogallol

Common name: Hydroquinone or Quinol And Phyogallol

IUPAC name: Benzene-2,4-diol And Benzene-1,2,3-triol

Nomenclature Of Ethers

Common System: In the case of simple or symmetrical ethers, the prefix di is used before the name of the alkyl or aryl group. However, in the case of mixed or unsymmetrical ethers, the names of the two alkyl or aryl groups are written in alphabetical order followed by the word ‘ether’.

Common System Example: CH3—O—CH3(Dimethyl ether)


IUPAC System: In this system, ethers are considered alkoxy ( — OR) substituted alkanes. The smaller alkyl group forms the part of the alkoxy group while the larger alkyl group forms the part of the alkane.

The names of ethers are then derived by adding the suffix ‘alkoxy’ to the name of the alkane (Le., alkoxy + alkane = alkoxy alkane) followed by adding the positional number (the lowest possible number) of the alkoxy group.

IUPAC System Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkoxy Group

Structures Of Functional Groups

Alcohol: In an alcohol molecule, the oxygen atom and the carbon atom attached to oxygen are sp3-hybridised. Two out of the four sp3-orbitals of oxygen overlap separately with the Is -orbital of H -atom and an sp3 -orbital of Catom to form O—H and O—C σ -bonds, respectively. The remaining two sp3 -orbitals contain two lone pair of electrons. Since lone pair-lone pair repulsions are greater than lone pair-bond pair repulsions, C—O—H bond angle is slightly less (108.9°) than the tetrahedral angle (109.5°). The C — O bond length is 142pm.

Phenol: The O—H bond in phenols, like the O—H bond in alcohols, is formed by the overlap of an sp3– orbital of oxygen with the Is -orbital of hydrogen. However, unlike alcohols, the C —O bond is formed by the overlap of an sp3-orbital of oxygen with an sp2– orbital of carbon of the benzene ring.

  • The C— O—H bond angle (109°) in phenols is approximately the same as in alcohols (109°). But the C—O bond length in phenols is slightly less (136pm) due to the following reasons:
  • The carbon-oxygen bond acquires some double bond character due to resonance interaction of the lone pair of electrons on oxygen with the benzene ring,
  • An sp3-orbital of oxygen overlaps with a sp2-orbital of carbon which is relatively shorter in length.

Ether: The O-atom in ether is sp3-hybridised. Two out of four sp3-hybrid orbitals of oxygen overlap separately with two sp3-orbitals of two carbon atoms of alkyl groups to form two C —O cr -bonds. The remaining two sp3– orbitals contain two lone pairs of electrons. Due to steric interaction (repulsive interaction) between the two bulky R groups, C—O—C bond angle in ether is slightly greater than the tetrahedral angle. The C —O —C bond angle in CH3 —O —CH3 is 111.7°. The C —O bond length (141pm) in ethers is almost the same as that in alcohols (142pm).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Etrahedral Angle

Preparations Of Alcohols And Phenols

General Methods Of Preparation Of Alcohols

From Haloalkanes:

When haloalkanes or alkyl halides are heated with an aqueous solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide or with a suspension of silver oxide in water, they undergo hydrolysis to yield alcohols.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Haloalkanes

From Haloalkanes Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Halides

  • This process is suitable for 1° alcohol. However, tertiary haloalkanes mainly produce alkenes through dehydrohalogenation and secondary haloalkanes produce a mixture of alkenes and alcohols.
  • In an aqueous solution, NaOH or KOH acts both as a nucleophile and a base, producing some alkene (through elimination reactions) along with the desired alcohol. So, a weaker base like moist Ag2O is used to avoid the formation of alkene.
  • Alcohol cannot be used as a solvent in this reaction because in that case alkene is formed as the major product.

From Alkenes

By hydration of alkenes: Alkenes can be hydrated directly or indirectly. In the indirect method, alkenes are allowed to pass through concentrated H2SO4 when alkyl hydrogen sulphates (addition compound) are produced. These, when boiled with water, undergo hydrolysis to give alcohols containing the same number of carbon atoms.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydration Of Alkenes

By hydration of alkenes Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydration Of Alkenes.

  • No primary alcohol except ethanol can be prepared by the above method. This is because the addition of H2SO4 to unsymmetrical alkenes takes place according to the Markownikoffs rule. Subsequent hydrolysis of the addition product gives secondary or tertiary alcohols.
  • In the direct process, reactive alkenes are subjected to the addition of a water molecule in the presence of mineral acids such as H2SO4 as a catalyst to form alcohols.

By hydration of alkenes Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Catalyst To Form Alcohols

Reaction Mechanism

The reaction occurs through the following three steps:

Step-1: The alkene undergoes electrophilic attack by the hydronium ion to form a carbocation intermediate. The addition of a proton occurs on a doubly bonded carbon in such a way that a more stable carbocation is formed. For example, in a molecule of 2-methylpropene, the addition of a proton occurs on C-l instead of C-2, because such addition leads to the formation of a more stable 3° carbocation instead of a less stable 1° carbocation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Methylpropene

Step-2: Nucleophilic attack by water occurs on the 3° carbocation to form a protonated alcohol (the conjugate acid of tert-butyl alcohol).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tert Butyl Alcohol

Step-3: The protonated alcohol loses a proton to form the corresponding alcohol, i.e., tert-butyl alcohol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Protonated Alcohol

  • By hydroboration-oxidation of alkenes: Alkenes react with diborane to form trialkylboranes which produce alcohols when oxidised by alkaline H2O2 followed by hydrolysis.
  • This two-stage process involves the addition of a molecule of water to the reactant alkene molecule. Unsymmetrical alkenes undergo hydration in antiMarkownikoffmanner.
  • Therefore, primary alcohols can be prepared from the alkenes of the type R—CH=CH2 by this process. Generally, primary alcohols cannot be prepared from such alkenes by other processes.
  • In this process, the addition of H and OH occurs from the same side of the double bond, i.e., it is a case of syn-addition.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Syn Addition


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Syn Addition.

Reaction Mechanism: When B2Hg is allowed to react with an alkene, it undergoes splitting and forms BH3, which adds to the double bond.

  • BH3 is an electrophile (octet of boron is incomplete). The boron atom may be attached to any of the double-bonded carbons.
  • However, the addition of boron to the less substituted doubly bonded carbon leads to the formation of a more stable transition state (the positively polarised C-2 is stabilised by the +1 effect of the —CH3 group).
  • The reaction proceeds through this stable transition stage to form propylborane (the addition product) predominantly. The resulting propylborane reacts further with two more molecules of propene to form tripropylborane.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tripropylborane

Tripropylborane thus obtained reacts with alkaline H2O2 (i.e., with HOO- ion) to form the boronic ester [(CH3CH2CH2O)3B], which further undergoes alkaline hydrolysis to form 1-propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH).

By oxymercuration-demarcation of alkenes: Alkenes react with mercuric acetate in a mixture of tetrahydrofuran (THF) and water to produce hydroxyalkyl mercury compounds. In this step, —OH (from water) and —HgOCOCH3 (from mercuric acetate) are added to the double bond.

This reaction is called oxymercuration. In the next step, the resulting compounds are reduced with sodium borohydride (NaBH4) to form alcohol. The acetoxymercury (—HgOAc) group is replaced by H. This reaction is called demercuration. The net addition of water to the double bond occurs in accordance with Markownikolf’s rule.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Markowinkoffs Rule


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Markowinkoffs Rule.

  • This process of hydration of alkenes is more advantageous than the process of acid-catalysed hydration as there is no possibility of rearrangement.
  • 3,3-dimethylbut-1-ene (Me3C—CH =CH2 ), for example, produces 3,3-dimethyl- 2-butanol by oxymercuration-demercuration while it produces 2,3-dimethyl-2-butanol (Me2COHCHMe2)by acid-catalysed hydration.

From carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones): Primary and secondary alcohols having the same number of C-atoms can be prepared by reducing aldehydes and ketones respectively with a suitable reducing agent.

Reagents used: H2 in the presence of a catalyst such as finely divided platinum, nickel, palladium or ruthenium (catalytic hydrogenation),

Nascent hydrogen is obtained by the action of sodium on ethanol, Complex metal hydrides like lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4) in dry ether, Sodium borohydride in methanol, and Aluminium isopropoxide in isopropanol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Primary And Secondary Alcohols

From carbonyl compounds Reagents used Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Primary And Secondary Alcohols.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Primary And Secondary Alcohols..

Lithium aluminium hydride also reduces acid chlorides, esters, amides, nitriles, alkyl halides, azides and nitro compounds while sodium borohydride reduces only acid chlorides and alkyl halides.

From Carboxylic Acids: Primary alcohols can be prepared by reducing carboxylic acids in dry ether medium, in this process, the —COOH group is first converted into a —(‘HO group and then into a —CH2OH group. It is to be noted that diborane does not reduce functional groups such as ester, nitro, halo, etc.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carboxylic Acid

From Carboxylic Acids Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carboxylic Acid.

From Esters

  • When esters are reduced with sodium and ethanol, lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4) or H2 In the presence of copper chromite (CuO-CuCr2O4) catalyst at high temperatures and pressures (hydrogenolysis), two molecules of alcohols (same or different type) arc obtained.
  • The alcohol produced from the acyl (RCO—) part of the ester Is always found to be a primary (1°) alcohol while the alcohol produced from the alkoxy ( —OR’) purt may be u primary (1°), secondary (2°) or tertiary (3°) alcohol.
  • The reduction of an ester by Na and ethanol Is known as Bouveault-Blanc reduction (the reduction of aldehydes or ketones by Na/EtOH Is also known by the same name).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And EthersFrom Esters

From Esters Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers From Esters.

  • Although LiAlH4 reduces carboxylic acids to produce alcohols In good yield, this reducing agent being an expensive one, Is used for preparing some special chemicals only.
  • Commercially, adds are reduced to alcohols by first converting them Into esters and then reducing these esters with H2 in the presence of a catalyst (hydrogenolysis) at high temperatures and pressures or Nu/ethanol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carboxylic Acid To Alcohols

From Grignard reagent

Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are prepared by the reaction of Grignard reagents with aldehydes and ketones. The reaction actually occurs in two steps:

  1. In the first step: a solution of (grinned reagent in dry Is added to a solution of the carbonyl compound in dry ether. As a result of the nucleophilic addition of RMgX (R acts as u nucleophile) to the carbonyl compound, an adduct (addition compound) is obtained.
  2. In the second step: this adduct is decomposed (hydrolysed) with dilute HCl or dilute H2SO4 or aqueous NH4Cl solution to form alcohol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydrolysed

Synthesis of primary or 1° alcohol: The carbon atom bearing the —OH group in a 1° alcohol Is attached to two hydrogen atoms. Therefore, 1° alcohols can be prepared by the reaction of Grignard reagent with formaldehyde.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Grignard Reagent

  • It is to be noted that the primary alcohol produced by using Grignard nard reagent contains one carbon atom more than the alkyl group of the Grignard reagent.
  • Since Grignard reagents are prepared from alkyl halides which in turn can be prepared from alcohols, an alcohol can be converted into its next higher homologue by using the above reaction (ROH→RCH2OH).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Grignard Reagents Are Prepared From Alkyl Halides

Primary alcohols containing two carbon atoms more than the Grignard alkyl groups can be prepared by the reaction of Grignard reagents with ethylene oxide or oxirane.

Synthesis of primary or 1° alcohol Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethylene Oxide

Similarly, primary alcohol containing three more carbon atoms than Grignard alkyl groups can be prepared from the Grignard reagent by using trimethylene oxide.

Synthesis of secondary or 2° alcohols: Since the carbon atom bearing the —OH group in a 2° alcohol is attached to only one hydrogen atom, 2° alcohols can be prepared by the reaction of Grignard reagents with any aldehyde other than formaldehyde.

When two alkyl groups are identical (Le., isopropyl alcohol) only one combination of reactants is possible.

Synthesis of secondary or 2° alcohols Example: Isopropyl alcohol [(CH3)2CHOH] can be prepared by using acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) and methylmagnesium iodide (CH3MgI).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Grignard Reagents With Any Ketone

When two alkyl groups are different (for example., butane-2-ol), two combinations of reactants are possible.

Synthesis of secondary or 2° alcohols Example: Butan-2-ol (CH3CH2CHOHCH3) can be prepared by using acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) and ethylmagnesium bromide (C2H5MgBr) or propanal (CH3CH2CHO) and methylmagnesium iodide(CH3MgI).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methylmagnesium Iodide

Secondary alcohols can also be prepared by the reaction of Grignard reagents (2 moles) with ethyl formate (1 mole).

Synthesis of secondary or 2° alcohols Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethyl Formate

Substituted oxiranes also react with Grignard reagents to yield 2° alcohols.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Grignard Reagents To Yield Alcohols

Synthesis of tertiary or 3° alcohols: Since the carbon atom bearing —OH group in a 3° alcohol is not attached to any H-atom, 3° alcohols can be prepared by the reaction of Grignard reagents with any ketone.

When the three alkyl groups are identical (e.g., 2-methylpropan-2-ol, Me3COH), only one combination of reactants is possible.

Synthesis of tertiary or 3° alcohols Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Grignard Reagents With Any Ketone

When two alkyl groups are identical and one is different (for example., 2-methylbutan-2-oI), two combinations of reactants are possible.

Synthesis of tertiary or 3° alcohols Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Methylbutan

When all three alkyl groups are different (e.g., 3-methyihexan-3-ol), three combinations of reactants are possible.

Synthesis of tertiary or 3° alcohols Example Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 3 Methyihexan

  • it is to be noted that tertiary alcohols easily dehydrate in the presence of acid to produce alkanes. For this reaction, NH4Cl solution is very often used to hydrolyse the reaction of the Grignard reagent with ketones.
  • Tertiary alcohols can also be prepared by the reaction of Grignard reagent (2 mol) with an ester (1 mol) other than formic ester.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 3 Methyihexan.

From aliphatic primary amine or 1° amine

Primary alcohols can be prepared by the reaction of aliphatic primary amines with sodium nitrite in an HCl solution Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Nitrite In HCl

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aliphatic Primary Amine 1

From aliphatic primary amine or 1° amine Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aliphatic Primary Amine 2

General Methods Of Preparation Of Phenols

  • Phenol, commonly known as carbolic acid, was first isolated from the middle oil fraction of coal-tar distillation in the early 19th century.
  • However, the present demand for phenol can hardly be met from this source. Nowadays, phenol is manufactured synthetically to cater to almost 90% of the total demand.
  • In the laboratory, phenols are prepared from benzene derivatives by the following methods.

From benzene sulphonic acid: Benzene is sulphonated with oleum (H2S2O7, i.e., conc.H2SO4 + SO3) and benzene sulphonic acid so formed is converted to sodium phenoxide by heating strongly with molten sodium hydroxide at about 623K. Acidification of the sodium salt gives phenol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzenesulphonic Acid

From Diazonium Salts

  • This is a convenient method for the preparation of phenols. A diazonium salt is prepared by treating an aromatic primary amine with nitrous acid [NaNO2 + HCl] at 273-278K.
  • The diazonium salt is then steam distilled when it undergoes hydrolysis to produce phenol.
  • The use of benzene diazonium chloride is normally avoided because some chlorobenzene is formed along with phenol. In the laboratory, phenol is generally prepared by this method.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers From Diazonium Salts

From Salicylic Acid: When sodium salt of salicylic acid is heated with soda lime (CaO + NaOH), it undergoes decarboxylation to form sodium phenoxide, which on acidification produces phenol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers From Salicylic Acid

From Grignard Reagent: When dry O2 is passed through a dry ethereal solution of phenyl magnesium bromide, an addition compound is produced, which is hydrolysed with dil. acid to yield phenol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenylmagneslum Bromide

Manufacture Of Phenol

From aryl halide (Dow process): When chlorobenzene is heated with 6-8% NaOH solution at 623K under 300-atmosphere pressure, it undergoes hydrolysis to form sodium phenoxide. The resulting solution is cooled and acidified with dilute HCl to produce phenol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers From Aryl Halide

From cumene: Cumene (isopropylbenzene) is prepared by Friedel Crafts alkylation of benzene with propene, in the presence ofphosphoric acid.

  • When air (O2) is passed through cumene, it is oxidised to produce cumene hydroperoxide which on acidifying with 10% H2SO4 undergoes hydrolytic rearrangement to give phenol and acetone.
  • In this process, two valuable organic compounds, phenol and acetone are obtained from two relatively inexpensive organic compounds, benzene and propene. Most of the worldwide production of phenol is based on this method.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Cumene Hydroperoxide

Physical Properties Of Alcohols And Phenols

Physical Properties Of Alcohols

Physical State Colour And Odour: At ordinary temperature, lower alcohols are colourless neutral liquids with a burning taste and a distinct smell while higher alcohols are colourless, odourless, neutral waxy solids.

Solubility: Lower alcohols are lighter than water and completely miscible with water.

Solubility Example: Methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, tert-butyl alcohol.

  • The solubility of alcohols in water is due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between alcohol and water molecules.
  • The energy required to break a hydrogen bond between two water molecules or two alcohol molecules is provided by the formation of a hydrogen bond between water and an alcohol molecule.
  • The solubility of alcohols in water decreases as the molecular mass increases. In alcohols, the hydrocarbon part i.e., the alkyl group (R—) is non-polar and hydrophobic while the hydroxyl (—OH) group is highly polar and hydrophilic.
  • In lower alcohols, the polar and hydrophilic hydroxyl (—OH) group constitutes a large part of the molecule and as its characteristic effect predominates over the effect of a non-polar and hydrophobic alkyl group, these alcohols are soluble in water by forming H-bonds.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers H Bonds

  • In higher alcohols, the effect of the non-polar and hydrophobic hydrocarbon part (R— ) which constitutes a large part of the molecule predominates over the effect of the polar and hydrophilic hydroxyl (—OH) group.
  • A large alkyl group resists the formation of hydrogen bonds with water molecules and so the higher alcohols are insoluble in water.
  • Example: n-decyl alcohol [CH3(CH2)8CH2OH] , n-dodecyl alcohol [CH3(CH2)10CH2OH], n-tetradecyl alcohol [CH3(CH2)12CH2OH], etc., are insoluble in water.
  • Amongst the isomeric alcohols, the solubility increases as the branching in the alkyl group increases.
  • This is because with increase in branching of the alcohol molecule, the surface area of the non-polar hydrocarbon part decreases, i.e., it becomes progressively less predominant and hence, the solubility increases.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Group Increases

  • The solubility of organic compounds in water increases with an increase in the number of —OH groups in the molecule.
  • Example: Glycerol (HOCH2CHOHCH2OH) and glucose [HOCH2(CHOH)4CHO] molecules contain three and five —OH groups, respectively.
  • Due to the presence of an increased large number of —OH groups, the molecules of these compounds are involved in extensive H -bonding with water molecules. This accounts for the high solubility of these organic compounds in the polar solvent, water.

Boiling points: The boiling point of any alcohol is generally higher than those of alkane and ether of comparable molecular mass.

  • This is due to the fact that the molecules of alcohol remain associated through intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Hence, a considerable amount of thermal energy is required to separate the molecules by breaking numerous H-bonds.
  • Hence, the boiling point of alcohol is relatively much higher. On the other hand, alkanes and ethers are incapable of forming H-bonds.
  • Instead, van der Waals forces of attraction and weak dipole-dipole interactions are operative in alkanes and ethers, respectively. So, alkanes and ethers exist as discrete molecules and their boiling points are much lower relative to alcohols.

Boiling points Example: The molecular mass of ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH (46), dimethyl ether, CH3OCH3 (46) and propane, CH3CH2CH3 (44) are almost equal. Yet, the boiling point of ethyl alcohol (78.7°C) is much higher than the respective boiling points of dimethyl ether (-24.9°C) and propane (-42°C).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Mass Of Ethyl Alcohol

  • Amongst isomeric alcohols, the boiling point decreases as branching increases. This is because the molecules tend to become spherical, thereby resulting in a decreased surface area available for van der Waals interactions.
  • Steric hindrance also prevents the formation of stronger hydrogen bonds among molecules of branched alcohols. Therefore, boiling points of isomeric alcohols decrease in the order: of primary > secondary > tertiary.

Boiling points Example: Boiling points of n -butyl alcohol, CH3(CH2)3OH, isobutyl alcohol, (CH3)2CHCH2OH, sec-butyl alcohol, CH3CH2CHOHCH3 and tert-butyl alcohol (CH3)3COH are 118,108,100 and 83°C, respectively.

  • With an increase in molecular mass, the boiling points show a regular increase.
  • Amongst polyhydric alcohols, the degree of molecular association through intermolecular hydrogen bonding increases with an increase in several —OH groups and as a result, viscosity and boiling point gradually increase.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Boiling Point Gradually Increase

Physiological Effect: Lower alcohols have adverse effects on the human body Methyl alcohol is poisonous.

  • Drinking or breathing it for a prolonged period, or allowing it to remain on the skin for a long time can lead to blindness or death.
  • Ethyl alcohol, on the other hand, has an intoxicating effect and hence, is widely used in alcoholic beverages.

Physical Properties Of Phenols

Physical State, colour and odour: At ordinary temperatures, pure phenols are either colourless liquids or solids.

  • However, they usually turn reddish brown due to oxidation when exposed to air and light. When pure colourless phenol, for example, is exposed to air and light, it undergoes easy oxidation to form yellow-coloured p-quinone along with some other quinone derivatives.
  • Phenol, in turn, combines with p-quinone to form a red addition compound known as phenoquinone.
  • Due to the formation of these coloured substances, phenol, on long exposure to air and light, assumes a deep brown colour. On distillation, coloured phenol turns colourless. Phenols have a characteristic smell, known as ‘phenolic odour’.

Boiling points: Like alcohols, phenols remain associated through intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

  • Due to this, the boiling points of phenols are much higher than the aromatic hydrocarbons having comparable molecular mass.
  • The boiling point of phenol, C6H5OH(182°C), for example, is much higher than toluene, C6H5CH3 (b.p. 111°C) having almost the same molecular mass.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Molecular Mass

In substituted phenols, it is the nature and position of the substituent which influence the boiling point.

Boiling points Example: Due to the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds, o-nitrophenol exists as a discrete molecule (monomer) and consequently, the compound possesses a lower boiling point.

  • On the other hand, in m – and p nitrophenols, the —OH and —NO2 groups, unlike the o-isomer, are situated far apart from each other so intramolecular hydrogen bonding is not possible.
  • The molecules of these two isomers remain associated through intermolecular hydrogen bonding and therefore, the boiling points of these two isomers are much higher than that of the o-isomer.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Boiling Point

Solubility: Phenols, like alcohols, also form hydrogen bonds with water and hence, are expected to be soluble in water.

  • But, due to the presence of a large hydrocarbon part (benzene ring, etc.), the solubility of phenols in water is actually much lower than that of alcohols. However, phenol itself and some dihydric and trihydric phenols are fairly soluble in water.
  • It is the large hydrocarbon part for which phenols are soluble in organic solvents like ether, alcohol, etc.
  • Due to chelation, o nitrophenol is also less soluble in water than its m -and p isomers. Due to lower solubility and higher volatility, o-nitrophenol can be easily separated from its m -and p -isomers by steam distillation.

Physiological Effect: Phenols are poisonous and corrosive substances. On account of their toxic effect on microorganisms, phenols also have antiseptic properties.

Chemical Reactions Of Alcohols

Most of the chemical reactions of alcohols are due to the hydroxyl (—OH) functional group. The chemical reactions of alcohols can be divided into the following three categories on the basis of bond cleavage.

Reactions involving cleavage of O—H bond [C—O+H], i.e., in which alcohols act as nucleophiles and removal of hydrogen occurs as a proton.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcoho Carbocation And Ether

Reactions involving cleavage of C—O bond [C+OH], i.e., in which protonated alcohols act as electrophiles.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohols Act As Electrophiles

Reactions in which both the hydroxyl and the alkyl group participate, i.e., reactions in which both C—O and C—H bond cleavages occur.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers CH Bond

Reactions Involving The Cleavage Of The O-H Bond

Reaction with active metals: Acidic nature

Alcohols react with active (highly electropositive) metals like Na, K, Mg and A1 to form alkoxides with the evolution of hydrogen gas. The hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl (—OH) group is replaced by the metal atom.

⇒ \(2 \mathrm{ROH}+2 \mathrm{M} \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{ROM}+\mathrm{H}_2 \uparrow \quad[\mathrm{M}=\mathrm{Na}, \mathrm{K}, \mathrm{Mg}, \mathrm{Al}]\)


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acidic Nature

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aluminium Tert Butoxide

Acidic character of alcohols: The reaction of alcohols with electropositive metal indicates that alcohols are slightly acidic in nature. In fact, alcohols behave as Bronsted acids, i.e., they can donate a proton to a strong base (: B ).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acidic In Nature

An alkoxide ion reacts with water to form the corresponding alcohol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkoxide Ion

Since a strong base reacts with a strong acid to form a weak base and a weak acid, water is a stronger acid them alcohol and alkoxide is a stronger base than hydroxide ion.

Cause of acidic character of alcohols: The acidic nature of alcohols is due to the presence of a polar Oδ-—Hδ+ bond. Oxygen being more electronegative than hydrogen withdraws electrons of the O—H bond towards itself. As a result, the O—H bond becomes weak and alcohols exhibit acidic character by donating its proton to strong bases. In fact, alcohols are very weak acids (Ka = 1 x 10-16-10-18, i.e., pKa = 16-18) and are neutral to litmus.

Alcohols are weaker acids than water: The alkyl (—R) group by its electron-donating inductive (+1) effect increases the electron density of oxygen (R→O —H) and as a result, the polarity of the O—H bond decreases. Hence, alcohols are weaker acids than water
(Kw = 1×10-14)

Reason for decreasing acidity from 1° to 3° alcohol: As the number of electron-releasing alkyl ( —R) groups increases, the polarity of the O—H bond gradually decreases. Therefore, the decreasing order of acidity of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols containing one, two and three alkyl groups respectively is:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Groups Rrespectively

  • Due to this order of acidity, the rate of reaction of alcohols with sodium decreases gradually from 1° to 3° alcohol.
  • Tert-butyl alcohol, being a very weak acid, reacts with less electropositive sodium very slowly and therefore, relatively more electropositive potassium is normally used to prepare its alkoxide.
  • Comparison of acidity of alcohols with some common compounds: Although alcohols are less acidic than water, they are relatively more acidic than terminal alkynes, hydrogen, ammonia and alkanes.
  • Their acidity order (including alcohols) and the basicity order of their conjugate bases are as follows:

Acidity: H2O > ROH > RC=CH > H2 > NH3 > RH

Basicity: R > NH2 > H > RC=C > RO > OH

  • From this orderit is clear that, RC=CNa, NaH, NaNH2 and Rδ-—Mδ+gX react with alcohols (an acid-base reaction) to form the corresponding alkoxide along with RC=CH, H2, NH3 and RH.
  • Due to the presence of active hydrogen, alcohols react with Grignard reagents to form alkanes corresponding to the alkyl groups of the Grignard reagents. For example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Grignard Reagents.

The procedure for the determination of the number of active hydrogen atoms present in any compound using methylmagnesium iodide is known as Zerewitinoff active hydrogen determination.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Zerewitinoff Active

∴ At STP, 22.4L of CH4= 1 active H -atom

With the help of the Zerewitinoff procedure, it is possible to distinguish between mono, di and trihydric alcohols.

Due to the presence of a lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom, alcohols also act as Bronsted bases. They can accept a proton from strong acids to form protonated alcohols (conjugate acids).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Conjugate Acids

Reaction With Carboxylic Acids (Esterification): Alcohols react with carboxylic acids in the presence of cone. H2SO4 or dry HCl gas as a catalyst to form ester.

  • This reaction is called esterification. The reaction is reversible and in this reaction, the —OH group of the carboxylic acid is combined with the H atom of the alcoholic —OH group to form a molecule of water. Besides acting as a catalyst, cone.
  • H2SO4 also absorbs water produced in the reaction to facilitate the forward process. The yield of ester may be increased by removing water from the reaction medium.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Carboxylic Acids


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Carboxylic Acids.

  • As the size of the alkyl (R—) group in acids or that of the alkyl (R;—) group in alcohols increases, the rate of the above esterification reaction decreases due to steric hindrance in the tetrahedral transition state of the rate-determining step of the reaction.
  • The reactivity of alcohols follows the order: CH3OH > CH3CH2OH > (CH3)2CHOH > (CH3)3COH and that of carboxylic acids follows the order: HCOOH> CH3COOH> CH3CH2COOH > (CH3)2CHCOOH > (CH3)3CCOOH.
  • When benzoic acid reacts with methanol that has been labelled with 180, the labelled oxygen appears in the ester and not in water.
  • This labelling experiment proves that the OH part of the carboxyl group and the H -atom of the alcoholic —OH group are removed as water.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzoic Acid

Reaction With Acid Chlorides And Anhydrides: When alcohols are treated with acid chlorides or anhydrides in the presence of pyridine (base), the H -atom of the —OH group is replaced by the acyl (RCO—) group to form esters. This reaction is called acylation.

  • If the acid chloride and the anhydride used are acetyl chloride and acetic anhydride respectively, i.e., if the H atom of the —OH group is replaced by an acetyl (CH3CO—) group, the reaction is usually called acetylation. However, if benzoyl chloride is used as an acid chloride, the reaction is called benzoylatlon.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzoylatlon


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzoylation

The number of —OH groups present in any compound is Thionyl the same as the number of acetyl (CH3CO— ) groups present in the acetyl derivative of that compound.

Example: Ethylene glycol contains two —OH groups. So it forms a diacetyl derivative i.e., a diacetate.


  • The presence of —OH group in a compound can be proved and its number can be determined by acetylation. Problem: The molecular mass of a polyhydric alcohol is 180.
  • When it is heated with a mixture of acetic anhydride and sodium acetate, a compound is obtained whose molecular mass is 390. Calculate the number of hydroxyl ( —OH) groups in the alcohol. Solution:
  • The change of functional group due to acetylation of the hydroxyl group is: —OH-+ —OCOCH. Therefore, 17 59 due to acetylation of one —OH group, the molecular mass of the compound increases by (59- 17) = 42 units.
  • Here, the increase in molecular mass of the compound due to acetylation =390-180 = 210. /. The number of —OH groups in the original compound

⇒ \(-\underset{17}{\mathrm{OH}} \rightarrow-\underset{59}{\mathrm{OCOCH}_3}\)

Reactions involving cleavage of the C—OH bond

Reaction with halogen acids

Alcohols react with halogen acids to form haloalkanes (alkyl halides) and water.

R—OH + HX→R—X + H2O

Reaction with phosphorus halides

When alcohols are treated with PCl5, PCl3, PBr3 (P + Br2) or Pl3(P + I2), respective haloalkanes are obtained.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohol And Haloalkane

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohol And Chloroalkane

Reaction with thionyl chloride: When alcohols are refluxed with thionyl chloride in the presence of pyridine (organic base), chloroalkanes are formed.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Thionyl Chloride


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Thionyl Chloride.

Reaction with ammonia: When a mixture of the vapours of alcohol and ammonia is passed over heated alumina (Al2O3 ) at 360°C, a mixture of primary, secondary and tertiary amines is obtained.

Reaction with ammonia Examples:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Ammonia

Reactions Involving Both Alkyl (R-)And -on Groups

Dehydration Of Alcohols: When alcohol containing at least one β-hydrogen (hydrogen attached to carbon next to the carbonyl carbon) is heated with dehydrating agents, it undergoes intramolecular dehydration (elimination of a molecule of water) to form an alkene.

  • This dehydration can be carried out either with protonic acids like cone. H2SO4 or H3PO4 or with Lewis acids such as anhydrous zinc chloride or alumina as catalyst.
  • Depending on the nature of the alcohol, sulphuric add of different concentrations Is used and the reaction is made to occur at different temperatures.
  • The ease of dehydration of alcohols follows the order: 3° alcohol > 2° alcohol > 1° alcohol. The conditions of the reaction (for example, the concentration of the acid used, temperature, etc.) become milder gradually, from 1° to 3° alcohol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nature Of Alcohol

Dehydration Of Alcohols Example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydration Of Alcohols

Reaction Mechanism

It is an El (elimination unimolecular) reaction which occurs through the following three steps. The second step is the rate-determining step of the reaction.

Step-1: Alcohol undergoes protonation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tert Butyl Alcohol

Step-2: The protonated alcohol loses a molecule of water to form a carbocation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Protonated Alcohol And Carbocation

Step-3: Elimination of a proton from the carbocation to form an alkene.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methylpropene

Since dehydration of alcohols to alkenes occurs through the formation of intermediate carbocations and the stability of carbocations follows the order: 3° > 2° > 1°, therefore, the ease of dehydration of alcohols follows the same order, i.e., 3° > 2° > 1°.

The dehydration of alcohols always takes place in accordance with the Saytzeff rule, i.e., the more substituted alkene is always the major product.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Saytzeff Rule

Since carbocations are very susceptible to rearrangement and rearrangement of carbocations occurs more readily than proton elimination, dehydration of alcohols often leads to the formation of alkenes from the rearranged carbocations.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkenes From Rearrange

If excess of alcohol is present, intermolecular dehydration occurs to form ether.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Intermolecular Dehydration

Oxidation Of Alcohol: Oxidation of alcohols involves cleavage of the O—H and the C—H bonds and the formation of the C=O bond.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Oxidation Of Alcohol

Since these reactions involve the loss of a molecule of hydrogen, these are also called dehydrogenation reactions. The oxidation of alcohols can be carried out by oxidising agents like acidified dichromate (Na2Cr2O7/H2SO4 or K2Cr2O7/H2SO4), acidic or alkaline KMnO4 or dilute nitric acid. The ease of oxidation and nature of the products, however, depends on the type of alcohol used in oxidation.

Primary or 1° alcohols are oxidised first to aldehydes and then to carboxylic acids, both containing the same number of carbon atoms as the starting alcohol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carboxylic Acids

In the first stage, the H -atom of the —OH group and one H -atom attached to the carbonyl carbon are eliminated, i.e., a —CH2OH group is converted into a —CHO group. In the second stage, one oxygen atom is introduced between the carbonyl carbon and the hydrogen attached to it, i.e., a —CHO group is converted into a —COOH group.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carboxylic Acids.

Controlled oxidation of 1° alcohols to aldehydes can be carried out by using some special reagents like pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC, CroC3H5NHCl) or, C5H5N+HCrO3Cl) in dry dichloromethane (CH3Cl3) solvent, Collin’s reagent (CrO3 .2C5H5N), pyridinium dichromate [PDC, (C5H5NH)3Cr3O32-] or Dess Martin’s reagent.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Martins Reagent

Weak oxidising agents: Weak oxidising agents convert 1° alcohols to aldehydes. Some weak oxidising agents are—

  1. CrO3/2C5H5N (Collin’s reagent)
  2. CrO3/C55H5N/HCl (PCC, Corey’s reagent)
  3. (CH3)2SO /(COCl)2/(C2H5)3N [Swern oxidation]
  4. (C5H5 NH)2Cr2O2– (PDC)
  5. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dess Martins Reagent

(Dess Martin’s Reagent)

Strong oxidising agents: Strong oxidising agents convert most 1° alcohols to carboxylic acids. Some strong oxidising agents are—

  1. Na2Cr2O7/H2SO4, K2Cr2O2/H2SO4
  2. KMnO4/acid, KMnO4/base (Baeyer’s reagent)
  3. CrO3/CH3COOH
  4. CrO3/H2SO4/ Acetone (Jones’ reagent)
  5. Dilute HNO3

Secondary or 2° alcohols are easily oxidised to ketone containing the same number of carbon atoms. Ketones resist further oxidation. However, under drastic conditions (prolonged treatment with a strong oxidising agent), they are oxidised to carboxylic acids with a lesser number of C-atoms. Symmetrical ketones on oxidation give two carboxylic acids. But in the case of unsymmetrical ketones, C—C bond fission occurs in such a manner that the smaller alkyl group remains attached to the carbonyl group (Popoff’s rule) and the two carboxylic acids produced by such type of fission are the major products.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Popoffs Rule

Both weak and strong oxidising agents convert 2° alcohols to ketones.

Tertiary or 3° alcohols (RgCOH) have no hydrogen atom attached to the carbinol carbon and so, elimination of two H -atoms is not possible. Therefore, oxidation of these alcohols is possible only by C —C bond cleavage. So, they are generally resistant to oxidation under normal conditions. They cannot be oxidised even by using strong oxidising agents in neutral or alkaline medium. However, they are oxidised by very strong oxidising agents in acidic medium (i.e., K2Cr2O7/H2SO4 or KMnO4/H2SO4). In such an oxidation, a tertiary alcohol first gets dehydrated to yield an alkene which on further oxidation produces a ketone with a lesser number of carbon atom(s) than the parent alcohol. The ketone thus produced is subsequently oxidised to carboxylic acid containing a lesser number of carbon atoms.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tertiary Alcohols

Oppenauer oxidation: When secondary alcohols are heated with aluminium tert-butoxide in the presence of excess acetone, they undergo oxidation to give the corresponding ketones.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Oppenauer Oxidation

Primary alcohols can be oxidised to aldehydes by using p-benzoquinone instead of acetone.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers P Benzoquinone Instead Of Acetone

Oppenauer oxidation is, in fact, the reverse of Meerwein- Ponndorf-Verley (MPV) reduction.

Dehydrogenation of alcohols

When alcohol vapours are passed over heated copper at 300°C, different classes of alcohol yield different products. Primary and secondary alcohols undergo dehydrogenation to yield aldehydes and ketones respectively. Since it is a dehydrogenation reaction (no oxidising agent is used), the resulting carbonyl compound (aldehyde or ketone) is not further oxidised to carboxylic acid. Due to the absence of hydrogen on the carbonyl carbon atom, tertiary alcohols (R3COH) do not undergo dehydrogenation but they undergo dehydration to give alkenes.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydration To Give Alkenes

Chemical Reactions Of Phenols

Due to the presence of —OH group in phenols, they undergo some reactions similar to alcohols. For example, phenols act as weak nucleophiles in reactions involving oxygen-hydrogen bond [C—O+H] cleavage like alcohols.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nucleophile And Electrophile

Phenols usually do not undergo reactions involving cleavage of the C—OH bond, i.e., phenols do not act as electrophiles as the lone pair of oxygen is involved in resonance with the benzene ring. Phenols do not undergo elimination and oxidation reactions like alcohols. However, they undergo a number of electrophilic substitution reactions of the benzene ring. The reactions of of phenols can be divided into three types: Reactions involving the phenolic —OH group reactions involving the benzene ring and some special reactions.

Reactions Involving Phenolic —OH group

Acidic character of phenols

Reaction with active metals: Phenols react with active metals like sodium and potassium to form sodium or potassium phenoxides (salts) and hydrogen gas.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol And Sodium Phenoxide

Reaction with alkalies: Phenols (pKa = 8-10) are stronger acids than alcohols (pKa = 16-18). They turn blue litmus red and react with aqueous alkalies to form phenoxides or phenates.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenoxides

Alcohols, however, do not turn blue litmus red or react with NaOH solution. Therefore, these tests can be used to distinguish phenols from alcohols. However, phenols are weaker acids than carboxylic acids (pKa = 5) or carbonic acids (pKa = 7). Hence, phenols cannot decompose carbonates and bicarbonates evolving CO2 gas, i.e., they are not soluble in sodium carbonate or bicarbonate solution. Instead, phenols can be precipitated from aqueous solutions of phenoxides by passing CO2 gas through them.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Carbonate

Phenols containing electron-withdrawing groups at ortho and para-positions (i.e., 2,4-dinitrophenol, 2,4,6- trinitrophenol, etc.) are soluble in sodium bicarbonate solution.

Explanation of stronger acidic character of phenols than alcohols: Acidic property of any compound In an aqueous medium Is measured by the ease with which it can donate a proton to water. The greater the tendency to give up a proton, the higher will be the acidic strength. In an aqueous solution, phenol dissociates to produce phenoxide ions.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenoxide Ion

Although phenol is a weak acid, It is a much stronger acid than alcohol. The acidic property of phenol can be explained in terms of resonance. Phenol is, in fact, n resonance hybrid of the following five resonance structures or canonical forms or simply canonicals:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol And Hybrid Structure

Due to the contribution of three (2,3 and 4) out of five resonance structures, the oxygen atom in phenol becomes partially positively polarised. As a consequence, the oxygen atom attracts the O—H bonding electrons more towards itself with greater force, thereby favouring the dissociation of the O—H bond to liberate proton (H+). But in case of alcohols (ROH), similar resonance is not possible. So, the alcoholic O —H bond Is much stronger than the phenolic 0 —H bond and the tendency of the hydrogen atom to be liberated as a proton (H+) is much less in this case. Therefore, phenols are more acidic than alcohols.

Alternate explanation: This relative acidic property may also be explained by considering phenol-phenoxide Ion and alcohol-alkoxide ion equilibrium systems. like phenol, phenoxide Ion can be represented as a resonance hybrid of the following five resonance structures.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenoxide Ion.

A close observation of the resonating structures shows that the structures of phenoxide Ion do not Involve any separation of charge (the negative charge Is only delocalised) while the three resonance structures (2,3 and 4) of phenol involve separation of charge. Since monopolar (carrying either five or -ve charge) resonance structures are more stable than bipolar (currying both +ve and -ve charges) resonance structures, phenoxide ion Is more resonance-stabilised than phenol (phenoxide ion is not more stable than phenol). As a result, the difference In stability between phenol and phenoxide Ion decreases, which favours the equilibrium. This explains why phenols are acidic in nature. Both the alcohol and the alkoxide ion, on the other hand, can be represented satisfactorily by single (localised) structures.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aalkoxkle Ion

In alkoxide ion, the negative charge is centred on the oxygen atom. There is no resonance stabilisation in either of die species. The driving force, Le., the differential stabilisation, that promotes dissociation is thus absent here. The equilibrium is, therefore, not favoured. It is further disfavoured due to the destabilisation of the anion caused by the +R effect of the alkyl group. Therefore, alcohols are much less acidic than phenols.

Effect of substituents on the acidity of phenols: The acidity of phenols is due to the greater resonance stabilisation of the phenoxide ion with respect to phenol. A substituent present in the ring may increase or decrease the acidity of phenols by regulating the charge delocalisation.

An electron-withdrawing group (EWG) stabilises the phenoxide ion by delocalising the negative charge effectively and thereby increasing the acidity of phenol. An electron-donating group (EDG) destabilises the phenoxide ion by localising the negative charge and thereby decreases the acidity of phenol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Halogen

[EWG withdraws electrons, disperses the negative charge, stabilises the phenoxide ion with respect to phenol and hence, increases the acid strength.]

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acid Strength

[EDG donates electrons, intensifies the negative charge, destabilises the phenoxide ion with respect to phenol and hence, decreases the acid strength.]

Comparison of acidic strength of substituted phenols:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Order Of Acidity With Explanation

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Order Of Acidity With Explanation.

p-nitrophenol is more acidic than o-nitrophenol. Due to intramolecular H-bonding, o-nitrophenol is more stable than phenoxide ion and does not release proton easily.

Reaction With Acid Chlorides And Anhydrides

When phenols are allowed to react with acid chlorides in presence of a base, such as a pyridine or with acid anhydrides in the presence of a few drops of cone. H2SO4 (or sodium acetate) as catalyst, the H-atom of the phenolic —OH group is replaced by an acyl (RCO—) group. This reaction is called acylation. If acetyl chloride CH3COCl is used as the acid chloride and acetic anhydride (CH3COOCOCH3) is used as the acid anhydride, the reaction is usually termed as acetylation.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Acid Chlorides And Anhydrides

Only benzoyl chloride is very slowly decomposed by water or dilute NaOH and because of this, compounds like phenol containing an active hydrogen atom can be benzoylated in the presence of dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide. This method of benzoylation is known as the Schotten-Baumann reaction.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Schotten Baumann Reaction

It is to be noted that, unlike alcohols, phenols do not react with carboxylic acids to produce esters. This is because phenols are weaker nucleophiles than alcohols.

Reaction with Grignard reagents

Phenols react with Grignard reagents to form alkanes.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Grignard Reagents

Reaction with ammonia

When phenol is heated at 300°C with ammonia under high pressure or in the presence of anhydrous zinc chloride, aniline is obtained. Since phenol is very less reactive towards nucleophilic substitutions, a drastic condition is required for the reaction.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Ammonia.

Reaction With Zinc Dust

Phenols on distillation with zinc dust get reduced to the corresponding aromatic hydrocarbon. The —OH group can be removed from the benzene ring.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Zinc Dust

Reaction With Ferric Chloride

When a few drops of neutral FeCl3 solution is added to phenol, the mixture becomes violet due to the formation of the violet-coloured complexion [Fe(OC6H5)6]3. Phenols can be identified by this reaction.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Ferric Chloride

In fact, all compounds (aliphatic or aromatic) containing the enol Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aliphaticgroup, give characteristic colour with neutral FeCl3 solution. Depending on the nature of the phenol used in this reaction, the colour may vary from violet to blue, green or even red.

Reactions involving benzene ring

The —OH group in phenol strongly activates the ring towards electrophilic substitution, i.e., phenol undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction at a rate faster than benzene and in many cases, it is not possible to avoid polysubstituted. As the —OH group by its +R effect makes the ortho- and para-carbons more electron-rich as compared to meta-carbon, it is an ortho-, para-directing group.


Although the halogenation of benzene takes place in the presence of a Lewis acid (e.g., FeBr3 ), halogenation of phenol, due to much higher reactivity of the ring, takes place in the absence of a Lewis acid.

Reaction with bromine: When bromine-water is added to phenol, the three H -atoms of the ring are substituted by the three bromine atoms to give a white precipitate of 2, 4, 6 -tribromophenol. However, when a less polar or non-polar solvent (e.g., CS2, CHCl3, CCl4, etc.) is used instead of water, a controlled substitution occurs at low temperature to give a mixture of o- and p-bromophenol. The para-isomer is obtained as the major product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Chlorine

In aqueous solution, phenol ionises to form phenoxide ion Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Haloalkanes And Haloarenes Phenoxide Ion which actually reacts with phenol. The phenoxide ring is highly activated owing to powerful electron release by the negatively charged oxygen through its +1 and stronger +R effects and so polybromination occurs.

However, in non-polar solvents, phenol remains undissociated. The ringing phenol is less activated because of -I effect and the relatively weak +R effect of the —OH group and as a consequence, monobromination occurs.

Reaction With Chloride: In a similar reaction with chlorine-water, phenol gives a white precipitate of 2,4,6- trichlorophenol. A mixture of o- and p-chlorophenol is obtained when the reaction is carried out in less polar or non-polar solvent.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With Chlorine


Phenol reacts with cold and dilute nitric acid to yield a mixture of o- and p-nitrophenol.In this reaction, a mixture of cone. HNO3 and cone. H2SO4 cannot be used because cone. HNO3 brings about simultaneous oxidation and polynitration of the highly activated benzene ring, Ortho-nitrophenol, being steam volatile, is separated from the para isomer by steam distillation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nitration

In the above method, the yield of p-nitrophenol is actually very low ( ~ 13%) due to partial oxidation of the ring by HNO3. p-Nitrophenol may be prepared in good yield by nitrosation followed by oxidation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nitrosation.

2,4,6-trinitrophenol (picric acid) is usually not prepared by nitrating phenol with a mixture of cone. HNO3 and cone. H2SO4 because of the poor yield, since most of the phenol is oxidised by cone. HNO3. Nowadays picric acid is prepared commercially by first sulphonating phenol and then nitrating the product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Desulphonative Nitration

Due to sulphonation, the reactivity of the ring decreases and so, in the next step, phenol sulphonic acids are not destroyed by oxidation with HNO3. In the second step, the ring undergoes desulphonative nitration (replacement of —SO3H group by —NO2 group) is one position.


When phenol is treated with concentrated H2SO4, it undergoes sulphonation to give a mixture of O- and p-phenol sulphonic acids. If the reaction is carried out at a low temperature, the kinetically controlled orth-isomer predominates and if the reaction is carried out at a high temperature, the thermodynamically controlled para-isomer is the major product. Further, when the ortho-isomer is heated, it is converted into the para-isomer.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sulphonation

Friedel Crafts Reaction

When phenol is treated with alkyl halides in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3, it undergoes Friedel Crafts alkylation to form a mixture of o- and p-alkylphenol. The p-isomer is usually the major product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Friedel Crafts Reaction

Coupling Reaction

When a cold solution of benzene diazonium chloride is added to a cold alkaline solution of phenol, a coupling reaction occurs and an orange-coloured azo-compound, phydroxyazobenzene is produced.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Coupling Reaction

Due to steric hindrance, coupling preferably occurs at the p- position with respect to the —OH group. But if this position is blocked, o-coupling occurs. If all the o-and p-positions are blocked, then no coupling reaction occurs. It is an electrophilic substitution reaction in which C6H5N2+ acts as an electrophile.

Kolbe-Schmitt Reaction

When dry sodium phenoxide or phenate is heated at 120-140°C with carbon dioxide under high pressure (4-7atm), the sodium salt of o-hydroxybenzoic acid, Le., sodium salicylate, is obtained almost exclusively.

Salicylic acid is produced when the aqueous solution of sodium salicylate is acidified with dilute HO. This reaction is called the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction. A carboxyl (—COOH) group can be directly introduced into the benzene ring by this reaction.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Kolbe Schmitt Reaction

If potassium phenoxide Is used instead of sodium phenoxide, then p-hydroxybenzoic acid is obtained predominantly. It is an electrophilic substitution reaction in which CO2 acts as an electrophile. The six-membered cyclic transition state involving large K+ ion is not stable and so product is not obtained when KOH is used. In this reaction, phenoxide ion is used instead of phenol because the ring of phenoxide ion is relatively more activated and so, it reacts easily with the weak electrophile CO2.

Reaction Mechanism

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction Mechanism 1

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid or 2-acetoxybenzoic acid) is prepared by acetylation of salicylic acid with acetic anhydride. It is widely used for relieving pain (analgesic) and to bring down body temperature (febrifuge or antipyretic). Due to its anti-blood clotting action (anticoagulant property), aspirin finds use in the prevention of heart attack.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Antipyretic

Salol (phenyl salicylate) and methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen) can also be prepared from salicylic acid.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Salicylate

Salol is used as an internal antiseptic and methyl salicylate is used in pain-relieving ointments and in perfumery.

Reimer-Tiemann Reaction

When a mixture of phenol, chloroform and an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide is heated at 65-70°C and the resulting solution is acidified with dilute HCl, o-hydroxybenzaldehyde (salicylaldehyde) is formed as the major product. A small amount of p-hydroxybenzaldehyde is also formed. This reaction is called the Reimer-Tiemann reaction. An aldehyde (—CHO) group can be directly introduced into the benzene ring with the help of this reaction.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Rejmer Tiemann Reaction

It is an electrophilic substitution reaction in which dichlorocarbene (: CCl2) acts as an electrophile.

Reaction Mechanism

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction Mechanism 2

If carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is used instead of chloroform, salicylic acid is obtained as the major product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carbon Tetrachloride

Gattermann Reaction

When phenol is treated with a mixture of HCN(g) and HCl(g) in presence of any. AlClthe imine so produced is decomposed with water, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde is mainly obtained. This reaction is known as the Gattermann reaction.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Gattermann Reaction

Lederer-Manasse Reaction

When phenol is treated with formaldehyde in the presence of acid or base as a catalyst, H -atoms of ortho- and para-positions are substituted by —CH2OH group forming ortho- and mainly para-hydroxybenzyl alcohols. Any other aliphatic or aromatic aldehyde may also be used instead of formaldehyde. This reaction is called the Lederer-Manasse reaction.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Lederer Manasse Reaction

However, the reaction does not stop at this stage but proceeds with the introduction of more than one —CH2OH group into the benzene ring, forming bis-hydroxymethyl phenol and tris-hydroxymethyl phenol. If the reaction is carried out for a long time, these phenolic alcohols participate in condensation reactions forming a cross-linked polymer of higher molecular mass. This polymer is known as phenol-formaldehyde resin or Bakelite. It is a thermosetting plastic used for making radios, electrical goods, washing machines, etc.

Reaction With Phthalic Anhydride

Phenol reacts with phthalic anhydride in the presence of conc.H2SO4 to form the acid-base indicator phenolphthalein.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Lederer Phthalic Anhydride

Some Special Reactions Of Phenol


Hydrogenation: When a mixture of hydrogen gas and vapours of phenol is passed over a nickel catalyst heated at 160°C, phenol is reduced to cyclohexanol by consuming 3 molecules of hydrogen.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Lederer Cyclohexanol

Birch Reduction: When phenol is allowed to react with sodium dissolved in liquid NH3, the aromatic ring is partially reduced to an enol which readily tautomerises to yield 3- cyclohexenone. The first step of this conversion is Birch reduction.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Cyclohexenone


Phenol is a reactive aromatic compound with an electron-rich ring system capable of donating electrons easily. So, it is readily oxidised by oxidising agents. Alkaline potassium permanganate oxidises it to form tartaric acid, oxalic acid and CO2. This oxidation causes complete destruction of the benzene ring. On the other hand, phenol on being oxidised by chromyl chloride or chromic acid and alkaline potassium persulphate gives p-benzoquinone and p-dihydroxy benzene or Quinol respectively. The latter reaction is known as Elbs persulphate oxidation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Elbs Persulphate Oxidation

When colourless phenol is exposed to air and light, it is easily oxidised to form p-benzoquinone along with some other quinone derivatives, p-benzoquinone combines with phenol to form a red-coloured addition compound known as phenoquinone. Due to the presence of this coloured substance, phenol becomes purple-red or pink-red. However, on long exposure to air and light, phenol assumes a deep brown colour.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenoquinone

Libermann Reaction

When a mixture of phenol and a few crystals of NaNO2 is warmed with conc.H2SO4, the mixture turns dark green or greenish-blue. On dilution with water, the colour changes to red. When caustic soda solution is added to the mixture, the red colour of the solution again changes to blue.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Libermann Reaction

Identification And Distinction

Identification of alcohols: Iodoform test When an alcohol containing CH3CH(OH)— group is heated with an aqueous solution of NaOH in the presence of iodine, a yellow precipitate of iodoform is produced. This test is known as iodoform test for alcohol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohol And Idoform

1. If R = H, the alcohol is CH3CH2OH (ethanol).

Example: Ethanol is the only primary alcohol which responds to the iodoform test.

2. If R = an alkyl group, the alcohol is an aliphatic secondary alcohol.

Example: All aliphatic 2° alcohols containing CH3CH(OH)—group, for example, CH3CH(OH)CH3 (propan-2-ol), CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3 (2-butanol). respond to the iodoform test.

3. If R = an aryl group, the alcohol is an aromatic secondary alcohol.

Example: Any aromatic alcohol containing CH3CH(OH)— group responds to the iodoform test, for example, C6H5CH(OH)CH3 (1-phenylethanol).

Therefore, the iodoform test can be used to distinguish between ethanol and methanol, 1-propanol and 2-propanol and 1-phenoxyethanol and 2-phenylethanol.

Distinction between 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols

Lucas test

The Lucas reagent is a mixture of concentrated HCl and anhydrous ZnCl2. This reagent is added to alcohol, under test and shaken well. Alcohols are converted into alkyl chlorides, which being insoluble, results in the appearance of turbidity in the reaction mixture. This test is applicable only to the case of liquid alcohols and invalid for the alcohols with six or more carbon atoms, as these higher alcohols are insoluble In Lucas reagent.

1° Alcohol: At room temperature, primary alcohol does not react with the Lucas reagent. Turbidity appears only when the reaction mixture is heated or left to stand for a few hours.

⇒ \(\left.\mathrm{R}-\mathrm{CH}_2 \mathrm{OH}\left(1^{\circ}\right) \frac{\text { anhy. } \mathrm{ZnCl}_2 / \mathrm{HCl}}{(\text { room temperature }}\right) \text { Alkyl chloride is not formed. }\)

Exception: Benzyl alcohol (C6H5CH2OH) and allyl alcohol (CH2=CHCH2OH) react readily with Lucas reagent, even though they are 1° alcohols.

2° Alcohol: In this case, turbidity appears within 5 minutes as the reaction occurs slowly.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Chloride 2

3° Alcohol: In this case, turbidity appears immediately as the reaction occurs readily.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Chloride 3

On shaking a sample of alcohol with Lucas reagent if the turbidity appears immediately, it is a tertiary alcohol. If the turbidity appears within five minutes, it is a secondary alcohol and if no turbidity appears it is a primary alcohol.

Reaction Mechanism

The reaction involved in the Lucas test proceeds by the SN1 mechanism and therefore, an intermediate carbocation is formed in the first step (rate-determining step) of the reaction. Since a 3° carbocation is very stable, a 3° alcohol reacts readily with the Lucas reagent to form the corresponding alkyl chloride. A 2° alcohol reacts relatively slowly with Lucas reagent because a 2° carbocation is relatively less stable. A 1° alcohol does not react with Lucas reagent at ordinary temperature because a 1° carbocation is highly unstable.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Chloride

Since benzyl and allyl alcohols react with ZnCl2 to form resonance-stabilised carbocations, they respond to this test readily, even though they are 1° alcohols.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzyl Cation And Allyl Cation

Oxidation method

In this method, the alcohol to be identified is subjected to oxidation by K2Cr2O7/H2SO4 or Na2Cr2O2/H2SO2 and the colour of the resulting solution is observed. The resulting compounds are then identified by some special tests.

1° Alcohol: An aldehyde or a carboxylic acid with the same number of carbon atoms is produced and colour of the solution changes from orange to bluish-green.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 1 Degree Alcohol

The aldehyde produced is detected by Tollen’s reagent and the carboxylic acid by esterification reaction.

2° Alcohol: A ketone with the same number of carbon atoms is produced and the colour of the solution changes from orange to bluish-green.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Degree Alcohol

The ketone on treatment with Brady’s reagent gives orange or red precipitate.

3° Alcohol: These are not oxidised under ordinary conditions.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 3 Degree Alcohol

Orange-coloured dichromate [Cr(6)] oxidises 1° or 2° alcohols and itself is reduced to chromic salt [Cr(3)].


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Chromic Salt

Victor Meyer’s Test

The alcohol to be identified is first converted into a nitro compound which is at first treated with HNO2 and then with NaOH solution. Different colours are obtained depending on the type of alcohol. Thus the alcohols are identified from the colour.

1° Alcohol:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Victor Meyers Test

Pseudonitrol does not dissolve in NaOH solution. The solution looks blue due to its own blue colour.

3° Alcohol:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Victor Meyers Test.

Distinction between alcohols and phenols

Alcohols can be distinguished from phenols by—

Litmus Test: Phenols turn blue litmus red due to acidic nature but alcohols do not.

Ferric Chloride Test: Phenols react with a neutral ferric chloride solution to produce blue, violet or green colouration while alcohols do not.

Bromine-Water Test: Phenols react with bromine-water to form a white precipitate of the corresponding bromo derivatives but alcohols do not.

Coupling Reaction: Phenols react with diazonium salts in a weakly alkaline solution to form yellow or orange-coloured azo dyes but alcohols do not.

Libermann’s test: When a few drops of phenol is heated with a few crystals of NaNO2 and 1 ml of cone. H2SO4, a green or blue colouration develops. When the mixture is diluted with water, the colour of the aqueous solution turns red. When excess NaOH solution is added to that solution, thered colour changes to blue or green. Alcohols do not respond to this test.

Interconversion Among Different Classes Of Alcohols

1. 1° to 2° alcohol having the same number of C- atoms:


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers C Atoms 1

2. 2° to 1° alcohol having the same number of C-atoms:


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers C Atoms 2

3. 1° to 3° alcohol having the same number of C-atoms:


Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Haloalkanes And Haloarenes C Atoms 3

4. 3° to 1° alcohol having the same number of C-atoms:


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers C Atoms 4

5. Higher alcohols to lower alcohols (‘step down’):


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Higher Alcohol To Lower Alcohol

6. Lower alcohols to higher alcohols (‘step up’):


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Lower Alcohols To Higher Alcohols

Commercially Important Alcohols And Phenols

Methyl Alcohol Or Methano

Manufacture of methanol Methanol is also known as wood spirit because it was first prepared by destructive distillation of wood. It is prepared commercially by the following two methods.

From water gas: When a mixture of purified water gas and half its volume of H2 is compressed under 200-300 atmosphere pressure is passed over copper oxide, zinc oxide and chromium oxide catalyst heated at 300-400°C, methanol is obtained in good yield (99% ).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Water Gas And Methanol

Water gas (equal volumes of CO and H2) is produced by passing steam over red hot coke.

By oxidation of methane: When a 9:1 (by volume) mixture of methane and oxygen is passed through a heated copper tube at 200-250°C under 100-atmosphere pressure, methane undergoes oxidation to give methanol. In this oxidation, copper tube acts as a catalyst.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methane And Methanol

Properties Of Methanol

Methanol is a colourless, neutral, inflammable liquid having characteristic smell. Its boiling and melting points are 64.5°C and -97.8°C, respectively. It is soluble in most of the organic solvents and miscible with water in all proportions. It is highly poisonous. When taken internally, it causes blindness or even death. Therefore, methanol is not used as an alcoholic drink. It gives all the general reactions of alcohol.

Uses Of Methanol

  1. In industry, methanol finds extensive use as a cheap solvent for paints, varnishes, celluloid, fat, etc.
  2. It is used for the manufacture of formaldehyde which is widely used as a very important raw material in the plastic industry and as a preservative for biological specimens.
  3. It is used substitute of petrol.
  4. In cold countries, it is used as an anti-freezing agent in automobile radiators.
  5. It is used for denaturing ethyl alcohol i.e., to make it unfit for drinking purposes. The denatured ethanol is commonly known as methylated spirit.

Ethyl Alcohol Or Ethanol

Manufacture Of Ethanol

In many countries like the USA, ethanol (C2H5OH) is prepared mainly by the hydration of ethylene. However, in India, ethanol is mainly prepared by the fermentation of carbohydrates. The slow process of biochemical decomposition of complex organic compounds into simpler ones in the presence of suitable microorganisms [e.g., yeast, Acetobacter aceti, etc.] which secrete the biochemical catalysts (or enzymes) is called fermentation. Ethanol is manufactured from the following two types of carbohydrates:

From starchy materials such as potato, rice, barley, maize, etc.: In this method, the enzyme diastase, produced from malt (germinated cereal grains) hydrolyses starch into maltose. Then maltose undergoes hydrolysis to produce glucose in the presence of the enzyme maltose secreted by yeast. Another enzyme zymase produced by yeast causes the fermentation of glucose resulting in the formation of ethanol (also known as grain alcohol) and carbon dioxide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Manufacture Of Ethanol

From Molasses: In this method, the enzyme invertase secreted by yeast hydrolyses sucrose to give glucose and fructose.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Molasses

Both glucose and fructose on fermentation, under the influence of another enzyme zymase secreted by yeast, produce ethanol and carbon dioxide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethanol

Rectified Spirit

When diluted aqueous solution of ethanol obtained by fermentation of carbohydrates is subjected to fractional distillation, a mixture containing 95.6% ethanol and 4.4% water by mass is obtained. This mixture is called rectified spirit.

Preparation of absolute alcohol from rectified spirit: The rectified spirit is mixed with quick lime (calcium oxide) and the mixture is kept for 1-2 days. Quick lime absorbs water present in the rectified spirit forming calcium hydroxide [CaO + H2O→Ca(OH)2]. It is then distilled when 99.5% ethanol is obtained as distillate. Generally, it is called absolute alcohol.

Manufacture of absolute alcohol by azeotropic distillation method: A mixture of rectified spirit and a suitable amount of benzene is subjected to distillation. Three fractions are collected as distillate

  1. The first fraction obtained at 64.8°C is a ternary azeotrope (constant boiling mixture) consisting of water (7.4%), ethanol (18.5%) and benzene (74.1%). All the water present is eliminated in this way.
  2. The second fraction obtained at 68.2°C is a binary azeotrope consisting of the remaining benzene (67.6%) and ethanol (32.4%).
  3. Absolute alcohol is then obtained at 78.3°C as the last fraction.

Preparation of super dry alcohol (>99.95%) from absolute alcohol: Absolute alcohol is refluxed with magnesium in the presence of a trace of iodine. Ethanol reacts completely with magnesium to form magnesium ethoxide. Magnesium ethoxide thus produced undergoes hydrolysis by water present in absolute alcohol, to give insoluble magnesium hydroxide and ethanol. In this way, water present in absolute alcohol is completely removed. The mixture on distillation gives super dry alcohol (>99.95%) and is collected as distillate.

⇒ \(\mathrm{Mg}+2 \mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OH} \rightarrow \mathrm{Mg}\left(\mathrm{OC}_2 \mathrm{H}_5\right)_2+\mathrm{H}_2 \uparrow\)

⇒ \(\mathrm{Mg}\left(\mathrm{OC}_2 \mathrm{H}_5\right)_2+2 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O} \rightarrow \mathrm{Mg}(\mathrm{OH})_2 \downarrow+2 \mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OH}\)

Properties Of Ethanol

Ethanol is a colourless, neutral, sweet-smelling, volatile inflammable liquid. Its boiling point is 78.3°C and its melting point is -114°C. It is lighter than water (specific gravity 0.789 ) and miscible with water in all proportions due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

Therefore, water is very effective in extinguishing fires caused by ethanol. Many organic compounds are soluble in ethanol. It acts as a stimulant If taken internally in a low dose. However, consumption in excess results in intoxication and even loss of consciousness.

Uses Of Ethanol

  1. Ethanol is a very important solvent. In industry, it is widely used as a solvent for resin, soap, varnish, paints and dyes, rayon, perfumes, shellac, artificial rubber, synthetic fibres and medicines.
  2. It finds extensive use in the preparation of ether, ethyl halide, ethyl ester, haloform, acetic acid, acetaldehyde, etc.
  3. It is used as a chief ingredient in preparing alcoholic drinks like beer, whisky, brandy, rum, etc.
  4. It is used in hospitals as an antiseptic in the form of a rectified spirit.
  5. In cold countries, it is used as an antifreeze spirit. 0 In cold countries, it is used as an antifreeze in automobile radiators.
  6. It finds use in the production of power alcohol. In countries having a shortage of petrol, a mixture of petrol ( — 80%), ethanol ( -20%) and benzene or tetracene is used as fuel to cut down its use. As alcohol is immiscible with petrol, a third compound {e.g., benzene or tetracene) is added to function as a cosolvent. This petrol mixed with alcohol is known as power alcohol (as it is used as a source of power).
  7. Since the mobility of ethanol is high and the freezing point is low, it is used in spirit levels and low-temperature thermometers.

Methylated or denatured spirit: In order to prevent the use of ethanol for beverage purposes, the rectified spirit is denatured or made unfit for drinking by adding highly poisonous methanol (up to 10%) and a small amount of pyridine, caoutchouc or naphtha having an obnoxious smell and bad taste. Rectified spirit mixed with methanol is known as methylated spirit or denatured spirit. It is quite cheap and can be used particularly in industries.


Manufacture Of Phenol

Phenol is manufactured either from cumene or from the middle oil fraction obtained from destructive distillation of coal tar.

Uses Of Phenol

  1. Phenol is widely used in the manufacture of bakelite (used for making electrical goods) and nylon in the plastic industry.
  2. It finds extensive use in the preparation of medicines like salicylic acid, salol, aspirin, methyl salicylate phenacetin, etc., explosives like picric acid, acid-base indicators like phenolphthalein and solvents for rubber and nitrocellulose like cyclohexanol.
  3. Due to its germicidal property, phenol is used in different soaps, lotions and germicidal liquids.
  4. It is also used in the preservation of wood.

Preparations Of Ethers

From Alcohols

Dehydration of alcohols

Acid-catalysed dehydration: Alcohols undergo dehydration in the presence of protonic acids like cones. H2SO4 or H3PO4 to produce alkenes or ethers. However, the product which is actually obtained depends on the reaction conditions. When alcohol, for example, is heated with excess cone. H2SO4 at 165-170°C, alkene is obtained as the major product while with excess alcohol at 140°C, ether is obtained as the major product. Therefore, excess alcohol is heated with acid at a relatively low temperature, in the preparation of ethers.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethylether Or Ethoxyethane

Reaction Mechanism

The dehydration of primary alcohols occurs by the SN2 mechanism. The reaction actually takes place through the following three steps.

1st Step: Protonation of the 1° alcohol to form a protonated alcohol or oxonium ion.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohol Or Oxonium Ion

2nd Step: SN2 attack on the protonated alcohol by a second molecule of alcohol to form a protonated ether.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Protonated Diethyl Ether

3rd Step: Loss of a proton to form an ether.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether

  • The yield of ether actually depends on the nature of alcohol (1°, 2° or 3° ) used.
  • Primary alcohols mainly lead to the formation of ether by SN2 reaction along with a small amount of alkene. Therefore, these are the most suitable alcohols for the preparation of ethers.
  • Secondary alcohols react by the E1/SN1 mechanism and alkenes are obtained as the major product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Propene Diisopropylether

Tertiary alcohols react only by the El mechanism and alkenes are obtained nearly exclusively.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tert Butyl Alcohol And 2 Methylpropene

Thus, the tendency of dehydration of alcohols leading to the formation of ethers follows the order:

primary (1°) > secondary (2°) > tertiary (3°)

Limitations: This method is suitable for the preparation of symmetrical ethers. The preparation of an unsymmetrical ether (R—O—R’) requires the use of two different alcohols and because of this, a mixture of three different ethers is obtained. Naturally, the yield of the unsymmetrical ether becomes very poor. Moreover, as the boiling points of the ethers in the mixture are very close to each other, separation of the constituents becomes very difficult. Hence, unsymmetrical ethers cannot be prepared by this method.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers A Mixture Of Three Different Ethers

Although acid-catalysed dehydration of alcohols is not a suitable method for the preparation of unsymmetrical ethers, tert-butyl ethyl ether can easily be prepared in good yield from the corresponding alcohols by this method. Since a tertiary (3°) carbocation is relatively more stable than a primary (1°) carbocation, tert-butyl alcohol leads to the formation of the corresponding 3° carbocation at a faster rate than ethyl alcohol. The resulting ferf-butyl cation then reacts with ethanol to give tert-butyl ethyl ether nearly exclusively.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tert Butyl Alcohol

Catalytic dehydration (Manufacture of ethers): Alcohols can be dehydrated to ethers by passing alcohol vapours over heated catalysts like alumina (Al2O3) or thoria (ThO2). Diethyl ether is manufactured by this process.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethanol And Diethyl Ether

By The Reaction Of Diazomethane With Alcohol

Methyl ethers are formed by treating alcohols with diazomethane (CH2N2) in presence of catalysts like tetrafluoroboric acid (HBF4) or aluminium alkoxide [Al(OR)3].


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aluminium Alkoxide

Methyl phenyl ether or anisole (C6H5OCH3) can be prepared by treating phenol (C6H5OH) with diazomethane. In this case, the presence of a catalyst (Lewis acid) is not essential because phenol is more acidic than alcohol. Note that, for methylation by diazomethane, the substrate must contain acidic hydrogen. The acidity of alcohols increases in the presence of Al(OR)3 or HBF4.

By The Reaction Of Alcohols With Alkenes

Alcohols add to reactive alkenes (e.g., alkyl-substituted alkenes) in the presence of acids as catalysts to form ethers.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohols With Alkenes

The main disadvantage of this method is that the carbocation formed initially sometimes rearranges itself to form the more stable carbocation, which then undergoes nucleophilic attack by alcohol to form an unexpectedly rearranged ether.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohols With Alkenes.

From Alkyl Halides

By Williamson Synthesis

When alkyl halides are heated with sodium or potassium alkoxide (RONa+ or ROK+), ethers are obtained. This method is known as Williamson synthesis. It is a versatile method for the synthesis of both symmetrical and unsymmetrical ethers. Since a mixture of ethers is not obtained, it is highly suitable for preparing unsymmetrical ether. The reaction, which occurs by the SN2 mechanism, involves nucleophilic displacement of halide ion from alkyl halide, by alkoxide ion.

Preparation Of Simple Or Symmetrical Ethers:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Symmetrical Ethers

Example: When a mixed solution of sodium ethoxide and ethyl iodide in alcohol is heated, diethyl ether (simple or symmetrical) is obtained along with sodium iodide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Iodide

Preparation Of Mixed Or Unsymmetrical Ethers:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Unsymmetrical Ethers

Example: When a mixed alcoholic solution of sodium ethoxide and methyl iodide is heated, ethyl methyl ether (mixed or unsymmetrical) is obtained along with sodium iodide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Unsymmetrical Ethers.

Preparation Of Alkyl Aryl Ethers (Phenolic Ethers): These ethers can be easily prepared by treating sodium phenoxides with suitable alkyl halides.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Aryl Ethers

Limitations: Although Williamson synthesis is a very effective procedure for the synthesis of both symmetrical and unsymmetrical ethers, a proper choice of reactants is necessary for the synthesis of unsymmetrical ethers.

  1. Since Williamson synthesis involves SN2 reaction, it is very susceptible to steric hindrance. Due to the least steric hindrance, the primary (methyl) halides are most reactive in this reaction.
  2. Due to considerable steric hindrance, the SN2 attack on secondary alkyl halides is inhibited and as a result, alkenes are obtained as the major product by the E2 mechanism. Due to severe steric hindrance, tertiary alkyl halides are completely unreactive towards SN2 rection and alkenes are obtained exclusively by the E2 mechanism.
  3. The alkoxide may be either primary, secondary or tertiary. Therefore, primary alkyl halide (or methyl halide) should be used in this synthesis.
  4. In this reaction, it is better to use alkyl bromides and iodides because I and Br are good leaving groups. Thus, for preparing an ether containing an isopropyl or a tert-butyl group, these groups must be present in the alkoxide but not in the alkyl halide.

Example: tert-butyl ethyl ether can be prepared by treating ethyl bromide with potassium tert-butoxide but not by treating tert-butyl bromide with potassium ethoxide, because in that case, 2-methylpropene is obtained as the only product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tert Butyl Ethyl Ether And 2 Methylpropene

Since the backside attack by the nucleophile does not take place in aryl halides due to repulsive interaction involving n electron cloud, they are unreactive towards SN2 reaction. Therefore, aryl halides cannot be used for the preparation of alkyl aryl ethers or diaryl ethers.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Aryl Ethers Or Diaryl Ethers

By The Reaction Of Alkyl Halides With Dry Silver Oxide

Ethers can be prepared by heating a mixture of alkyl halide and dry silver oxide (Ag2O).


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethyl Iodide And Diethyl Ether

An epoxide is a three-membered cyclic ether, also called an oxirane. Epoxides are very important synthetic intermediates used for converting alkenes to a variety of other functional groups. An alkene can be converted to an epoxide by a peroxyacid (also called peracids) which are highly selective oxidising agents. For example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dimethylethyleneoxide

The reaction takes place in one step and it is stereospecific i.e., the epoxide retains whatever stereochemistry is present in the alkene.

Physical Properties Of Ethers

Physical State, Colour And Odour

At ordinary temperature, ethers of low molecular masses are colourless gases or colourless volatile liquids having a characteristic ‘ethereal smell’ For example, dimethyl ether and ethyl methyl ether are colourless gases while diethyl ether is a colourless volatile liquid (b.p.34.5°C ) at ordinary temperature. Vapours of ether are highly inflammable.

Dipolar Nature Of Ethers

The oxygen atom of ether (ROR) is sp3-hybridised. So, in this molecule, the two unshared electron pairs and the two C—O bonds are arranged tetrahedrally.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Polar Ether Molecule

Polar ether molecule μ= 1.13D-1.18D

Due to the greater electronegativity of oxygen atoms than carbon, the two C—O bonds in ether are slightly polar. The C—O—C bond angle in ethers is nearly 110° and thus, the two C—O bond moments do not cancel each other. In fact, a resultant of two C—O bond moments operates and it adds to the resultant moment of two unshared pairs of electrons. Therefore, a net moment operates and the molecule becomes polar in nature.

Boiling Points Of Ethers

1. Although ethers are polar in nature, because of steric hindrance between alkyl groups, ether molecules do not come close to each other and only weak dipole-dipole attractions exist between them along with van der Waals forces of attraction.

Hence, the boiling points of lower ethers such as dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) and ethyl methyl ether (CH3OC2H5) are only slightly higher than those of the n-alkanes having comparable molecular masses.

Example: The boiling point of dimethyl ether, CH3OCH3 (Mol. mass = 46) is -23.7°C while that of propane, CH3CH2CH3 (Mol. mass = 44 ) is -42.1°C. Similarly, the boiling point of ethyl methyl ether, CH3OC2H5 (Mol. mass=60) is 10.8°C while that of butane, CH3CH2CH2CH3 (Mol. mass =58) is -0.5°C.

2. As the hydrocarbon part increases beyond four carbons, the boiling points of ethers are slightly lower than n-alkanes of comparable molecular masses. This is due to the fact that the van der Waals forces of attraction between relatively less symmetrical ether molecules are slightly lower than those in little more symmetrical alkanes of comparable molecular masses.

Example: The boiling point of diethyl ether, C2H5OC2H5(Mol. mass =74) is 34.6°C while that of pentane, CH3(CH2)3CH3 (Mol. mass =72) is 36.1°C.

3. Ethers do not form hydrogen bonds because the hydrogen atoms of ether are attached not to oxygen but to carbon. On the other hand, the alcohol molecules remain associated through intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Therefore, more thermal energy is required to separate these associated molecules. Therefore, the boiling points of ethers are much lower than alcohols of comparable molecular masses.

Example: The boiling point of dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3 ) is -23.6°C while that of isomeric ethyl alcohol (CH3CH2OH) is 78.3°C.

Solubility Of Ethers

1. Ethers containing up to three carbon atoms are soluble in water like alcohols of comparable molecular masses due to the formation of hydrogen bonds with water molecules.

Example: Like ethanol (C2H5OH), dimethyl ether is completely miscible with water. Similarly, the solubilities of diethyl ether and n-butyl alcohol are approximately the same (7.5 and 9.0 g per 100 g H2O, respectively).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers H Bonding Between Ether And Water

H-bonding between ether and water

2. As the molecular mass increases, the solubility of ethers in water decreases because of the gradual increase in the volume of the hydrophobic hydrocarbon part. Ethers are soluble in common organic solvents like alcohol, benzene, chloroform, acetone, etc.

3. When diethyl ether is shaken with water in a test tube and then the mixture is allowed to stand, two separate layers are formed. Ether forms the upper layer while water forms the lower layer. This observation suggests that diethyl ether or in general, ethers are almost insoluble in water and are lighter than water.

Solvent Property Of Ethers

1. In a molecule of ether, there is no acidic hydrogen essential for H-bond formation. So, ether is called an aprotic solvent. Many organic compounds dissolve in ether but ionic compounds do not. So, ether can be used as a solvent for preferential extraction of organic compounds from the mixed aqueous solution containing ionic compounds. Ethers are relatively inert by nature. So, they are frequently used as solvents. Some important ethers used as solvents are as follows:


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aprotic Solvent

2. Due to the absence of any hydroxyl group (—OH ) in ether molecules, they are normally unreactive towards strong bases. Due to poor leaving group characteristics of alkoxide ion (RO“) (a very strong base) ethers resist nucleophilic attack by bases. The non-bonding electron pairs of an ether effectively solvate cations. These special features of ether make it a suitable solvent in case of many reactions.

Chemical Reactions Of Ethers

Ethers are chemically almost as inert as alkanes. They are stable to bases, dilute acids, oxidising agents and reducing agents. This is due to the fact that the functional group of ethers ( —O —) does not contain any active site in their molecules just as the hydroxyl (-OH) group of alcohols and phenols, even though the oxygen atom in both the functional groups contains two lone pair of electrons. However, under suitable conditions, they undergo some reactions mainly because of the unshared electron pairs on the oxygen atom or cleavage of the C—O bond.

Reactions Of The Ethereal Oxygen

Due to the presence of two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom, ethers behave as Lewis bases and hence, undergo some reactions in which coordinate bond formation occurs.

Formation Of Oxonium Salt

Ethers dissolve in cold concentrated mineral acids such as cone. H2SO4 or cone. HCl due to the formation of stable oxonium salts.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Oxonium Salts

Since ethers behave as Lewis bases, they do not react with alkalies and consequently do not dissolve in alkalies.

When a solution of ether in a concentrated mineral acid is diluted with water, the oxonium salt undergoes decomposition (hydrolysis) to regenerate the original ether. For example, when ether dissolved in concentrated H2SO4 is shaken with water and kept for some time, two separate layers of ether and water are formed.

This is due to the fact that water is a stronger base than ether. So, when an excess of water is present in the mixture, the water molecules accept H+ ions. As a consequence, the ether molecule becomes free from acid and the acid molecule dissolves in water with the formation of hydroxonium hydrogen sulphate.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydroxonium Hydrogen Sulphate

Unlike alkanes or alkyl halides, ethers dissolve in concentrated mineral acids forming salt, and on dilution of this solution with water, ether is again liberated. On the basis of this principle, ether can be separated from its mixture with alkane or alkyl halide.

Formation Of Etherates (Coordination Complexes)

Being Lewis bases, ethers form coordination complexes known as etherates with Lewis acids such as BF3, AlCl3, Grignard reagents (RMgX), etc.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Etherates

Grignard reagents dissolve in ether due to the formation of such complexes and hence, Grignard reagents are usually prepared in ethers.

Reactions Involving Cleavage Of C—O Bond

By Halogen Acids

1. When ethers are heated with hydroiodic acid (HI) or hydrobromic acid (HBr) at 100°C, they undergo C—O bond cleavage to form an alcohol and an alkyl halide. HI, and HBr are very suitable reagents for the cleavage of ethers because they are relatively stronger acids and the respective anions (Bre or Ie) are also stronger nucleophiles.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Halogen Acids


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Halogen Acids.

2. If an excess of halogen acid is used, the alcohol thus formed reacts further with the halogen acid to form the corresponding alkyl halide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Corresponding Alkyl Halide

Reaction Mechanism

The cleavage of ethers with an excess of halogen acids takes place by the following mechanism involving two stages:

First stage: Diethyl ether reacts with HI to form ethyl iodide and ethanol through the following two steps:

Step 1: A molecule of ether takes up a proton from halogen acid and is converted into an oxonium ion.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Oxonium Ion

Step 2: Iodide ion (I) is a good nucleophile. It displaces the alcohol molecule from the oxonium ion by the SN2 mechanism.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethyl Iodide Ethyl Alcohol

Second stage: The resulting ethanol reacts with another molecule of HI to form ethyl iodide through the following two steps:

Step 1 and 2:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Resulting Ethanol Reacts

Reactivity Of Halogen Acids: The cleavage of ethers by halogen acids actually involves an SN2 attack by the halide ion (X) on the protonated ether molecule. Thus, how fast and easily the cleavage will take place depends on the strength of the nucleophilic attack, Le., the nucleophilicity of the halide ion. Since the nucleophilicity of the halide ions follows the sequence: I > Br > Cl, the reactivity of the halogen acids follows the same sequence, Le., HI > HBr > HCl.

Site Of Cleavage: In the case of unsymmetrical ethers having two different alkyl groups, the alcohol and the alkyl halide expected to be formed, i.e., the site of cleavage, depends on the nature of the alkyl group.

1. If the ether contains a methyl group or a 1 ° alkyl group, the cleavage occurs by the SN2 mechanism and the nucleophilic attack occurs on the smaller alkyl group because of lesser steric hindrance. Therefore, the alkyl halide is always formed from the smaller alkyl group.

Example: When isopropyl methyl ether is treated with HI, the smaller methyl groups form the alkyl halide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Iodide And Isopropyl Alcohol

2. When the ether contains a 3° alkyl group, the cleavage occurs by the SN1 mechanism and a 3° alkyl halide is produced through the formation of a stable 3° carbocation.

Example: tert-butyl methyl ether reacts with HI to from tert-butyl iodide and methyl alcohol.

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Haloalkanes And Haloarenes Tert Butyl Iodide And Methyl Alcohol

3. The cleavage of alkyl aryl ethers or phenolic ethers always leads to the formation of phenols and alkyl halides. The nucleophilic attack (SN2) by the halide ion on the benzene ring does not occur from the back side of the leaving group. This is because of the repulsive interaction caused by the ring π-electrons. Again, an SN1 reaction does not take place because phenyl cation (C6H+5) very unstable. Therefore, cleavage of Ar—O bond does not take place and a phenol is always obtained.

Example: Anisole (C6H5OCH3) reacts with HI to form phenol and methyl iodide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol And Methyl Iodide

4. The cleavage of benzyl alkyl ethers occurs by the SNI mechanism and benzyl halide is produced through the formation of resonance-stabilised benzyl cation.

Example: Benzyl methyl ether reacts with HI to form benzyl iodide and methyl alcohol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzyl Halide

Application Of The Cleavage Reaction Involving HI: The cleavage of ethers by hydroiodic acid (HI ) forms the basis of the Zelsel method for the estimation of alkoxy groups like methoxy (—OCH3) and ethoxy (—OC2H5) group, in a compound.

When a known mass of the given ether is heated with HI, alkyl iodide is formed. The vapours of volatile alkyl iodide (CH3I or C2H5I ) are absorbed in alcoholic AgNO3 solution when a yellow precipitate of Agl is obtained. It is filtered, washed, dried and finally weighed. From the amount of silver iodide, a number of alkoxy groups can be estimated.

By Sulphuric Acid

1. When ethers are heated with dil. H2SO4 under high pressure, undergoes hydrolysis to give alcohols.

⇒ \(\mathrm{R}-\mathrm{O}-\mathrm{R} \text { (Ether) }+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O} \underset{\text { pressure }}{\stackrel{\text { dil. } \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{SO}_4, \Delta}{\longrightarrow}} 2 \mathrm{R}-\mathrm{OH} \text { (Alcohol) }\)


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethyl Alcohol

2. When heated with cone.H2SO4, ethers form alkyl hydrogen sulphates.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Hydrogen Sulphate


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether Ethyl Hydrogen Sulphate

3. Ethers containing 2° or 3° alkyl groups form alkenes when heated with cone. H2SO4.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Propene

By Phosphorus Pentachloride

When ethers are heated with phosphorus pentachloride, the cleavage of the carbon-oxygen bond leads to the formation of alkyl chlorides and phosphorus oxychloride (POCl3).


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phosphorus Pentachloride

In this reaction, HCl is not produced (An alcohol can be distinguished from an ether by this reaction).

By Acid Chlorides And Anhydrides

When ethers are heated with acid chlorides in the presence of anhydrous ZnCl2 or AlCl3, alkyl chlorides and esters are produced. However, when heated with acid anhydrides, only esters are formed.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Anhydrides

By Carbon Monoxide

Ethers react with carbon monoxide at 125-180°C under 500 atm pressure in the presence of boron trifluoride and a small amount of water to yield esters.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carbon Monoxide

By boron tribromide (BBr3)

Cleavage of ethers by BBr3 occurs in two stages.

First stage: \(\mathrm{ROR}^{\prime}+\mathrm{BBr}_3 \rightarrow \mathrm{R}-\mathrm{O}-\mathrm{BBr}_2+\mathrm{R}^{\prime} \mathrm{Br}{\prime}\)

Second Stage:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Boron Tribromide.

The smaller alkyl group always forms the alkyl bromide.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Bromide

Reactions Involving The Alkyl Groups

Formation Of Peroxides

Ethers having at least one α-H atom undergo slow oxidation in the presence of sunlight and air (O2) to form hydroperoxide and dialkyl peroxide. It is a free radical reaction and the carbon atom attached directly to the oxygen atom is oxidised in this case.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dialkyl Peroxide


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Peroxide

Tert-butyl methyl ether [(CH3)3C— O—CH3] does not undergo auto-oxidation as there is no a-H in tert-butyl group and a free radical involving methyl group (Me3C—O—CH2) cannot be formed easily as it is not very stable.

Once a large container of ether has been opened, it comes in contact with atmospheric oxygen and the auto-oxidation process starts. After several months, a large amount of peroxide is produced in the container. The peroxides are explosive oily liquids. Distillation or evaporation concentrates the peroxides present in an old sample of ether (peroxides are less volatile) and an explosion may occur. Such an explosion may be avoided by conducting the distillation not up to dryness. Detection of peroxide in a sample of either:

If on shaking an old sample of ether with an aqueous solution of KI mixed with starch becomes blue in colour, then it must be concluded that the sample of ether contains peroxide. In this case, the peroxide oxidises iodide to iodine which then combines with starch to form a blue inclusion complex.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers An Inclusion Complex

If on shaking an old sample of ether with a freshly prepared solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate (Mohr salt) followed by the addition of an aqueous solution of ammonium thiocyanate a red colour appears, then it must be concluded that the ether sample contains peroxide. In this case, Fe2+ ions are oxidised by peroxide to Fe3+ ions which then react with thiocyanate to form a red complex ion.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Complex Ion

⇒ \(\left[\mathrm{Fe}_2\left(\mathrm{SO}_4\right)_3+2 \mathrm{NH}_4 \mathrm{SCN} \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{Fe}(\mathrm{SCN}) \mathrm{SO}_4+\left(\mathrm{NH}_4\right)_2 \mathrm{SO}_4\right]\)

Removal Of Peroxides From Ethers: Ether, used as an anaesthetic and for various other purposes, must be completely free from peroxide. Peroxides present In an ether sample can be removed by shaking the ether with KI or FeSO4 solution or by distilling with cone. H2SO4 or LiAlH4.

Preservation of ethers: When ethers come in contact with air in the presence of sunlight, they undergo oxidation to form peroxide which is highly explosive in nature. Therefore, to avoid contact with air and light, others are stored in dark-coloured bottles with a narrow necks wrapped with black paper in sealed condition. Sometimes a small amount of cuprous oxide, ethanol or hydroquinone is mixed with ether to prevent the formation of peroxides.

Halogenation Reaction

1. Ethers undergo substitution with chloride or bromide at low temperatures and in the dark. One or two a-H atoms are replaced by halogen-producing mono and dihaloethers.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Halogenation Reaction

In the presence of light, all the H-atoms of ether are substituted by chlorine-producing perchlorodiethyl ether.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Perchlorodiethyl Ether

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions Of Aromatic Ethers

The alkoxy (-OR) group of aryl alkyl ethers increases the electron density of the ring by its +R effect and at the same time decreases the electron density of the ring by -I effect. However, as +R effect is stronger than -I effect, the group activates the ring towards electrophilic substitution reactions.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Resonance In Aryl Ether

Resonance in aryl alkyl ether

From the hybrid structures, it becomes clear that the electron density at each of the two ortho- and para-positions is much higher as compared to that at the two meta-positions. Therefore, the electrophilic substitution occurs mainly at the o-and p-positions.

Anisole is less reactive towards electrophilic aromatic substitution than phenol. In a neutral or alkaline medium, phenol ionises to give phenoxide ion C6H5— O. However, anisole does not ionise under such conditions.

Since the oxygen atom in the phenoxide ion with full-fledged negative charge is more electron-releasing (stronger +R effect) as compared to the group in anisole (C6H5OCH3), anisole is less reactive than phenol towards electrophilic substitution reactions.

Nitration Reaction

When an anisole is treated with mixed acid (cone. HNO3 + cone. H2SO4 ), o-and p-nitro anisole is obtained.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nitration Reaction

Bromination Reaction

Anisole reacts with bromine in acetic acid to form a mixture of o- and p-bromoanlsole.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Bromination Reaction

Friedel Crafts Alkylation Reaction

Anisole reacts with methyl chloride in the presence of anhy. AlCl3 to form a mixture of o-and p-methylanisole.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Crafts Alkylation Reaction

Friedel-Crafts Acylation Reaction

When anisole is treated with acetyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3, 2 and 4-methoxyacetophenone are obtained.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Crafts Acylation Reaction

Noted that aromatic ethers are much less reactive than phenols towards electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions. In fact, they are unreactive towards coupling, Kolbe and Reimer-Tiemann reactions.

Ethers Uses Of Ethers

  1. Due to almost inert nature and good dissolving power, ethers are widely used as solvents both in laboratories as well as in industry. For example, diethyl ether finds extensive use as a solvent for resins, oils, fats, alkaloids, cellulose, esters, etc.
  2. Diethyl ether is widely used in the extraction of many organic compounds from natural sources.
  3. In many reactions {e.g., Wurtz reaction, Grignard reaction, reduction with Lithium aluminium hydride etc.), diethyl ether is used as a solvent.
  4. Diethyl ether has been widely used as an inhalation anaesthetic agent in surgery as it produces unconsciousness without affecting lungs or heart. However, it has been replaced by better anaesthetic agents such as ethrane (ClFCHCF2OCHF2) because of its slow action and lengthy recovery period. Isoflurane (C3H2ClF5O) is also used as a general anaesthetic.
  5. Diphenyl ether (C6H5—O—C6H5 ) is used as a heat transfer medium as its boiling point (258°C) is much higher.
  6. A mixture of ether and alcohol is used as a substitute for petrol, under the trade name natalite.
  7. A mixture of ether and solid carbon dioxide is used as refrigerant and can generate a very low temperature (-110°C).
  8. Some naturally occurring phenolic ethers are used in perfumes and as flavouring agents, for example, vanilline, eugenol, isoeugenol, anethole, etc.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Uses Of Ethers

Distinction Between Alcohols And Ethers

  1. Alcohols are readily soluble in water due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding while ethers, except dimethyl ether, are insoluble in water.
  2. Alcohols containing acidic or active hydrogen react with sodium to liberate H2 gas while ethers are unreactive towards sodium. Sodium is used to dry them.
  3. Alcohols react readily with PCl5 to form chloroalkanes with the liberation of HCl gas while ethers react with PCl5 at high temperature to form chloroalkanes without liberation of HCl gas.
  4. Alcohols are readily oxidised to aldehydes and ketones while ethers are resistant to oxidation.
  5. Air has no effect on alcohols while ethers form peroxides on reacting with air in presence of light.

Distinctive Tests Between Diethyl Ether, Ethanol And Methanol:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether Ethanol And Methanol

Some Transformations Related To Ethers

1. Diethyl ether from ethanol:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether.

2. Ethanol and butane from diethyl ether:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether And Ethanol

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether And Ethanol.

3. Diethyl ether from methanol:

Class 12 Chemistry Haloalkanes And Haloarenes Diethyl Ether From Methanol

4. Ethyl propanoate from diethyl ether:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether Ethyl Propanoate

5. Ethylene from diethyl ether:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethylene From Diethyl Ether

6. Diethyl ether from ethylene:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether From Ethylene

7. 2-ethoxypropane from propene:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethoxypropane From Propene

8. Diethyl ether from acetylene:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether From Acetylene

9. Ethyl phenyl ether from ethanol:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethyl Phenyl Ether From Ethanol

10. Allyl phenyl ether from propene:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Allyl Phenyl Ether From Propene


Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Which part of an alcohol (R —OH) is hydrophobic and which part is hydrophilic and why?
Answer: The non-polar alkyl (R— ) group is the hydrophobic part of an alcohol as it has no affinity for the polar water molecule while the hydroxy (—OH) group is the hydrophilic part because it forms hydrogen bond with water molecule.

Question 2. Which is the only 1° alcohol that responds to the iodoform test?
Answer: Ethyl alcohol (CH3CH2OH)

Question 3. Arrange 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols in order of decreasing acidic strength.
Answer: Primary (1°) > Secondary (2°) > Tertiary (3°)

Question 4. Arrange CH3OH, H2O and C6H5OH in order of decreasing acidic strength.
Answer: C6H5OH > CH3OH > H2O

Question 5. Arrange(CH3)3COH, CH3CH2OH and (CH3)2CHOH in order of increasing reactivity towards metallic Na.
Answer: (CH3)3COH < (CH3)2CHOH < CH3CH2OH

Question 6. Name a reagent by which the three classes of alcohols can be distinguished.
Answer: Lucas reagent (anhy. ZnCl2 +conc. HCl)

Question 7. Which alcohol is used as an important beverage?
Answer: Ethyl alcohol (CH3CH2OH).

Question 8. Which class of alcohols does not react with Lucas reagent at ordinary temperature?
Answer: Primary (1° ) alcohol.

Question 9. Predict the product expected to be formed when vapours of tert-butyl alcohol are passed over heated copper at 300°C.
Answer: (CH3)2C=CH2 (2 -methylpropene)

Question 10. Mention the process by which anti-Markownikoff hydration of propene can be effected.
Answer: Hydroboration-oxidation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydroboration Oxidation

Question 11. Which class of alcohols readily undergoes dehydration?
Answer: Tertiary (3°) alcohol.

Question 12. Write the name and structure of the optically active alcohol having the lowest molecular mass.
Answer: Butan-2-ol (CH3CH2CHOHCH3).

Question 13. Mention the carbonyl compounds which react with Grignard reagents to form 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols.

The Grignard reagents (RMgX) are to be treated with formaldehyde (HCHO), an aldehyde (RCHO) other than formaldehyde and ketones (RCOR) to prepare primary or 1°, secondary or 2° and tertiary or 3° alcohols, respectively.

Question 14. Which one out of phenol, p-cresol and 2,4-dinitrophenol is soluble in an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate?
Answer: 2,4-dinitrophenol (a stronger acid than carbonic acid).

Question 15. Ethanol responds to the iodoform test while methanol does not—why?

There is a CH3CH(OH) -group in ethanol [CH3CH2(OH)], which takes part in the iodoform reaction but not in methanol (CH3OH).

Question 16. Mention a suitable reagent for preparing heptanal from 1-heptanol.
Answer: Pyridinium chlorochromate(CrO3-C5H5N.HCl).

Question 17. Mention two chemical tests which can be used to distinguish between phenol and alcohol.

  1. Litmus test
  2. Ferric chloride test (phenol responds to both the tests).

Question 18. Which out of CH3CH2OH, C6H5OH and CH3OH does not react with acetic acid in the presence of cone. H2SO4 to form ester?
Answer: C6H5OH , because it acts as a weak nucleophile

Question 19. Which out of CH3CH2OH, CH3CHOHCH3 and (CH3)3COH gives a red colour in Victor Meyer’s test?
Answer: CH3CH2OH, because it is a 1° alcohol

Question 20. Which one of the following compounds does not react with Br2 -water to form a white precipitate?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers White Precipitate


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzyl Alcohol

Question 21. What are the electrophiles involved in Reimer- Tiemann and Kolbe-Schmitt reactions?
Answer: Dichlorocarbene (:CCl2) and CO2, respectively.

Question 22. Write the name and structure of a compound which is used as a drug for reducing fever (antipyretic).
Answer: Aspirin

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aspirin

Question 23. Which one out of proof spirit, rectified spirit and methylated spirit causes blindness if taken internally?
Answer: Methylated spirit.

Question 24. Arrange secondary alcohol, primary alcohol, phenol and tertiary alcohol in decreasing order of tendency towards bond cleavage.
Answer: Tertiary (3°) alcohol > secondary (2°) alcohol > primary (1°) alcohol > phenol

Question 25. Account for the difference in behaviour of phenol with Br2/H2O and Br2/CS2.

Phenol (PhOH) ionizes in water to give some PhO which is the actual reacting species. Due to the presence of a full-fledged negative charge on the oxygen atom, the ring is highly activated and as a consequence, tribromination occurs to yield 2,4,6- tribromophenol. The less reactive PhOH does not ionize in non-polar solvent CS2 and so, monobromination occurs to yield a mixture of o-and p-bromophenol.

Question 26. Arrange dimethyl, di-tert-butyl and diethyl ethers in the order of increasing C —O — C bond angle.
Answer: Me— O— Me < Et— O— Et < Me3C—O—CMe3

Question 27. Give examples of three reagents by which ethanol can be distinguished from diethyl ether.

  1. PCl5
  2. I2/NaOH and
  3. Na

Question 28. Which one out of HC1, HBr and HI is not an effective reagent for ether cleavage?

HCl; because it is relatively a weaker acid and the anion (Cl) is relatively a weaker nucleophile.

Question 29. What type of alkyl halide should be used in Williamson synthesis?
Answer: Methyl or 1° alkyl halide.

Question 30. Mention the mechanism of the reaction involved in C—O bond cleavage of benzyl methyl ether by HI.
Answer: The cleavage occurs through the SN1 mechanism.

Question 31. When an ether C5H12O is hydrolysed with dilute H2SO4, two alcohols are obtained which respond to iodoform test. Identify the ether.
Answer: (CH3)2CHOCH2CH3 (Ethyl isopropyl ether).

Question 32. Di-ferf-butyl ether cannot from peroxide in the presence of light and air. Explain
Answer: Me3C—O—CMe3 contains no a-H atom and for this reason it does not form peroxide in the presence of light and air.

Question 33. Arrange the following compounds in the order of increasing boiling point: 1-pentanol, n-pentane, pentanal, ethoxyethane.
Answer: N-pentane < ethoxyethane < pentanal < 1-pentanol

Question 34. Arrange the following ethers in the order of decreasing C—O—C bond angle: CH3 —O—CH3, (CH3)3C—O—C(CH3)3, (CH3)2CH—O—C2H5
Answer: (CH3)3C—O—C(CH3)3 > (CH3)2CH—O—C2H5>CH3— O—CH3

Question 35. Give an example of a stable gem-diol.
Answer: Chloral hydrate [CCl3CH(OH)2]

Question 36. Which is the only 1° alcohol that responds to the iodoform test?
Answer: Ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH)

Question 37. Which class of alcohols does not react with the Lucas reagent at ordinary temperature?
Answer: Primary or 1° alcohol

Question 38. Which class of alcohols undergoes dehydration very rapidly in the presence of concentrated H2SO4?
Answer: Tertiary or 3° alcohol

Question 39. Mention one reaction by which the presence of the —OH group in an organic compound can be detected and its number can be determined.
Answer: Acetylation reaction

Question 40. Which is the only primary alcohol that can be prepared by the hydration of alkene?
Answer: Ethanol

Question 41. Which class of alcohols does not undergo dehydrogenation when passed through a copper catalyst heated at 300°C?
Answer: Tertiary or 3° alcohol

Question 42. Which class of alcohols is unable to change the orange colour of Na2Cr2O7/H2SO4 solution?
Answer: Tertiary or 3° alcohol

Question 43. Ethanol responds to iodoform test but methanol does not —why?
Answer: A CH3CHOH- group is present in ethanol but not in methanol

Question 44. What is the maximum number of water molecules with which a molecule of alcohol forms H-bond?
Answer: Three

Question 45. Which is the alcohol having molecular formula C4H10O, produces a red colouration in Victor Meyer’s test?
Answer: 1-Butanol or 2- methyl-1-propanol

Question 46. Name two reagents which can be used to distinguish between phenol and cyclohexanol.
Answer: Neutral FeCl3 solution and Lucas reagent can be used

Question 47. Which one of alcohol and phenol is a weak nucleophile and why?

The unshared pair of electrons on oxygen in phenol is delocalized with the ring n electrons, therefore, phenol is a weaker nucleophile than alcohol.

Question 48. Which out of 3-methylhexan-3-ol and 5-methylhexan-1-ol reacts with metallic sodium at a faster rate?
Answer: 5-methylhexan-1-ol reacts with metallic Na because it is a primary alcohol

Question 49. Glycerol is a viscous liquid—why?

Glycerol (HOCH2CHOHCH2OH) contains three —OH groups. So, it remains associated through extensive hydrogen bonding and so, it exists as a viscous liquid.

Question 50. Write the name and structure of an antipyretic.
Answer: Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acetylsalicylic Acid

Question 51. Explain why the —OH group in phenol is o-, p-directing.

The -OH group by its +R effect increases the electron density at ortho-and para-positions

Question 52. Which class of alcohol is obtained when formaldehyde is allowed to react with Grignard reagents?
Answer: Primary alcohol

Question 53. Name the by-product obtained in the preparation of phenol from cumene.
Answer: Acetone (CH3COCH3)

Question 54. Which of the isomeric nitrophenols is more volatile and why?

Due to the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bond, o-nitrophenol exists as single molecule. So, its boiling point is the lowest and it is the most volatile.

Question 55. Predict the product expected, when a mixture of phenol, phthalic anhydride and concentrated H2SO4 is heated.

Question 56. Arrange 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols in the order of increasing reactivity towards metallic sodium.
Answer: Phenolphthalein (an acid-base indicator)

Question 57. Which one between 2-chloroethanol and ethanol is more acidic and why?
Answer: Due to the -I effect of chlorine, 2-chloroethanol is more acidic than ethanol

Question 58. Mention the factors responsible for solubility of alcohols in water.

Hydrophobic character of R-group, a steric effect due to the R-group and hydrophilic character of the —OH group (formation of H-bond).

Question 59. Mention a reagent for converting ethanol to ethanoic acid.
Answer: Na2Cr2O7/H2SO4 or K2Cr2O7/H2SO4

Question 60. Explain why the reactivity of the three classes of alcohols towards Lucas reagent is different.

The stabilities of the three carbocations obtained from three classes (1°, 2° and 3°) of alcohols are different and for this reason, the rates of reactions with Lucas reagent are different

Question 61. Mention a reagent for converting ethanol to ethanal.
Answer: PCC (Pyridinium chlorochromate).

Question 62. How can a small amount of water present in ether be removed?
Answer: It is allowed to stand with sodium for one day and then distilled

Question 63. Ether possesses dipole moment. Predict the shape of ether from this information.
Answer: The ether molecule is an angular

Question 64. Give an example of (1) aprotic solvent and (2) protic solvent.
Answer: Ether is an aprotic solvent and ethanol is a protic solvent

Question 65. Write the names and structures of two metamers of diethyl ether.
Answer: 1-Methoxypropane (CH3OCH2CH2CH3) and 2-methoxy propane [CH3OCH(CH3)2)]

Question 66. What are the two explosive substances obtained on auto-oxidation of ether?
Answer: 1-Ethoxyethyl hydroperoxide and diethyl peroxide

Question 67. Write the names of three ethers which cannot be prepared by Williamson synthesis.
Answer: Me3C—O—CMe3, Ph—O— Ph and Me3CCH2—O—CH2CMe3

Question 68. Which physical experiment can be used to distinguish between ethanol and diethyl ether?
Answer: Solubility in water

Question 69. Predict the products expected to be formed when anisole is treated with HI.
Answer: Phenol and methyl iodide

Question 70. Which alkyl group of an unsymmetrical dialkyl ether can be converted into an alkyl halide when the ether is treated with HX? (X = I or Br)
Answer: The smaller alkyl group

Question 71. An old ether sample should not be distilled to dryness why?
Answer: To avoid explosions caused by peroxides

Question 72. What are ethrane and isoflurane? Mention their uses.
Answer: Ethrane(ClFCHCF2OCHF2) and isoflurane(F3CCHClOCHF2) are two ethers used as anaesthetic agents

Question 73. Write the IUPAC name of the optically active ether having molecular formula C5H12O.
Answer: 2-Methoxybutane [CH3CH2CH(CH3)OCH3]

Question 74. Name the solvent/reagent in which diethyl ether does not dissolve.
Answer: cone. NaOH solution

Question 75. Which is the most effective halogen acid used for ether cleavage?
Answer: HI

Question 76. What type of reaction is involved during conversion of ether to peroxide?
Answer: Free-radical reaction

Question 77. Explain why di-tert-butyl ether does not form peroxide in the presence of light and air.
Answer: There is no α – H in tert-butyl group

Question 78. Write the structure of one ether which is isomeric with butan-2-ol.
Answer: CH3CH2—O—CH2CH3 (ethoxyethane)

Question 79. Explain why di-tert-butyl ether cannot be prepared by Williamson synthesis.
Answer: Me3C—X does not undergo SN2 reaction due to steric reason

Question 80. O=C=O is nonpolar, but R—O— R is polar—why?
Answer: Due to its linear shape, CO2 is nonpolar. However, R—O— R is polar as it is angular in shape.

Question 81. Which reagent can be used to distinguish between secondary and tertiary alcohols.

Answer: Lucas reagent

Question 82. How will you distinguish the compounds in each pair by a chemical reaction?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Chemical Reaction .

Answer: Phenol (C6H5OH) reacts with a neutral FeCl3 solution to produce a violet colouration but anisole
(PhOCH3) does not.

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Short Answer Type Question And Answer

Question 1. The boiling point of ethanol (78.3°C) is much higher than that of butane (-0.5°C) even though the molecular mass of butane is higher than that of ethanol. Explain.

Ethanol molecules remain associated through intermolecular hydrogen bonding while very weak van der Waals forces of attraction operates among the non-polar butane molecules. Thus, greater amount of thermal energy is required to separate alcohol molecules as compared to butane molecules. Therefore the boiling point of ethanol (C2H5OH) is much higher than that of butane (CH3CH2CH2CH3).

Question 2. Although methanol and ethanol are organic solvents, they are very good solvents for a number of Ionic compounds—why?

Methanol (CH3OH) and ethanol (CH3CH2OH), being able to form hydrogen bonds, can solvate anions of an ionic compound. Due to their relatively high values of dielectric constant they are capable of reducing the attractive forces between cations and anions of an ionic compound. Therefore, methanol and ethanol are good solvents for ionic compounds.

Question 3. Which one among the isomeric alcohols having formula C4H10O is most soluble in water and why?

The isomeric alcohols having molecular formula C4H10°

  1. N-butyl alcohol [CH3(CH2)3OH] ,
  2. Secbutyl alcohol [CH3CH(OH)CH2CH3] ,
  3. Isobutyl alcohol [(CH3)2CHCH2OH]
  4. Tert-butyl alcohol [(CH3)3COH].

Among these, tert-butyl alcohol has maximum solubility in water because its spherical hydrophobic hydrocarbon part having a small surface area, is relatively less dominant.

Question 4. Alcohols act both as acids and bases. Explain.

The highly electronegative oxygen atom in alcohol can easily accommodate the O—H bonding electrons. Therefore, alcohols behave as acids by donating protons to strong bases. For example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Electronegative Oxygen Aatom

Due to the presence of unshared pair of electrons on oxygen, alcohols can also attract protons from strong acids and thereby, act as Bronsted bases. For example:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Bronsted Bases

Question 5. Arrange 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols in the order of decreasing acidic and basic strength and explain.

Ongoing from 1° (RCH2OH) to 3° alcohol (R3COH), the number of electron-releasing alkyl (R-) groups attached to the carbinol carbon (the carbon attached to the —OH group) increases. Therefore, the electron density on oxygen progressively increases and as a result, the tendency of displacement of O —H bonding electrons progressively decreases, i.e., the polarity of the O—H bond progressively decreases.

Therefore, the acidic strength of alcohols decreases in the order: 1°>2°>3°. Since the electron density on oxygen increases gradually with increase in the number of alkyl groups, the tendency of oxygen to donate electrons progressively increases from 1° to 3° alcohol, i.e., their basic strength decreases in the order: 3° > 2° > 1°.

Question 6. Explain why alcohols cannot be used as solvents in I reactions involving Grignard reagent (RMgX) or lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4).

The carbanion (R) generated from Grignard reagent and the hydride ion (H) generated from LiAlH4 are very strong bases. So, they react readily with alcohols (an acid-base reaction) to liberate RH (hydrocarbon) and H2 and these reagents are destroyed. Hence, alcohols cannot be used as solvents in the reactions involving RMgX or LiAlH4.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Lithium Aluminium Hydride

Question 7. The concentration of ethanol cannot be increased further by distilling rectified spirit—why?

Rectified spirit is a constant boding mixture or azeotropic mixture of 95.6% ethanol and 4.4% water by mass. This means that both alcohol and water bod at the same temperature. Thus, on distillation, the composition of the mixture, which bods at 78.15°C, remains unchanged. Therefore, the concentration of ethanol cannot be increased by distilling rectified spirit.

Question 8. What are the products expected to be obtained in the reaction of ethanol with cone. H2SO4 under the following thermal conditions?

  1. 0°C
  2. Room temperature
  3. 140°C
  4. 170°C


  1. CH3CH2OH2HSO4 (ethyl oxonium hydrogen sulphate)
  2. CH3CH2OSO3H (ethyl hydrogen sulphate)
  3. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 (diethyl ether)
  4. CH2=CH2(ethylene)

Question 9. Ethanol does not react with NaBr to form ethyl bromide while ethyl bromide is formed if the reaction is carried out in presence of H2SO4. Explain.

Although Br is a moderately strong nucleophile, it displace the very poor leaving group OH (a strong base) from a molecule of alcohol by an SN2 reaction. Hence, ethanol does not react with NaBr to form ethyl bromide. However, in the presence of H2SO4, the —OH group of ethanol gets protonated and is converted into — OH. Since H2O (very weak base) is a very good leaving group, it is easily displaced by Br ion. Thus, ethanol reacts with NaBr in the presence of H2SO4 to form ethyl bromide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethyl Bromide

Question 10. Sodium can be used to remove traces of water from benzene but not from alcohol —why?

Due to the presence of acidic or active hydrogen in ethanol (C2H5OH), it readily reacts with Na to form sodium ethoxide and hydrogen. So, Na cannot be used to remove traces of water from alcohol.

⇒ \(2 \mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OH}+2 \mathrm{Na} \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{ONa}+\mathrm{H}_2 \uparrow\)

On the other hand, benzene having no active or acidic hydrogen, is inert to sodium. So, traces of water can be removed from benzene by using sodium.

Question 11. A polyhydric alcohol of molecular mass 168 gives an acetyl derivative having molecular mass 294. How many hydroxyl groups are present in that alcohol?

⇒ \(-\mathrm{OH}(17) \stackrel{\text { Acetylation }}{\longrightarrow}-\mathrm{OCOCH}_3(59)\)

The increase in molecular mass due to acetylation of one —OH group = (59- 17) = 42. Here, the observed increase in molecular mass of the alcohol = (294- 168) = 126.

∴ Number of —OH group present = \(\frac{126}{42}=3\)

Question 12. No primary alcohol except ethanol can be prepared by hydration of an alkene—why? How can primary alcohols be prepared from alkenes?

The preparation of a primary alcohol is possible only by the hydration of a terminal alkene (RCH=CH2). All terminal alkenes except ethylene are unsymmetrical. So, addition of concentrated H2SO4 takes place according to the Markownikoff rule and hydrolysis of the resulting alkyl hydrogen sulphate leads to the formation of 2° (or 3°) alcohol, predominantly.

Since ethylene (CH2 = CH2) is symmetrical, it produces only the primary alcohol, ethanol (C2H5OH ) on hydration. Therefore, no other primary alcohol except ethanol, can be prepared by the hydration of an alkene.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydration Of An Alkene

Primary alcohols can be prepared by an indirect hydration of terminal alkenes using the hydroboration-oxidation method.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydroboration Oxidation Method

Question 13. Write structure of the major product(s) in each of the following reactions:

  1. Monobromlnation of 3-methylphenol
  2. Denitration of 3-methylphenol
  3. Mononitration of phenyl ethanoate


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Stacture Of The Major Product

Question 14. Which of the following compounds exhibit chelation:

  1. O-cresol,
  2. Methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen),
  3. O-cyanophenol,
  4. O-fluorophenol,
  5. O-iodophenol


Chelation occurs in (2) where the H-atom of the —OH group forms H-bond with the O-atom of the C=O and in (4) since F is very electronegative and is approachable to the H-atom of the —OH group to form H-bond.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Salicylate And O Flurophenol

Question 15. Unlike diethyl ether, ethanol is completely miscible in water. Explain.

In ethanol molecule, the H-atom is bonded to the highly electronegative oxygen atom, which also contains an unshared pair of electrons. So, ethanol molecules acting both as H-bond acceptors and H-bond donors, dissolve in water by forming stronger H-bonds with water molecules.

On the other hand, in an ether molecule, the oxygen atom is not attached to any hydrogen atom. So, it acts only as a hydrogen bond acceptor and forms Hbonds with water molecules to a very small extent. So, diethyl ether is sparingly soluble but immiscible in water.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethanol And Ether

In (1), H-bond cannot take place due to the lack of an electrosegative atom. In (3), although the N too far away from OR In (4), I is not sufficiently electronegative and also larger in size.

Question 16. Why is strict control of temperature essential during the preparation of diethyl ether from ethanol than the preparation of dimethyl ether from methanol?

  • Intermolecular dehydration of methanol (CH3OH) results in the formation of dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3). Since it is an alcohol with only one carbon atom, obviously there is no possibility of its intramolecular dehydration.
  • Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is an alcohol consisting of two carbon atoms and so, it may undergo both intermolecular and intramolecular dehydration leading to the formation of diethyl ether (C2H5OC2H5) and ethylene (CH2=CH2), respectively.
  • Since the nature of dehydration depends on the reaction temperature, control of temperature is more essential in the preparation of diethyl ether from ethanol than in the preparation of dimethyl ether from methanol.

Question 17. What do you mean by protic and aprotic solvents? Name one each of protic and aprotic solvents.

The solvents in which acidic proton (H-atom which is capable of forming H-bond) is present are called protic solvents while the solvents in which acidic proton is absent are termed as aprotic solvents. For example, ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is a protic solvent and diethyl ether (C2H5OC2H5) is an aprotic solvent.

Question 18. How will you separate ether from a mixture of ether and alkane or alkyl halide?

When a mixture of ether and alkane or alkyl halide is shaken with a cone. H2SO4, the alkane or alkyl halide does not dissolve in acid, but ether dissolves forming an oxonium salt. The acid layer is thus separated and ether is made free from acid by adding excess of water to it. The ether layer is then separated from the aqueous layer, dried and distilled.

Question 19. What is absolute ether? How can absolute ether be prepared from commercial ether? Give an example of a reaction In which such an ether is used.

Pure ether which is free from water, is termed as absolute ether. Commercial ether is made free from peroxide by shaking it with a solution of ferrous sulphate. The moist ether is initially dried by keeping it in contact with anhydrous Calcium chloride for some days. It is then allowed to stand in the presence of sodium for some more days and distilled. Thus absolute ether is obtained.

Absolute ether is used in the preparation of Grignard reagents (RX + Mg→RMgX).

Question 20. Prove Alcohol, but not ether, contains an —OH group.

HCl is produced in the reaction of PCl5 with alcohol (white smoke is produced when a glass rod rinsed with cone. ammonia solution is held) but not in the reaction of PCl5 with ether. This observation proves that alcohol contains —OH group but ether does not.

⇒ \(\mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OH}+\mathrm{PCl}_5 \rightarrow \mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{Cl}+\mathrm{POCl}_3+\mathrm{HCl}\)

⇒ \(\mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OC}_2 \mathrm{H}_5+\mathrm{PCl}_5 \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{Cl}+\mathrm{POCl}_3\)

Question 21. Predict the major products in each of the following reactions and give your reasoning.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Predict The Major Products


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Carbon

Because of steric reason, Bre attacks the methyl carbon of the protonated ether to give these products.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzene Ring

Since the benzene ring does not take part in an SN2 reaction, these two products are obtained.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ortho And Para Positions

The ortho-and para-positions of the ring are activated due to the +R effect of —OC2H5 group. For this reason, nitration occurs to give ortho- and para-nitro derivatives.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Undergoes Nucleophilic Attack

Since the 3° carbocation (CH3)3C+ is more stable than the 3° carbocation (CF3)3C+ (destabilized by the -I effect of the -CF3 groups), the protonated ether dissociates (SN1) to give (CH3)3C+ and (CF3)3COH. This carbocation then undergoes nucleophilic attack by I+ to give (CH3)3C—I.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Undergoes Nucleophilic Attack.

Question 22. Give Williamson Synthesis of 2-ethoxy-3-methylpentane using ethanol and 3-methyipentan-2-ol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Williamson Synthesis

Since an SN2 reaction is favourable for primary (1°) substrate, CH3CH2I is used instead of CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH(I)CH3.

Question 23. Give IUPAC names of the following compounds:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Names


  1. 4-chloro-2, 3-dimethylpentan-l-ol
  2. 2-ethoxypropane
  3. 2, 6-dimethylphenol
  4. 1-ethoxy-2-nitrocyclohexane

Question 24. Give the structures and IUPAC names of the products expected from the following reactions:

  1. Catalytic reduction of butanal.
  2. Hydration of propene in the presence of dilute sulphuric acid.
  3. Reaction of propanone with methyimagnesium bromide followed by hydrolysis.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reduction

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reduction

Question 25. Arrange the following sets of compounds in order of their increasing boiling points:

  1. Pentan-1-ol, butan-1-ol, butan-2-ol, ethanol, propan-1-ol, methanol.
  2. Pentan-1-ol, n-butane, pentanal, ethoxyethane.


  1. Boiling point of normal alcohols increases as the length of the carbon chain increases due to the corresponding increase in their van der Waals forces of attraction. Again, among isomeric alcohols, 2° alcohols have lower boiling points than 1° alcohols due to corresponding decrease in the extent of H-bonding because of steric hindrance. Thus the increasing order of boiling point is: methanol < ethanol < propan-1-ol < butan-2-ol < butan-1-ol < pentan-1-ol.
  2. Due to the existence of dipole-dipole interactions, the boiling points of lower ethers having molecular masses equal to or less than n-butane are higher than those of the corresponding n -alkanes. Thus boiling point of ethoxyethane is greater than that of n-butane. Again the boiling point of aldehydes are greater than those of the alkoxides having comparable molecular masses, because stronger dipole-dipole attractive forces operate in the former category of compounds.
  3. So boiling point of pentanal is greater than that of ethoxyethane. Further, the boiling points of alcohols are greater than those of the aldehydes having comparable molecular masses because of the existence of intermolecular H-bonding in the former. Thus, the boiling point of the given compounds increase in the sequence—

n-butane < ethoxyethane < pentanal < pentan-1-ol

Question 26. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their acid strength: Propan-1-ol, 2,4,6-trlnitro-phenol, 3-nitrophenol, 3,5-dinitrophenol, phenol, 4-methylphenol.

Phenolic compounds are stronger acids than alcoholic compounds, primarily because of the greater stabilisation of phenoxide ion relative to alkoxide ion. Thus, phenol itself is a stronger acid than propan-1-ol. However, the acid strength of phenolic compounds decreases by the presence of electrondonating alkyl group in the ring.

So 4-methylphenol is a weaker acid than phenol. On the other hand, the introduction of electron-withdrawing nitro group into the ring system increases the acid strength of the corresponding phenolic compound. Further, acid strength increases as the number of — NO2 groups increases in the ring system. The effect is more marked if such groups are present at ortho- or para-positions with respect to the —OH group. Thus acid strength of the given compounds follows the sequence—

propan-1-ol < 4-methylphenol < phenol < 3- nitrophenol < 3,5-dinitrophenol < 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol.

Question 27. Write the structures of the major products expected from the following reactions:

  1. Mononitration of 3-methylphenol
  2. Dinitration of 3-methylphenol
  3. Mononitration of phenyl methanoate.

Answer: The combined directing influence of —OH and —CH3 groups determine the position to be taken up by the incoming group.

Since both —OH and —CH3 groups are ortho/paradirecting, therefore, positions 2, 4 and 6 are activated towards electrophilic substitution. However, due to steric hindrance — NO2 group avoids its attack at C2.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aldehydes

Question 28. The following is not an appropriate reaction for the preparation of f-butyl ethyl ether.

C2H5ONa + (CH3)3C—Cl—OC2H5

  1. What would be the major product of this reaction?
  2. Write a suitable reaction for the preparation of t-butylethyl ether.


(CH3)3CClis a fert-alkyl halide. It does not undergo nucleophilic substitution with C2H5ON+a due to steric reasons. Instead, C2H2O acts as a base and under its influence the tert-alkyl halide undergoes bimolecular elimination (E2) to give isobutene as the major product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Isobutene

Tert-butyl ethyl ether is prepared by the reaction between sodium f-butoxide and ethyl chloride involving SN2 mechanism.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Butylethyl

Question 29. Give the major products that are formed by heating each of the following ethers with HI.

  1. CH3—CH2—CH(CH3)—CH2—O—CH2—CH3
  2. CH3—CH2—CH2—O—C(CH3)2—CH2—CH3
  3. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethers


Protonated ether reacts via SN2 mechanism.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethyl Iodide

Protonated ether reacts via SN1 mechanism because of its ability to form highly stable 3° carbocation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methylbutane

Protonated ether reacts via SN1 mechanism because of its ability to form highly stable benzyl cation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol

Question 30. Classify the following as primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols:

  1. CH3—C(CH3)2—CH2OH
  2. H2C=CH—CH2OH
  3. CH3—CH2—CH2—OH
  4. C6H5CH(OH)—CH3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohols


Primary Alcohols: 1, 2 and 3. Secondary alcohols: 4 and 5. Tertiary alcohol: 6.

Question 31. Identify allylic alcohols in the previous examples.
Answer: Allylic alcohols: 2 and 6.

Question 32. Name the compounds according to IUPAC system.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC System

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC.


  1. 3-chloromethyl-2-isopropylpentan-l-ol
  2. 2, 5-dimethylhexane-l,3-diol
  3. 3-bromocyclohexanol
  4. Hex-l-en-3-ol
  5. 2-bromo-3-methylbut-2-en-l-ol

Question 33. Show how are the following alcohols prepared by the reaction of a suitable Grignard reagent on methanal?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohols.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Bromide

Question 34. Write structures of the products of the reactions:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reactions


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nucleophile

Question 35. Give structures of the products you would expect when (1) butan-l-ol and (2) 2-methyIbutan-2-ol reacts with

  1. HCl-ZnCl2
  2. HBr and
  3. SOCl2.

Answer: With HCl-ZnCl2:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers With HCl

With HBr:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers With HBr

With SOCl2:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers With SOCl2

Question 36. Predict the major product of acid-catalysed dehydration of

  1. 1-methylcyclohexanol and
  2. Butan-1-ol.


The substrate contains two types of /? -hydrogens. It undergoes acid catalysed dehydration via the formation of a carbocation intermediate to give the more substituted alkene I (Saytzeff product) as the major product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydration

Butan-1-ol undergoes dehydration via the initial formation of a 1° carbocation, followed by a 2° carbocation and finally loss of proton to give 2-butene as the major product (more substituted Saytzeff product).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Butene

Question 37. ortho and para Nitrophenols are more acidic than phenol. Draw the resonance structures of the corresponding phenoxide ions.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenoxide

ortho- and para-nitrophenoxide ions are more stable than unsubstituted phenoxide ion because negative charge on the phenolic oxygen atom is involved in delocalisation not only with the benzene ring but also with the nitro group present at ortho- or para-positions of the ring.

Question 38. Write the reactions of Williamson synthesis of 2-ethoxy-3-methylpentane starting from ethanol and 3-methylpentan-2-ol.

This synthesis involves three steps:

1. Conversion of ethanol to ethyl bromide:

⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CH}_2 \mathrm{OH}+\mathrm{HBr} \stackrel{\Delta}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CH}_2 \mathrm{Br}+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}\)

2. Conversion of 3-methylpentan-2-ol to respective alkoxide:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkoxide

3. Interaction between the alkyl bromide and the alkoxide:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkoxide.

In this synthesis, treatment of a primary alkyl halide with secondary alkoxide is preferred. Treatment of secondary alkyl halide [CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH(CH3)-Brl with primary alkoxide (CH3CH2ONa) is discouraged because in that case elimination reaction will preferably occur to give alkene as the predominant product.

Question 39. Which of the following is an appropriate set of reactants for the preparation of l-methoxy-4- nitrobenzene and why?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nitrobenzene


Interaction between the 1st set of reactants involves an activated aromatic nucleophilic substitution to produce the desired product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nucleophilic

Interaction between the 2nd set of reactants involves nucleophilic attack of p-nitrophenoxide ion on methyl bromide via SN2 pathway to produce the desired product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers p Nitrophenoxide

But in this case the yield of the desired product is relatively low because of the low nucleophilicity of p -nitrophenoxide ion (as the -ve charge on the phenolic oxygen atom is involved in delocalisation with the aromatic ring).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nitrobenzene.

So the 1st set of reactants is appropriate for the preparation of 1-methoxy-4-nitrobenzene.

Question 40. Predict the products of the following reactions:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Product Of The Following Reaction


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Product Of The Following Reaction.

The ethoxy group (—OC2H5), which is capable of exhibiting +R effect, is an ortho- /para-directing group. So ethoxybenzene undergoes nitration to give a mixture of o-and p-nitro derivatives. Due to steric reason, paraproduct predominates.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethoxynitrobenzene

Protonated ether reacts with the nucleophile (I) via SN1 pathway because of its ability to form stable tertbutyl cation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tertbutyl Cation

Question 41. Write IUPAC names of the following compounds:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Compounds


  1. 2,2,4-trimethyIpentan-3-ol
  2. 5-etliylheptane-2,4-dio
  3. Butane-2, 3-diol
  4. Propane-1, 2,3-triol
  5. 2-methylphenol
  6. 4-methylphenol
  7. 2,5-dimethylpheno
  8. 2,6-dimethylphenol
  9. 1-methoxy-2-methylpropane
  10. Ethoxybenzene
  11. 1-phenoxyheptane
  12. 2-ethoxybutane

Question 42. Write structures of the compounds whose IUPAC names are as follows:

  1. 2-methylbutan-2-oI
  2. 1-phenylpropan-2-ol
  3. 3,5-dimethylhexane-1,3,5-triol
  4. 2,3-dicthylphenol
  5. 1-ethoxypropane
  6. 2 ethoxy-3-methylpentane
  7. Cyclohexylmethanol
  8. 3-cyclohexylpentan-3-ol
  9. Cyclopcnt-3-en-l-ol
  10. 4-chloro-3-ethylbutan-l-ol.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Stacture Of The Compounds

Question 43.

  1. Draw the structures of all isomeric alcohols of molecular formula C5H10O and give their IUPAC names.
  2. Classify the isomers of alcohols in question
  3. As primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.

Answer: Eight isomeric alcohols can be represented:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Isomeric Alcohols

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Isomeric Alcohols

Question 44. Explain why propanol has higher boiling point than that of the hydrocarbon, butane?

The molecules of propanol are held together by strong intermolecular forces involving H-bonds, while those of butane are held together only by weak van der Waals forces of attraction.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydrocarbon Butane

So propanol has a much higher boiling point than butane.

Question 45. Alcohols are comparatively more soluble in water than hydrocarbons of comparable molecular masses. Explain this fact.

The solubility of alcohols in water is due to their ability to form H-bonds with water molecules. But hydrocarbons cannot form H-bonds with water molecules and hence, are insoluble in water.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Molecular Masses

Question 46. What Is meant by hydroboration-oxidation reaction? Illustrate It with an example.

The addition of diborane (B2H6)to alkenes followed by their oxidation with alkaline H2O2 to form alcohols is called hydroboration-oxidation reaction. Alkenes undergo hydration in anti-Markownikoff’s manner by this reaction. For example,

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydrocarbon Oxidation

Question 47. Give the structures and IUPAC names of monohydric phenols of molecular formula, C7H8O.

Three isomeric phenols with formula C7H8O are—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Monohydric Phenols

Question 48. While separating a mixture of ortho and para-nitrophenols by steam distillation, name the isomer which will be steam volatile. Give reason.

P-nitrophenol exists in associated form as its molecules are intermolecularly H-bonded and its high boiling point. But o -nitrophenol exists as a single molecule due to intramolecular H-bonding involving —OH and — NO2 groups. So it has a lower boiling point and hence, is steam volatile.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nitrophenol

Question 49. Give the equations of reactions for the preparation of phenol from cumene.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol From Cumene

Question 50. Write a chemical reaction for the preparation of phenol from chlorobenzene.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Chlorobenzene

Question 51. Write the mechanism of hydration of ethene to yield ethanol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Mechanism Of Hydration

Question 52. You are given a benzene, cone. H2SO4 and NaOH. Write the equations for the preparation of phenol using these reagents.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Preparation Of Phenol

Question 53. Show how will you synthesise:acid

  1. 1-phenylethanol from a suitable alkene.
  2. Cyclohexylmethanol using an alkyl halide by an SN2 reaction.
  3. Pentan-1-ol using a suitable alkyl halide?


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl Halide

Question 54. Give two reactions that show the acidic nature of phenol. Compare the acidity of phenol with that of ethanol.
Answer: Phenol reacts with metallic Na to liberate H2 gas:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol Reacts With Metalic

Phenol reacts with NaOH to form salt (sodium phenoxide) and water:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Phenoxide

Acid strength: Phenol (which is a resonance hybrid involving separation of charge) loses a proton to form its conjugate base, phenoxide ion (which is stabilised by resonance involving no separation of charge).

So there is some increase in resonance stability on going from phenol to phenoxide ion. Thus phenol shows acidic behaviour. But there is no such increase in resonance stability when ethanol is converted to its conjugate base (C2H5O). So, it shows very poor acidic behaviour.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acid Strength

Question 55. Explain why is ortho-nitrophenol more acidic than ortho-methoxyphenol.

In ortho-nitro phenoxide ion, the negative (-ve ) charge on oxygen is stabilised by the -R effect of the — NO2 group, but in ortho-methoxy phenoxide ion, the -ve charge on oxygen is destabilised by the +R effect of the —OCH3 group. Thus o-nitrophenol is a stronger acid than o-methoxyphenol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ortho Methoxyphenol

Question 56. Explain how the -OH group attached to a carbon of benzene ring activate it towards electrophilic substitution?

Attachment of the —OH group to benzene ring tends to decrease electron density in the ring by the -I effect. At the same time —OH group has a strong +R effect which tends to increase electron density (preferably at ortho and para-positions) in the ring. Since the +R effect of the —OH group is greater than that of its —I effect ( +R > -I ), therefore, there Is a net increase in electron density in the ring system of the phenol molecule and hence, the ring becomes activated towards electrophilic substitution.

Question 57. Give equations of the following reactions:

  1. Oxidation of propan-1-ol with alkaline KMnO4 solution.
  2. Bromine In CS2 with phenol.
  3. Dilute HNO3 with phenol.
  4. Treating phenol with chloroform in the presence of aqueous NaOH.


Oxidation of propan-1-ol with alkaline KMnO4 produces a salt of propanoic acid, which on acidification gives propanoic acid.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Oxidation Of Alkaline

In aprotic solvent like CS2, phenol exists almost entirely in the undissociated form and hence, it is less reactive and undergoes only monobromination to give mainly the p-isomer.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers P Nitrophenol

Nitration occurs via nitrosation followed by oxidation to nitro derivative.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Salicylaldehyde

Question 58. Explain the following with an example. Unsymmetrical ether.

If the alkyl or aryl groups attached to the oxygen atom are different, then such ethers are called unsymmetrical or mixed ethers.

Example: Ethylmethyl ether (C2H5 — O —CH3).

Question 59. Write the mechanism of acid dehydration of ethanol to yield ethene.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Yield Ethene

Question 60. How are the following conversions carried out?

  1. Propene→propan-2-ol.
  2. Benzyl chloride→Benzyl alcohol.
  3. Ethyl magnesium chloride → propan-l-ol.
  4. Methyl magnesium bromide→2-methylpropan-2-ol


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Conversion Carried

Question 61. Name the reagents used in the following reactions:

  1. Oxidation of a primary alcohol to carboxylic acid.
  2. Oxidation of a primary alcohol to aldehyde.
  3. Bromination of phenol to 2,4,6-trlbromophenol.
  4. Benzyl alcohol to benzoic acid.
  5. Dehydration of propan-2-ol to propene.
  6. Butan-2-one to butan-2-ol.


  1. K2Cr2O7/H2SO4; or, acidic or alkaline KMnO4 followed by acidification.
  2. PCC (CrO3-C5H5NHCl) in CH2Cl2 .
  3. Bromine-water (Br2/H2O).
  4. Alkaline KMnO4, followed by acidification.
  5. Conc.H,SO4.Δ.
  6. LiAlH4 /ether, then H2O ; or NaBH4 /CH3OH ; or H2/Ni.

Question 62. Give reason for the higher boiling point of ethanol in comparison to methoxymethane.

Ethanol exists in the associated form due to intermolecular H-bonding. So it has a high boiling point. On the other hand, weak dipole-dipole attraction and van der Waals attractive forces operate between the molecules of methoxy-methane (CH3— O—CH3). So it has a low boiling point.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Low Boiling Point

Question 63. Give IUPAC names of the following ethers:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Name


  1. 1-ethoxy-2-methylpropane.
  2. 2-chloro-1 – methoxyethane.
  3. 4-nitroanisole.
  4. 1-methoxypropane.
  5. 4-ethoxy-1, 1-dimethylcyclohexane.
  6. Ethoxybenzene.

Question 64. Write the names of reagents and equations for the preparation of the following ethers by Williamson’s synthesis:

  1. 1-propoxypropane
  2. Ethoxybenzene
  3. 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane
  4. 1-methoxyethane


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Williamsons Synthesis

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Williamsons Synthesis.

Question 65. How is 1-propoxypropane synthesised from propanl-ol? Write mechanism of this reaction.

1-propoxypropane is prepared by reaction between sodium propoxide and 1-bromopropane involving Williamson synthesis.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Williamon Synthesis.

Question 66. Preparation of ethers by acid dehydration of secondary or tertiary alcohols is not a suitable method. Give reason.

It is known that primary alcohols are converted to ethers by heating an excess of alcohol with a dehydrating agent like cone. H2SO4. The reaction proceeds by nucleophilic attack (SN2)of alcohol on protonated alcohol molecules:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydration Of Tertiary Alcohol

To prepare ethers derived from 2° and 3° alcohols, it is found that alkenes are formed as predominant products instead of ethers. This is due to the fact that protonated alcohol loses water to form stable 2° or 3° carbocation which does not undergo nucleophilic attack by unprotonated alcohol in order to avoid reintroduction of steric hindrance. Instead, it loses a proton to give alkene with relief of crowding.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Catalysed Dehydration

Thus, the preparation of ethers by acid-catalysed dehydration of 2° and 3° alcohols is not a suitable method.

Question 67. Write the equation of the reaction of hydrogen iodide with:

  1. 1-propoxypropane
  2. Methoxybenzene and
  3. Benzyl ethyl ether.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydrogen Iodide

Question 68. Explain the fact that in aryl alkyl ethers

  1. The alkoxy group activates the benzene ring towards electrophilic substitution and
  2. It directs the incoming substituents to ortho- and porn-positions in benzene ring.


In aryl alkyl ethers, the alkoxy group has a -I effect which tends to decrease electron density in the ring. At the same time, the alkoxy group has a strong +R effect which tends to increase electron density in the ring. Since +R effect of alkoxy group ( —OR) is greater than that of its -I effect (+R > -I), so there is a net increase in electron density in the aromatic ring. So the benzene ring in aryl alkyl ethers becomes activated towards electrophilic substitution.

The following resonance structures of aryl alkyl ethers indicate that ortho- and para-positions of the ring system are rich in electron density, and hence, incoming electrophile attacks preferably at ortho- and para-positions.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ortho And Para Position

Question 69. Write the mechanism of the reaction of HI with methoxymethane.

Methoxymethane and HI in 1:1 mole ratio react together to form a mixture of methyl alcohol and methyl iodide:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohol And Methyl Iodide

If methoxymethane and HI are used in 1: 2 mole ratio, then only methyl iodide is formed:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Iodide

Question 70. Write equations of the following reactions:

  1. FriedelCrafts reaction-alkylation of anisole.
  2. Nitration of anisole.
  3. Bromination of anisole in ethanoic acid medium.
  4. Friedel-Crafts acetylation of anisole.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Equation Of The Reactions

Question 71. Show how would you synthesise the following alcohols from appropriate alkenes?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Synthesise Of Alcohols


It can be prepared by hydration of 2 different alkenes:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydration Of 2 Alkanes

It is prepared by acid-catalysed hydration of 4-methylhept-3-ene:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acid Catalysed Hydration

The desired alcohol is obtained by acid-catalysed hydration of pent-1-ene.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Degree Carbocation

The desired alcohol is obtained by acid-catalysed hydration of either of the following two alkenes.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acid Catalysed Alcohol

Question 72. When 3-methylbutan-2-ol is treated with HBr, the following reaction takes place:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acid Mechanism For Reaction

Give a mechanism for this reaction.

(Hint: The secondary carbocation formed in step II rearranges to a more stable tertiary carbocation by a hydride ion shift from 3rd carbon atom.)


The alcohol, on protonation, followed by loss of H2O, generates a

2° carbocation. This undergoes rearrangement involving a 1, 2-shift of hydride to form more stable 3° carbocation. This is subsequendy attacked by the nucleophile Br- to give the desired product.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tertiary Carbocation

Question 73. What is the structure and IUPAC name of glycerol?
Answer: Propane-1,2,3-triol [HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH],

Question 74. Write the IUPAC name of the following compounds.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Name Of Compounds

Answer: A⇒ 3-ethyl-5-methyihexane-2, 4-diol, B⇒ 1-methoxy-3- nitrocyclohexane.

Question 75. Write the IUPAC name of the compound given below.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Compound.

Answer: 3-methylpent -2-ene-l, 2-diol.

Question 76. Name the factors responsible for the solubility of alcohols in water.

Solubility of alcohols in water depends on two factors:

  1. Hydrogen bonding: The polar hydroxyl groups of alcohols form H-bonding with water and this is responsible for their solubility in water. Solubility increases as the number of -OH groups increases. Thus, CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH<CH3CH2CH(OH)CH2OH < HOH,C —CH(OH) — CH2OH
  2. Size of alkyl/aryl group: As the size of hydrocarbon part of alcohol increases, the extent of H-bonding decreases. Hence, solubility decreases. Thus, solubility decreases in the sequence: CH3CH2OH > CH3CH2CH2OH > CH3CH2CH2CH2OH

Question 77. What is denatured alcohol?

Alcohol made unfit for drinking purposes by adding poisonous substances like pyridine, copper sulphate, etc., is called denatured alcohol.

Question 78. Suggest a reagent for the following conversion.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reagent For The Following Conversion

Answer: PCC (Pyridinium chlorochromate. C5H5NHCrO3Cle). It consists of CrO3, pyridine and HCl.

Question 79. Out of 2-chloroethanol and ethanol which is more acidic and why?

2-chloroethane is the stronger acid due to the electron-withdrawing -I effect of the Cl-atom attached to the carbon chain.

Question 80. Suggest a reagent for the conversion of ethanol to ethanal.
Answer: PCC (Pyridinium chlorochromate, C5H5NHCrO3ClO)

Question 81. Suggest a reagent for conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid.
Answer: Any strong oxidising agent, such as acidified K2Cr2Oy or acidified KMnO4.

Question 82. Out of o-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenol, which is more volatile? Explain.

O-nitrophenol exists as discrete molecules due to intramolecular H-bonding and so it is more volatile than p-nitrophenol which exists in the associated form due to intermolecular H-bonding.

Question 83. Out of o-nitrophenol and o-cresol which is more acidic?

Due to -I and -R effects of — NO2 group, electron density in the O—H bond decreases, while due to +1 and hyper conjugation effects of —CH3 group, the electron density in the O—H bond increases. Thus the O—H bond in a nitrophenol is weaker than the O—H bond in O-cresol and hence, o-nitrophenol is a stronger acid than O-cresol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers O Nitrophenol

Question 84. When phenol is treated with bromine water, a white precipitate is obtained. Give the structure and the name of the compound formed.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tribromophenol

Question 85. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of acidity and give a suitable explanation. Phenol, o-nitrophenol, o-cresol

Due to electron-withdrawing -I and -R effects of — NO2 group, O -nitrophenol is a stronger acid than phenol, but due to electron-donating +1 and hyperconjugative effects of the —CH3 group, o-cresol is a weaker acid than phenol. So acid strength follows the sequence: o -cresol < phenol < o-nitrophenol.

Question 86. Alcohols react with active metals e.g., Na, K, etc., to give corresponding alkoxides. Write down the decreasing order of reactivity of sodium metal towards primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.

Ongoing from 1° to 2° to 3° alcohols, the electron donating +1 effect of increasing the number of alkyl groups increases and hence, electron density in the O— H bond increases, thereby making this bond much stronger. Thus the acidic character of alcohols decreases in the sequence: 1°>2°>3°. Therefore, the reactivity of alcohols with Na-metal decreases in the same sequence: 1° > 2° > 3°.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acidic Character Of Alcohols

Question 87. What happens when benzenediazonium chloride is heated with water?

It is converted to phenol with the liberation of N2 gas.

⇒ \(\mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{~N}_2 \mathrm{Cl}+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O} \stackrel{\Delta}{\rightarrow} \mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OH}+\mathrm{N}_2 \uparrow+\mathrm{HCl}\)

Question 88. Arrange the following compounds in decreasing order of acidity. H2O, ROH, HC = CH

Due to electron-donating +1 effect of alkyl group, alcohols (R-s-OH) are weaker acids than H2O. Further, the electronegativity of oxygen is greater than that of sphybridised carbon, hence alcohols are stronger acids than acetylene. So acid strength follows the sequence:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acetylene

Question 89. Name the enzymes and write the reactions involved in the preparation of ethanol from sucrose by fermentation.

Ethanol is prepared commercially by fermentation of sucrose by yeast, which contains the enzymes invertase and zymase. Sucrose is converted to a mixture of glucose and fructose by the enzyme invertase, while both glucose and fructose are converted to ethanol by the enzyme zymase.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Enzyme Zymase

Question 90. How can propan-2-one be converted into tert-butyl alcohol?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tert Butyl Alcoho

Question 91. Write the structures of the isomers of alcohols with molecular formula C4H10O. Which of these exhibits optical activity?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Optically Active

Question 92. Explain why is OH group in phenols more strongly held as compared to OH group in alcohols.

In a phenol molecule, the lone pair of electrons on the O-atom of hydroxyl group is involved in delocalisation with the n-electrons of the benzene ring. This can be seen from the following resonance structures of phenol.

Thus, the carbon-oxygen bond of phenol has a partial double bond character. But in alcohols (RCH2 —OH), the carbon-oxygen bond is a pure single bond. Therefore, —OH group in phenols is more strongly held as compared to —OH group in alcohols.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzene Ring

Question 93. Explain why nucleophilic substitution reactions are not very common in phenols.

In phenolic compounds, the —OH group has a strong +R effect and this causes an increase in electron density in the aromatic ring system. As a result, any approaching nucleophile is strongly repelled by such aromatic rings, and hence, nucleophilic substitution reaction does not take place in phenolic compounds.

Question 94. Preparation of alcohols from alkenes involves the electrophilic attack on alkene carbon atom. Explain its mechanism.

Alkenes undergo hydration in presence of an acid catalyst. In the first step of the reaction, H+ undergoes electrophilic addition to one of the olefinic carbons, thereby fonning a carbocation intermediate. This further undergoes nucleophilic attack by water to form alcohol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Electrophilic And Nucleophilic

Question 95. Explain why is O=C=0 nonpolar while R—O—R is polar.

CO2 is a linear molecule in which the moments of two C=O bonds cancel out each other because they are equal but opposite in direction. Thus CO2 is a non-polar molecule, although each carbon-oxygen bond is polar.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dipole Moment

In ether (R—O—R) molecule, the moments of two R — O bonds act at an angle of ≈110° with each other. So the resultant dipole moment (μ) will have a finite value. In other words, R—O—R is a polar molecule.

Question 96. Why is the reactivity of all the three classes of alcohols with cone. HCl and ZnCl2 (Lucas reagent) different?

The reaction of an alcohol with Lucas reagent (cone. HCl + ZnCI2 ) proceeds via carbonium ion intermediate. Obviously, the more stable the carbocation, the faster the reaction. Since the stability of carbocations decreases in the sequence: 3°>2°>1°, therefore reactivity of three classes of alcohols towards Lucas reagent decreases in the same order, i.e., 3°>2°>1°.

Question 97. Write steps to carry out the conversion of phenol to aspirin.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol And Salicylic Acid

Question 98. Nitration is an example of aromatic electrophilic substitution and its rate depends upon the group already present in the benzene ring. Out of benzene and phenol, which one is more easily nitrated and why?

Nitration of benzene or phenol involves an electrophilic substitution reaction. Obviously, higher the electron density in the aromatic ring, the higher the rate of nitration.

Thus phenol is more easily nitrated than benzene, as the presence of the -OH group in phenol increases the electron density at the ortho and para positions of the ring system by the +R effect.

Question 99. In Kolbe’s reaction, instead of phenol, phenoxide ion is treated with carbon dioxide. Why?

Phenoxide ion (C6H5Oe)is more reactive than phenol (C6H5 —OH) towards electrophilic aromatic substitution because of the greater ability of -Oe ion (than OH group) to donate electrons to the benzene ring. Since in Kolbe’s reaction, the participating electrophile (CO2)is very weak, therefore, it is treated preferably with phenoxide ion (having a highly activated ring system) rather than phenol, thereby enabling the reaction to proceed smoothly.

Question 100. The dipole moment of phenol is smaller than that of methanol. Why?

In phenol, C—O bond is less polar due to the electron-withdrawing effect of the phenyl group whereas in methanol, C—O bond is more polar due to the electron-releasing +1 effect of -CH3 group. So dipole moment of phenol is smaller than that of methanol.

Question 101. Ethers can be prepared by Williamson synthesis In which an alkyl halide is reacted with sodium alkoxide. Di-tert-butyl ether can’t be prepared by this method. Explain.

In an attempt to prepare di-tert-butyl ether by Williamson synthesis using tert-butyl bromide as the substrate and sodium tert-butoxide as the nucleophile, we obtain isobutene as the ultimate product instead of the desired product.

This is due to the fact that the bulky nucleophile [(CH3)3CO] foils attack at the a -carbon of the bulky substrate [(CH3)3CαBr] due to steric hindrance. In fact, this 3° alkyl halide prefers to undergo elimination rather than substitution. (CH3)3CO acts as a base rather than as a nucleophile.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tert Butoxide

Question 102. Why is the C —O —H bond angle in alcohols slightly less than the tetrahedral angle whereas the C—O—C bond angle in ether is slightly greater?

The bond angle Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Bond Anglein alcohols is slightly less than the tetrahedral angle (109°28′). It is due to the repulsion between the unshared electron pairs of oxygen. In ethers, the four electron pairs i.e., the two bond pairs and two lone pairs of electrons on oxygen are arranged approximately in a tetrahedral arrangement. The bond angle is slightly greater than the tetrahedral angle due to the repulsive interaction between the two bulky (—R) groups.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tetrahedral Angle

Question 103. Explain why low molecular mass alcohols are soluble in water.

The solubility of alcohols in water is due to their ability to form H-bonds with water molecules. The hydrocarbon part (i.e., R group) in alcohol tends to prevent the formation of H-bonds and thus tends to decrease the solubility of alcohols in water. In low molecular mass alcohols, the hydrocarbon part is small in size and hence, such alcohols are soluble in water.

Question 104. Explain why p-nitrophenol is more acidic than phenol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers P Nitrophenol

The electron density in the O —H bond of p -nitrophenol decreases relative to the O— H bond of phenol due to -I and -R effects of the -NO2 group. As a result, O—H bond in p -nitrophenol is much weaker than the O—H bond in phenol and hence, p -nitrophenol is much more acidic than phenol.

Question 105. Explain why alcohols and ethers of comparable molecular mass have different boiling points.

The O—H group in alcohols is involved in intermolecular H-bonding and hence, alcohol molecules exist in the associated form. Ethers, on the other hand, do not have an H-atom attached to the O-atom and hence, are unable to form H-bonds.

So they exist as discrete molecules which are held only by weak dipole-dipole attractions. As a result, less energy is required to break weak dipole-dipole attractions than to break H-bonds in associated molecules of alcohols. Obviously, alcohols have higher boiling points than ethers of comparable molecular mass.

Question 106. The carbon-oxygen bond in phenol is slightly stronger than that in methanol. Why?

Phenol is a resonance hybrid of the following canonical forms.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carbon Oxygen Bond In Phenol

Due to resonance, the carbon-oxygen bond in phenol has a partial double bond character. On the other hand, the C— O bond in methanol(CH3—OH) is a pure single bond. Hence, the carbon-oxygen bond in phenol is stronger than that in methanol.

Question 107. Arrange water, ethanol and phenol in increasing order of acidity and give reason for your answer.

Due to the electron-donating +1 effect of the ethyl group (CH3CH2—), the electron density in the O—H bond of CH3CH2OH is greater than that of the O—H bond in H2O. Thus O—H bond of ethanol is stronger than that of H2O, and hence, H2O is a stronger acid than ethanol. On the other hand, due to the electron-withdrawing -I and -R effects of the phenyl group, the electron density in the O— H bond of phenol decreases appreciably, thereby making this bond relatively weak. So phenol is a stronger acid than H2O. Thus acidity of the given compounds follows the sequence: CH3CH2OH < H2O < C6H5OH.

Question 108. How can the presence of traces of water in a sample of alcohol be tested?

If white anhydrous CuSO4 does not turn blue when in contact with a sample of alcohol, then the alcohol must be anhydrous

Question 109. Propene is obtained on dehydration of two isomeric compounds A and B. Identify these two compounds.
Answer: 1-propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH) and 2-propanol (CH3CHOHCH3)

Question 110. Ethanol cannot be used as a solvent in the test for unsaturation involving KMnO4 or bromine-water—why?

Alkaline KMnO4 oxidises ethanol to acetic acid and bromine-water oxidises ethanol to acetaldehyde; as a result, both of these reagents are colourless

Question 111. Alcohol cannot be used as a solvent in the preparation of Grignard reagents—why?

Grignard reagents readily react with alcohol-containing active hydrogen (an acid-base reaction) and as a result, they are destroyed (RMgX + ROH→RH + MgORX)

Question 112. Which is the compound obtained when acetylene is allowed to react with alcohol in the presence of Hg2+?

Alcohols react with acetylene in the presence of Hg2+ ion (catalyst) to form acetals

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acetals

Question 113. Ethanol is also called grain alcohol—why?

As ethanol is produced by the fermentation of grains like maize, it is also called grain alcohol

Question 114. Both the alcohols obtained on reduction of an ester C5HIO°2 by LiAlH4 respond to iodoform test. Identify the ester.

Isopropyl ethanoate (MeCOOCHMe2) ; LiAlH4 reduction of this ester produces CH3CH2OH (ethanol) and CH3CHOHCH3 (2 -propanol); both the alcohols contain CH3CHOH-group

Question 115. Severe conditions are required for oxidation of 3° alcohols —why?

There is no H-atom at the carbinol carbon of 3° alcohol (R3COH), therefore, its oxidation involving loss of two H-atoms is not possible. Oxidation actually occurs by the cleavage of stronger—C bond and for this reason, their oxidation requires severe conditions

Question 116. Give examples of two reactions of alcohols involving O—H and C—O bond cleavage.

Esterification involves O— H bond cleavage and the reaction with PCl5 involves C-O bond cleavage

Question 117. What happens when ethanol is allowed to react with CH3C =CNa, CH3(CH2)3Li and NaH. Explain.

Propyne (CH3C=CH), butane (CH3CH2CH2CH3) and H2 are less acidic than ethanol; therefore, the given compounds are stronger bases than ethoxide. Since an acid-base reaction favours the formation of weaker acid and weaker base, these compounds react with ethanol to form weaker acids and weaker bases in each case. The products are CH3C=CH + C2H5ONa, CH3CH2CH2CH3 + C2H5OLi and H2 + C2H5ONa, respectively

Question 118. Dipole moment of methanol is higher than that of phenol—why?

The Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers CO Bond. bond moment is partially cancelled by the moment due to +R effect of the —OH group and hence, the dipole moment of phenol is less than that of methanol

Question 119. Give examples of two reactions of phenol involving O —H and C—O bond cleavage.

The acetylation reaction involves O — H bond cleavage and zinc dust distillation (reduction) involves C—O bond cleavage

Question 120. Which compound is obtained when salicylic acid is treated with sodium bicarbonate solution and why?

Salicylic acid contains a — COOH and a —OH group. Since a carboxylic acid is more acidic than H2CO3 but phenol is less acidic than H2CO3, the —COOH group, reacts with NaHCO3 to form the corresponding sodium salt but the phenolic —OH group does not react. Therefore, the resulting compound is o-HOC6H4COONa.

Question 121. Explain why the C—O bond in phenol is stronger than the C—O bond in methanol.

Due to resonance, the C—O bond in phenol possesses some double bond character. However, no such resonance occurs in methanol and for this reason, the C— O bond in phenol is somewhat stronger than that in methanol

Question 122. Explain why the same compound is obtained when phenol and salicylic acid are treated with Br2/H2O. What is that compound?

Both phenol and salicylic acid react with Br2/H2O to form 2,4,6-tribromophenol as a white precipitate. The —COOH group of salicylic acid is replaced by Br (decarboxylation occurs)

Question 123. Explain why (S) -CH3CHDOCH3 is obtained when (R)-CH3CHDBr is made to react with CH3ONa.

Williamson synthesis involves an SN2 reaction since the priority of — Br and —OCH3 is the same in the substrate and in the product. Thus, (R)-CH3CHDBr reacts with CH3ONa to yield (s)-CH3CHDOMe

Question 124. Unlike diethyl ether, ferf-butyl methyl ether does not undergo oxidation by O2 of air—why?

There is no α -H in tert-butyl group and although there is a-H in the methyl group, the corresponding free radical (Me3C—O—CH2) is not stable; so, it is not formed easily. Hence, this ether does not undergo oxidation by O2 of air

Question 125. Non-polar compounds are relatively more soluble in ether than in alcohol —why?

These are insoluble in alcohol as it is not possible to break stronger H-bond that exist among alcohol molecules; weak dipole-dipole interactions and van der Waals forces operating among ether molecules are replaced by similar forces and therefore, non-polar compounds are more soluble in ether

Question 126. What are the products obtained when phenol is treated with HI and why?
Answer: Phenol and ethyl iodide

Question 127. Predict the product expected to be obtained when 2,2- dimethyloxirane is treated with dilute acid.
Answer: 2-methylpropane-1, 2-diol will be obtained

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Methylpropane

Question 128. Explain why tetrahydrofuran is more soluble in water than diethyl ether.

Because of the cyclic structure, unshared electron pair on oxygen in tetrahydrofuran molecule is more available for making strong H-bonds with water molecules. However, due to the presence of two adjacent —C2H5 groups, unshared pair of electrons on oxygen is less exposed to form a strong H-bond with water molecules. Thus, tetrahydrofuran is more soluble in water than diethyl ether.

Question 129. Which C-O bond is stronger and why?
Answer: The bond ‘a’ is stronger than bond b as it gets some double bond character due to the -R effect of —NO2 group.

Question 130. (A) and (B) are two isomeric organic compounds having the molecular formula C3HgO. (A) and (B) when separately treated with cone. H2SO4 give the same organic product (C). (A) gives a yellow precipitate when treated with I2/KOH, but (B) does not. The compound (A) on reaction with sodium provides (D). The compound (B) on reaction with PBr3 gives (E). The compound (D) on reaction with the compound (E) gives (F). Identify (A) to (E) and write the chemical equation for the reaction of (D) with (E).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Organic Compound.

Question 131. Indicate the reagent for the following transformation:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Transformation


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Salicylic Acid

Question 132.

1.  Arrange the following compounds in order of decreasing acidic strength:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acidic Strength


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acidic Strength.

Question 133. Which of the following is produced when benzenediazonium chloride is coupled with phenol in an alkaline medium-

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzenediazonium


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkaline Medium

Question 134. Identify A, B, C, D, E and F in the following reactions—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Major Product


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Anisole And Picric Acid

Question 135. An organic compound A (C2H6O) reacts with sodium to form compound B and hydrogen gas. When heated with cone. H2SO4 at 413K, A produces C (C4H10O). C on reaction with cone. HI at 373K forms D. C Is aslo obtained when B is heated with D. Identify A, B, C and D and write chemical equations for the formation of B from A and the formation of C from B and D.

1⇒ Ethanol (CH3CH2OH)

2 ⇒Sodium ethoxide (CH3CH2ONa)

3 ⇒ Diethyl ether (CH3CH2OCH2CH3)

4 ⇒ Ethyl iodide (CH3CH2I)

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Haloalkanes And Haloarenes Hydrogen Gas

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Long Answer Question And Answer

Question 1. Explain why the alkoxide usually prepared from e ethanol is sodium ethoxide C2H5ONa+ while the alkoxide usually prepared from tort-butyl alcohol Is potassium tert-butoxide Me3COK+.

In ethanol (CH3CH2OH), there is only one electron releasing (+1) methyl (CH3—) group attached to the carbinol (a) carbon atom, whereas, in tort-butyl alcohol, there are three methyl groups attached to the a- carbon atom. Therefore, ethanol is relatively more acidic than tort-butyl alcohol. Hence, less electropositive metal like Na is sufficient to react with ethanol where as a more reactive metal like K is required to react with tort-butanol. As a result, the alkoxide prepared from ethanol is sodium ethoxide, while that from tert-butylalcohol is potassium tort-butoxide, (Me3COK+).

Question 2. An ester having molecular formula C5H10O2 on Bouveault-Blanc reduction produces two different alcohols. Both of these alcohols give positive iodoform test. Identify the ester.

Both the resulting alcohols give positive iodoform test So, both of them must contain CH3CHOH -group. However, one of them must be a 1° alcohol, as these are obtained by reducing an ester. Therefore, one of them must be ethanol (CH3CH2OH), since it is a 1° alcohol containing CH3CHOH -group.

The other alcohol must contain three carbon atoms as the ester contains five carbon atoms. Hence, the alcohol is 2-propanol (CH3CHOHCH3) which contains a CH3CHOH -group. Since the 1° alcohol ethanol is obtained from R — CO—part and 2° alcohol, 2-propanol, from -OR part, the ester is isopropyl ethanoate [CH3COOCH(CH3)2].

Question 3. Phenol cannot be converted into chlorobenzene but picric acid can be easily converted into picryl chloride by PCl5. Explain these observations.

First part: Phenol reacts with PCl5 to form chlorophosphate ester.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Chlorophosphate Ester

The C—O bond in the chlorophosphate ester possesses some double bond character due to resonance. Also due to repulsive interaction caused by the ring n-electrons, the back side attack on the ring carbon by Cl does not take place. For these reasons, its dissociation leading to the formation of chlorobenzene does not take place.

Second part: In picric acid, the three electron-withdrawing — NO2 groups at ortho-and para-positions reduce the electron density of the ring and particularly of the carbon attached to oxygen of the initially formed chlorophosphate ester.

As a result, nucleophilic attack on chlorophosphate ester occurs easily to form a stable (resonance-stabilized) carbanion. Expulsion of the chloro-phosphate ion as POCl3 and Cl leads to the formation of picryl chloride. The reaction thus occurs by SNAr mechanism.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Picryl Chloride

Question 4. At room temperature, tertiary alcohols (R3COH) respond to Lucas test readily, but primary alcohols do not. Explain with reason.

In the Lucas test, an alcohol (ROH) is converted into an alkyl chloride (RCl) through the formation of a carbocation (R). So the reactivity of an alcohol with lucas reagent is determined by the stability of the carbocation formed by it.

A 3° carbocation (R3C) produced from a 3° alcohol (R3COH) is very stable while a 1° carbocation (RCH2) generated from a 1° alcohol (RCH2OH) is very unstable. Hence, at room temperature, a 3° alcohol reacts with Lucas reagent readily but a 1° alcohol does not react at all.

Question 5. Simple ethers R— O — R cannot be cleaved by alkali. However, epoxides (three-membered cyclic ethers) can be easily cleaved by alkali. Explain.

Since ROe (a strong base) is a very poor leaving group, SN2 displacement by OH- is not possible. Epoxide molecules suffer from severe angle strain and so, they possess a tendency to open up the ring to release the angle strain. For this reason, epoxides undergo cleavage by alkali, despite having a similar leaving group (an alkoxy oxygen).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkoxy Oxygen

Question 6. Which ester produces a mixture of propan-l-ol and propan-2-ol when reduced with LiAlH4?

Isopropyl propanoate [CH3CH2COOCH(CH3)2]

Question 7. Which one of the following unsymmetrical ethers can be prepared conveniently by acid-catalysed dehydration of alcohols?

  1. CH3OCH2CH3
  2. CH3CH2OCH(CH3)2
  3. C2H5OC(CH3)3
  4. C2H5OCH2CH2CH2CH3

Answer: C2H5OC(CH3)3

Question 8. (R)-CH3CHDBr + CH3ONa→A; Identify A.

(S)-CH3CHDOCH3 because the inversion of configuration occurs and the priority of the leaving group is the same as that of the entering group.

Question 9. The C—O bond in phenol is stronger than the C—O bond In methanol—Why?

Due to resonance, the C — O bond in phenol (C6H5OH) acquires some double bond character while no such resonance occurs in methanol (CH3OH). Hence, the C—O bond in phenol is relatively stronger than the C—O bond in methanol.

Again, in phenol, the oxygen atom is attached to an sp2– hybridised carbon atom but in methanol, the oxygen atom is attached to an sp3-hybridised carbon atom. Since the bond strength increases with an increase in the s-character of the orbital involved, the C—O bond in phenol is stronger than that in methanol.

Question 10. Predict the product obtained when cleavage of 2, 2-dlmethyloxiranc is carried out with dil. acid.

2- methylpropane-1, 2- diol will be obtained:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Methylpropane

Question 11. Mention possible methods for the synthesis of 3-methylhexan-3-ol by Grignard reaction.

The three possible methods are :

  2. CH3COCH2CH2CH3 + CH3CH2MgBr
  3. CH3COCH2CH3 + CH3CH2CH2MgBr

Question 12. THF is more soluble in water than diethyl ether-why?

Due to ring structure, the unshared pair of electrons on oxygen in tetrahydrofuran is more available and hence, able to form a stronger H-bond with water molecules. On the other hand, in diethyl ether, the unshared electron pairs on oxygen, due to steric crowding caused by the two ethyl groups are unable to form stronger H-bond.

Question 13. Explain why the following ethers cannot be prepared by Williamson synthesis:

  1. R3C— O—CR3
  2. Ar—O—Ar
  3. R3CCH2—O—CH2CR3


  1. Tertiary alkyl halides (R3CX),
  2. Aryl halides (ArX) and
  3. Neopentyl type of halides (R3CCH2X) are unreactive towards SN2 reaction.

Question 14. Which pair of the following reactants is to be used for preparing tert-butyl ethyl ether by Williamson synthesis and why?

  1. C2H5OK + (CH3)3CI
  2. (CH3)3COK + CH3CH2I


The second pair of reactants is to be used. This is because in Williamson synthesis, SN2 reaction between an alkyl halide and an alkoxide occurs and since the reaction is very susceptible to steric hindrance, the alkyl halide should necessarily be a 1° alkyl halide. CH3CH2I is a 1° alkyl halide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkyl.

If the first pair of reactants is used, the SN2 reaction involving (CH3)3CI (3° alkyl halide) will not take place due to severe steric hindrance. Instead, an elimination (E2) reaction will occur (EtO acts as a base) to form an alkene (2-methylpropene).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Methylpropane.

Question 15. PCl5 reacts with ethanol to form chloroethane but phenol does not produce chlorobenzene by a similar reaction—Explain.

Both ethanol and phenol react with PCl5 to form the corresponding chlorophosphate esters.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Chlorophosphate Esters

Since the C—O bond in ethanol does not possess any double bond character, the chlorophosphate ester (I) undergoes easy nucleophilic attack by Cl- to form chloroethane.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Chloroethane

On the other hand, the C—O bond in chlorophosphate ester (II) possesses some double bond character due to resonance. Also due to repulsive interaction caused by the ring n -electrons, the back side attack on the ring carbon by Cl does not take place. For these reasons, its dissociation leading to the formation of chlorobenzene does not take place.

Question 16. For the preparation of the following ethers by Williamson synthesis only one combination of alkyl halide and alkoxide is appropriate. Mention that combination in each case.

  1. CH3CH2CH2—O
  2. P—CH3C6H4—O—CH2CH3
  3. CH2=CHCH2 — O—CH(CH3)2
  4. (CH3)3CCH2 — O—CH2CH3
  5. (CH3)2CH—O —CH2CH2CH2—O—CH(CH3)2


  1. CH3CH2CH2Br+ -ONa
  2. P-CH3C6H4ONa + CH3CH2Br
  3. CH2=CHCH2Br + (CH3)2CHONa
  4. (CH3)3CCH2ONa + CH3CH2Br
  5. 2(CH3)2CHONa + BrCH2CH2CH2Br

Question 17. Ethers (R — O— R) cannot be cleaved by alkali but can easily be cleaved by acid (e.g., HI ). Explain.

Alkoxide ion (RO) being a very strong base Is a very poor leaving group. So, displacement of the alkoxide ion (SN2) by a nucleophile such as OH is not possible. For this reason, cleavage of ethers is not possible by alkali.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkoxide Ion

On the other hand, in presence of HI , ether undergoes protonation i.e., —OR group is converted into — HO+R group. Since the neutral R— OH molecule is a very good leaving group, therefore, it is easily displaced by the strong nucleophile Ie. That is why ethers can easily be cleaved by acid (HI).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Neutral Molecule

Question 18. Arrange p -nitrophenol, p -cresol, m -nitrophenol and 2, 4-dinltrophenol in order of Increasing acidity.

P- cresol < phenol < m- nitrophenol < p nitrophenol < 2, 4-dinitrophenol.

Question 19. How will you distinguish between the following compounds:

  1. Phenol and ethanol
  2. Phenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol
  3. Terf-butyl alcohol and 1- butanol
  4. 2-pentanol and 1-pentanol
  5. Phenol and salicylic acid
  6. 1-phenylethanol and 2-phenylethanol.


These two compounds can be distinguished from each other by ferric chloride test. When a few drops of neutral FeCl3 solution is added to phenol, the mixture becomes violet in colour. However, when a few drops of FeCl3 solution is added to ethanol, no change in colour is observed.

⇒ \(6 \mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OH}+\mathrm{FeCl}_3 \rightarrow\left[\mathrm{Fe}\left(-\mathrm{OC}_6 \mathrm{H}_5\right)_6\right]^{3-}+3 \mathrm{H}^{+}+3 \mathrm{HCl}\) (Complex ion (violet))

These two compounds can be distinguished by the solubility test in aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate. Phenol does not dissolve in NaHCO3 solution and CO2 is not liberated but 2,4 -dinitrophenol being more acidic reacts with and dissolves in sodium bicarbonate solution liberating CO2.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Solution Liberating

Lucas test can be done to distinguish between these two compounds. When Lucas reagent (a mixture of anhy. ZnCI2 and conc.HCl) is added to tert-butyl alcohol (a 3° alcohol), turbidity appears immediately. However, when Lucas reagent is added to 1 -butanol ( 1° ). turbidity does not appear.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tert Butyl Alcohol

Iodoform test can be used to distinguish between these two compounds. If 2-pentanol (CH3CH2CH2CHOHCH3) containing CH3CH(OM)-group is heated with NaOH solution in the presence of iodine (I2 ), yellow crystals of iodofornHCHlj) having characteristic smell are precipitated. However, when 1 pentanol (CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH) containing no CH3CHOH group is treated similarly no yellow precipitate is obtained.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Iodoform Test

These two compounds can be distinguished by the oil of the wintergreen test. When salicylic acid is heated with methyl alcohol in the presence of a few drops of cone. H2SO4, methyl salicylate having the smell of wintergreen oil (smell of iodex) is produced. However, when phenol is treated similarly, no such smell is produced.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Salicylic Acid

Iodoform test can be used to distinguish between these two compounds. When 1-phenylethonol (C6H5CHOHCH3) containing a CH3CHOH -group is heated with NaOH solution in the presence of iodine, yellow crystals of iodoform having characteristic smell are produced. However, when 2-phenylethanol (C6H5CH2CH2OH) is treated similarly, no yellow crystals are produced.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Phenylethanol

Question 20. Give two reactions that show the acidic nature of phenol. Compare its acidity and nucleophilicity with that of ethanol.

The following reactions exhibit the acidic nature of phenol:

Phenol reacts with active metals (e.g., sodium) to produce sodium phenoxide along with H2 gas.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Phenoxide

Phenol dissolves in NaOH solution to form sodium phenoxide and water.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Phenoxide And Phenol

Phenol is more acidic than ethanol. This can be explained in terms of resonance. The unshared electron pair on oxygen in phenol becomes involved in resonance interaction with the ring π-electrons. As a result, the oxygen atom acquires a partial positive charge. As a consequence, the oxygen atom attracts the O—H bonding electrons more towards itself with greater force, thereby favouring the dissociation of the O— H bond to liberate proton (H+).

On the other hand, similar resonance interaction is not possible in ethanol and so, the O-atom does not acquire a partial positive charge. Thus, the O—H bond in alcohol is relatively much stronger than the O—H bond in phenol and in fact, alcohol does not exhibit acidic property involving dissociation of a relatively stronger O— H bond.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol

Both ethanol and phenol behave as nucleophiles because they contain unshared pair of electrons on their hydroxyl O-atom. Now, higher is the availability of lone pair for donation, greater is nucleophilic power. Since unshared pair of electrons on oxygen in ethanol is not delocalised, it is readily available. On the other hand, unshared pair of electrons on the O-atom in phenol is less available due to resonance interaction with the ring n-electrons. Hence, ethanol is a stronger nucleophile.

Question 21. Give the possible methods by which Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nitroanisole 4-nitroanisole can be prepared. Give mechanisms of the reactions involved.

4-nitroanisole can be prepared by the reaction between 1-bromo-4-nitrobenzene and sodium methoxide. The reaction occurs by SNAr mechanism involving two steps.

1st Step: Nucleophilic attack by CH3O ion on the ring carbon attached to bromine forms a resonance-stabilised carbanion intermediate.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Carbanion Intermediate

2nd Step: Expulsion of Br from the intermediate carbanion to give the substitution product (desired ether).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 4 Nitroanisole

It may also be prepared by the reaction(SN2) of sodium 4- nitrophenoxide with methyl bromide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dioxane.

Question 22. Propose a mechanism for the following reaction:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Mechanism

Answer: The mechanism of the reaction involves the following steps:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Mechanism Of The Reaction

In the first step, instead of displacement (SN2) of bromine, ring opening occurs as the ring is under severe strain. In the second step, an internal SN2 takes place to give a five membered cyclic ether.

Question 23. Predict the product expected to be formed in each of the following reactions:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Predict The Product


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Cyclohexene

Question 24. Identify the products:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Identify The Product


1. A: (CH3)2CHBr;

B : (CH3)2CHMgBr ;



2. E:C6H5CH(CH3)2;


3. H: C6H5N2Cl; L: C6H5OH;

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phthalic

4. K: C6H5SO3Na ; LiC6H5ONa ; M:C6H5OH:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dil HCl

5. O:CH3CH=CH2;P:(CH3CH2CH2)3B;


6. R: C6H5ONa ; S: C6H5OH ;

T+U:O- + P-HO3SC6H4OH;

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Conc. HNO3

(by intramolecular claisen rearrangement)

Question 25. Which one out of the four isomeric compounds having molecular formula C7H7OH do not produce violet colouration with neutral FeCl3 solution?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzyl Alcohol

(Benzyl alcohol). The compound contains no enol Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Enolgroup.

Question 26. An organic compound A(C2H6O) reacts with sodium ; to evolve H2 gas and compound B. A forms a yellow coloured compund C by reacting with I2/NaOH. A in heated at 140CC with cone. H2SO4 to yield compound D(C4H10O) which is further heated with HI at 100°C to produce E. Upon heating B and E together form D. Identity A to E and write down the given reactions.

Since A reacts with Na to yield H2 gas, it is not the ether CH3OCH3 but the alcohol CH3CH2OH. The reaction is:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Organic Compound

Question 27. Write names and structures:

  1. A Lewis acid that cleave ethers;
  2. An ether which undergoes cleavage by HCI at ordinary temperature;
  3. An ether which does not form peroxide easily in the presence of air;
  4. An ether which undergoes cleavage by HI to yield phenol and benzyl iodide;
  5. An ether which cannot be prepared by Williamson synthesis;
  6. An ether which reacts with excess HI to yield O-HOC6H4CH2CH2CH2I;
  7. A nitrogenous compound that reacts with ROH in presence of HBF4 to give ROCH3;
  8. An ether which is a metamer of diethyl ether;
  9. A cyclic diether (formula: C4H8O2 ) which possesses no dipole moment;
  10. An ether which is obtained when 2-methyl propene reacts with methanol in presence of H2SO4.


  1. Boron tribromide (BBr3);
  2. Di-tert-butyl ether (Me3C—O —CMe3);
  3. Tert-butyl methyl ether (Me3COCH3);
  4. Benzyl phenyl ether (PhCH2OPh);
  5. Di-terf-butyl ether (Me3COCMe3) ;
  6. Benzooxane Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzooxane
  7. Diazomethane (CH2N2);
  8. 1-methoxypropane (CH3CH2CH2OCH3) ;
  9. 1, 4- dioxane Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 4 Dioxane
  10. Tert-butyl methyl ether (Me3COCH3).

Question 28. Identify the major organic products (A, B, C…. etc.)

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Major Organic Products


1. A⇒CH3CH2OH (ethanol),

B⇒CH3CH2ONa (Sodium ethoxide),

C⇒CH3CH2OCH3 (Ethyl methyl ether);

2. D⇒CH3OH (Methanol),

E⇒(CH3)3CI (terf-butyl iodide);

3. F⇒C6H5OH (Phenol),



H⇒CH3CH2Br (Ethyl bromide);

4. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 4 Dioxane. (1,4-dioxane);

5. J⇒(CH3)3COCH3 (tert-butyl methyl ether),

K ⇒(CH3)3CBr (ferf-butyl bromide),

L⇒CH3OH (Methanol);

6. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tetrahydrofuran

N⇒Br(CH2)4Br (1, 4-dibromobutane);

7. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dinitrobenzene (1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene);

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dinitrophenyl Ether(Phenyl 2, 4-dinitrophenyl ether);

8. Q⇒CH3CH2OCH2CH3 (Diethyl ether),

R⇒CCl3CCl2OCCI2CCl3 (Perchlorodiethyl ether);

9. S⇒CH3CH2CH2OCH3 (1- methoxypropane),

T⇒CH3I (methyl iodide);

U⇒CH3CH2CH2OH (1-propanol);

10. V⇒C6H5OH (Phenol); W=>C6H5OCH3 (Anisole);

X⇒C6H5OH (Phenol); Y=> CH3I (Methyl iodide);

11. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methylcyclohexanol (2 -bromo-2- methylcyclohexanol).

Question 30. Predict the product(s) expected to be obtained when trans-2-butene is allowed to react with m chloroperoxybenzoic acid and comment on the optical activity of the mixture.

Trans-2-butene reacts with m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid to yield a mixture of two enantiomeric 1,2-dimethyloxirane since epoxidation (addition of O-atom to the double bond) takes place from both the faces of the alkene.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers M Chloroperoxybenzoic Acid

Question 31. Write the mechanism of the reaction of HI with methoxybenzene.

  1. Name the starting material used In the Industrial preparation of phenol.
  2. Write complete reaction for the bromination of phenol in aqueous and non-aqueous medium.
  3. Explain why Lewis acid is not required in the bromination of phenol.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Iodide

Question 32. How can phenol be converted to aspirin?

Answer: (1) Phenol is prepared industrially starting from cumene (isopropyl benzene).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Isopropyl Bbenzene

(2) In bromination reaction, the purpose of Lewis acid is to polarise the bromine molecule (i.e., brominating agent) to generate the reactive electrophile Br+. But in the case of phenol, the +R effect of —OH group is so strong that o- and p-positions of the ring become highly electron-rich, and these electron-rich centres are responsible for polarising bromine molecules. Thus no Lewis acid catalyst is required in the bromination of phenol.

Question 79. How CH3MgI could be used to prepare methoxyethane? (Write arrowhead equation only)

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Chloroether

2. CH3MgI will react with water. Methane is formed as an organic compound.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Organic Compound

3. CH3CH2OCH2CH3 is immiscible and unreactive towards water.

4. CH3CH2OH on dehydration produces an alkene. Here, cone. H2SO4 /170°C can be used as a dehydrating agent.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydrating Agent

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Question 3. Consider the following and answer the questions: CH3MgI, CH3OH, CH3CH2OCH2CH3, CH3CH2OH

  1. Which will form oil of wintergreen? Give the arrowhead equation of the reaction for the formation of oil of wintergreen.
  2. Which will react with water? What is the organic compound formed in the reaction?
  3. Which is immiscible and unreactive with water?
  4. Which on dehydration produces an alkene? Name the reagent for dehydration.


1. CH3OH will form oil of wintergreen.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Salicylate.

Question 11. Which of the following compounds will respond to the iodoform test—

  1. CH3CH2CH2OH
  2. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Iodoform Test
  3. CH3OCH2CH
  4. CH3OH

Answer: 2

Question 12. Which of the following compounds is formed when phenol Is heated with CCl4 and NaOH —

  1. Salicylic add
  2. Sodium salicylate
  3. Salicylaldehyde
  4. Pom-hydnixyben/ahlelyde

Answer: 2. Sodium salicylate

Question 13. Identify A, B, C, D, E and F In the following reactions:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reactions


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Following Reactions.

Question 14. How would you distinguish between the following pair of compounds by a chemical reaction?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Chemical Reaction.


How would you convert?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Would You Convert

Write down the products of the following reaction:

⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{OCH}_2 \mathrm{CH}_3 \underset{\text { Heat }}{\stackrel{\text { conc } \cdot \mathrm{HI}}{\longrightarrow}}\)


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Following Reaction

Question 15. Draw the structure and name the product formed if the following alcohols are oxidized. Assume that an excess of oxidizing agent is used. (1) CH3CH2CH2CH2OH (2) 2-butenol (3) 2-methyl-1-propanol

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Butanoic Acid

Question 16. Draw the structure of major monohalo product in the following reaction:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Major Monohalo Product


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers PCl5

Question 17. Complete the following reaction equation:

C6H5N2CI + H3PO2 + H2O→


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reactions

Question 18. Explain the mechanism of dehydration steps of ethanol:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydartion

Answer: Dehydration of ethanol by cone. H2SO4/443K follows E2 pathway.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydration Of Ethanol

Question 19. Name the following according to IUPAC system:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC System

Answer: Butan-2-ol

Question 20. How are the following conversions carried out? Benzyl chloride to benzyl alcohol,

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzyl Alcohol

Question 21. How are the following conversions carried out? Ethyl magnesium chloride to propan-1-ol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Propanol

Question 22. Write the major product in the following equations:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Mechanisms


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethyl Methyl Eether

Question 23. Write the main product(s) in each of the following reactions:

  1. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Main Reaction
  2.  \(\mathrm{CH}_3-\mathrm{CH}=\mathrm{CH}_2 \frac{\text { (1) } \mathrm{B}_2 \mathrm{H}_6}{\text { (2) } 3 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}_2 / \mathrm{OH}^{-}}\)
  3. \(\mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_5-\mathrm{OH} \underset{\text {(1) aq. } \mathrm{NaOH}}{\stackrel{\text { (2) } \mathrm{CO}_2 / \mathrm{H}^{+}}{\longrightarrow}}\)


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Main Reaction

Question 24. (1) Write the product(s) in each of the following reactions: 1.C6H5—O—CH3 + HI

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Following Reaction

⇒ \(\mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_5-\mathrm{OH} \stackrel{\text { Zn dust }}{\longrightarrow}\)

Answer: \(\mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_5-\mathrm{O}-\mathrm{CH}_3+\mathrm{HI} \rightarrow \mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OH}+\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{I}\)

Question 25. Write the chemical equations involved in the following reactions:

  1. Reimer-Tiemann reaction
  2. Friedel-Crafts alkylation of anisole

or, What happens when:

  1. Phenol reacts with cone.HNO3
  2. Salicylic acid reacts with (CH3CO)2O/H+
  3. Ethyl chloride reacts with NaOCH3 write the chemical equations involved in the above reactions.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Question 13

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And EthersZn Dust

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Friedel Crafts

Question 26. Write the product(s) in the following reactions:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Products


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Products

Question 27. Write the formula of reagents used in the following reactions:

  1. Bromination of phenol to 2, 4, 6-tribromophenol
  2. Hydroboration of propene and then oxidation to propanol


  1. Br2/H2O
  2. B2H6 followed by H2O2/NaOH

Question 28. Arrange the following compounds in the increasing order of their acid strength: p-cresol, p-nitrophenol, phenol

The increasing order of acidity of the given compounds is p-cresol < phenol < p-nitrophenol

Question 29. Write the mechanism (using curved arrow notation) of the following reaction:

⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_2=\mathrm{CH}_2 \longrightarrow \mathrm{CH}_3-\mathrm{CH}_2^{+}+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}\)


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Curved Arrow.

Question 30. Write the IUPAC name of the following:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC

Answer: 3-phenylprop-2-en-1-ol

Question 31. Write the IUPAC name of the following:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Name

Answer: 3,3-dimethylbutan-2-ol

Question 32. Write the structures of the main products in the following reactions:


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Structures Of Reaction.

Question 33. Among the alkenes, which one produces tertiary butyl alcohol on acid hydration—

  1. CH3CH2—CH=CH2
  2. CH3—CH=CH—CH3
  3. (CH3)2C=CH2
  4. CH3—CH=CH2


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tertiary Butyl Alcohol

Question 34. Which one of the following properties is exhibited by phenol—

  1. It is soluble in aqueous NaOH and produces bubbles of CO2 in the presence of aqueous NaHCO3
  2. It is soluble is aqueous NaOH and does not produce bubbles of CO2 in the presence of aqueous NaHCO3
  3. It is insoluble in aqueous NaOH but produces bubbles in the presence of NaHCO3
  4. It is insoluble in aqueous NaOH and does not produce bubbles in the presence of NaHCO3

Answer: It is soluble is aqueous NaOH and does not produce bubbles of CO2 in the presence of aqueous NaHCO3

Question 35. Which one of the following methods is used to prepare Me3COEt with a good yield—

  1. Mixing EtONa with Me3CCl
  2. Mixing Me3CONa with EtCl
  3. Heating a mixture of (1: 1) EtOH and Me3COH in presence of cone. H2SO4
  4. Treatment of Me3COH with EtMgl


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methods And Good Yield

Question 36. The correct order of acid strength of the following substituted phenols in water at 28°C is—

  1. P-nitrophenol < p-fluorophenol < p-chlorophenol
  2. P-chlorophenol < p-fluorophenol < p-nitrophenol
  3. P-fluorophenol < p-chlorophenol < p-nitrophenol
  4. P-fluorophenol < p-nitrophenol < p-chlorophenol

Answer: 3. P-fluorophenol < p-chlorophenol < p-nitrophenol

Electron withdrawing effect of —NO2,—Cl and —F groups is as follows: —NO2 > —Cl > —F. Thus, the conjugate base of p-nitrophenol will be stabilised to the maximum amount followed by the conjugate base of p-chlorophenol and p-fluorophenol. Thus the order of acidity of the given substituted phenols is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers P Fluorophenol

Question 37. When phenol is treated with D2SO4/D2O, some of the hydrogens get exchanged. The final product in this exchange reaction is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol And Hydrogens

Answer: 1.

As —OH group in phenol is o-/p-directing, only H-atom in o-/p-positive will be replaced by deuterium.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers H Atoms

Question 38. Which of the following compounds would not react with Lucas reagent at room temperature—

  1. H2C=CHCH2OH
  2. C6H5CH,OH
  3. CH3CH2CH2OH
  4. (CH3)3COH

Answer: 3 CH3CH2CH2OH

Primary alcohols do not respond to the Lucas test. Though benzyl alcohol is a primary alcohol, it responds to Lucas test readily.

Question 39. Which of the following will be dehydrated most readily in alkaline medium—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkaline Medium

Answer: 2

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzyl Alcohol

The presence of C=O group stabilises the -ve charge of the carbanion.

Question 40. The structure of the product P of the following reaction is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Structure Of The Product P

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Structure Of The Product P.

Answer: 3

—OH group is stronger o/p-directing compared to —OMe group.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers OMe Group

Question 41. Reduction of lactol Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Borohydride with sodium borohydride gives—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Borohydride

Answer: 3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Borohydride

Question 42.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question Answer Question 11

here N is-

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question Answer Answer 11

Answer: 2

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question Answer Answer 11

Question 43. Methoxybenzene on treatment with HI produces—

  1. Iodobenzene and methanol
  2. Phenol and methyl iodide
  3. Iodobenzene and methyl iodide
  4. Phenol and methanol

Answer: 2. Phenol and methyl iodide

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol And Methyl Iodide

Question 44. The number of alkene(s) which can produce 2-butanol by the successive treatment of (1) B2H6 in tetrahydrofuran solvent and (2) alkaline H2O2 solution is—

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer: 1.1

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tetrahydrofuran And Alkaline

Question 45. When phenol is heated with KBr and KBrO3, the compound obtained as major product is—

  1. 3-bromophenol
  2. 4-bromophenol
  3. 2,4,6-tribromophenol
  4. 2-bromophenol

Answer: 3. 2,4,6-tribromophenol

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tribromophenol

Question 46. Which one of the following reagents can be used to distinguish between phenol and benzonic acid.

  1. Tollen’s reagent
  2. Molish reagent
  3. Neutral FeCl3 solution
  4. Aqueous NaOH

Answer: 3. Neutral FeCl3 solution

Phenol in presence of neutral FeCl3 solution exhibits blue colour while benzoic acid does not.

Question 47. An unknown alcohol is treated with the “Lucas reagent” to determine whether the alcohol is primary, secondary or tertiary. Which alcohol reacts fastest and by what mechanism—

  1. 2° alcohol by SN1
  2. 3° alcohol by SN1
  3. 2° alcohol by SN2
  4. 3° alcohol by SN2

Answer: 2. 3° alcohol by SN1

3° alcohol readily reacts with Lucas reagent via SN1 mechanism.

Question 48. Arrange the following compounds in order of decreasing acidity—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Decreasing Acidity

  1. 2 > 4 > 1 > 3
  2. 1 > 2 > 3 > 4
  3. 3 > 1 > 2 > 4
  4. 4 > 3 > 1 > 2

Answer: 3. 3 > 1 > 2 > 4

Stability of the conjugate bases of the given phenols are in the order:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Stability Of The Conjugate Bases

∴ Thus the order of acidity is 3 > 1 > 2 > 4

Question 49. The most suitable reagent for the conversion of R—CH2—OH—CHO is-

  1. PCC
  2. KMnO4
  3. K2Cr2O7
  4. CrO3

Answer: 1. PCC

PCC or pyridinium chlorochromate is a mild oxidising agent which selectively oxidises alcohols to aldehydes.

Question 50. The product of the reaction given below is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Product Of The Reaction

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Product Of The Reaction.

Answer: 2

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Allylic Bromination

Question 51. 2-chloro-2-methylpentane on reaction with sodium methoxlde in methanol yields—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methanol Yields

  1. All of these
  2. 1 and 3
  3. 3 only
  4. 1 and 2

Answer: 1. All of these

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Methoxide

Question 52. Which of the following, upon treatment with tert-BuONa followed by addition of bromine water, fails to decolourise the colour of bromine—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Colour Of Bromine

Answer: 3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Colour Of Bromine

The above product does not have any C=C or C = C bond, so it will not give Br2 -water test.

Question 53. The correct sequence of reagents of the following conversion will be—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sequence Of Reagents

⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{MgBr},\left[\mathrm{Ag}\left(\mathrm{NH}_3\right)_2\right]^{+} \mathrm{OH}^{-}, \mathrm{H}^{+} / \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{OH}\)

⇒ \(\left[\mathrm{Ag}\left(\mathrm{NH}_3\right)_2\right]^{+} \mathrm{OH}^{-}, \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{MgBr}, \mathrm{H}^{+} / \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{OH}\)

⇒ \(\left[\mathrm{Ag}\left(\mathrm{NH}_3\right)_2\right]^{+} \mathrm{OH}^{-}, \mathrm{H}^{+} / \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{OH}, \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{MgBr}\)

⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{MgBr}, \mathrm{H}^{+} / \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{OH},\left[\mathrm{Ag}\left(\mathrm{NH}_3\right)_2\right]^{+} \mathrm{OH}^{-}\)

Answer: 3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Esterification

Question 54. Phenol on treatment with CO2 in the presence of NaOH followed by acidification produces compound X as the major product. X on treatment with (CH3CO)2O in the presence of catalytic amount of H2SO4 produces—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers X As The Major Product

Answer: 3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Salicylic Acid

Question 55. The major product formed in the following reaction is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HI Heat

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HI Heat.

Answer: 2

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Major Product Of HI Heat

Question 56. Phenol reacts with methyl chloroformate in the presence of NaOH to form product A. A reacts with Br2 to form product B. A and B are respectively—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Chloroformate

Answer: 1

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Chloroform

Question 57. In the following reactions:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Absence Of Peroxide

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Absence Of Peroxide.

Answer: 3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Absence Of Peroxide

Question 58. In the following reaction:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Major And Minor

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Major And Minor.

Answer: 3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 3 Degree More Stable

Question 59. Which of the following compounds will give a yellow precipitate with iodine and alkali—

  1. Methyl acetate
  2. Acetamide
  3. 2-hydroxypropane
  4. Acetophenone

Answer: 3. 2-hydroxypropane

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Hydroxypropane

Question 60. Identify Z in the sequence of reactions—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Z In The Sequence Of Reactions

  1. CH3—(CH2)3—O—CH2CH3
  2. (CH3)2CH— O—CH2CH3
  3. CH3(CH2)4—O—CH3
  4. CH3CH2—CH(CH3)—O—CH2CH3

Answer: 1. CH3—(CH2)3—O—CH2CH3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Anti Markownikoffs Addition

Question 61. Among the following sets of reactants which one produces anisole—

  1. CH3CHO ; RMgX
  2. C6H5OH; NaOH; CH3I
  3. C6H5OH; neutral FeCl3
  4. C6H5—CH3; CH3COCl; AlCl3

Answer: 2

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reactants And Anisole

Question 62. Which of the following is not the product of dehydration of Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydration 

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydration..

Answer: 2

The intermediate carbocation formed, Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydration stable. That is why rearrangement does not occur.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Dehydration.

Question 63. Which of the following reaction(s) can be used for the preparation of alkyl halides—

⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CH}_2 \mathrm{OH}+\mathrm{HCl} \stackrel{\text { anhy. } \mathrm{ZnCl}_3}{\longrightarrow}\)

⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CH}_2 \mathrm{OH}+\mathrm{HCl} \longrightarrow\)

⇒ \(\left(\mathrm{CH}_3\right)_3 \mathrm{COH}+\mathrm{HCl} \longrightarrow\)

⇒ \(\left(\mathrm{CH}_3\right)_2 \mathrm{CHOH}+\mathrm{HCl} \stackrel{\text { anhy. } \mathrm{ZnCl}_2}{\longrightarrow}\)

  1. 1, 3 and 4
  2. 1 and 2
  3. Only 4
  4. 3 and 4

Answer: 1. 1, 3 and 4

1 and 4 react with Lucas reagent and III reacts with HCl to produce alkyl halides.

Question 64. Reaction of phenol with chloroform in presence of dilute sodium hydroxide finally introduces which one of the following functional group—

  1. —CH2CI
  2. —COOH
  3. —CHCl2
  4. —CHO

Answer: 4. —CHO

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Sodium Hydroxide

Question 65. Which of the following reagents would distinguish cis-cyclopenta-1,2-diol from the trans-isomer—

  1. Aluminium isopropoxide
  2. Acetone
  3. Ozone
  4. MnO2

Answer: 2. Acetone

Trans-cyclopenta-1, 2-diol does not form cyclic ketal with acetone whereas cis-cyclopenta-1,2-diol does.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acetone

Question 37. The reaction:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Williamson Alcohol

can be classified as—

  1. Williamson alcohol synthesis reaction
  2. Williamson ether synthesis reaction
  3. Alcohol formation reaction
  4. Dehydration reaction

Answer: 2. General concept

Question 66. The heating of phenyl methyl ether with HI produces—

  1. Iodobenzene
  2. Phenol
  3. Benzene
  4. Ethyl chloride

Answer: 2. Ethyl chloride

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol

Question 67. Which one is the most acidic compound—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acidic Compound

Answer: 3

The presence of electrons with the drawing group increases the acidity of phenol. Thus 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol is the most acidic among the given substituted phenols.

Question 68. Compound A, C2H10O is found to react with NaOI (produced by reacting Y with NaOH ) and yields a yellow precipitate with characteristic smell. A and T are respectively—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Characteristic Smell

Answer: 3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Yellow Precipitate

Question 69. The compound A on treatment with Na gives B and with PCI5 gives C. B and C react together to give diethyl ether. A, B and C are in the order —

  1. C2H5OH, C2H5ONa, C2H5Cl
  2. C2H5OH, C2H6, C2H5CI
  3. C2H5CI, C2H6, C2H5OH
  4. C2H5OH, C2H5Cl, C2H5ONa

Answer: 1. C2H5OH, C2H5ONa, C2H5Cl

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether

Question 70. Find the product for \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CH}_2-\mathrm{O}-\mathrm{CH}_2-\mathrm{CH}_2-\mathrm{O}-\mathrm{CH}_2-\mathrm{C}_6 \mathrm{H}_5+\mathrm{HI}\)

  1. HO—CH2CH2—OH, C6H5CH2—I, CH3CH2—I
  2. C6H5CH2—OH, CH3CH2—I, I—CH2CH2—OH
  3. I— CH2CH2—I, C6H5CH2—I, CH3CH2—OH
  4. HO—CH2CH2—OH ,C6H5CH2—I ,CH3CH2—OH

Answer: 3. I— CH2CH2—I, C6H5CH2—I, CH3CH2—OH

Presence of excess of HI favours SN1 mechanism. So, formation of products is controlled by the stability of the carbocation formed due to the cleavage of C—O bond in protonated ether. Thus the products for given reaction are C6H5CH2I , CH3CH2I , HOCH2CH2OH .

Question 71. But-l-ene \(\underset{\mathrm{H}_3 \mathrm{O}^{+}}{\stackrel{\left(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{COO}\right)_2 \mathrm{Hg}}{\longrightarrow}}\) The product in the above reaction is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers But 1 Ene.

Answer: 2

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Butan 1 ol And Butan 2 ol

Question 72. A compound containing two —OH groups attached with one carbon atom is unstable but which one of the following is stable—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers OH Group And Carbon Atom

Answer: 3.

Chloral hydrate is stable due to the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Chloral Hydrate

Question 73. Which of the following reaction will not produce ethylene glycol—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethylene Glycol

Answer: 3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethylene Glycol

In all other reactions, ethylene glycol is formed.

Question 74. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HI Excess

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HI Excess.

Answer: 2

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HI Excess.

Question 45. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Major Product A A (major product). A is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Major Product A.

Answer: 1

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nitrophenol

Question 76. During the dehydration of alcohols to alkenes by heating with cone. H2SO4, the initiating step is—

  1. Elimination of water
  2. Protonation of an alcohol molecule
  3. Formation of an ester
  4. Formation of carbocation

Answer: 2. Protonation of an alcohol molecule

The mechanism of dehydration of alcohol involves the following steps—

  1. Formation of protonated alcohol
  2. Formation of carbocation
  3. Formation of alkene by elimination of a proton

Question 77. Isopropyl benzene on air oxidation in the presence of dilute acid gives—

  1. C6H5COOH
  2. C6H5COCH3
  3. C6H5CHO
  4. C6H5OH

Answer: 4. C6H5OH

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Cumene Hydroperoxide

Question 78. The reaction,

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol Is A Stronger Acid

Suggest that-

  1. Phenol is a stronger acid than carbonic acid
  2. Carbonic acid is a stronger acid than phenol
  3. Water is a stronger acid than phenol
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Carbonic acid is a stronger acid than phenol

Since a stronger acid displaces a weaker acid from its salts, therefore, carbonic acid (CO2 + H2O→H2CO3) is a stronger acid than phenol.

Question 79. CH3OC2H5 and (CH3)3C-OCH3 are treated with hydroiodic acid. The fragments after reactions obtained are—

  1. CH3I + HOC2H5; (CH3)3C—I + HOCH3
  2. CH3OH + C2H5I; (CH3) CI + HOCH3
  3. CH3OH + C2H5I; (CH3)3C—OH + CH3I
  4. CH3I + HOC2H5; CH3I + (CH3)3C—OH

Answer: 1. CH3I + HOC2H5; (CH3)3C—I + HOCH3

When mixed ethers are used, the alkyl iodide produced depends on the nature of alkyl groups. If one group is Me— and the other primary or secondary alkyl group, then methyl iodide is produced. Here reaction occurs via SN2 mechanism and because of the steric effect of the larger group, I” attacks the smaller (Me) group.

⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{OC}_2 \mathrm{H}_5+\mathrm{HI} \rightarrow \mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{I}+\mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{OH}\)

When the substrate is a methyl t-alkyl ether, the products are t-R—I and MeOH. Here reaction occurs via SN1 mechanism and formation of products is controlled by the stability of carbocation. Since carbocation stability order is 3° > 2° > 1° > CH3, alkyl halide is always derived from the tert-alkyl group.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Ether And Butyl Iodide

Question 80.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HCl Room Temperature

The product P is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HCl Room Temperature.

Answer: 1

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 3 Degree Carbocation And 2 Degree Carbocation

Question 81. Decreasing order or reactivity in Williamson synthesis of the following is—

1. Me3CCH2Br

2. CH3CH2CH2Br


4. CH3CH2CH2Cl

  1. 3 > 2 > 4 > 1
  2. 1 > 2 > 4 > 3
  3. 2 > 3 > 4 > 1
  4. 1 > 3 > 2 > 4

Answer: 3. 2 > 3 > 4 > 1

C—Br bond is weaker than the C—Cl bond, therefore, alkyl bromide (2) reacts faster than alkyl chlorides, (3) and (4). Since CH2=CH— is electron withdrawing group, therefore, ar-C-atom has more +ve charge on 3 than on 4.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Williamson Synthesis

In other words, nucleophilic attack occurs faster on 3 than on 4. Further, since Williamson synthesis occurs by SN2 mechanism, therefore, due to steric hindrance alkyl bromide (1) is the least reactive. Thus, the decreasing order of reactivity is 2 > 3 > 4 > 1.

Question 82. Lucas test is given by an alcohol within 5 minutes, 0.22 g of which liberates 56 mL of CH4 at STP on treating with CH3MgI. The structure of alcohol is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Structure Of Alcohol

Answer: 2

Lucas test will be given by all the given alcohols within 5 minutes as all are 2° alcohols. Exact structure can be known by molecular mass or formula of alcohol which will be obtained as follows: Let molecular mass ofalcohol be M.

Thus, \(\frac{56}{22400}=\frac{0.22}{M} \quad \text { or, } M=\frac{22400 \times 0.22}{56}=88\)

The general formula of alcohols is CnH2n+1 OH. The molecular mass 88 corresponds to the value of n = 5. Thus, the 2° alcohol is (CH3)2CHCHOHCH3.

Question 83. Identify the final product of the given reaction—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Identify The Final Product

Answer: 3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question Answer Answer 56

Question 84.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HBr

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HBr.

Answer: 1

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question Answer Answer 57

Question 85. Monochlorination of toluene in sunlight followed by hydrolysis with aq. NaOH yields—

  1. O-cresol
  2. M-cresol
  3. 2,4-dihydroxytoIuene
  4. Benzyl alcohol

Answer: 4. Benzyl alcohol

Question 86. How many alcohols with molecular formula C4H10O are chiral in nature—

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Answer: 1

Hint: Only CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3 is chiral.

Question 87. What is the correct order of reactivity of alcohols in the following reaction?

⇒ \(\mathrm{R}-\mathrm{OH}+\mathrm{HCl} \stackrel{\mathrm{ZnCl}_2}{\longrightarrow} \mathrm{RCl}+\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}\)

  1. 1° > 2° > 3°
  2. 1° < 2° > 3°
  3. 3° > 2° > 1°
  4. 3° > 1° > 2°

Answer: 3. 3° > 2° > 1°

Question 88. CH3CH2OH can be converted into CH3CHO by—

  1. Catalytic hydrogenation
  2. Treatment with LiAlH4
  3. Treatment with pyridinium chlorochromate
  4. Treatment with KMnO4

Answer: 3. Treatment with pyridinium chlorochromate

Question 89. Converting alkyl halides into alcohols involves—

  1. Addition reaction
  2. Substitution reaction
  3. Dehydrohalogenation reaction
  4. Rearrangement reaction

Answer: 2. Substitution reaction

Question 90. Which of the following compounds is aromatic alcohol—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Aromatic Aalcohol

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4
  2. 1, 4
  3. 2, 3
  4. 1

Answer: 3. 2,3

Hint: In aromatic alcohols, the -OH group is attached to side chain of an aromatic ring system.

Question 91. Give IUPAC name of the compound given below—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Name

  1. 2-chIoro-5-hydroxyhexane
  2. 2-hydroxy-5-chlorohexane
  3. 5-chlorohexan-2-ol
  4. 2-chlorohexan-5-ol

Answer: 3. 5-chlorohexan-2-ol

Question 92. IUPAC name of m -cresol is—

  1. 3-methylphenol
  2. 3-chlorophenoI
  3. 3-methoxyphenol
  4. Benzene-1, 3-diol

Answer: 1. 3-methylphenol

Question 93. IUPAC name of the compound

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Compound

  1. 1-methoxy-l-methylethane
  2. 2-methoxy-2-methylethane
  3. 2-methoxypropane
  4. Isopropylmethyl ether

Answer: 3. 2-methoxypropane

Question 94. Which of the following can act as the strongest base—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Strongest Base

Answer: 2. OR

Hint: The weakest acid ROH has the strongest conjugate base RO.

Question 95. Which of the following compounds will react with sodium hydroxide solution in water-

  1. C6H5OH
  2. C6H5CH2OH
  3. (CH3)3COH
  4. C2H5OH

Answer: 1. C6H5OH

Hint: Phenol is an acidic compound and so it reacts with base (NaOH).

Question 96. Phenol is less acidic than—

  1. Ethanol
  2. O-nitrophenol
  3. O-methylphenol
  4. O-methoxyphenol

Answer: 2. O-nitrophenol

Hint: Electron-donating groups such as CH3— or — OCH3 decrease the acid strength while electron-withdrawing groups (e.g.,-NO2) increase the acid strength of phenolic compounds.

Question 97. Which of the following is most acidic—

  1. Benzyl alcohol
  2. Cyclohexanol
  3. Phenol
  4. M-chlorophenol

Answer: 4. M-chlorophenol

Hint: Cl -atom in the meta position has electron withdrawing -I effect and hence, increases the acid strength of phenolic compounds.

Question 98. Mark the correct order of decreasing acid strength of the following compounds —

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Acid Strength

  1. 5>4>2>1>3
  2. 2>4>3>1>5
  3. 4>5>3>2>1
  4. 5>4>3>2>1

Answer: 2. 2>4>3>1>5

Hint: Presence of electron-withdrawing -NO2 group in o-, m- or p- position causes an increase in acid strength of phenol. However, the presence of the -OCH3 group in the meta-position increases acidity, while its presence in o-, or p- positions decreases the acidity of phenol.

Question 99. Mark the correct increasing order of reactivity of the following compounds with HBr/HCl—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Increasing Order Of Reactivity

  1. 1 < 2 < 3
  2. 2 < 1 < 3
  3. 2 < 3 < 1
  4. 3 < 2 < 1

Answer: 3. 2 < 3 < 1

Hint: Reaction with HBr/HCl proceeds via the formation of benzylic cations. The stability of cations increases in the sequence:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reaction With HBr

Question 100. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of boiling point. Propan-l-ol, butan-l-ol, butan-2-ol, pentan-l-ol—

  1. Propan-1-ol, butan-2-oI. butan-1-ol, peman-l-ol
  2. Propan-1-ol, butan-1-ol, butan-2-ol, pentan-1-ol
  3. Pentan-1-ol, butan-2-ol, butan-1-ol, propan-1-ol
  4. Pentan-1-ol, butan-1-ol, butan-2-ol, propan-1-ol

Answer: 1. Propan-1-ol, butan-2-oI. butan-1-ol, peman-1-ol

Hint: Boiling points increase as the molecular masses of alcohols increase. Among isomeric alcohols, 1° alcohols have higher boiling point than 2° alcohols.

Question 101. Which of the following are used to convert RCHO into RCH2OH —

  1. H2/Pd
  2. LiAlH4
  3. NaBH4
  4. Reaction with RMgX followed by hydrolysis

Answer: 1,2 and 3

Hint: RMgX reacts with aldehydes to form 2° alcohols.

Question 102. Which of the following reactions will yield phenol—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Yield Phenol

Answer: 1,2 and 3

Hint: Chlorobenzene does not undergo nucleophilic substitution with aq. NaOH at 298K and 1 atm pressure.

Question 103. Which of the following reagents can be used to oxidise primary alcohols to aldehydes—

  1. CrO3 in anhydrous medium
  2. KMnO4 in an acidic medium
  3. Pyridinium chlorochromate
  4. Heat in the presence of Cu at 573 K

Answer: 1,3,4

Hint: KMnO4/H+ oxidises 1° alcohols to carboxylic acids.

Question 104. Phenol can be distinguished from ethanol by the reactions with—

  1. Br2 /water
  2. Na
  3. Neutral FeCl3
  4. All the above

Answer: 1 and 3

Hint: Na reacts with both phenol and alcohols to liberate H2gas.

Question 105. Which of the following are benzylic alcohols—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzylic Alcohols

Answer: 2,3

Hint: In benzylic alcohols, —OH group is attached to the carbon next to a carbon atom of the aromatic ring.

Question 106. Which one of the following compounds reacts with NaOH to yield methanol most rapidly—

  1. (CH3)4N +I
  2. CH3OCH3
  3. (CH3)33S+I
  4. (CH3)3Cl

Answer: 1. (CH3)4N +P

Question 107. The compound obtained on acid-catalysed hydration of 2 -phenylpropene is —

  1. 2 -phenyl- 2 -propanol
  2. 2 -phenyl- 1 -propanol
  3. 3 -phenyl- 1 -propanol
  4. 1 phenyl- 2 -propanol

Answer: 1. 2 -phenyl- 2 -propanol

Question 108. Which compound is to be introduced in the body of a patient poisoned by methanol—

  1. 2 -propanol
  2. 1 -propanol
  3. Ethanol
  4. Ethylene glycol

Answer: 3. Ethanol

Question 109. The compounds obtained on treatment of CH2=CH —OCH3 with HBr at room temp, are—

  1. CH3CHO and CH3Br
  2. BrCH2CHO and CH3OH
  3. BrCH2CH2OCH3
  4. CH3CHBrOCH3

Answer: 4. CH3CHBrOCH3

Question 110. Benzene diazonium chloride reacts with a weakly alkaline solution of phenol to yield—

  1. Diphenyl ether
  2. P-hydroxyazobenzene.
  3. Chlorobenzene
  4. Benzene

Answer: 2. P-hydroxyazobenzene

Question 111. Phenol + chloroform Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Electrophile Reaction Electrophile involved in this reaction Is—

  1. C+HCl2
  2. : CCl2
  3. CCl3
  4. C+HO

Answer: 2. : CCl2

Question 112. Which one of the following compounds will react with HBr most rapidly—

  1. C6H5CH2OH
  2. P-O2NC6H4CH2OH
  3. P-CH3OC6H4CH2OH
  4. P-ClC6H4CH2OH

Answer: 3. P-CH3OC6H4CH2OH

Question 113. Tert-butyl alcohol is heated with Cu at 350°C to form—

  1. 1 -butanol
  2. Butanol
  3. 2 -butene
  4. 2 methylpropene

Answer: 4. 2 methylpropene

Question 114. Which compound is responsible for the appearance of turbidity in Lucas test of alcohol—

  1. Aldehyde
  2. Ketone
  3. Acid chloride
  4. Alkyl chloride

Answer: 4. Alkyl chloride

Question 115. The order of reactivity of alcohols towards active metal is—

  1. 3° > 2° > 1°
  2. 3° < 2° < 1°
  3. 3° < 1° < 2°
  4. 2° < 3° < 1°

Answer: 2. 3° < 2° < 1°

Question 116. Which reagent is to be used for the preparation of cyclohexane from cyclohexanol—

  1. Al2O3, 350°C
  2. Cone. HCI/ZnCI2
  3. Conc.HCI
  4. Cone. HBr

Answer: 1. Al2O3, 350°C

Question 117. Ph2CHCH2OH reacts with HBr to form—

  1. Ph2CHCH,Br
  2. PhCHBrCH2Ph
  3. Ph2C=CH2
  4. PhCH —CHPh

Answer: 2. PhCHBrCH2Ph

Question 118. Which one of the following compounds has lowest value of pKa —



Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Lowest Value Of PK

Answer: 3

Question 119. Which one of the following compounds reacts with glycerol at 250°C to form allyl alcohol—

  1. Formic add
  2. Oxalic acid
  3. Both
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Both

Question 120. In Liebcrmann’s test for phenol, the change of colour follows the order—

  1. Reddish-brown → green → deep blue
  2. Green→reddish-brown→deep blue
  3. Red→green →white
  4. Red→blue green

Answer: 2. Green→reddish-brown→deep blue

Question 121. The violet coloured compound obtained when FeCl3 reacts with phenol is-

  1. [Fe(OC6H5)6]3+
  2. [Fe(OC6H5)6]3-
  3. [Fe(OC6H5)3]3+
  4. [Fe(OC6H5)3]3-

Answer: 2. [Fe(OC6H5)6]3-

Question 122. Which one of the following compounds will be obtained by the reaction between acetylene and formaldehyde In the presence of copper acetylide—

  1. Butyne- 1,4 diol
  2. 2 -butyne
  3. Ethylene- 1, 4 -diol
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Butyne- 1,4 diol

Question 123. The reducing agent used in the following reaction is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Reducing Agent

  1. LiAlH4
  2. NaBH4
  3. H2/Pt
  4. Both 1 and 3

Answer: 3. H2/Pt

Question 124. Which of the following reaction produce 2-phenyl butane- 2-ol—

  1. C6H5COCH3 + C2H5MgBr
  2. C2H5COCH3 + C6H5MgBr
  3. C6H5COC2H5 + CH3MgBr
  4. All of these reactions.

Answer: 4. All of these reactions

Question 125.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethanol

The compound Z is—

  1. CH2=CH2
  2. CH3CH2OH
  3. CH3CH2OCH2CH3
  4. CH3CH2SO3H

Answer: 2. CH3CH2OH

Question 126. Glycerol reacts with PClg to form—

  1. 1,2,3-trichloropropane
  2. Glycerol monochlorohydrine
  3. Glycerol dichlorohydrine
  4. All of these compounds

Answer: 1. 1,2,3-trichloropropane

Question 127. The suitable reducing agent to be used in the following conversion is —

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Suitable Reducing Agent

  1. (1) LiAlH4 , (2) H+
  2. (1) NaBH4, (2) H+
  3. H2/Pt, carbon
  4. Both 1 and 3

Answer: 4. Both 1 and 3

Question 128. Which one of the following compounds produce only ether when treated with sodium tert-butoxide—

  1. CH3CH2Br
  2. CH3X
  3. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tert Butoxide
  4. (CH3)3C-X

Answer: 2. CH3X

Question 129.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers The Product X The product X is—

  1. CH3CH2OH
  2. (CH3)2CHOH
  3. CH3CH2CH2OH

Answer: 3. CH3CH2CH2OH

Question 130. The compound obtained on heating a mixture of phenol, phthalic anhydride and cone. H2SO4 followed by the addition of the mixture to NaOH solution is—

  1. Alizarin
  2. Methyl orange
  3. Fluorescein
  4. Phenolphthalein

Answer: 4. Phenolphthalein

Question 131. Which one of the following compounds produces ethyl propanoate when heated with BF3 at 150°C under 500 atm pressure—

  1. C2H5OH
  2. CH3OCH3
  3. C2H5OC2H5
  4. CH3OC2H5

Answer: 3. C2H5OC2H5

Question 132. Which one of the following substances is called denatured alcohol—

  1. Ethanol + methanol
  2. Rectified spirit + methanol + naptha
  3. Unrefined ethanol
  4. Rectified spirit

Answer: 2. Rectified spirit + methanol + naptha

Question 133. The catalysts involved in the conversion of ethanol from starch are—

  1. Maltase, diastase
  2. Diastase, maltase, zymase
  3. Invertase, zymase
  4. Invertase, diastase, maltase

Answer: 2. Diastase, maltase, zymase

Question 134. 1,4 -hexadiene-3 -ol reacts with H2SO4 to form—

  1. 3, 5-hexadiene-2-ol
  2. 2 -4 -hexadiene-1-ol
  3. A mixture of 1 and 2
  4. No reaction occurs

Answer: 3. A mixture of 1 and 2

Question 135. CH3—O—CH(CH3)2 + HI→Products. The major product (s) obtained is this reaction is (are) —

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question And Answer Question 30

Answer: 1. CH3I + (CH3)2CHOH

Question 136. P-CH3OC6H4CH2OH(A), p-ClC6H4CH2OH(B) and p-O2NCgH4CH2OH(C). The order of reactivity of these benzyl alcohols towards HBr is—

  1. A> B> C
  2. A> C> B
  3. C> A> B
  4. C> B> A

Answer:  1. A> B> C

Question 137. The reagent used to detect the presence of peroxide in a sample of old ether is—

  1. Sodium
  2. Dil.HCl
  3. Aq.ferrous ammonium sulphate followed by ammonium thiocyanate
  4. Dil. NaOH

Answer: 3. Aq.ferrous ammonium sulphate followed by ammonium thiocyanate

Question 138.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question And Answer Question 33

The final product is—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question And Answer Question 33.

Answer: 3

Question 139. The boiling points of n -pentanol (1), n-pentane (2), 3 -pentanol (3) and 2, 2 -dimethyl-1-propanol (4) decrease in the order—

  1. 1, 3, 4, 2
  2. 2, 4, 3, 1
  3. 3, 1, 4, 2
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. 1, 3, 4, 2

Question 140. Which one of the following compounds does not react j with Br2/H2O to form 2, 4, 6-tribromophenol—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tribromophenol

Answer: 4

Question 141. The two gases obtained when benzenesulphonic acid and p-nitrophenol are subjected to react with NaHCO3 are respectively—

  1. SO2,NO2
  2. NO2,NO2
  3. SO2,CO2
  4. CO2,CO2

Answer: 4. CO2, CO2

Question 142. Which of the following compounds cannot be converted into methyl ether or methyl ester by treating with diazomethane—

  1. C2H5OH
  2. C6H5OH
  3. CH3COOH
  4. C6H5COOH

Answer: 1. C2H5OH

Question 143. Which of the following reactions can be used to prepare acetophenone—

  1. Reimer-Tiemann reaction
  2. Wurtz-Fittig reaction
  3. Friedel-Crafts reaction
  4. Cannizzaro reaction

Answer: 3. Friedel-Crafts reaction

Question 144. The rate of reaction of HBr is highest with—

  1. 3° alcohol
  2. 2° alcohol
  3. Phenol
  4. Ethanol

Answer: 1. 3° alcohol

Question 145. Which one of the following is known as wood spirit—

  1. Methanol
  2. Ethanol
  3. Acetone
  4. Benzene

Answer: 1. Methanol

Question 146. Picric acid is—

  1. 2,4,6 -tribromophenol
  2. 2,4,6 -trinitrotoluene
  3. 2,4,6 – trinitrophenol
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. 2,4,6 – trinitrophenol

Question 147. Mark the correct order of acidity of the following compounds:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Order Of Acidity And Compounds

  1. 3 > 4 > 2 > 1
  2. 4 > 3 > 1 > 2
  3. 3 > 2 > 1 > 4
  4. 2 > 3 > 4 > 1

Answer: 1. 3 > 4 > 2 > 1

Question 148. Conversion of m-nitrophenol to resorcinol involves —

  1. Hydrolysis, diazotisation and reduction
  2. Diazotisation, reduction and hydrolysis
  3. Hydrolysis, reduction and diazotisation
  4. Reduction, diazotisation and hydrolysis

Answer: 4. Reduction, diazotisation and hydrolysis

Question 149. The acidic hydrolysis of ether (X) is fastest when—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Hydrolysis

  1. One phenyl group is replaced by a methyl group
  2. One phenyl group is replaced by a p-methoxyphenyl group
  3. Two phenyl groups are replaced by two p-methoxyphenyl group
  4. No structural change is made to X

Answer: 3. Two phenyl groups are replaced by two p-methoxyphenyl group

Question 150. Among the following compounds, the most acidic is—

  1. P-nitrophenol
  2. P-hydroxybenzotc acid
  3. O-hydroxybenzoic acid
  4. P-toluic acid

Answer: 3. O-hydroxybenzoic acid

Question 151. The IUPAC name of the compound 

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Compound

  1. 4-bromo-3-cyanophenol
  2. 2-bromo-5-hydroxybenzonitrile
  3. 2-bromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile
  4. 6-bromo-3-hydroxybenzonitrile

Answer: 2. 2-bromo-5-hydroxybenzonitrile

Question 152. Chlorobenzene\(\stackrel{\boldsymbol{X}}{\longrightarrow}\) Phenol \(\stackrel{\boldsymbol{Y}}{\longrightarrow}\) , Salicyiaidehyde X and Y reactions are respectively—

  1. Fries rearrangement and Reimer-Tiemann
  2. Cumene and Reimer-Tiemann
  3. Dow and Reimer-Tiemann
  4. Dow and Friedel-Crafts

Answer: 3. Dow and Reimer-Tiemann

Question 153. To which one of the following does phenol react to form bakelite—

  1. CH3COCH3
  2. HCHO
  3. (CH2OH)2
  4. CH3CHO

Answer: 2. HCHO

Question 154. Which one of the following alcohols reacts fastest with cone. HCl and anhy. ZnCl2

  1. 2-butanol
  2. 2-methylpropan-2 ol
  3. 2-methylpropan-l-ol
  4. 1-butanol

Answer: 2. 2-methylpropan-2 ol

Question 155. Among the following, which one will produce methyl alcohol on treatment with hot cone. HI—

  1. (CH3)2CHCH2OCH3
  2. CH3(CH2)3OCH3
  3. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methyl Alcohol
  4. (CH3)3COCH3

Answer: 4. (CH3)3COCH3

Question 156. Consider the following reaction:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Phenol

The product Z is—

  1. Toluene
  2. Benzaldehyde
  3. Benzoic acid
  4. Benzene

Answer: 3. Benzoic acid

Question 157. Which one of the following reactions involves C —C bond formation—

  1. Reimer-Tiemann reaction
  2. Hydroboration-oxidation
  3. Cannizzaro reaction
  4. PCC-reaction of 1° alcohol

Answer: 1. Reimer-Tiemann reaction

Question 158. Alkyl aryl ethers, when heated with HI, give—

  1. Alcohol and phenol
  2. Alcohol and aryl halide
  3. Phenol and alkyl halide
  4. Alkyl halide and aryl halide

Answer: 3. Phenol and alkyl halide

Question 159.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question And Answer Question 54

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question And Answer Question 54.

Answer: 2

Question 160. Identify the correct product (Y) formed during the following reaction—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question And Answer Question 55

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Multiple Choice Question And Answer Question 55.

Answer: 4

Question 161. Which of the following compounds form a bubble when 5% NaHCO3 solution is added to them—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers NaHCO3

Answer: 2,4

Question 162. Which of the following will give the iodoform test—

  1. 2-hydroxypropane
  2. 2-iodobutane
  3. 1-phenylethanol
  4. 1-phenylbromoethane

Answer: 1,2,3,4

Question 163. Find reactant P and RX for Williamson synthesis—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Williamson Synthesis

  1. PhBr and NaOCH2—O—CH3
  2. CH3OH and PhCH2Br
  3. PhCH2OH and CH3Br
  4. PhCH2Br and CH3Br

Answer: 2 and 3

Question 164. Which of the following reagents/conditions can convert 2-propanol to acetone—

  1. LiAlH4
  2. CU/575K
  3. K2Cr2O7/H+
  4. H2/Pd

Answer: 2 and 3

Question 165. Which of the following compounds would give a ketone on oxidation—

  1. Iso-butyl alcohol
  2. Iso-propyl alcohol
  3. Iso-pentyl alcohol
  4. Sec-butyl alcohol

Answer: 2 and 4

Question 166. Which of the following are less acidic than phenol—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Less Acidic Than Phenol

Answer: 3 and 4

Question 167. Choose the correct order of acidity—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Correct Order Of Acidity

Answer: 3 and 2

Question 168. Which of the following compounds respond to the Lucas test readily—

  1. CH3CH2OH
  2. (CH3)3COH
  3. (CH3)2CHOH
  4. PhCH2OH

Answer: 2 and 4

Question 169. Which of the reagents required for preparing bakelite (a thermosetting plastic) —

  1. Salicylic acid
  2. Chloroform
  3. Phenol
  4. Formaldehyde

Answer: 3 and 4

Question 170. The acidity of phenol increases when the ring contains the groups—

  1. -NO2
  2. -CH3
  3. -CN
  4. -OR

Answer: 1 and 3

Question 171. Which of the following alcohols undergoes acid catalyzed dehydration involving rearrangement—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Catalyzed Dehydration

Answer: 2 and 4

Question 172. Which of the following alcohols produce alkene when passed through Cu heated at 300°C—

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alcohols And Alkene

Answer: 1 and 4

Question 173. Which of the following contains ethanol —

  1. Rectified spirit
  2. Power alcohol
  3. Methylated spirit
  4. Wood spirit

Answer: 1 and 2

Question 174. Which of the following reactions addition of water occurs in an anti-Markownikoff fashion—

⇒ \(\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CH}=\mathrm{CHCH}_3 \frac{\text { (1) } \mathrm{HI}}{\text { (2) dil. } \mathrm{KOH}}\)

⇒ \(\left(\mathrm{CH}_3\right)_2 \mathrm{C}=\mathrm{CH}_2 \frac{\text { (i) } \mathrm{HBr}}{\text { (ii) dil. } \mathrm{KOH}}\)

⇒ \(\left(\mathrm{CH}_3\right)_2 \mathrm{C}=\mathrm{CH}_2 \quad \frac{\text { (i) } \mathrm{B}_2 \mathrm{H}_6}{\text { (ii) } \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}_2 / \mathrm{OH}^{\ominus}}\)

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Anti Markownikoff

Answer: 3 and 4


Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Match The Following

Question 1.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Match The Following Column 1

Answer: A-4, B-3, C-6, D-1, E-7, F-2

Question 2.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Match The Following Column 2

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Match The Following Column 2.

Answer: A-4, B-5, C-2, D-1.

Question 3.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Match The Following Column 3

Answer: A-5, B-6, C-4, D-3, E-1, F-2.

Question 4.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Match The Following Column 4

Answer: A-4, B-1, C-4, D-5, E-3, F-2.

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Assertion-Reason Type

In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) followed by a statement of Reason (R) Is given. Choose the correct option out of the choices given below.

  1. Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.
  2. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
  3. A is true but R is false.
  4. A is false but R is true.
  5. Both A and R are false.

Question 1. Assertion(A): The additional reaction of water to but-1-ene in acidic medium yields butan-1-ol.

Reason (R): The addition of water in acidic medium proceeds through the formation of primary carbocation.

Answer: 5. Both A and R are false.

Hint: Correct assertion: But-l-ene undergoes hydration in acid medium to yield butan-2-ol. Correct reason: But-l-ene undergoes hydration in acid medium via the formation of more stable 2° carbocation.

Question 2. Assertion (A): p-nitrophenol is more acidic than phenol.

Reason (R): The Nitro group helps in the stabilisation of the phenoxide ion by dispersal of negative charge due to resonance.

Answer: 1. Both A and R are true, R is the correct explanation of A.

Question 3. Assertion (A): IUPAC name of the compound

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Ethoxy 2 Methylethane

Reason (R): In IUPAC nomenclature, ether is regarded as a hydrocarbon derivative in which a hydrogen atom is replaced by —OR or — OAr group [where R = alkyl group and Ar = aryl group].

Answer: 4. A is false but R is true.

Hint: IUPAC name of the given compound is l-(2-propoxy) propane.

Question 3. Assertion (A): The bond angle in ethers is slightly less than the tetrahedral angle.

Reason (R): There is a repulsion between the two bulky (-R) groups.

Answer: 4. A is false but R is true.

Hint: Bond angle in ethers is slightly more than the tetrahedral angle.

Question 4. Assertion (A): Boiling points of alcohols and ethers are high.

Reason (R): They can form intermolecular hydrogen¬ bonding.

Answer: 5. Both A and R are false.

Hint: Correct assertion: The boiling points of alcohols are higher than ethers of comparable molecular masses. Correct reason: Alcohols form intermolecular H-bonding but ethers do not.

Question 5. Assertion (A): Like bromination of benzene, bromination of phenol is also carried out in the presence of Lewis acid.

Reason (R): Lewis acid polarises bromine molecules.

Answer: 4. A is false but R is true.

Hint: Bromination of benzene is carried out in the presence of a Lewis acid catalyst, but bromination of phenol does not require any Lewis acid catalyst

Question 6. Assertion (A): o-nitrophenol is less soluble in water than the m -and p -isomers.

Reason (R): m-and p-nitrophenols exist as associated molecules.

Answer: 2. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Hint: —OH and —NO2 groups of o-nitrophenol are involved in intramolecular H-bonding and hence, onitrophenol does not form H-bonds with H2O but m -and p -nitrophenols do.

Question 7. Assertion (A): Ethanol is a weaker acid than phenol.

Reason (R): Sodium ethoxide may be prepared by the reaction of ethanol with aqueous NaOH.

Answer: 3. A is true but R is false.

Hint: Correct reason: In phenoxide ion, -ve charge is stabilised by resonance but in ethoxide ion -ve charge is not stabilised by resonance.

Question 8. Assertion (A): Phenol forms 2,4,6-tribromophenol on treatment with Br, in carbon disulphide at 273K.

Reason (R): Bromine polarises in carbon disulphide.

Answer: 5. Both A and R are false.

Hint: Correct reason: Phenol forms 2, 4, 6- tribromophenol on treatment with Br2 -water. Correct reason: In H2O, phenol undergoes partial ionisation to form phenoxide ion, which has highly activated ring system for electrophilic substitution.

Question 9. Assertion (A): Phenols give o- and p-nitrophenol on nitration with cone. HNO3 and H2SO4 mixture.

Reason (R): —OH group in phenol is o-, p-directing.

Answer: 4. A is false but R is true.

Hint: Correct reason: Phenol gives a mixture of o-and p-nitrophenols on nitration with dil.HNO3.

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Fill In The Blanks

Question 1. A tertiary alcohol is a ____ acid as compared to its isomeric primary and secondary alcohol.
Answer: weak

Question 2. Due to ____ lower alcohols are highly soluble in water.
Answer: H-bond

Question 3. Absolute alcohol can be prepared by ____ distillation of rectified spirit.
Answer: Azeotropic

Question 4. Phenol forms coloured complex ion with neutral ____
Answer: FeCl3 solution

Question 5. A 3° alcohol undergoes’ ____ when its vapours are passed through heated copper.
Answer: Dehydration

Question 6. ____ can be prepared from phenol by ReimerTiemann reaction.
Answer: Salicylaldehyde

Question 7. Alcohols are ____ acids than phenols but are ____ nucleophiles.
Answer: stronger, weaker

Question 8. The reaction between phenol and ____ presence of sodium hydroxide is called SchottenBaumann reaction.
Answer: Benzoyl chloride

Question 9. The suitable oxidising agent used to prepare aldehydes from l ° alcohols is ____
Answer: Pyridinium chlorochromate (PCC)

Question 10. 3,3-Dimethylbutan-2-ol undergoes dehydration in the presence of concentrated H2SO4 to form ____
Answer: 2, 3-dimethyl but-2-ene

Question 11. Alkenes react successively with ____ and ____ to undergo anti-Markownikoff hydration.
Answer: 1. B2H6 2. H2O2/OH

Question 12. Grignard reagents react with ketones to form ____ alcohols.
Answer: Tertiary alcohol

Question 13. Phenol on bromination in CS2 produces mainly ____
Answer: P-bromophenol

Question 14. The reaction of phenol with benzenediazonium chloride in weakly alkaline medium is called ____ reaction.
Answer: Coupling

Question 15. Among the nitrophenols,____ is least soluble in water.
Answer: O-nitrophenol

Question 16. The boiling points of ethers are much ____ of alcohols having comparable molecular masses.
Answer: lower

Question 17. Dehydration of alcohols is not a suitable method for the preparation of ____ ethers.
Answer: Unsymmetrical

Question 18. Peroxides can be removed from ether by shaking the latter with a solution of ____.
Answer: FeSO4

Question 19. Ethers dissolve in cone. H2SO4 by forming ____ salts.
Answer: Oxonium

Question 20. The melting point of diethyl ether is very ____
Answer: low

Question 21. tert-Butyl methyl ether reacts with HI to form ____ and ____
Answer: Tert-butyl iodide, methyl alcohol

Question 22. Tetrahydrofuran reacts with excess of hydrobromic acid to form _____
Answer: 1, 4-dibromo butane

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 11 Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Warm Up Exercise

Question 1. Designate the following alcohols as 1°, 2° and 3°:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Designate The Following Alcohols


  1. 1 0

Question 2. Identify the allylic and benzylic alcohols of question no.1
Answer: Allylic alcohol: (4) and (7); Benzylic alcohol: (5)

Question 3. Write the structures of all the isomeric alcohols and ethers having molecular formula C3H8O and C4H10O.

Alcohols with molecular formula C3H8O CH3CH2CH2OH and CH3CHOHCH3. Ether with molecular formula C3H8O: CH3CH2OCH3. Alcohols with molecular formula C4H10O: (CH3)2CHCH2OH,CH3CH2CH2CH2OH (CH3)3COH and CH3CH2CHOHCH3 Ethers with molecular formula C4H10O: CH3CH2OCH2CH3, CH3CH2CH2OCH3 and (CH3)2CHOCH3

Question 4. Give an example of a phenolic ether having two phenyl groups.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diphenyl Ether

Question 5. Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds:

  2. (CH3)2CHOCH2CH3

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers IUPAC Name


  1. 3-chlorobutanol-l-ol;
  2. 2-ethoxy propane;
  3. 2-bromo-6-methyl phenol;
  4. l-ethoxy-3-nitro cyclohexane;
  5. 2,4-dinitrophenol;
  6. 2-methyl cyclo pentanol;
  7. 2,4-dihydroxy phenol

Question 6. Write the structures of the following compounds:

  1. 1 -phenoxy heptane,
  2. 2-ethoxy-1, 1 dimethylcylohexane.
  3. Ethoxy-benzene,
  4. Isobutyl alcohol,
  5. Glycerol
  6. Hex 1 -en-3-ol
  7. 2-bromo-3 methylbut-2-en-1-o


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Structure Of Compounds

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Structure Of The Compound.

Question 7. Explain why the C—O—C bond angle in di-tert-butyl ether (130°) is much greater than the C—O—C bond angle in dimethyl ether (111.7°).

The tert-butyl group is much larger than the methyl group. Due to the larger size of the tert-butyl group, two tert-butyl groups in di-tert-butyl ether are sterically hindered for which the C— O—C bond angle is greater than that of dimethyl ether.

Question 8. How will you prepare the following alcohols by acid-catalyzed hydration of appropriate alkenes?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkenes


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Alkenes.

Question 9. Arrange ethylene, propene and 2-methylpropene in the order of decreasing reactivity towards acid-catalyzed hydration and explain the reason for such an arrangement.

In acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, the C =C double bond gets protonated first to form a carbocation. The higher the stability of carbocation, the greater is the rate of the reaction. The stability order of carbocation, generated from ethylene, propane, and 2-methylpropene is CH3CH2 (1° carbocation) < CH3CHCH3 (2° carbocation) < (CH3)3C (3° carbocation). Thus, the order of decreasing reactivity towards acid-catalyzed hydration is 2- methylpropene > propene > ethylene.

Question 10. Out of LiAlH4 and NaBH4 which would you use to carry out the following transformations and why?

  1. LiAlH4 (NaBH4 cannot reduce acid group)
  2. NaBH4 ( LiAlH4 can reduce both the groups)
  3. NaBH4 (LiAlH4 can reduce both the groups)

Question 11. A mixture of 1-propanol and 2-propanol is obtained when an ester is reduced by LiAlH4. Identify the ester.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Propanol

Question 15.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Optical Isomers

Write the structure of A and B (two optical isomers).

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Enantiomers

Question 12.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Identify The Compound X Identify the compound X.


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Methylcyclopentanol

Question 13. Convert by using the Grignard reaction:

  1. C6H5COOC2H5→(C6H5)3COH
  3. HC02C2H5→CH3CH0HCH3
  4. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Grignard


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Grignard Reaction

Question 14. Prepare A-methylphenol from sodium toluenesulphanate.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 4 Methylphenol

Question 15.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Identify The Complex X

Identify the compound X


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Identify The Complex X.

Question 16. Which member of each of the following pairs is more soluble in water and why?

  1. CH2Cl2 and CH3OH
  2. CH3CH2CH2SH and CH3CH2CH2OH
  3. CH3COCH3 and (CH3)2C=CH2
  4. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH and (CH3)3COH


  1. CH3OH, as it forms H-bonds with water molecules.
  2. CH3CH2CH2OH, as it forms H-bonds with water molecules.
  3. CH3COCH3, as it forms H-bonds with water molecules.
  4. (CH3)3COH, as with increasing the area of the side chain of an aliphatic group, solubility in water decreases.

Question 17. Arrange in the order of increasing boiling point and explain:



In CH3CH2CH3 molecules, there are weak van der Waals forces of attraction present whereas in CH3OCH3, along with weak van der Waals forces of attraction weak dipole-dipole attraction forces are also present. Thus CH3OCH3 has a higher boiling point than CH3CH2CH3. Again, CH2CH2OH is a polar compound that forms intermolecular H-bonds with other CH3CH2OH molecules for which CH3CH2OH has a higher boiling point than CH3OCH3.

On the other hand, CH3COOH also forms intermolecular H-bonds with other CH3COOH molecules. But, in the CH3COOH molecule, the O—H bond is more polar in CH3COOH than in CH3CH2OH. Thus H-bonds formed by CH3COOH are much stronger than those formed by CH3CH2OH molecule. Hence boiling point of CH3COOH is higher than CH3CH2OH. Thus, the order of increasing boiling point is— CH3CH2CH3 < CH3OCH3 < CH3CH2OH < CH3COOH

Question 18. Alcohols cannot be dried with any. CaCl2 or MgCl2 — why?

Alcohols cannot be dried with anhydrous CaCl2 or MgCl2 because alcohols form additional compounds. For example, C2H5OH forms CaCl2.3C2H5OH and MgCl2.6C2H5OH with CaCl2 and MgCl2, respectively.

Question 19. Which alcohol having molecular formula C4H10O cannot be obtained by reducing an aldehyde or a ketone?

Since the given alcohol cannot be prepared by reducing an aldehyde or ketone, it is a tertiary alcohol. The tertiary alcohol having the molecular formula C4H10O is tertbutyl alcohol (Me3COH).

Question 20. Give a reaction, where alcohol acts as a nucleophile and protonated alcohol acts as an electrophile.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Protonated Ans Alcohol

Here, in the first step, alcohol acts as a nucleophile whereas in the second step, protonated alcohol acts as an electrophile.

Question 21. Out of propane- 2 -ol and 2 -methyldopa-2 -ol, which will undergo dehydration in the presence of one.H2SO4 at a faster rate and why?

2-methylpropan-2-ol produces more stable 3° carbocation. So, the rate of dehydration of 2-methylpropan- 2-ol is faster than that ofpropan-2-ol.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Propan 2 Ol

Question 22. Arrange the following in the order of increasing acidic strength and explain: CH3CH2OH, CF3CH2OH, CCI3CH2OH.

With increasing electronegativity of the halogen atom (-I effect) attached with β-carbon, the acidity of alcohol increases. Thus the order of increasing acidic strength of given alcohols will be— CH3CH2OH < CCI3CH2OH < CF3CH2OH

Question 23. How can you distinguish between phenol and 2,4,6- trinitrophenol by a solubility test?

2,4,6-trinitrophenol is soluble in Na2CO3 solution whereas phenol is insoluble as the acidity of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol is much higher than phenol.

Question 24. A and B are two isomeric compounds having molecular formula C7H7OH. A produces a violet coloration with a neutral FeCl3 solution but B does not. Identify A and B.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Benzyl Alcohol

Question 25. How can o-nitrophenol be separated from p-nitrophenol in their mixture? Give reason.

In o-nitrophenol intramolecular H-bonding is present. But in the case of p-nitrophenol, there is intermolecular H-bonding. Hence p-nitrophenol molecules are strongly associated with each other. Thus o-nitrophenol is steam volatile and the mixture is separated by steam distillation.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers O Nitrophenol

Question 26. Which member of the following pairs is more acidic and why?

  1. Phenol and cyclohexanol
  2. 3,5-dimethyl-4 -nitrophenol and 4- nitrophenol


  1. The conjugate base of phenol is much more stable than the conjugate base of cyclohexanol as the phenoxide ion is resonantly stabilized. So, phenol is a much stronger acid than cyclohexanol.
  2. 4-nitrophenol is more acidic than 3,5-dimethyl-4- nitrophenol as it has two electron-donating methyl groups in the ring which suppress the electron-withdrawing effect of the —NO2 group.

Question 27. Unlike alcohols, phenols cannot be used to prepare esters from carboxylic acids using cones. H2SO4 as a catalyst—why?

Phenol has less nucleophilic character than alcohol because the unshared electron pair is delocalized into the benzene ring. So, in acidic medium phenol cannot react with carboxylic acid to form ester.

Question 28. What is picric acid? Explain why it is named as an acid. How can picric acid be prepared from phenol?

1st Part: 2,4,6-trinitrophenol is known as picric acid. 2nd Part: In the presence of three electron withdrawing — N02 groups, the negative charge on the O-atom of the conjugate base of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol is highly stabilized. Hence, the removal of H+ ions is feasible. Thus it is named an acid

Question 29. Which one of the following reagents can be used to distinguish between phenol and cyclohexanol acid why? Na2CO3, CH3COCI, NaOH

Phenol is soluble in NaOH solution but cyclohexanol is insoluble.

Question 30. Mention the electrophile involved in the Reimer-Tiemann reaction. Explain why it acts as an electrophile.

In the Reimer-Tiemann reaction, dichlorocarbene (SCCl2), acts as an electrophile as the C-atom in: CCl2 has an incomplete octet.

Question 31. Predict the structure of the compound C6H2Br4O obtained when phenol is treated with excess of bromine water.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Warm Up Questions Answer 62

Question 32. What happens when phenol is reduced with Na/liq? NH3 and the resulting compound is treated with dilute acid?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Warm Up Questions Answer 66

Question 33. How will you distinguish between the two members of each pair?

Ethanol and methanol

Phenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol.


Ethanol forms yellow-coloured iodoform but methanol does not.

2,4-dinitrophenol reacts with NaHCO3 with which phenol does not react.

Question 34. Predict whether each of the following compounds will respond to the iodoform test or not. Explain.



  1. Since the keto-methyl group is absent, it will not respond to the iodoform test.
  2. Since the keto-methyl group is present, it will respond to the iodoform test.
  3. Since the keto-methyl group is present, it will respond to the iodoform test.
  4. Since the keto-methyl group is absent, it will not respond to the iodoform test.

Question 35. Alcohol reacts with I2/NaOH to form iodoform and sodium propanoate. Identify the alcohol.

Question 36. Cany out the following transformations: 2-propanol→ethanol


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers 2 Propanol And Ethanol

Question 37. Give two possible combinations of reactants for preparing isopropyl methyl ether by Williamson synthesis. Which combination of reactants is preferable and why?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Isopropyl Methyl Ether

Both the reactions follow the SN2 mechanism. In process: 1, smaller nucleophile CH3O attacks comparatively larger 2° alkyl halide, CH3CHBrCH3. Here, the attack of the nucleophile to the alkyl halide becomes somewhat difficult because of steric hindrance by the presence of two —CH3 groups. But in process: 2, alkyl halide has no such steric hindrance. Thus, process: 2 is preferable.

Question 38. Is it possible to prepare anisole (C6H5OCH3) using bromobenzene and sodium methoxide? Explain.

Aryl halide can not undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction as a backside attack is not possible. Thus, from this given method anisole preparation is not possible.

Question 39. Which of the following ethers can/cannot be prepared by Williamson synthesis and why?

  1. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Williamson Synthesis
  2. C6H5-O-CH2CH3
  3. Me3CCH2-O-CH2CMe3
  4. Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Williamson Synthesis.


  1. Can be prepared as CH3— X will be used as reactant and cyclopentoxide ion will act as nucleophile.
  2. Can be prepared as C6H5O- will be used as a nucleophile and CH3CH2—X will be used as a reactant.
  3. Cannot be prepared as neopentyl halide can not undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction.
  4. Can be prepared as C6H6O- and can act as a nucleophile to substitute halogen from 2,4-dinitrohalobenzene because in the presence of two electrons withdrawing —NO2 groups attached to a benzene ring.

Question 40. How is (S)-CH3CHD—O—CH2CH3 prepared from CH3CH2OH?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Warm Up Questions Answer 86

Question 41. Di-tert-butyl ether cannot be prepared from tert-butyl alcohol by acid-catalyzed dehydration method—why?

Cannot be prepared as tertiary alkyl halides are completely unreactive towards SN2 reaction.

Question 42. How can 1,2-dimethoxyethane (CH3OCH2CH2OCH3) be prepared by Williamson synthesis?

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Ethylene Glycol

Question 43. Suggest a mechanism that explains the formation of tetrahydrofuran (THF) from the reaction of 4-chloro-1-butanol and aqueous sodium hydroxide.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Warm Up Questions Answer 89

Question 44. trans-2-chlorocyclohexanol reacts readily with NaOH to yield cyclohexene oxide while the cis-isomer does not undergo the reaction. Explain.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Cyclohexene Oxide

Question 45. Diethyl ether is taken separately in two test tubes. In one test tube, concentrated H2S04 is added and in the other, concentrated aqueous solution of NaOH is added. Both of these mixtures are shaken well. What will be observed in both cases? Explain these observations with proper reasons.

Diethyl ether (C2H5OC2H2) dissolves in cone. H2SO4 but remains insoluble in cone. NaOH solution forms two layers, ether being the upper layer. Due to the presence of lone pairs of electrons on oxygen atoms in diethyl ether molecules, it can act as an electron pair donor, i.e., it can behave as a Lewis base.

So, ether does not react with alkali and remains insoluble in it. On the other hand, ether dissolves in acid because it reacts with H2S04 to form an oxonium salt which is soluble in acid. The lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom is donated to the proton (H*) of the acid to form a coordinate covalent bond and thus the salt is produced.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Diethyl Ether

Question 46. Identify A and R and explain their formations.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Formations


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers More Stable Carbocation

Question 47. Why the cleavage of ethers cannot be affected by using HCl?

Since Cl is a weak nucleophile, HCl can not cleave the ether linkage.

Question 48. Cleavage of ethers is possible by HI but not by NaOH — why?

Since alkoxide is a strong base, it is a poor leaving group. Thus it is not possible to substitute the alkoxide group with a nucleophile like HO. Thus, cleavage of ethers is not possible by NaOH.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Nucleophile And Ether

On the other hand, HI protonates ether to convert the RO— group to a good leaving group — RO+H. Since ROH is neutral and a good leaving group, I can substitute to undergo the reaction. Thus, HI can cleave ether linkages.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Protonates Ether

Question 49. An ether reacts with an excess of HBr to form 1,4- dibromobutane. Identify the ether.

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Tetrahydrofuran

Question 50. Identify the products C and D in the following reaction and designate the optically active compound as R or S:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Optically Active


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Warm Up Questions Answer 106

Question 51. Identify the product(s) in each of the following reactions:

Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers HI Excess


Class 12 Chemistry Alcohols Phenols And Ethers Warm Up Questions Answer 107

Question 52. C6H5MgCl dissolves in THF but not in benzene—why?

Lone pairs of oxygen atoms of ether (THF) can coordinate with Mg of C6H5MgCl to form chelate compounds making C6H5MgCl soluble. Since benzene is a non-polar solvent, it can not form that kind of linkage with C6H5MgCl making C6H5MgCl insoluble in benzene.

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